- Carlton Peak1
- Cascade State Park.1
- Chicago, around Field Museum of Natural History building, downtown Chicago1
- Chicago, near city1
- Cicero1
- Deer Grove1
- Edgewater.1
- Evanston1
- Glencoe1
- Gorge of Kodonce River west of US 61, circa 6 miles north of Grand Marais1
- Graceland, Chicago.1
- Grand Marais, North shore of Lake Superior1
- Grand Portage State Forest, County Road 16 - Arrowhead Trail; Irish Creek, ca 6.9 miles North of Hovland1
- Gunflint Trail, north of Grand Marais1
- Hat point, Near Grand Portage1
- Horsetail Lake, Palos Forest Preserves, Palos Heights1
- Hwy. 61, 2.7 km south of international border1
- In the vicinity of Grand Marais1
- Island #6 of the Susie Islands in Lake Superior1
- Island No. 6 of-the Susie Islands in Lake Superior1