- 0.5 miles north of old US-27 and M-93 intersection, in clear cut to east (3 miles north of Grayling). T27N R03W, Sec. 30 SW1/4 NW1/41
- Bottom of Winfrey Valley Road along creek.1
- Camp Grayling. Just west of Shewano or Howes Lake Road.1
- Cedarville community vicinity, Ark Hwy 59 3.1 miles north of Post Office, at US Forest Service fire prevention sign & logging road.1
- East side of Bennett Creek, north side of Route 33 between Robinson & Oblong, Eaton 7.5 minute quadrangle.1
- East side of Grayling Ave., 0.1 mile south of Insley Ave. (3 miles SW of Grayling). T26N R04W, Sec. 22 NE1/4 NE1/41
- Frederick Twp. On N. side of M-72 at Howes Lake Rd. ca. 4 mi. N.W. of Grayling.1
- Grayling Twp. 300 ft. W. of the Au Sable Riv. bridge near park on business loop (I-75) in town of Grayling.1
- Grayling, Au Sable River.1
- Hartwick Pines State Park.1
- Lee's Creek along Highway 220, 0.7 miles west of Devils Den Sp.1
- Military Campground Beach; (3mi WSW of Grayling). T26N R04W, Sec. 22 NE1/4 SW1/41
- Missouri1
- NW shore of southernmost bay of K P Lake, NE1/4 sect. 33, T28N R2W, ca 2 mi. WSW of Lovells.1
- Near Flatrock.1
- North shore of Little K P Lake. T28N R02W, Sec. 33 SW1/4NE1/41
- Pickerel Slough, Prairie du Chien.1
- Pymatuning Swamp, Blackjack Swamp section. 165 degrees & 1.84 miles from junction of US Rt 6 & state line, Conneaut Twp.1
- Pymatuning Swamp, PA Gameland 214, along drainage channel cutting into west embankment of swamp 193 degree & 1.35 miles from junction of PA 285 & Bessemer & Lake Erie RR tracks, West Fallowfield Twp.1
- Roadside in State Forest campground, NW Lake Margrethe (5 miles west of Grayling). T26N R04W, Sec. 8 SW1/4 SE1/41