- Great Bar Lake, at base of the bay, Sawmill Bay, northeast tip of Leith Peninsula.1
- Great Bear Lake, Labine Point, vicinity of Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, east end of McTavish Arm.1
- Great Bear Lake, base of the bay, Sawmill Bay, northeast tip of Leith Peninsula.1
- Great Bear Lake, edge of small lake about 7 miles northeast of R.C.A.F. Camp, Sawmill Bay, northeast tip of Leith Peninsula.1
- Great Bear Lake, head of Hornby Bay, north of Arctic Circle, north-east end of McTavish Arm.1
- Great Bear Lake, just above old uranium mine shaft near Gibraltar Hill. Vicinity of Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, east end of McTavish Arm.1
- Great Bear Lake, vicinity of Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, east end of McTavish Arm, Great Bear Lake.1
- Great Slave Lake, north arm, Rt 3, mile 145.1
- Great Slave Lake, north arm. Rt 3, mi 145.1
- Great Slave Lake, north arm. Rt. 3, mi 145.1
- Great Slave Lake, north arm. Rt. 3, mile 145.1
- Hare Indian Polje.1
- Keewatin Region1
- LaBiche.1
- Lac de Gras, ca. 180 mi. NE of Yellowknife1
- Lake Hazen, McGill mountain, Ellesmere Island.1
- Lost City South Polje.1
- Lynx Lake.1
- MacKenzie Mountains, Canada Tungsten Mine, Flat River.1
- Mackenzie District Slave River Delta.1