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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and -~._------- --~·-/.r-~. -_·_·_·.7.).~ /1' ...,rz 26th Year---No. 20 ~... - ARCH/Z 5J906~~:;-/ / ' f/ " v For Beauty and· Service Top 24 by 24 inches, Made in Mahogany; Qyartered Oak (large Sake) Golden; Circassian Walnut and Bird', Eye Maple. Polished. Cross-band Veneered, Shipped knocked down. No. 1661 PRICE: QyarteredOak and Mahogany, $4.50 Walnut and Maple,' 5.00 WE MAKE PROMPT SHIPMENT AND CRITlCALLY INSPECT EVERY PIECE BEFORE IT LEAVES THE FACTORY. WOLVERINE MFG. CO. DETROIT, MICHIGAN '') f' ....\ ~i~ ".u ........ ~~ - - -- -.----------- 1 The McDougall Idea McDougall fiitch en Cabi~nets are advertised more extensively than any other article of furniture on the market to-day. Beginning this month and continuing throughout the entire season McDougall advertisements will appear in practically all of the national magazines and will be read by at least 25,000,000 people. Are you one of the dealers who will enjoy increased business and enlarged profits by this McDougall National Advertising expenditure? If not, you should write to-day for the new handsomely illustrated McDougall Catalog showing twenty-one new and original designs at prices suited to every class of your trade. SEND POSTAL FOR CATALOG TO-DAY---NOW---BEFORE YOU FORGET IT G. P. McDougall & Son _Indianapolis. U. S. A. MANUFACTURERS OF VALLEY CITY DESK COMPANY· GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. No. 541~ One of our new styles. OFFICE TYPEWRITER AND STANDING DESKS Write at once for new Spring Ctlta~ logue. Mailed to duden only. LUCE No. 721 BUFFETS possess the Individuality of design and the careful construction which is characteristic of the Grand Rapids product. CATALOGUE UPON REiZUEST. LUCE FURNITURE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. No . 112 GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY 26th Year-No. 20 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., MARCH 25, 1906. BUYERS COMPLAIN OF LATE RUG DELIVERIES Shipments Very Much Behindhand on All Goods. Retail buyers, as well as jobbers, are complaining bitterly against the late deliveries of carpets and rugs. They claim that in many instances orders \'"hich wefe placed at the be-ginning of the season have not been touched as yet by the mills, and that practically no attempt has been made to de-liver e"en samples of the goods. On rugs the situation is said to be even worse than it is on carpets. The demand for rugs have been of very large sizes, and the milts throughollt the country have been practically swamped wilh orders. Re-tailers claim that in spite of urgent letters to the mills asking for immediate delivcry on goods now long uverdue, no atten-tion has been paid to these requests, and where any answer has been vouchsafed by the mill it has consisted of a paltry excuse over the shortage of raw material. It now looks as if many of the orders placed during the early months of the season would not be delivered, and the buyer will find stocks decidedly short before the season is over. The unusually late deliveries of both rug·s and carpets is due to the unusual heavy demand which manufacturers had not counted UpOll, and also to the fact that manufacturers have very little carpet wool on hand with which to turn out the goods. Manufacturers have for the past eight or nine months confidently looked forward to lower prices for car-pets ·wools and have purchased supplies in a hand-to-mouth manner. Now they are face to face with a situation that is anything but p1eClsant. The announcemeut into the effect that supplies of Russian wools have been withdrawn from this market, and that very little, if any, Russian wools will be offered before the summer months, has further added to an already stringent market. Representatives of Russian owners in the ca·-pet wool market here state that they have been unable to make the manufacturer of carpets realize that they could not g·et wools <It the prices he was willing to pay. The Russian OWnCl" through his agents in this market has endeavored to secure prices ,"v"hich would leave a small p:'ofit on the \',1001 after it ,"v"aslanded here. From the statements made by agents, the manufacturer is not \villing to pay prices which would cover the cost of the \'1'"001 when landed in this market. Under these conditions owners have determined to withdraw £rOnl the American market until later on in the year. The ingrain situation has not improved since last reports. and rumors are still clIrrent that other mills manufacturing," ingrains will close down within a few days. Manufacturers of 3-4 goods are rushcd with orders, and all 1001115 are now employed to their utmost capacity, as in many cases the orders rceived are considerahy in excess of the entire production of the mills. Prices are very firm, and there seems every pros-pect of higher figures being named at the opening of the new season, which will take place in ?vlay.-K. Y. Commercial. $1.00 per Year. Rats Raise Havoc. An expenSe no merchant can for forsee is the destruc-tion of furniture by rats. The rich upholstered pieces seem to bc preferred by the marauders, although the contents of the dry goods department seem to be regarded as some-thing as}' and just as good. 'Traps, cats, dogs and ferrets seem unequal to the task of exterminating the pests. The use of rat biscuits, while causing the death or rodents, resul'ts in the creation of odeTs neither the employes or customers can withstand. A pack of fox terriers was turned loose in a big department store rcently and the damage done by the dogs was greater than the destruction caused by the rats. One imagined that a rat had hidden himself in the upholstery of fine gold sofa. The coverings were torn away and the stuff ing pulled out, but there were no evidences that the rat had heen caught. Other efforts of the canines to "clean out the store" failed of results. Upon another occasion a cat deposit-ed a litter of kittens upon an $80.00 davenport, which re~ suited in her dismissal. In the dry goods department in a single night, a dress suit sold for $45.00, and another for $60.00 which were to be delivered on the following day, and a large quantity of laces, including window curtains, were rendered valueless. Of the animal tribe the ferret seems to give the best service, but he is hard to manage and often disappears when needed. THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes MANur,/ttTUHCD B"LY 8 Y CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. 259-63 ELSTONAVE.... Z·16 SLOAN ST. CH I CAe; o. Koenig &. Gamer furniture CO. M.ANUFACTURERS OF VICTORIA. COMBINATION. IJPRIGU:r and MANTfL folding Beds Odd Dressers. Princess Dressers. Napoleon Beds in Quartered Oak. Mahogany and Bird's Eye Maple. Our full line shown on 3d floor. 1319 Michigan Ave. Office and Warehouse 266 to 272 N. Green St., Chicago, III. Factorv No. 22 to 48 Pratt Street Catalogue nady March ISt. Sendfor it and mention the Artisan. Our Oak and Mahogany DINING EXTENSION TABLES Ate Best Made, Best Fimmed. Best Valum, All Made £tom TborouahIY Seuoned SloI;:k No. 465 Dining Table T"l' 'oh'.. Mode in 0....-.1 Oat and Maho&anY. fuU Pol. Uhod. Niok.! e-n :. :. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE. MICHIGAN No. 526. "This Trade Mark Guaranteesthe best." No. 525. HIGH GRADE FACTORY FURNISHINGS WE MAKE A COMPLETE LINE. I GET OUR NEW CATALOG and PRICES I WE MAKE BENCHES WITH IRON VISES WE CATALOG TWELVE STYLES OF WORK BENCHES OUR REGULAR BENCH We makeHAND SCREWS, CLAMPS, FACTORY TRUCKS, Ete. