- Near Galien.1
- Near Papaw Lak.1
- Near Pipeston Lake.1
- Near Sawyer on Roadside.1
- New Buffalo Twp, east of AMTRAK railroad just north of Michigan-Indiana border.1
- Niles 8 mi N.1
- Niles E. bank St. Joe River.1
- Niles area, probably1
- Niles. 8 Mile.1
- North of Benton Harbor.1
- On N. side of Bridgman.1
- Orchard Hills Country Club, 1.5 mi East of Buchanan.1
- Orchard Hills Country Club, 1.5 miles east of Buchanana.1
- Orchard Hills Country Club.1
- Paw Paw Lake1
- Roadside along Warren Woods Rd. NE of Galien.1
- SE corner of Upper Grand Marais Lake.1
- South of Dayton.1
- South of Niles1
- Spinx Corners, Hill's Woods1