- Alabama2
- Grand River Woods2
- Holcomb's Woods2
- Mariana2
- McNaughton's tamaracks2
- Murphysboro, CH 5 (20th Street) bridge over the Big Muddy River; Murphysboro quad.2
- Near Portage Lake2
- Pleasant Lake2
- Skiff Lake2
- Texas2
- Tulip Tree Woods2
- near Round Lake2
- About 0.3 mile east of Grain Valley.1
- About 0.5 mile east of Grain Valley.1
- Along Free State Road, about 0.6 mile north of Gainsboro.1
- Along Rt 54, about 12.0 miles east of Black River Falls.1
- Along Rt. 53, about 1.3 miles west of Rt. 85.1
- Along Rt. 54; about 10 miles east of Black River Falls.1
- Area at Jackson County Airport, along Big Bottom Road, about 2.0 miles north of Gainsboro.1
- Bear Creek.1