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW COMPANY 130 S. Ionia St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ATLAS fURNITURE COMPANY JAMESTOWN, N. Y DRESSERS CHIFFONIERS ALL WOODS 6 THIS PUSH BUTTON distinguishesthe ROY AL Morris Chairs from the other kind MORRIS CHAIRS --FROM--- $6.00 to $30.00 CATALOGUE UPON APPUCA nON. Permanent Salesroom: Fourth Floor, 1411 Michigah Avenue. CHICAGO, ILL. The Royal Chair Co:, STURGIS, MICH. Tl"ade Notes. Dr. \V. L. vVhite will open a furniture store in Pullman, Wash. Sailors Brothers have opened a new store III South Bend, Ind. ]. P. Schumm has sold out his furniture store in Bellin-ham, ldintl. Mittendorf & Kile"f'.are fe-modelling their furniture store in Champaign, Ill. The H. VV. SWC(~t Furnitut:"e company was recently organ-jzed in Sheffield, Ala. The Arthur A. Franke company succeed the Sl'ater-Price- Leidig company in Milwaukee. The D. W. Hunt company of New York will deal in furniture on a capital of $25,000, The Shannon Furniture company's store in Columbus, 0., was damaged $100 by fire recently. Warne's Furniture store in Parkersburg, \TV. Va" was damaged by fire and loss amounts to $2,000. The plant of the Belmont Casket and Furniture company ""'heeling, \V, Va .., will begin operations in April. The House furnishing Goods Exhibition company of New York has been organized with $20,000 capital. The Kelley Furniture and Carpet company succeed the household Furniture and Carpet company in St. Louis, Mo. 1'11e Eastern Outfitting Furniture company's store jn Los Angeles will occupy a new six story building now in course of erection. J. :)1. Todd, formerly of Oklahoma, will open a furniture store at Independence, Ore., in the building formerly occupi-ed by the Douty dry goods store. The Fetting Furniture company of Jacksonville, Fla., have sold out to the Knight Crockery company who will continue the business and occupy the Fetting store. Six Years of Test Have Established Its Supremacy. THE" ROYAL PUSHBUTTON MORRIS CHAIR L. E. Austin & Co., Laredo, Tex., are successors, to L. E. Austin. \Vm. Shrum has sold his furniture store in Iroquois, n1., to Mrs. Mary Cross. A site has been selected for a furniture factory in Selma, Ala.; $25,000 will be invested in the plant. Edwards, Allen, Waldrop & Johnson will open a furnitnrc store at Blue Ridge, Ga" with $20,000 capital. The Shepard~Cox Furniture company, Denton Tex., has changed its name to the Denton Furniture company, The Bishop Furniture company of Grand Rapids, Mich., have inereased their capital stock from $10,000 to $20,000. The Levy Furniture company, Navasota, has bought the stock of furniture of the Jackson Furniture company, Hous-ton. Tex. Fuller S~int & company, Mount Pleasant, Tex., will do a furniture business with $10,000 capital, succeeding H. W. Cheney & Co. F. D. Goddard a furniture dealer of Rockford, Ill.. will retire from business, which he has successfully conducted for seven years. James H. Carver has sold his furniture business in Scranton, Pa., and will devote his attention in future to his furniture store in Binghamton, N. Y, Miller & Bell, undertakers and furniture dealers, Mur-free. sboro, Tenn., have dissolved. R. T, Bell retiring. The business will be continued by P. R. MiHer & Co, Tull & Gibbs of Spokane, Wash., have increased their captia1 stock. from $50,000 to $100,000. The company will occupy a new five story building which they are erecting, The Grote-Rankin company of Spokane, Wash., have purchased the business of the Teale-HlIls Furniture com-pally of Seattle, ¥/ash, The former name will be maintain-ed. Capital stock will be increased from $125,000 to $350,000, \ ~, -_._~ -------~----~---~-- 7 SAVE LINE will satisfy the bulk of the trade demands of the average dealer, without necessitating delays in shipping. ChalDber Suits. Sideboard •• Chiffoniers, Dresser. and Toilets. ·Wrlte for Catalodue. BURT BROS., 2000 S. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. FREIGHT· [] Why go west for .CASE GOODS when the B U RT The Ford a1 Johnso.n Co. MANUFACTURERS OF uFiber Rush" and uMalacca" Furniture No. 3579% ALSO Chairs, Rockers, Settees, Complete Dining Room Suites, Mission Furniture, Children's Go-Carts and Carriages, Reed Comfort Rockers. Our Dining Room Suites include Buffets, China Cabinets, Extension Tables, Side Tables and Chairs, all to match, made in Oak, all finishes; also in Solid Mahogany. SALESROOMS: Chit4go~ New 'lork, Boston, MaJJ., Cjncinnati~ fl., Frdnifl)rt~ Ky.~~.A~/a11fa,Ga. GENERAL OFFICES' Sixteenth St., and Indiana Ave .. CHICAGO. KARGES WARDROBES ARE GOOD WARDROBES noonSTYLES CONS1RUCTION FINIS" WIl.ITK FOR CATALOGUE ftAROrS runnnunr co. EVAMSVlllE IMDIANA In writing mention Michigan Artillan GLOBE SIDEBOARDS are the BEST ON THE GLOBE FOR THE MONEY GET OUR CA1AL.OGUE. Mention tbe Michigan Artisan when writing. GLOBE FURNTURE COMPANY EVANSVILLE, INDIANA BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. EVANSVILLE, IND. NO. 10. DRESSING TABLE. TOP 2OX.40. FRENCH PLATE 22x28. SELECT QUARTERED OAK, RUBBED AND POLISHED. Maurs of the "SUPERIOR" Extension, Parlor anf,library Tables NEW CATALOGUE lUST ISSUED-GET ONE 1858 1906 Q. SMIT" C"AIR ===COMPANY=== E. MANUFACTURERS OF WOOD, DOUBLE CAlliE, CANE, COBBLER TUfTED LEATHER AND VENEER SEAT CHAIRS AND ROCKERS No.145 Reception Rocker Veneered Rolled Seat Quartered Oak Finished Golden Office and Warerooms, Cor. Third and Division 5t5. Factory and Supply Mill, Foot of Oak St. ------IEVANSV1LLE,IND.------ MAKE MONEY MR· DEALER BY SELLING THE Dossr KITCHEN CABINETS CUPBOARDS SAFES and WARDROBES Besl Soods Lowest Prices BOSSE FURNITURE CO., Evansville, Ind. The "ELI" fOLDING BEDS APRREOfITBREWADINNEANRDS No Stock complete without the Eli Beds in Mantl::! and Upright ELI D• MILLER & Co• W"'rvitae nf.ovrlclulets.lRnnddtaprnicaes hansville Furniture Co" EViWsville. Ind. Manufacturers of the "Celebrated Flowered White Oak Goods." BEDROOM SUITES CHIFFONIERS ODD DRESSERS .rul WASH STANDS "The Line with the Finish" Something Entireh New Goods ShOWll at Chi ca· go. Ill., at No. 1319 Michigan Ave" ~d floor and also at our factory sal es-room at Evans, ville, Ind. New Catalogue just issued. 10 The Refrigerator S~ason will be here very soon. If you have not yet received a set of our CATALOGUES and PRICE." for 1906 a po>tai card will bring them tn you by return mail. We make a full line 01 line-Lined, White [namel, and Opalite lined. and Porcelain lined Refrigerators of any she desirable. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR CO. Exclusive Refrigeratof Manufaclurers. New York Office, 35 Warren St. MUSKEGON, MICH. Muskegon, Mich. At one time the mills around Muskegon Lake manufac-tured more pine lumber than those of any other city in the Uliited States. As the timber became exhausted and the mills began to close down, the hustling business men of Mus-kegon began to induce other manufacturers to locate there, and today there is a great variety of flourishing institutions there, employing thousands of hands, who are filling up the city woth comfortable homes, and giving the city an enviable reputation. In the matter of furniture Muskegon stands third in the l'ist of Michigan cities, having (including refrig-erators) nine large and prosperous houses. \Vhen the great factory of the Brunswick-Balke-Callender company of Chi-cago is completed it will -add many hundreds of hands and many thousands of dollars to the manufacturing industries of the. city. Among the manufacturers of furniture in the United States, few have attaIned a reputation for fine goods equal to that of the Muskegon Valley Furniture company. This com-pany will take an entire half of the top floor of the new Man-ufacturers building at Grand Rapids, making it a permanent exhibit of great strength and drawing power. The remain-der of the floor (the seventh) win be divided between the Moon Desk company of Muskegon and the Union Furniture com-pany of Rockford Ill. The new building will have on its floors the lines of a great many of the leading manufacturers of the country and the July season will find it ready for the buyers. The Moon Desk company will SOOl1 issue a remarkably fine catalogue of oHice desks. Their trade is very active, ,md the prospects were never hrighte:-. This company has removed its line from the first floor of the Pythian Temple. Grand Rapids, and in July will be permanently locat-ed on the seventh floor of the new rvIannfactu-:ers' building on Tonia street. The Alaska Refrigerator company is on the very c-:est of the wave, so far as business is concerned. With hetween four and five million feet of the best kind of lumber in their yards; with \"vT'ehouses filled with thousands of refrigc:-- atars, from which car loads are shipped daily; with the im-mense factory wo:-king up to full capacity; with sales that promise to come near to the half-million dollar mark this year it is no wonder that Manager J. H. Ford feels that hls many years of faithful, intelligent and energetic service have been rewarded with deserved success. The Sargent Manufacturing company is one of the most important furniture manufacturing industries in the city. They manufacture a large tine of bachelors' cabinets, ladies' desks. extra large chiffoniers and other pieces that make up a line every dealer is interested in. Manager Cunningham is one of the busiest of men, and gives close personal attention to every department of the business. Bought a Farm in Cuba. John D. Case, secretary of the Sligh Furniture company, retu ned to Grand Rapids late in March after spending sev-eral weeks in Cuba. He was so well pleased with the island that he purchased a farm and has commenced the study of the Spanish language. Grand Rapids in Literature. George Ade, writing from England, and discussing the happy condition of the multi-millionaire, introduces Grand Rapids furniture as follows: ""Vhen he sails into the new office building the elevator captain gives him a cheery but deferential 'good morning.' In his private office he sits at a $;;00 roll top desk from Grand Rapids surrounded by push buttons, and when he gives the word someone is expected to hop. At noon he goes to his club for luncheon. The head waiter jumps over two chairs to get at him to relieve him of his hat, and then leads him to the most desirable table' and hove:·s over him even as a mother hen broods over her first born." Muskegon Valley Furniture CO. ------MUSKEGON, MICH--.