- New York1
- North Fishtail Bay, Douglas Lake.1
- Ocqueoc Twp. T36N, R3E, Sec. 29 NW1/4 ca. 1.5 mi. S.E. Co. Rd. 646 on Ocqueoc Lk. Road.1
- On summit of East Bluff.1
- Passage Island Isle Royale National Park T67N-R32W, Sections 3, 4, and 91
- Paul's, Leelanau Tp.1
- Presque Isle Twp. T34N, R8E, Sec. 8 NW1/4 Growing 100 ft. due east of Lighthouse (built 1870) at the end of Presque Isle1
- Queens1
- Round Island, at SE end of island.1
- S of Sucker Lake, NE1/4 sec. 24, T38N, R19W, ca. 5 mi. NE of Fairport.1
- Schoolcraft1
- Sec. 10. Wawatam Tp.1
- Seul Choix Pt., N. end Lake Michigan1
- Soo Twp. T48N, R1E, Sec. 6 SE1/4; at the corner of Peck ad Fort streets on the power canal in downtown Sault St. Marie.1
- South Bay, Leask Bay1
- St. Clair1
- T33N, R8E, Sec. 24, NW1/4 Near beach of Lake Huron, near S. entrance to Besser Natural Area.1
- Temperance Point1
- Trail's End Bay, ca. 2 1/2 mi. SW of Mackinaw City.1
- Van Buren1