- Along Man-o-War Brook near outlet to ocean, Acadia National Park.1
- Along road to summit of Cadillac Mt, Mt Desert Island, 2 1/4 miles SW Bar Harbor.1
- Augusta1
- Birch Is, off Little Deer Isle.1
- Chaffee1
- Colorado1
- Corea1
- Corea Heath, SW side of Hwy 195, ca 1 mi NW of Corea.1
- Cracker Barrel Restaurant at jcn of I-75 & US 224, Findley.1
- Due north from jct of Blackford Creek & Hwy 1389.1
- Due north from jct. of Blackford Creek & Hwy. 1389.1
- Eagle Twp., ca. 2 mi southeast of Rawson1
- Georgia1
- Illinois1
- Long Pond, south side of Maine Route 182, Township 10 SD, north shore of Long Pond, just east of boat launch area.1
- Mount Desert, between Hadlock Ponds1
- N side US 1A 4.2 mi SE of Winkumpaugh Road, 12.2 mi SE of jct Hwy 56 in East Holden.1
- Near Stop 16 on the Honey Bee Traction Line.1
- Old Town, at Bennoch Rd Pump Station, NE facing slope above the Stillwater River, near parking lot.1
- One mile north & 1 mile west of McCordsville.1