- Adjacent to Boosey Creek campgrounds Wheatley Prov Park, Romney Twp.1
- Alaska,1
- Albert St., Shrewsbury, Harwich Township1
- Algoma on Camp Lake1
- Algoma, Long Lake.1
- Allens' Gd Rap [Grand Rapids]1
- Along East Belt Line near North Belt Line Junction Grand Rapids.1
- Along Grand River and Indian Mounds Dr.1
- Along West Owen road Cannon Twsp. [MICH] Omen Lake Cannon Sec 33 [BLH]1
- Along lakeside trail EM Wigle Tract, Wheatley P.P., Romney Twp.1
- Alpine Station.1
- Alpine.1
- Anderson Farm, Ada Twp.1
- Angel Lake Shore1
- At East Belt Line Pond, 1 mile north of Knapp on M114.1
- Ball Park, Gd. Rap. [Grand Rapids]1
- Between the Thornapple River and 100th street, near the intersection with Alaska Road.1
- Big Bostwick Lake, 18 miles from G. Rapids1
- Black Hills S. of Grand Rapids.1
- Blandford Nature Center1