- Allegheny, TNC glades.1
- Along Battle Creek.1
- Along Hwy Alt 40, ca 2 mi west of Grantsville, at Negro Mtn.1
- Along MD Rt 318 between Preston & Federalsburg, east of American Corner Road.1
- Along Marshyhope Cr.1
- Along Paint Branch, 2.5 miles SW of Beltsville1
- Along Potomac, SE of Great Galls. The Potomac Valley.1
- Along canal near Plummers Island1
- Along old US Highway 40 west of Green Ridge between Little Pine Lick Hollow & Ridge Road north of junction of Fifteen Mile Creek Road with US 40, about 6 air miles east of Flintstone.1
- Along the Potomac River at Piscataway Park just east of Mockley Point.1
- Along the Potomac River west of Cabin John1
- Along the beach at Millstone, region between Leonardtown & Millstone1
- Annapolis1
- Arbutus1
- Baltimore, Catholic Orphanage Grounds, Cold Spring Lane and Roland Avenue1
- Bank of Wicomico River, Camp St. Charles, Rock Point1
- Bank of Yaughiogheny River below Swallow Falls, 8 miles NNW Oakland1
- Baroniak property, Dameron1
- Beaverdam Rd., USDA Research Center, 2 1/4 miles SE BELTSVILLE1
- Bellsville.1