- Adirondack Mountains, near Winnebago Brook, NW shore of Meacham Lake, 8 miles S.1
- Adirondack Mts., along highway (NY 365), 6 1/2 miles E. Tupper Lake1
- Adirondack Mts., woods 9 miles SW of Saranac Lake1
- At Rock Bridge Canyon; NW.of Hodges.1
- Bear River ravine, ½ mile from Dear Field River, Conway1
- Blooomingdale Bog1
- Bluffs below Sand Hill school, 3 miles southwest of Union1
- Botanical Garden Arboretum, Grey Summit1
- Clear Lake Recreational Area, Homochitto National Forest, 4 miles west of Meadville1
- Clear Springs Recreational Area, Homochitto National Forest, 4 miles west of Meadville1
- Creek 16 miles beyond Apalachicola1
- East branch of Spring Valley, Missouri Botanical Garden Arboretum, Gray Summit1
- East side of Meramec river 3 miles southeast of Morrellton (Anaconda)1
- Easy Street, Gabriels1
- Ellesmere Island, Johan Peninsula, 2 mile west of RCMP post at Alexandra Fiord1
- Ellesmere Island, Johan Peninsula, 2 miles, west of RCMP post at Alexandra Fiord1
- In cemetery, east side of Washington.1
- Jackson Township.1
- Jackson Twp1
- New Sewanee1