- Casco Twp., ca. 3 mi. NW of Lacota.1
- Cass1
- Clark Marsh 4 mi. NE of Vicksburg.1
- Clinton1
- Constantine Twp., ca. 5 mi. NW of Constantine.1
- Crawford1
- Dewey Lake.1
- Dexter Twp.1
- East side of Thralls Lake, Vicksburg.1
- Edge of Munn marsh 4 mi. NE of Vicksburg.1
- Edwin S. George Reserve, 3 mi. west Pinckney, Grid T-24.1
- Enroute to 3rd Woods.1
- Gilbert Property.1
- Grand Rapids.1
- Hamburg.1
- Huron Riv. Terr. Ann Arbor.1
- In the southern and western parts of St. Clair Co.1
- Ingham1
- Jackson1
- Keeler.1