- No data2
- Salmon River2
- Truro, Victoria Park2
- Upper Brookside Cottage2
- Upper Brookside, East Mountain2
- Vicinity of Margaree Forks2
- About 8 miles up the Clyburn Valley from Ingonish1
- About 8 miles up the Clyburn Valley from Ingonish, gorge of the stream, near a waterfall1
- Black Rock, Shubenacadie River1
- Black Rock, Shubenacedie River1
- Bridgewater1
- Cape Breton Island1
- Cape Breton Island, Cape Breton Highlands Park, near the Cheticamp entrance1
- Cape, Breton Island, Ingonish, Middle Head1
- Edge of West River, Salt Springs1
- Falleigh Lake Region1
- Franey Mountain trail near Ingonish1
- Hunter's Mountain near Baddeck, by the roadside1
- Jollytown Rd., Upper Brookside1
- Jollytown Road1