Detroit Illustrated

One folio series entitled, "Detroit Illustrated," that was published in 14 parts by H. R. Page & Company of Chicago. This folio, Part Nine, has a gray/green paper cover that is printed in brown text. There are six interior pages which include printed text and sepia-toned photographic images that are entitled as follows: Scene in Elmwood The Western Knitting Company Soldier's and Sailor's Monument M. S. Smith & Co. Jewelers Residence of F. F. Palms Residence of W. H. Allison Laboratory of Frederick K. Stearns & Co. Residence of E. Y. Swift Tilden School
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Elmwood Cemetery, Western Knitting Company, Michigan Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, M. S. Smith & Co. Jewelers, Frederick K. Stearns & Company, Tilden School, and H. R. Page & Company
Subject Name:
Palms, Francis F., Allison, W.H., and Swift, E.Y.
No Copyright - United States