- Glenwood cemetery Flint1
- Grand Island.1
- Grand Rapids.1
- Greenfield Township1
- Hammond Harbor.1
- Highland Park, Michigan1
- Hubbardston1
- Hubbardston.1
- Idaho1
- In Henes Park1
- Ingham1
- Jackson1
- Kalkaska1
- Kootenai1
- Lakeview Muncipal park, Manistique.1
- Leelanau Twp, Soper Natural Area, one mile SW of Northport on Johnson Rd. Along Johnson Rd., 0.5 mi west of M-22 intersection, in old field near junk pile.1
- Leoni Township, shore of Gillett Lake1
- Little Harbor, ca. 7 mi. SSW of Thompson1
- Ludington, Cartier Park, Pere Marquette Township, Section 101
- M.C.R.R., Ann Arbor1