- 0.5km of Guinope1
- Aguan River Valley, vicinity of Coyoles1
- Aguan River valley, vicinity of Coyoles1
- Along Yeguare River, Zamorano1
- Alrededores de la Ciudad Universitaria1
- Choluteca River, near Ojo de Agua1
- Coyoles1
- EAP., El Zamorano1
- El Zamorano1
- Foothills back of Ceiba, vicinity of LaCeiba; mountain slopes and coastal plains1
- Forming thickets on plain about Siguatepec.1
- Hills above plains of Siguatepeque, near El Achote1
- Lancetilla Valley, c.3 mi. south of Tela; Lancetilla Station1
- Moist forest bank of Mountain El Cocal, cordillera Merendón1
- Mountains above San Juancito1
- Mountains near La Mesas1
- Near El Achoet. Hills above Plains of Siguatepeque1
- Near El Achote, above plains of Siguatepeque1
- Near Lancetilla.1
- Ocotepeque1