~--- l" II t. • Odd Dressers ,,I ,I , fi '0 I f; , Chiffoniers I ~ Wardrobes Ladies' Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Goods No. 553 Note the special arrangement of pigeon hole case: private compart-ment with flat keyed sub treasury spring lock, card index drawer with follow block attachment, letter file drawer with index, 9 pigeon hole boxes with quartered oak fronts. Typewriter shelf 26 inches high when in position for use, standard height. Center drawer with flat keyed lock $1 00 extra. Raised Panels. Quarter Sawed White Oak. 60 ir1Chc:slong; 32 inches wide; 50 irtclH's higl.; weight, 345Ib.s. Moon Desk. Co., MUSKEGON, MIC". 11 The Franking Privilege No Longer Allowed-Mails Closed To Furniture. Hereafter government otlicials will not be allowed to send furniture through the mails under their franking'privi-lege. A bill has been introduced in congress which provides that no government department or official can frank any-thing through the mail's which an individual cannot mail at the regular postal rates. Committees, organizations, or cor~ porations are also denied the franking privilege. Members of the committee believe a great -saving will re~ suit to the government in freeing the mails from supplies of a , :i'; I .. The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON, MICH, Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks, Extra Large Chiffoniers Also ManufactureR and ExPOrteR of ------ ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted to all kinds ot,:i~validiam. both for hottse and st:reet'L~e. OVER FORTY DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM nature which departments have been permitted to frank, but which individuals could not send by mail These provisions will materially reduce the weight of mail at weighing periods and consequently the weights upon which the remuneration of railroads is estimated will be les-sened. The of Knox county, Ill., have formed an association, with "V. C. Hale of Abingdon as president, E. F. "Vest of Knoxville, vice president; Frank Hurd of Macon treasurer, and H. E. Kimber of Galesburg, secretary. Made' by the Sargenl Manufacturin~ Co., Mu.;keion. Mich. The A. C. NORQUIST CO. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. MANUFACTURERS ·OF DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS In Plain and p<!!t1rtered Oak, Mak#gony IInJ Birduye Maple. PERMANENT EXHIBITS -----AT'----- Chicago and New York Century Fumiture Co. Factory and Salesroom 153-159 Canal st, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. DESIGNERS AND MAKERS OF FINE Parlor and Library Furniture ANEWUNEoF Odd Chairs and Rockers and Reception Chairs Esduli.Ye and Pure in Deei,n. INCREASED FACILITIES LARGER LINE WOODARD FURNITURE COMPANY OWOSSO, MICH. Have you received our 1906 catalogue~ If not, you should send for it by first mail. It shows the besl values in medium priced bedroom fnrnitnre, in alllhe fancy woods and finishes. WOODARD FURNITURE CO. Dressers and Chiffoniers TO MATCH In QUARTERED OAK, MAHOGANY, BIRDSEYE MAPLE and CURLY BIRCH SEND FOR CATALOGUE CENTURY FURNITURE CO. JAMESTOWN NEW YORK This is one of our Famous Non~Dividing Pillar Tables THESE ARE THE ONLY TABLES THAT ARE PERFECT IN CONSTRUCTION ANY DEALER THAT HAS NOT TRIED ONE OF THESE SHOULD NOT FAIL TO ORDER ONE Price . . $21.50 Choate-Hollister Furniture Company JANESVILLE, WIS. RIGHT NOW is the time to stock up with CEDAR LINED BOX COUCHES for Spring and Summer sale. For real Couch comfort, durable service and all a,ound utility, ou, Wa,drobe' Couches beat the world. Dealers williind that a special advertised, will sell Box Couches. sale, judiciously Try it. Largest Line, best designs, Solid Dust Proof Bottoms, Climate T op·Lift. Made Moth-pIDof with odoIDusRed Cedar lining. We a'e advertisingour Box Couches in leading magazines. All sales through dealers. This will create a demand. Get ready. SEND FOR CATALOG 17 B. Jamestown Lounge Co., Jamestown, N. Y. Importance of Discounting Bills. OUf modern commercial houses spend a great deal of time and: energy in looking up claims and errors in dealing with customers. They will spend days and even weeks in adjust-i. ng accounts to correct an error of only a few ccnts, and COl1~ sider' it good business judgment. In almost every firm of ally magnitude at all there is maintained a depa'.tmcnt of g eater or less size, depending, of course, upon the volume of business done, which l'ooks after nothing but the claims of customers. Many of the claims which are investigated entail a cost a hundred times more than the amount in~ valved, yet they are gone into with careful scrutiny, and are not allowed to rest until a satisfactory adjustment has been made. It is not alone the amount involved which the company ca;'es about, but the business principle. If customers know that a firm is lax in looking into the details of its outside dealings, some of them, presumably those whose financial standing is not of the highest order, are surej sooner or later, to try to take advantage. I have known customers having bills to pay to a large firm to take off some peculiar discount, giving no explanation whatever for so doing. Of course, in such instances, the matter is .always re-ferred to the proper department for adjustment and usually is comparatively easy to settle. But the incident goes to ,,, ..... 11111 Pro8fIr_, IIdIlH .. lotN Us1n I POIIIIIII Whll'l WI Fill" eln Afton! thl~L.n..,, DlnaIlsf\lll GllSftm.r. lIS.t..lo.r.till ""..".."." PlGIElIID'S $I"" Is n,t .. CUr)' In Ihlll, II ftrnll •• ill Fr"ail'·"•• Le...t..fa.-IIII EIII.... IN. show how ready some people are to do a little crooked work and how important it is to keep an eye open to the little deals. A most important thing that many firms do not follow up closely enough is the discounting of bills, says A. G. duu-ter of Chicago. This is particularly true of me smaller can· cerns. The larger firms usually have their offices so ar· ranged that one department is held responsible for this one litle of work. ln the smaller companies, however, many times it is not thought worth the while to do so. This is usually left as a side issue for the bookkeeper. If he has time'to get the bill vouchered inside the dis·count limit, all. is well and good; if he fails, nothing is thought of it, amj the account is allowed to run the thirty or sixty day limit, afi the case may be. But just think what such carelessness means to the firm at the end of the year! Most bills are received nowadays subject to 2 per cent discount if paid within ten days. Suppose that the firm's purchases on hills of that nature do not amount to more than $25,000 or $30,000 for the year, yet if the bills are not dis-counted a practical loss of $500 or $600 must be sustained-enough to maintain a clerk to lo'ok after the maturity of ac-counts. If the purchases for the year run into the hundreds of thousands the 2 per cent is a. big item and means thous-ands of dollars annually to the firm which properly rook~ after it. I ROBBINS TABLE COMPANY owosso, MICHIGAN No. 402. Leaves stored in top. 1906 CATALOG MAILED ON REQUEST No. 301. Center column does not divide. ROCKFORD FRAME AND FIXTURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE PARLOR CABINETS MUSIC CABINETS DINING CABINETs HALL SEATS HAT RACKS HALL TREES SHAVING STANDS CHEVAL MIRRORS LADIES' DRESSING TABLE LADIES' DRESSING CHAIR With Patent Adjustable Fixtures LADIES' WRITING DESK GRILL CABINETS LAMP STANDS FRAMED MIRRORS 16 ·~~MI9j"1IG7!N I .7If-TI~.fLN..,.... WE HAVE GROWN TO THE LEADING POSITION AS MANUFACTURERS OF CHAMBER FURNITURE BY MAKING THE BEST SELLING LINE -a line good enough for the most exacting and not too good fof' the average trade requirement. We issue no catalogue. Our salesmen show photos. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, CABINET MAI1ERS In these days of close competition, need the best posaible equipment, and this they can have in . . . . BARNES' Hand and Foot Power Machnery Our New "and and foot Power Circular Saw No.4 The stroogest, most powerful, and in eveTyway the bl:St machine of its kind ever made, for ripping, cross.cuttillg, boring and grooving. Send.for our New Oatalogue. w. F. ®.. JOHN BARNES CO. 654 R.uby Street, R.ochford, Ill. The Rex (Inner Tufted) Mattress. (PATENTED. TRADE MARK REGISTERED.) The ·'Cl " NOW DEMONSTRATED bevond all doubt tha: the sale ul ONE REX In;lcr Tutted Mattress "vil) C:l.use ill(juiry sutEcient to sel' TV'/O and so it goes OIl gnHving and enlarging ;;our husiness as OUTS has enlarged- - Ut:R BEST TRADE. \Vrite lor OUT !lev\' booklet "The King at 'l'I1!~s," alll~ k~iHn all ;tbou~ this Sp:cndi~ Mattress. V/e fllrnis!J rn('se beiw:ilti: :i7tJe 20 page booklets to CdStUIJ1c:fS and ;icenscc! agenes. Gel OUT terms, :"Jr!ces, etc. VVrite Tighe now. J)on't .,va:t. A card '.