- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Dexter township, Silver Lake Pinckney Recreation Area1
- Douglas Farm Augusta Twp.1
- Forestry Farm,1
- Forestry Farm, Ann Arbor1
- Horner Woods, about 10 m from main entrance1
- Horner Woods, about 75 m NW of main entrance.1
- Manchester Twp., Grossman Rd near Sandborn Rd.,1
- Near Manchester1
- Old road near Geddes,1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site, 4.5 mi northeast of Ann Arbor1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site, 4.5 mi. northeast of Ann Arbor. Center of Marsh Hawk area. [A 1961 map of the UM Botanical Gardens indicates Marsh Hawk Woods was located east of the buildings. Approx. Lat. 42.2997 Long. -83.6589.]1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site, 4.5 mi. northeast of Ann Arbor. Marsh Hawk area. [A 1961 map of the UM Botanical Gardens indicates Marsh Hawk Woods was located east of the buildings. Approx. Lat. 42.2997 Long. -83.6589.]1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site, 4.5 mi. northeast of Ann Arbor. North Bog near water hole.1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site, 4.5 mi. northeast of Ann Arbor. River Woods along stream. [A 1958 map of UM Botanical Gardens indicates “River-woods” extending for about 0.7 mi along Fleming Creek at approx. Lat. 42.3030 Long -83.61
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site, 4.5 mi. northeast of Ann Arbor. River Woods area. [A 1958 map of UM Botanical Gardens indicates “River-woods” extending for about 0.7 mi along Fleming Creek at approx. Lat. 42.3030 Long -83.6583.]1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro site. 4.5 mi Northeast of Ann Arbor. 100 yds East of junction of tributary and Fleming Creek1
- Whitmore Lake.1
- Ypsi. Road. [Vicinity of Ypsilanti]1
- Ypsi., [Ypsilanti]1