- York2
- Abitibi-Ouest1
- About 1/2 mi north of Upper Ohio1
- Alberta1
- Algoma1
- Algonquin Provincial Park, Highland Hiking Trail, near Lake of Two Rivers, northwest of Whitney1
- Alogonquin Provincial Park, 2 km south of Shall Lake, ca. 22 km north of Madawaska1
- Along Falls Creek Road, 9 miles west of Kedgwick River1
- Antigonish1
- Balmoral Mills1
- Bank of the Columbia at Revelstoke1
- Brant1
- Ca. 10 km SW of Pine Springs, along Black River, Hindon Township1
- Ca. 16 km SE of Tory Hill, Monmouth Township1
- Ca. 4 km northeast of Oxenden1
- Charlotte1
- Cochrane1
- Colchester1
- Dark Harbor, Grand Manan1
- Division No. 41