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- "No-Bottom Lake", near Tombigbee River1
- Above Goose Creek Reservoir about 3000 ft downstream from the VA 643 Bridge1
- Adak Island1
- Adams1
- Adirondack Mountains, bank of Raquette River below Buttermilk Falls, 5 miles southwest of Long Lake Village1
- Adirondack Mts., woods 9 miles SW of Saranac Lake1
- Adirondack Region, Arietta1
- Adirondack Region, Cascade Lakes2
- Adirondack Region, Chapel Pond1
- Adirondack Region, Cranberry Lake, Barber Pt.1
- Adirondack Region, Indian Pass, Heart Lake trail1
- Adirondack Region, St. Huberts1
- Alabama9
- Alakai Swamp Trail1
- Albany1
- Albemarle2
- Albert1
- Alberta13
- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, vicinity of Holtz Bay, west side of Moore Ridge1
- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, vicinity of Holtz Bay; East Arm1