\':11 do. AIl.vthing to show .your interest. CHARLES A. FISHl':R & CO. 1302 Michigan Ave .• CHICAGO. ILL. PEORIA, ILL. ST. LO[./13, ,'VIO. LINCOLN, ILL. MlllfNEAPOLiS, AtIATN. Solr Iv[at11{[i1(1urerj undtT LiarlJt Amrri{{UI JY1illtrOJ iltJd C!JJbiofJ Company. 17 18 VIRTUE OF STICKING TO IT. A Salesman Tells How He Got Two Customers Worth Having, "Stick to it," said the salesman, "is my motto. It's a good one in any business. This is how it works out: "I represent a wholesale provision firm, dealing only in the finest grades of goods, with high class buyers. Among my best customers in and about New York are the railroads. "One of the first important sales I made was to the buyer for the dining service of one of the biggest roads funning into the city. I went straight to the big man's office, told him what 1 had and did my best to make a sal<t. "Nothing doing. My eloquence didn't impress the big man a bit. Finally he ordered me out of the office. By that time he was mad and I was mad, but he had the bulge on me, and, escorted by an attendant, I went. "But I was bound to land that fish. It was in the mid-forenoon that we had our stormy interview, but I waited at the main door of the office until I saw my man go out to dinner then I followed him. "He went to an exceedingly swell' dining place, but I walked in at his heels and took a seat at the table with him. He appeared not to recognize me when I spoke to him, but as soon as I opened up on the provision question he spotted me. "'Oh!' he exclaimed, and I trembled; then suddenly his frown melted into a smile and a twinkle in his eye told me I'd won. "'You've got me,' he owned up, and befo;-e we left the table he'd given mea big order. "Ever since be's been one of my best and pleasantest cus-tomers. I simply tired him out, wore him down. "There's another big railroad with which I do a big busi-ness that was still harder to fand. Every Saturday I called on the manager of 'the dining system, only to be told that I was wasting time. "\Vell, I kept on wasting it every Saturday regularly for two years. Finally, the manager gave me an order, just to get rid of me. The goods did the rest, ~ndthat railroad ac-counts for a big chunk of my commissions today. "Stick to it does the business-nerve, and a little tact in \lslng it." The Hawks Furniture Company's New Catalogue. The HaWKS Furniture company of Goshen, hd., have issued their 1906 catalogue, consisting of 56 pages and cover. Illustrations of bed room furniture in suites show many at-tractive styles. The company have, during the past year, added a large department to be used exclusively for veneer-ing and glueing. Sample orders of goods manufactured are solicited from the trade. The Northern Furniture Company's New Catalogue. The Northern Furniture company of Sheboygan, \Vis., have issued a new 216 page catalogue. This is the third catalogue issue.d since a year ago last January and a great improvement in the line is noted. Illustrations comprise chamber suites, chiffoniers, sidcboards, buffcts, dining room furniture and kitchen cabinets. Rags for Mattresses. While passing through a large cotton mill in one of the cities of the south recently a party noticed a large collec-tion of cotton rags and raw cotton of the l'owcst grade. When questioned the attendant explained' that the stuff was sent in to he prepared for use in the manufacture of cotton felt mattresses. He explained, however, tha~ a considerable number of manufacturers of mattresses used better material. QUARTER·SAWED INDIANA WHITE OAK VENEERS CHOICE FIGURE EXTRA WIDTHS When writing for prices, mention widths required and kind of figure preferred. HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. Fort Wayne ; ; Indiana Mechanics F umiture Co., ---ROCKFORD. ILL.-- Makers of fine and medium Buffets. China Closcls and Serving Tables in Oak. Parlor Cabinetsin Mahogany. Mwic Cabineb. in Mahog~ any, Walnul. Oak and Birch. New Catalogue just out. Send for it. No, 102, BUFFET-QuarIerMwed WhiteOak. 5 feet. six iflches:hit!h; 5 feet. 4 inc~ wide, 2Ox>4 Fl'eIlch Bevel Mirror. • fOUR TRAINS CtllCAGO TO AND fROM Lv Gd. Rapids 7 10p,m At Chicago 1:15 pm Lv Gd. Rapids 1~:05 nn At Chicago 4:50pm Lv Gd. Rapids 4:25 pm Ar Ch1c:ae:o 10:55 pttI Lv Gd. Rapids 11:30 pm dally At Cllieago 6,:55am Pullman Sleepcr, open 9:00 pm on 11:30 pm train every daY',Cafe setvice on all day trains, Service 11la carte. .., Pere Marqucttc Parl~r cars on all day trains· Rat. redncl!!dto 50 cents. T"Rff TRAINS D E T R 0 I T· TO AND fROM Leave Grand Rapids 7:10 am Arrive Detroit 11:55 am Leave Grand Rapids 11:25 am daily Arrive Detroit 3:25 pm Leave: Grand Rapids 5:20 pm Arrive Detroit10:05 pm M_l& IlCrv¢d. a. 1&~rte on trains Gaud Rapids at \\;15 ",m and 5:20 pm. pere Marquette Parlor Cars on all trains; scat rate, a.cents. "ALL OVER MICHIGAN·' H. J. GRAY, DISTRICT PASSENGBR. AG.NT, PHONE 1168 Grand Rapid_,Mich. Why Salesmen Fail. It sometimes happen,:; that even an experienced and suc-cessful salesman finds himself falling behind in results withollt any apparent cause. He asks himself why his orders are not so la.rge or so numerous as they used to be, .and fails to ac-count for it by any fault with t'he line he carries or by any market. conditions. Often he is at a loss for any feasible explanation. In nearly all such cases the reason for this condition lies in the fact that the salesman is not concentrating his mind on his work. Perhaps he has become so accustomed to succeed-ing that he has fallen into a mechanical habit of work, or perhaps he is thinking too much about the promotion he desires, or some fancied grievance against the house, or of "enry Schmit &, Co. Uopkln. a"d Harriet St.. CJnelnnatl, O. ),I.U::EIlS 0 .. UPHOLSTEREO FURNITURE LODGf AND PULPIT, PARLOR L18RARl. HOTEL AND CLUB ROOM personal trials. \\Thatever it is that is bothering him you may be sure that it is quite irrelevant to the business in hand. It is probably true that the salesman himsclf is unaware of the havoc it is playing with his work. If it were once brought to hi,~ attention that be is failing to concentrate his mind, he, would rouse out of this condition, collect his thoughts and apply himself to as good purpose as formerly. My advice to you salesmen, is to think exclusively of the lmsiness in hand when you are engaged jn the performance of it. Don't allow yourself to be distractcd by any olttsi~le considerations. If you have financial or other worries do not a11o\\' yourself to think of them while you are trying to get business. Your prospective custOl11,erwill read in your [ace that something is wrong, and even if he wcre to guess the nature of the trouble and extend his cordial sympathy, you \'\;ould still be the loser, inasmuch as his mind is diverted fro111the consideration of your selling talk and the merits of the goods of which you wish to convice him. Don't busy yourself with thoughts about what you will do when you arc promoted to that higher position which seems just within your reach-because you will never attain it, or at least you will never make yourseH wOl-thy of it, ex-cept by doing the very best you can in your present position. You cannot do your very best unless you give your undivided attention and interest to cacl]. detail. Concentrate your ef-forts to "make good" wherever you are, and by so doing you wilt prepare yourself to 'assume greater responsibilities. And such responsibilities, with the advantages that go with them, usually fall to the share of the 111enwho are best pre~ pared. The salesman whose thoughts are far afield makes a dis-astrous impression on hi,.; customer. Tlle latter fecrs jll-stinctivel¥ that he is Hot gelting the services from the sales-man to which he is entitled. If it were merely a question of the customer selecting certain goods with which he is already familiar, and expccting nothing of the salesman ex-cept to record his order, it vwuld make very little difference whether or not the salesman were wide awake, interested and capable. But in the majority of sales the purchaser ha's need of information which the salesman can give him on 19 all sorts of points about the quality of the goods, their price, and the means of displaying and advertising them. He feels that the money he expects to pay for the goods is ex-pected to cover not only the cost of manufacture' and a fair profit to the makers, but also includes the 'cost of good sales-manship. He feels that he has the right to be well sold just as he has the right to demand goods of a high class quality. 