- Hanging Rock Mountain, near Danbury1
- Hanging Rock Mt., near Danbury1
- Hanging Rocks Ridge, off NC 105 near Foscoe1
- Harnett1
- Hewlett Creek just above SR 1492, Wilmington1
- Horse Cove near Highlands.1
- Hot Springs1
- Jones1
- Klingman's Peak1
- Lincoln1
- Middle Creek.1
- Mitchell's Mill, 3.5 miles east of Rolesville1
- Moore's Knob, Hanging Rock State Park, near Danbury1
- Mount Sterling.1
- Near Myrtle Grove1
- Near summit of Grandfather Mountain, 5 miles NE of Linville1
- Near the peak of Mt. Mitchell1
- Near the peak of Mt. Mitchell.1
- Pender1
- Pilot Mountain.1