- New Hanover1
- New Orleans1
- New trail (CCC #1) from Maricao Insular Forest north to Maricao1
- Ocala National Forest, Juniper Springs1
- Oceania1
- Ohio1
- Old trail above river from Maricao Insular Forest north to Maricao1
- Osceola1
- Oviedo1
- Palm Beach1
- Palm State Park, Dade Co.1
- Pender1
- Pickle Spring, circa 6 miles east of Farmington on Road AA1
- Pond Creek Maybin Crossing, near Milton1
- Port Orange1
- Pounds Escarpment, Shawnee National Forest1
- Reedy Creek Swamp, north of Loughman1
- Ridge north of Charlotte Amalia1
- Rio Grande do Sul1
- Rio Jurua1