1£ a salesman is not making concentrated efforts-if he is-not doing his best-the customer is aware that something is lacking, and resents the fact. The good salesman is, of course, ambitious--has hopes and plans for succceding to some responsible and lucrative position-but it is important that he should do his best, not for the sake of somc immediate reward, but for the sake of building his own character substantially. r knew a man who once held a very high position capably, and was well known for what he had been able to accomplish in it. Several years of illness and various other misfortunes reduced him in later years to the level of the common work-er. He obtained empl"oyment on trial at a small salary as a canvasser for a new concern. He felt, however, that the work was beneath him. He did not concentrate his mind upon it, but dragged on regretting his lost affluence and spending a great deal of his timc in scheming to get his con-cern to promote him to a managership. One day he brought up this subject with the head of the departm,mt for about the sixth time, urging it more persist-ently than before: ;;\Vhy should the president of this business aupoint young and inexperienced fellows to high positions-the man hwsent to Alihvaukee as a manager of the force there doesn't know anyt.hing about the business. He is hardly out of school. I ought to have had that position. \~rith my experience of the world and business 'ways I could get forty times the re-sults that that chap can. vVhy shouldmy services be wasted hy keeping me in this small, insignificant place where I haven't allY chance to show what I am capable of doing? \Iv' on't you use your influence to g·ct me a bettcr job?" The head of the department was sympathetic, but sensible. "The president cannot make you a department manager on the strength of what yOU used to be," he said, "but he will be very glad to promote you as rapidly as yonr work will justify it. If you have such a wide expcrience and consider yourself so able a man, go to work and prove it. Prove it by showing yourself as responsible and loyal·in a small place as you were when you were at the head of, affairs. Such a proof is thc highest claim you can have tp a high office-but mere egotism isn't any sort of a claim a( al1." The sale.sman saw the point and reformed his methods of \'\;ork. He lived at a cbeap hotel', wore his threadbare but wel1~kept c1otheswithout any f~lrther complaint, and concen- THE HAWKEY~ KITCHEN CABINET Original features. De!,ien. finish and cabinet work the best on earth. Prices range from$3.00 to $52.50•. Exclusive sale given. Sold to dealers only. Price is a good saleslllan. Quality is a heHer one. We have them both, tataloKue nil application. Union Furniture Co •• BURLINGTON, low ... trBtcd all his efforts on getting results. He went at it in de,Hl earnest, and no prospect was too insignificant or too difficult to be made the 'ul)ject of his most thorough and most intelligent canvass. At the end of a few weeks he had gotten more results than in an the-'two months previous. Very soon he was making money, and ~Tas so weU satisfied with his re- 111lHleration and so deeply interested in his work that whcn the president voluntarily offered him a place as manager in the Rochcster office hc smij'jngly declined it. He is a man who can testify that it is worth while to con <::cntrateone's mind on one's work, and try to work as well in a small way and unimportant position as if he were holding a high office or place of tms;t, A. H. REVELL. 20 Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Fantlind European ......Plan WE manufacture the larg· est line of FOLDING CHAIRS in the United States, Buitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Steamers and all Public Resorts. • • . • We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds. Spring Beds. Cots and Cribs in a lar~e varie:ty. . . . Sif.nd foJ' Catalogl1e and Prices 10 Kauffman Mfg. CO. AS"LAI'ID, 0"10 Rates $1.00 and Up The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind for 500 is the fiNEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND. Prop. BEDS Smith & Davis Mfg. Co. ST. LOUIS, MO. MAKERS OF WITH STANDARD Tbe New "PERFECT" FOLDING CHAIR PATKNTltD OCT_ 20, 1903. Comfortable Durable Simple Neat The Acme Qi Perfection in the line 01 Folding Chairs. PRRFHCT COMPACTNESS when folded. Hard maple natural 6nish. WRITE FOR PlUCKS. METAL REVERSIBLE RAILS No. 51 15'h, PEABODY SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. North Manchester, Indiana ~ri:"~$~3.75 net Pillars, 1 1-16 inches. Filling, 3-8 and 5-16 inch. Head, S6 inches. Foot, 40 inches. Sizes: 3 feet 6 inches and .. feet 6 inches. Weight, 67 Ibs. Standard Reversible Ran SOLID " .. RIGID REVERSIBLE Patented } uly 1:5, 1902, No. 7(14'702. This rail is reversible in the true sense of the word-can be used either side up and enables the dealer to make one set of rails answer instead of having· two stocks! one of regular, the other inverted. BEDS THAT DO NOT WIGGLE are our specialty THE NEW BANQUET TABLE TOP 8$ well as Office, Dining and Directors' Tables Stow & Davis Fumiture Co. Grand Rapids, Mich WriteforC.~e. Get8lllDplesoi BANQUET TABLE TOP Refrigerators Yukon EGonomiG AND Ghilkoot ZINC LINED AND WHITE ENAMELED There are excell~llt reasons why yOIl should buy the above. The catalog tells yon what they are. Send for one. The Michigan Barrel' Co. 670 CANAL ST. GRAND RAPIDS, '\\ICH. GoodsBearing This Trade Mark are Profit Getters for You. SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, BUffETS, BOOKCASES, "All RACKS. Blue Prints for the asking. 5 Complete Lines of Refrigerators Opalite Lined Enameled Lined Charcoal Filld and Zinc Lined Zinc Lined with Removable lee Tank Galvanized Iron Lined Stationary Ice Tank Send tor new CATALOGUE and let us name you price Challenge Refrigerator Co. GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. .d. 22 Lines For New Carpet Season. \Vith carpet manufacturers plans are now well under way for the new season which will open about May 5. The de-signing departments are busy with new ideas, while the man-agers of the sales departments and the manufacturers arc studying over the difficulties surrounding the price problem. "'lith the cost of wool and the cost of turning out the goods before him, the selling agent is now figuring out· what prices can be named on the new lines, whether advances will be im-perative, or whether old prices can still be adhered to. The stock of wool which manufacturers had on hand, and had been drawing 011 during the current season is now re-ported to be practically exhausted, and the question of paying full prices for fresh supplies is now one which cannot be lightly put aside. In fact, many of the factories have been forced into the market for supplies of either carpet yams or carpet wools, in order to turn out goods which they now have on their books. In behalf of the manufacturer, it can be said that he is in a better frame of mind to pay full prices for raw material than was the case at the orening of the cur-rent season. He has behind him an excellent business and still has many orders on his books which have been obtained at full pricc,s. At the opening of the present season manu-facturers were not in this position, and were forced to look back on a pOnT season. Naturally, under these conditions, he was not indined to pay the prices which wool merchants demanded for the raw material, and the fight to secure wool below the open' market prices has been a keen and bitter one throughout the season which is just closing. Now, however, he faces the question of purchasing sufficient supplies of raw material for the coming season with the knowledge that his mills have been running full all season; and still have many orders on hand which will keep them busy for several months to come. Prominent selling agents in this market state that the season ·which is just closing has b-cen one of the best in the history-of the trade ... With the exception of ingrains, almost every floor covering turned out by the mills in this country has sold well. In addition to this, the outlook for the new~ season is said to be a very bright one, and the only question' which is worrying the manufacturer at the present time seems to be whether sufficient supplies of the raw material will be available to meet the requirements of the mills during the balance of the year, During the week just passed few orders have been booked, and the retail business throughout the country for the spring and summer months is reported to have,opened up in a very satisfactory nature, and indicates that merchants will require a l'arge < q:uantity of goods to meet the requirements of the consumer. Rugs of all qualities, both domestic and import-ed, are selling frcely, and as one agent remarked, "there seems to be no end to the demand for this class of goods."U sually when the demand 1S heavy for rugs the carpet end of the mar-ket suffers. Such, however, has not been the case this season and in spite of the heavy demand for rugs, carpets have sold unusually well. The demand for ;14 goods has been most gratifying to the manufacturers, as it was expected that quite a falling off would be shown this spring, owing to the excep-tionally hea.vy demand for rugs. In spite of this, the sales for the past season sh~w a dedded increase in the amount of % goods oyer those of the previous seasons, and sellers state that 1£ the demand keeps up at its present rate, the total sales for the current season will show an increase of itom 30 to 35 per cent over those of last season, Not only has the demand ·in this city been an excellent one, but reports from all sections of the country show that merchants have increased their orders over those of the pre-vious seasons, and are still anxious to secure further supplies. The only comp]'aints coming forward relate to the deliveries. 