- Great Smoky Mountains2
- Maine2
- New Brunswick2
- Olympic Hot Springs2
- Adirondack Mountains, east shore of Heart Lake, 5 miles south of North Elba1
- Adirondack Region, Indian Pass1
- Adirondack Region, St. Huberts1
- Airy Creek, west of Passmore near Slocan Park municipality on Hwy 61
- Albert1
- Along South Fork of American River and Highway 50, 4 miles east of Whitehall1
- Alum Cove Natural Bridge, Ozark National Forest1
- Appalachian Trail, Mt. Washington, White Mountains, 10½ miles SW. Gorham1
- Arch Rock, below Alum Cave, Mount LeConte trail1
- Arkansas1
- At Revelstoke1
- Biscay Bay, Ferryland1
- Biscay Bay, Ferryland, Newfoundland1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Beulach Ban Falls1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Jigging Cove Lake1
- Cape Breton Island, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Mary Ann Falls1