- Dry Falls between Franklin and Highlands, behind Falls1
- East wall of Stony Clove1
- Elko1
- Fundy National Park, Kinnie Brook Trail1
- Fundy National Park, along trail to Coppermine, west of Point Wolfe1
- Glacier National Park, McDonald Creek1
- Goldstream, Vancouver Island1
- Gorge of Kodonce River west of US 61, circa 6 miles north of Grand Marais1
- Gorge of Rivière Ste. Anne, at hotel, near Mont Albert, Gaspesian Park, Gaspé Nord1
- Greene1
- Humboldt1
- Inverness1
- Kangaroo Road, circa 5 miles east of Sooke, Vancouver Island1
- Kicking Horse Canyon near Spirel Tunnel Tea House1
- Kings1
- Kittitas1
- Labrador, Churchill Falls, Bridge Camp area1
- Lake1
- Lake Superior1
- Larimer1