'These are very much behind hand, and there seems little chance of an improvement in ;H1y direction. As already stated, many of the mills have refused to accept any further orders for rugs for the present season, and retailers who failed to get deliveries on the goods which they had ordered, are now anxiously searching through the market for what-ever supplies they can lay their hands on. Stocks in jobbing hands, however, are very short, and the retailer is finding much difficulty in obtainging anything with which to fill in depleted lines.-N. Y. Commercial. I F' YOU H A V ENE V E R T R I ErD 0 U R RUBBING AND :POlISHING VARNISHES DETROIT fACTORY CANADIAN FACTORY YOU HAVE YET TO LEARN THE FULL POSSIBLITIES OF THIS CLASS OF COOPS WHY NOT PUT IT TO THE TEST BY GIVING US A TRIAL ORDER? BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED, VARNISH MANUFACTURERS NllW YORK PHILADELPHIA BALl1MORE FACTORY AND MAIN OFFICE. DETROIT CANADIAN FACTOI'IY v.lALKE"VILLE. aNT CHICAGO .T. LOUIS CINCINNATI SAN FRANCISCO COTTAGE FURNITURE. Willow Piece.~in Pink, Blue, Green or Gray the Latest Fad- Indian Rugs Fascinating and Cheap. \\lil1ow furniture enameled in stunning colors ,,,,ill be used extensively in summer cottages this spring. The pieces~ chairs and rockers as welt as benches and scttecs~are made on the same lines as those that have been in vogue for sever-al years, but enameling in bright shades gives them such an entirely rljfferent appearance that they look as if they ,,,"ere some new pattern. Those done in a soft light gray are delicate enough in that tillt to be used in a reception room. Upholstered in a striped jute that corresponds to the enamel. they arc decided-ly effective and almost too delicate and handsome for the rough oHtdoor use th<tt is given most willow pieces. 1'11c upholstery is of the simplest kind-nothing but two cushions, one at the back, the other [or the seat plainly tufted. If de-sirable, a two tone red jute used fo1' cushions with the gray pieces make a handsome combination, ~speci.aHy if a rcd summer rug is laid on the floor. Green enamelled pieces appropriate for library, living room, or for a porch, and upholstered in a small figured jute, are very neat, decidedly restful for us'?: in a room ,vhere a family spends most of the day. Sets i;1' deep maroon, with cushions in a material that matches. are stunning for a lihrary, for, despite the warmth of the coloring, the \villow prevents the pieces from looking either, heavy or hot. Vi\'id orange enamelled chairs, settes, etc., are unusual and wilt be most effec,tive for use au large, shady p-orches such, as are often seen .in summer cottages, or they will be appropriate in a flat where the ,valls are done in -gold, for they will give the apartment a bright, £:heerful <wd light apPC<lrance that is most desirable for spring and summer. III harmony \-"ith these attractive colored lyjllow sets are the new style rugs, made in all the lig'bt shades. They arc the outgrowth of rag rugs that have long been popular for spring use. A decided improvement on the old fashioned rugs made from all sorts of rags, are woven of pic{:es 5pe~ial1y prepared for use. They are remarkably cheap, too, for a small Kobe rug l1Jade in Japan can be bought for $2.25, and it is three by six feet, pl,enty long enough for USe 1ll a bedroom or to lay in front of a couch on a porch or in a living room. These Kobe rugs <ire made in strong· colors, dark reds. greens, hltles, witl) curious, pointed geometric J-ignres through the body, and have a series of about [lve borders g-radllated from a wi(lc Ollt' at the outer edge to the last one that is about balf its size. Tllese can be used but on one sick, for the desig-n and colors are stamped on. A more expensive rug and one that is reversible is called Shaki, becauce it is patterned after an Indian weave which it closely resembles. These are in subdued and light colors and are of hn) shades, white with green, or tan, light blue or pink, and have a border about eight inches wide acOss both ends of a variety of ditIerent tones, including reds, blues pinks. greens, yellows, all light. They are finished with white fringe at the t,,,,o cnds. A tl~ifle more expensive than the others, a rug three by six for $3.25; larger sizes cost more of course. In the large rugs to be llsed in the cenLre of a room on a hardwood Hoor or on a porch where a room is fitted out on it, the !;lrgc Shakis rtrc most serviceable and CiTe p<lrtieularly effective, for they con~e in such prQtty browns, g"·eens, tans, with jusL a suggestion of color in the body made by the in~ traduction of convenionalized Indian arrows, a combina-tion of delicate reds, pinks, greens, oranges, etc. /\cross either end they are finished 'with a border in tones to match the colors in the arrows and in a white fringe. These rugs are reversible and the colors are all fast, and for that reason -----_._.- 23 they will be found particularly satisfactory for use on a porch or where they are constantly exposed to the rain and sun. In sleeping apartments the mission ~ugs will be effective, for they :otre in solid colors and in tones of green, blue ,and tan that are very restful and soothing. ,The greens, are parti-t:' ularly effective. They have an indefinite border ~nd short white fringe at either end. They can be bought" fur $3.75, that is, tJJe small ones, those three by six-Ex. Valuable Chairs. The ~·alHe of chairs is strictly relative. Enormous prjees have been paid for chairs in recent years, notably $100,000 for a set of half a dozen Louis XIV chairs, upholstered in Gobc1in tapestry, which ,,,,ere originally, made for Marie Antoinette. Even this price, by,:the way, was exceeded by the sums paid for three of the Hf~inilto;l ,l'<l.lace tables, one of which brought $3,UOO. A most valuable and historica1Jy int{~'r'e5ting suite of furniture is that which, more than a century ago was p~e- ~ented by \Vanen Hastings to Tippoo Sahib, and which was purchased aL the Londesborough salt for $5,000. The suite consists of a card table, a sofa, two small cabinets and .l'bur ann chairs, all of solid i\'ory, most exquisitely carved. But probably Lhe most costly chair in the world is one of the Ulany treasures of the shah of Persia. It is of solid gold-tbicld'y incrusted with djamonds, rubies, pearls and sapphires, and its valnc is estimated at haJf ~ million pounds. In the house of commons at' \Vestminister are two arm chairs which onee belonged to Gladstone, and one of _which was his favorite seat when at DOH'ning street. A short time ago a romantic story V'las told in the French papet'S of two dilapi(lated arm chairs which were sold among the effects of a Mme. Boring, a widow, who died at Dellys, an Algerian scaport town. The widow was reputed to be rich, but a thorough search of her rooms failed to disclose ;~lIy of her hoardings, and it was assumed by her relatives thlt fihe had died p:·actically penniless. Xot long after the sale oJ her fwniture, however, it was obse~'Vl~dthat the pu--chafier of the chairs. a Spanish :steve-don~ named Perez) ceased to work, begal; to waf1.:: about in line clothes, to purchase land and houses and generally gave eyjd{~nce of having come into a fortune. Suspicion bein-g arou:;ed, Perez was arrested, and no\\' stands accused of having appropriated to his own use the old lady's fortune, of at jc.ast$20,OOO, which had been concealed in the dilapi-dated arm chairs.-New York Herald. A Dinn,er and the Theatel· Instead of I'paint." "The old habit of taking a customer out to paint the town after he's given yOll a big order is on the wane," said a salesman. "1 find that nowadays it dosen't pay to do that. For one thing, a man who has dined and wined ,,,,ell' ,,,,ith yon is bound to be in pretty bad shape the next day, unless he can stand a good load of booze. 1f he's on the blink next day you may be sure he's likely to blame you fo;' it. Ten chances to one he gets a good le"cturc from his ".