- Bear Cave.1
- Benton Twp. Near Blue Creek. W. of Millburg.1
- Bertrand1
- Betrand Township, south of Niles 1.5 km east of U.S. highway 33. Located between Ontario Rd. and State Line Road. "Ontario Road Prairie"1
- Booth Lake near Berrien Center on Franklin Rd.1
- Buchanan Ravine.1
- By GA 127, ca 2 mi NNW Nashville.1
- Coloma1
- Entrance to Bear Cave.1
- Grand Beach Spring1
- In the northeast clover-leaf of I-196, Exit 4.1
- Indian Bowl area, Eastern end of bowl,1
- Indian Bowl area, South end of bowl,1
- Lake Twp. Warren Dunes State Park.1
- Lake Twp. Warren Dunes State Park. Browntown Road wetland south of check-in booth.1
- Lake Twp. Warren Dunes State Park. Floral Lane.1
- Lake Twp. Warren Dunes State Park. Forest Mt. Edward area.1
- Lake Twp. Warren Dunes State Park. South facing slope in the Mt. Edward area.1
- Lake Twp. Warren Dunes State Park. Trail north from picnic shelter1
- Lake Twp. Warren Dunes State Park. White Tail Trail.1