- Above Skyline Drive, Hogback Overlook, Shenandoah National Park, Blue Ridge Mountains, 8 miles WNW of Washington1
- Alexandria1
- Alexandria City, Cham Bridge Road1
- Alexandria City, Near Rixey Station1
- Alexandria City, Vanderwerken Station1
- Alexandria City, Woods near Rixey Station1
- Along Big Stoney Creek, E. Kimballton.1
- Along Dismal Creek, just below FS Rd 201 ca 9 km NE of Mechanicsburg.1
- Along Hwy 160 approximately 2 miles west of Appalachia.1
- Along Hwy 629, 9.6 miles north of Douthat St. Park.1
- Along Osmanthus Trail, Seashore Natural Area, Virginia Beach1
- Along Route 33 about 12 miles west of Harrisonburg, Washington National Forest1
- Along US Route #501
- Along VA 625, 1 mile West of VA 607.1
- Along abandoned entrance road to Robins Pond at Roanes, VA Rt. 629.1
- Along old road in pine woods1
- Along the Appomattox River just above the St Rt 620 bridge, 13 1/2 miles NE of Farmville (Prince Edward Co).1
- Along the Appomattox River just above the St Rt 620 bridge. 13 1/2 miles NE of Farmville (Prince Edward Co).1
- Along trail leading down to Dark Hollow Falls, Shenandoah National Park1
- Along trail to Cascades from highway1