·.i.fe, 3ndthat added to his general down and out condition, isn't g-oing to do you any good in a business way. The man may conclude you're too swift for him and that the best thing is to cut you out altogether. "For some time now I've been operating on a better line than the old style. Instead of treating a customer to a glorious stag racket I take him and his wife and daughters, if he has any at home, to dinner and thcn to the theater afterward. The women are tickled to death. Besides, we have a nice time and are clearheaded and ready for business the next day. Then at Christmas or Ea.ster I .send a ljttle present to my customers and I take good care. to pick out something useful at home, so that the VI'omen will appreciate jt too. It's a good play to get solid w1t11 the women in this way." 24 "CYCO" BEARING "I Prize my Bissell Sweeper" ~·TYPI FJES the highest standard of excellence in Carpet Sweeper mel;hilfiism, and this claim is abundantly justified by its superior saleability, It is very easy (0 make claims, but (0 h,ave tbem supported by facts, is quite another thing. One thing is ~ertain. you CJO't det:C'ivethe public by ltckless, unsupported claims, and we therefore realize that unless the Bi~sellwere all we represented it to be, we would soon hear from this in the way of dimis.hed bmin~Sli\. The facts are,' the Bissell has achieved more than we have ever daiined tor it in an adverlise~ rnent, and its exte[)sive and constantly growing sale throughout the world, wherever carpe~ or rugs are used, is a vltible and positive proof of its recognized superiority. The Bissell has maintained the leadership for thirty years, and is the one only tarpet ~weeper that has ever been advertised extensively to the consumer. or that has ever been sold under a sound, $incere price maintenance system. Write js,. (JlJrIptcia/ Easter '!!fir. "Beyond any labor saving device In my home. II BISSELL CARPE'T SWEEPER CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. (Largest Sweeper Makers in the World. ) One of Many Patterns in Quartered Oak, Polished Buffet No.2 Price, $14.00 Ask for OUf Catalogue· CHARLES BENNETT FURNITURE COMPANY CHARLOTIE. MICH. ODD DRESSERS and BUFFETS. HORN :BROS.MFG. CO. 281 to 291 W. Superior St.. CHICAGO. ILL. MANUFACTURERS OF Chamber Suites. Odd Dressers. Chiffoniers Lll.DIES' DRESSINGTI\8LES to match Made- ill r.oMen Oak, GetluiJle Mab0K3!lY Veneered, Birdseye Maple, White Enamel Highly Pohsbed or Dull Finish. We also make it line of PRINCI:SS DRESSERS from $13.00 UP. In QUQcier-Sawed Oak, Mahogany and Birdseye Maple. Veneered If you have not received aur Spring Supplement, ask for it. SAMPLES SHOWN BY PECK & HILLS 1319 Michigan Avenue, and HALL & KNAPP; 18'1 Michigan Avenue, Cliicago. G. R. ~ I. fLYERS BETWEEN Grand Rapids and Chicago To Chicago Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Ex. Sun 7.10 A. M. Ar. CHICAGO , " .. 12.35 Noon Sldf.t Parlor Car Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Ex. Sun .. " ., .... 12.01 Noon Ar. CHICAGO " ., ...• 4.50 P. M. Parlor and Dining Car Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Daily , " 11.50 Night Ar. CHICAGO " .' 7.15 A. M. Electric Lighted Sleeping CItoI' ~======-=== Phone Union Slation for Reservations To Grand Rapids ---------,-------- Lv. CHICAGO · .8:45 A. M. At. GRAND RAPIDS 1:50 P. M. Lv. CHICAGO, ~~lSt~8~~1~ Ex. Sun 1.15 P. M. Ar. GRAND RAPIDS.. . . . . . • . . . . . • . .. • 5.50 P. M. Buffet Parlor Ca.r Lv. CHICAGO, ~ihC8t~~1~tl~~ Ex. Sun 5.30 P. M. Ar. GRAND RAPIDS 10.25 P. M. Parlor aDd Dia.lnS Car L C 1\1. C. ',1Im,. D '} 11 55 N' ht V. HICAGO, 12th St. StatIon at y . .' 19 Ar. GRAND RAPIDS .........•....•.... 6.45 A. M. Electric Lhlhted Sleepfng Ca.r Phone Mlchfda.n Central City Tlc;:ket Office for ReservatioDs, t19 Adam.s Street RICliMOND Chair Co. RICHMOND, IND. The Standard line of ~uble Cane Ilii.. ..,iili" CHAIRS and ROCKERS Write for Catalogue. Mention MICHIGAN ARTISAN ,.....--------------------------~---- 26 THE UP-TO-DATE UNDERTAKER behind the glass doors oi a tall vertical showcase along one :-:ideof his showroom. You might still find such a display as this, but not often. "As a rule, now, the burial receptacles that the under taker keeps in his show room are mostly, if not altogether, caskets. They migbt be contained in cabinets, or they might be secured in vcrt,ieal positions, to the backs of panels run- 'li'hg continuously along the side of the rooin, and forming, to the eye, a cotitinuotls high paneling. Each of .th~,s~ panel's, with a casket attached to it, .is so pivoted ,and lXttal1'tW(f>that vithout effort it can be pulled forward and down ihto allod zontal position for the display of the casket at a convenient height from the -Aoor. "\Vhen a member of the family or the friend commission-ed for this service comes to select a casket, the undertaker 'can show caskets in various styles, and if he has not, even ill his varied stock, a casket precisely such as may be required he may sell one from the il1ustrated catalogue of the manu-facturer, or be m;lY take the purchaser to the warerooms of the manufacturer to select from the all but endless variety of caskets there to be found. "All this is very different from the old time ways." "To come back for a moment to the undertaker's window displays of vlrhich we were speaking. \Tlfe may now see occasionally in them a newer aud later feature in displays of burial robes, and the robes thus shown may be both costly and beautiful. Such robes and garments have Jargely sup-planted the old time shroud. "\Ve have as yet no automobile hearses, but they are sure to come. Sooner or later we shall find automobile carriages n funer~tl processions, and the automobile hearses will comt in due time."-N. Y. Sun. Great Changes Latter Days Hav,e Brought In an Ancient Industry. "There was a time," said the undertaker, "when every-thing about the undertaking business was pretty solemn and sombre. In those days we had no Stich things as burial caskets, but everybody was buried in a coffin, and there wasn't much variety in coffins. "We did make them of mahogany and of oak, to be su,e, as well as of pine, but a coffin was a coffin, whatever you made it of, and it was a universal symbol of death. "It had the accumulated terror of ages about it. "Now it's different. Fully three-quarters of the peopk that die no\v in cities are hUl-ied not in coffins, but in burial caskets, which are as different from the ancient coffin as it is possihle for them to be. Seriously, I regard the inventor of the modern burial casket as a benefactor to his race. He has at teast rohhed the grave of i:iOl"'I1oef its terrors. "In the old days the cabinet maker very likely combined un-de: ·takillg with his cabinet busim:ss, and made coffins in h15 back shop. Kow in cities few undertakers make their own coffins, and all the caskets are made in great factories, eq1.lip-ped with modern machinery. "There arc carved caskets of line wood, caskets of aIUll1.- iHum, caskets plush covered, OJ- covercd with embossed vel-vet. "In old times coffins were somet'imes made to order for individual requirements, but commonly a stock of coffins was kept on hand, and these the undertaker might keep stored 011 shelves or displayed standing on end in a row THE UNION DAVENPORT BED .1 OUR LATEST AND BEST PRODUCTION Its operation is simplicity itself. Is strong and serviceable. Makes an excellent appearance ·with its handsome cushions. Has high grade spiral springs throughout, and spring edge all around. A PERFECT PARLOR BED Without being moved from the wall opens into a perfect bed. Send for descriptive matter and prices. We want you to handle this excellent article. UNION WIRE MATTRESS 00. 187·188 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO M.etal Beds, Woven Wire Mattresses, All Steel Sprinl!.s and M.etallic Ccnche..". COMFORT IN THE .GUEST ROOM. Little Things That Make the Best Kind of W~kome, How seldom nowadays do we nnd people who still c1il1g tf) the old fashioned idea that nothing is too good for the guest. \\ihac jg no.v that best room reserved for tbe sole use of company, generally better situated and better furnished than any room occupied by the t)1C family; Because of the cramped conditions under which most apartment house dwellers are forced to live the guest room ·with them is a joy they are compelled to forego, but there aTe few houses in which a spare carner cannot be found to keep in readiness for the chance visitOL It is the duty, and should be the pleflsure of every home keeper to have a room devoted to that purpose only. The tendency toward selfish living ·which is markcd in large cities has its root probably in the difficulties which beset the modern housekeeper. The problem that the servant presents, the increased cost of living, the restricted size of houses, all tend toward a nClrrowing of the housekeeper's horizon to the needs of her immediate family. The open handed hospitality of a generation ago is no longer possible in many cases. Yet if oue is to cHtertain guests at all three are some thillgs as essential to their cOlu[ort as the food they eat and the bed they sleep on, and omittillg these is as much a breaeh of hospitality as if oIle turned one's hack upon a