- Geddes, near Ann Arbor.1
- Horner Woods (McLoughlin tract), near NW corner of central upland part of tract.1
- Huron Riv. Terr. Ann Arbor.1
- Huron River Terr., Ann Arbor.1
- Left bank of River Huron just west of Ann Arbor.1
- Lodi Twp., Liska's Farm, N. of Waters Rd.1
- Mud Lake Bog, Northfield Twp.1
- Murray's Lake, Plymouth Road about 4 mi. NE of Dixboro.1
- Near West Lake.1
- Near junction of Park & Zeeb Rds.1
- North side of county, at Notten Rd., & Michigan Central R.R. Crossing.1
- Northfield [Twp.], southern end of Whitmore Lake.1
- Pittsfield Woods, Vicinity of Ypsilanti.1
- Prospect Hill, Portage Lake1
- Prospect Hill, Portage Lake.1
- S end of Gorman Lake, SW 1/4 sec 26, T1S R3E, ca 3 mi NW of Chelsea.1
- SW 1/4, sec. 17, T.2S, R.6E, Ann Arbor township,1
- Saginaw Forest, Scio Twp.1
- Salem Twp. T01S R07E Sec 35 NW1/4. Large woods north of M-14; west of Gottfredson Rd. interchange.1
- Scio Twp. Tubbs Rd.1