- Green Swamp area, 6 miles southeast of Bolton1
- Green Swamp, 3.6 miles northeast of Supply1
- Green Swamp, 5.9 miles north of Supply, N. C. 2111
- Green Swamp, 6.3 miles north of Supply1
- Green Swamp, 9 miles north of Supply1
- Lockwoods Folly, Green Swamp, 5.8 miles north of Supply on NC 2111
- Near Pretty Pond, west of Orton1
- Near Southport1
- New York1
- Oceal Isle Beach.1
- Ocean Isle Beach.1
- Off Rte. 626 & 705, near Gasburg1
- Orton Plantation, 10 miles north of Southport.1
- Pretty Pond, 8 miles northeast of Southport, N.C. 1331
- Pretty Pond.1
- Rensselaer1
- S side of NC 211, 4 miles NW of Supply1
- Smith Island, Bald Head1
- Smith's Island1
- W side of Midway Road along bank of Middle Swamp (tributary of Lockwood Folly River) near Bolivia.1