- Algonquin Park1
- Algonquin Provincial Park, Highland Hiking Trail, near Lake of Two Rivers, NW of Whitney1
- Along Buskegau River, on boulder, ca 17 km NW of Cochrane, Loc. No. 91
- Along Kenogamissus Lake, near Geraldton1
- Along Magpie River, South of Wawa1
- Barren Island1
- Bathurst, 2 km south of Dewitt Corners, along snye of the Tay River1
- Bayham Township, Lot 126, south side of Talbot Road1
- Bayham Twp., Lot 22, Con X1
- Bayham Twp., Lot 27, Con VIII1
- Beamers Falls, on Bruce Trail southwest of Grimsby1
- Below "The Palisades", Loch Lomond Ski Club at SW corner of Thunder Bay City1
- Breakwater Point, McIntyre Bay, Lake Nipigon1
- Bremer, 4 mi E. of Glen Morris1
- Buskegau River, ca 17 km NW of Cochrane1
- Byron Bog, London1
- Ca. 10 km east of Commanda, Gurd Township1
- Ca. 10 km south of Big Bay1
- Ca. 12 km NW of Huntsville, Chaffey Township1
- Ca. 5 km west of Mindemoya; Cameron Township1