- Green Oaks1
- Halton1
- Hell Holes, vicinity of Roblin1
- Hot springs region, near mile 213 (above Fort Nelson)1
- Hunker Creek1
- James Bay, Moose River, north end Hayes Island1
- Jones Falls, about 1 mile west of Owen Sound on Highway 211
- Kejimkujik National Park, about 2 miles east on road opposite Jacques' Landing1
- Kings1
- Kootenay National Park, Olive Lake, Sinclair Pass1
- Leask Point, South Bay, Manitoulin Island1
- Lennox and Addington1
- Lesser Slave Lake District, near Atauwau River1
- Louis Creek, Kamloops District1
- Madawaska1
- Manitoba1
- Marl Pond Bog, Grande Rivière1
- Melrose1
- Nicola River District, Tunkwa Lake1
- Northern Rockies1