- Sweetland Creek2
- Union City Twp.2
- White Pine Hollow State Forest Preserve2
- Wild Cat Den2
- Winnebago2
- Above bridge, Plymouth Rock1
- Algona1
- Algona, Along Des Moines River1
- Along road 13, SW of Coggon1
- Bluff along creek SW of Lansing1
- Bog Creek, northwest of Milford1
- Bogs along Bog Creek, N.W. Milford1
- Boone1
- Brush Creek Canyon State Park, circa 40 miles northeast of Waterloo1
- Cedar Creek1
- Cerro Gordo1
- Clay1
- Cliffland east of Ottumwa1
- Dutch Lake1
- Dutch Lake, NE of Homestead Bog at spring1