- Alma, SW of1
- Along Buskegau River, ca 17 km NW of Cochrane, Loc. No. 91
- Along Hwy. 391 at Sasagiu Rapids, about 55 miles south of Thompson, at north end of Setting Lake1
- Along Telogia Creek at bridge on F1 65 ca 1.5 mi SW of Hosford1
- Along Telogia Creek at bridge on F1. 65 ca 1.5 mi SW of Hosford1
- Alum Cove Natural Bridge1
- Amnicon River; 4.5 miles E-NE of South Range; 6.5 miles SE of Superior; Amnicon Falls State Park1
- Anticosti1
- Arlington1
- At Little River canyon where state highway 35 crosses river1
- At Nanaimo, Vancouver Island1
- Avalon Peninsula, off Dawe's Road, Long Pond, Conception Bay1
- Bad Branch Nature Preserve, ca 2 miles East of US 119 on State Road 932; Bad Branch of Poor Fork of Cumberland River1
- Bancroft NE of Toronto, York River of Bancroft along Hwy 281
- Baraga1
- Barbour Ranch 3 miles north of Santa Rosa1
- Baxter's Hollow1
- Beartooth Lake1
- Beartooth Mts., Beauty Lake1
- Beartooth Mts., Beauty Lake, attached to rock, submerged, at outlet of Beauty Lake into Crane Lake1