- Queens2
- Restigouche2
- San Mateo2
- Victoria2
- White Mountains2
- Yakutat2
- "Avenue of Giants" 1 mile north of Pepperwood along the Main Eel River1
- About 1½ miles West of Popkum, Fraser River Valley.1
- Above Fraser River, Mt. Robson Station, Mt. Robson Provincial Park1
- Adams1
- Agate Falls, Porcupine Mountains1
- Alameda1
- Alberni-Clayoquot1
- Albert1
- Alger1
- Alleghany1
- Along Ben Howard Road, about 2 miles SE of Monroe1
- Along Napau Crater Trail1
- Along Sempervirens Creek, near Campground 7, Big Basin State Redwood Park1
- Along creek near La Honda1