- Torch Lake Hayo=Went=Ha Camp & vicinity.2
- north side of Jordan River Rd.2
- Across road to Green Lake.1
- Along Brant Road.1
- Along county 618.1
- Along the edge of Satterly Lake.1
- At end of Traverse Bay Rd.1
- Beach St., end of Traverse Bay Rd.1
- Beach at end of Traverse Bay Rd.1
- Bellaire, Cutler Swamp1
- Bellaire, Cutler's Swamp1
- Bellaire, Intermediate River below chute1
- Bellaire, east of Fairgrounds1
- Bellaire. Grass Lake swamp.1
- Border of Satterly Lake.1
- By bridge over Cedar River, ca. 3.5 mi. NW of Mancelona.1
- Ca. 2.5 mi. NW of Elmira1
- Cedar R. Rd. Custer Twp., T29, R7W, S1.1
- Chestonia Tp., ca. 4.5 mi. NW of Alba1
- Clam River.1