- Fentress2
- Grundy2
- Holston Mt. above Stoney Creek2
- Marion2
- Monroe2
- Near Kimberlin Heights2
- Rhea2
- Rich Butt Mountain.2
- Roane2
- S of Townsend, GSMNP, White Oak Sinks Area2
- Savage's Garden along Coal Creek, 1½ miles SE Lake City2
- 'The Sinks,' slope of Curry He Mt., Great Smoky Mountains National Park1
- Above Gatlinburg1
- Along Old McMinneville Stage trail1
- Along road to Roan Mt. above Roan Mt. Station.1
- Arch Rock, below Alum Cave, Mount LeConte trail1
- Barrens near Mascot1
- Below Arch Rock, Smoky Mts.1
- Between Low Gap and White Rock1
- Bote Mt. Road toward Spence Field1