- Bladenburg1
- Bladenburg, Thicket to right of main trail, woods SE of Decatur Heights1
- Blue Mountain.1
- Bluff forest N.W. of buildings, Plot 1679, Patuxent Research Refuge1
- Bluff forest N.W. of buildings, Plot 2670, Patuxent Research Refuge1
- Boy Scout Divided Pond. In Delmarva Bay (western Half) & along south edge of pond.1
- Burnt Hills1
- C. & O. Canal lock [Chesapeake and Ohio Canal]1
- Ca 2 mi WNW of Newtown, Andelot Farm, ca 0.2 mi NE of Chesapeake Bay, SW of silos.1
- Cabin John Run between C. J. and Wildwood1
- Calvert Cliffs State Park; just east of Solomons Island Road, 1 mi. north of Cove Point Road; 1.5 mi. southeast of Lusby.1
- Carroll1
- Cedar Hill Cemetary, 2 miles NW Suitland1
- Chapman's Landing Forest.1
- Chesapeake Bay, Dundee Creek1
- Chesapeake Beach1
- Chesapeake Beach.1
- Chester1
- Chevy Chase1
- Chevy Chase Lake.1