- Edmonton.1
- Edwin S. George Reserve. Grid P-18. Buck Hollow.1
- Ellesmere Island, vicinity of Lake Hazen, slopes of Omingmak Mountain facing Lake Hazen.1
- Ellesmere Island, vicinity of Lake Hazen, west side of Blister Creek near the delta.1
- Ellice Township, Ellice Swamp, 12.5 km NNE of Stratford Post Office.1
- Ellice Township, Ellice Swamp, 12.9 km ENE of Stratford Post Office.1
- Ellice Township, Ellice Swamp, 4.8 km NW of Gads Hill.1
- Emmet1
- Erie1
- Flathead1
- Forty Mile Road, 2 km from Klondike Loop Hy.1
- Godhavn, Disko Island.1
- Grant Twp. Sec. 34 SW1/4, T16N, R9W Ashegun (Bass) Lake Bog1
- Grattan Twp., Saul Lake, between 7 Mile Rd. and 6 mile Rd., ca. 1 mi. e. of Tiffany Ave. NE. Saul Lake Bog Preserve. Southwest side of bog.1
- Great Bear Lake, base of the bay, Sawmill Bay, northeast tip of Leith Peninsula.1
- Great Bear Lake, head of Hornby Bay, north of Arctic Circle, north-east end of McTavish Arm.1
- Great Slave Lake, north arm, Rt 3, mile 145.1
- Gunnison1
- Head of Bohemia Basin, Yakobi Island.1
- Head of the Söudre Strömfjord.1