- About 8 miles NW, along Brown River, Courtenay, Vancouver Island1
- Above Fort St. John near mile 781
- Above Fort St. John, near mile 971
- Above Fraser River, Mt. Robson Station, Mt. Robson Provincial Park1
- Agassiz and Yale1
- Alberni, Vancouver Island1
- Alberni-Clayoquot1
- Along foot trail of Mount Garibaldi to ranger station and down to Lake Garibaldi, Garibaldi Park1
- Along stream fed by hot springs, Fairmont Hot Springs1
- Along the Beatton River (mile 101)1
- Arrowsmith Trail, Central Vancouver Island1
- At Cedar Hill, Vancouver Island and at Yale1
- At Nanaimo, Vancouver Island1
- Atnarko River, near junction with Young Creek1
- Bank of Uilsere Creek, Rosebery1
- Barkerville1
- Beacon Hill Park, Victoria1
- Bear Lake1
- Beaver Meadows, Vancouver Island1
- Bonanza Creek, Head of Slocan Lake1