- Ann Arbor; M.C. R.R. tracks1
- Aral.1
- Arizona1
- Baraga1
- Below Brown Bridge Dam, about 10 miles s.e. of Traverse City.1
- Birmingham1
- Bois Blanc Island1
- Bois Blanc Island between Snake Island and Mud Lake, sec. 26.1
- Bois Brule River of Lake Superior.1
- Budd Lake, east of Harrison.1
- Buena Vista Twp., T12N, R5E, Sec. 5 NW1/4 on west side of M-13 ca. 500 ft. south of the Zilwaukee Bridge on N.E. side of Saginaw.1
- Cady Swamp [Vicinity of Ypsilanti]1
- California1
- Cameron1
- Cecil Bay, Woods road1
- Center Sec. 12 T44N-R6W ca. 2 1/2 mi. NE Trout Lake.1
- City of Menominee1
- Clare1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Cook1