gUCS( vdJCI1 he arrived. The properly equipped guest room need not have special c1cg;-mce, in fact that is to be avoided, but it .should 'contain enough of the common comforts of life to insure the enjoyment of its occupant during his stay in it. Of course, first and foremost comcs the necessity of a per-fectly comfortable bed. A strange bed is enough to cause sleeplessness in many people for at least a night or two, under tJJe most favorable circumstances, and it is the hostess's first duty to know that the bed her guest is to occupy is as corn-fo: ·table as care and intelligence can make it. No matter how simply furnished a guest room may be, there should be in it some sort of desk, amply supplied with writing paper, ink, pens of all sorts, stamps and blotters. The next thing is the dresser or bureau. \\Tho has not started to open a bureau drawer in a guest room only to Gnd it lock-ed, or what is worse, filled with dotlles belonging to some one of the family, or else household linen: No matter hm\' short a time a guest is to remain there should be space provided for the keeping of his c:lothes and small things during the time he stays in the house, and the failure to do this simple act of hospitality frequently causes g:-cat discomfort to a visitor. A d,'esser with two small drawe"s to hold minor articles, and one or two large drawers beneath for tlllderwear, etc., will be sufficient for the guest who is making a short stay, ".·.h. ile a closet should be ready for the reception of his other clothes. For the visitor of two \veeks 01· more a c11iffonier should be added to the bureau. In the closet there should be hangers for coats, shoe bags for shoes and a laundry bag for soiled linen. Oil the bureau there should be a well stocked pin cushion, a receptacle for combings, H. box of hail' pins, a hand glass a.nd a nail file. Some of these things seem unnecessary, as most people are supplied "vith them, or should be, but it frequently happens that in packing small things are forgotten, ';lnd it is ahvays unpleasant to h;lV{'. to ask one's hostess for them, A couch should be in every guest room, with a quilt of some sort on it to throw over one when lying down. and this will serve as an additional covering for the bed in very cold weather. The question of bed covering is always an indi-vidual one; no one can assume safely how much or how little will be \\'anted, and for that reason it is wel1 to be on the safe side and provide enough. It is the S?'me with pillows. :Many people require more than one, and many people are 27 ill tbe habit of ~ilceping on hair pillows; therefore it is a goo{] plan to bave both kinds, The dressing of the guest room bed often puzzles the housekeeper. A bed that is more or less formal is to be preferred to one that is simply made witlJ. the usual bed spread. etc., for a guest always spends more or less time in his r00111 and it is in better taste to have the bed coverings of cretonne,. or whatever material has been used for the drap-eries in the room. \Vith such bed covering a round hard bolster is used, cov-ered with the same material, and many of them are provided with spaceS for the keeping of the pillows during the day time. This is all very well provided the pillows arc not kept in it dming the time the room is unocC11ped. Always after a guest has left the pillows should have a good airing, and kCj)t in an airy place when not in use. A table with a candle stick and candle 011 it, a box: of matches in plain view; a "vork basket with black and white cotton and silk, some hooks and yes, needles and a thimble, a pair of scissors-all these things are great helps to the thor-ough enjoyment of a visit. The attractiveness of a guest Made by HaWk! Furniture Co" Goshen, Ind. 1'00111 is made up of triBes, some of them hardly worth men-tioning, but they are the trifles that go to make perfection not alone of comfort but vJso of the enjoyment of the guest \vhile within our gates. Some people feel the lack of these trifling things to such an extent that without them the whole visit is spoiled. The 'velc01l1c that is expressed in the thought that supplies for the guest every little comfort goes further toward making hjm feel <'It home than any expression of it in words. Pmbably those who fail in the matter of making their guests. comfortable are those who seldom visit. Noone who is accustomed 'to visiting can fail to appreciate the marked difference between the guest rOOm that is well sup-plied with the small comforts of life and the one where they arc entirely forg-oUen. Even a few flowers can breathe a welcome that no spoken word can give and a remembrance of the idiosyncrasies of one's guest makes him at once a member of the family, which is what he should be while tlt1dcr its rooftree. 28 POOL CARS FOR PACIFIC COAST OVERLAND FREIGHT SAN FRANOSCO,. CAUFORNIA, TRANSFER COMPANY; make a specialty of distributing pool cars of all kinds and PARTICULARLY, furniture, carpets, linoleum and interior finish. References, Bradstreet's or Dun's and any bank in San Francisco, and the trade. Carloader in Chicago . Carloader in Grand Rapids ]. W. Welling, 633 So. Jel/erson Street Gelock Transler Company, 108 So. Ionia Street. TEAMING FORWARDING STORAGE All the kids are in love with Spratt's Chair GEO. SPRATT & CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. CHAIRS AND ROCKERS FOR EVERYBODY Send :Eor Cataloine No. sa-ChHd's High Chair with Unger- Safety Guard. ROCKfORD UNION FURNITURE CO, ROCKFORD, ILL. Buffets, Bookcases, China Closets \Ve lead in Style, Construction and Finish. SEE OUR CATALOGUE. HOW MANY CALLS FOR INVALIDS' CHAIRS DID YOU HAVE LAST YEAR? Do You Know Where 10 Get Them? We Manufacture the Largest and best line of these goo~s on the market. We furnish you catalogues free. Write us today. THE INVALID APPLIANCE CO. 629-631 N. Halsted St., CHICAGO. THE ONLY CASTER CUP THAT Will HOT MAR OR SWEAT A New Caster Cup, • Furniture Protector Bnd a Rest W.. gURnnlee perfect satis-faction. We know we have the only perfeet ca<rtercnp ever made. This cup is in two si.zes as follows: 2~ inch and 3 inch' and Will: use the cork bottom: You know the rest Small sue, $3.150 per 100 Large size, 4.50 oer 100 Try it and be convinced. F. O. B. Grand Ra.pids. Onr Concave Bottom Card mock does not touch the sur- . face, but upon tbe rim. permit. tlng a dreu1atlotl of air under the block; thereby f!reventing moisture or marks of any kind. This is the only card block of Its kind on the market. Price S3.00per 100 Grand Rapids Casler CUPCo" 2 Par'wood ..... Grand Rapids, Mich, AI$Gcan behad at LUSSKY. WHITE 81COOLIDGE, 111·113Lake Sl., Chicago ,------- "Rotary Style" for Drop Carvings, EmboasedMouldinliS. Panels, Etc. EMBOSSING and DROP CARVING MACUINES Machj~3 for all J»1rpoJle$, and al prices within the reach of aU. Every Machine lw.e our guarantee ll.llaln&t breakalle for one ,;ea[. "Lateral Style" for LaTlleCapacity Heavy Carvrnlls and DeeP EroboSlliDgs. We hlll'e the Machine you want at a $8.tiefaclory price. Write for descriptivedrcular.l. Also dies for all makes of Machines, UNION EMBOSSING MACHINE CO" Indianapolis, Ind, Factory Locations There is in the various offices of the Land and Industrial Department of the Southern Railway and Mobile & Ohio Railroad late information regardlng a number of first class locations for Furniture, Chair and other 'Woodworking Fac tories, which will be furnished Manufacturers upon appljca. tion. An invitation is extended to all who use wood in their plants to write about the timber supply, good sites and mar-kets available in our territory. Address your nearest agent. M. \/. RICHARDS. Land and Industrial AGent, WASHINGTON, D. C. CHAS. S. CHASE, AGent, M. A. HAYS. Agant. 622 Chamical Building, St. Louis. Mo. 226 Dearbom Sf., ellieag., III 29 Patents that "old THE Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Company, of Detroit, Mich., would have everyone iu the furniture trade to understand that their patents on their famous Victor Extension Tables are valid, and that they are determined to protect their rights against all infringements. The order of the United States given herewith is self explanatory. At a sII8s10n of' the C1l"Cu1t Court of' the United Stlltel! tor the Eestorn P1l3t1'1ct (If' M1chigan GOntlnued 1m" helel, pursu~L ~o adjournment, at the District Court Room, !n the city of Detroit, on Monday, the E!(Shth day of' January, 1~ the ytt1U' one thousand nlne hundred and slx. Present the Honorable Henry H. Swan. D~l!ltrict Judge. CHARLF:$ 'If. lmNZ Imd POSSELIUS B~OTHERS FURNITURE MAKUFA~TURING CO~PAKY, Compla1nants In ttqul ty • No.3ij73 v. LINDOW BROTHERS _ BF.~RS COMPANY, nef'endanl. This cause coming on ror hearin~ on this day, on plead1nf;s and proofs. it ~s ordered. adjudged and doerEted. that United ~tates Letters Patent No. 548.447, cranted October 22, _lSgS to t":h8,!"le8W. Funz. ~od and valld pat.ent. 8JJ.dthe axcll,aive r"ie,ht:!ll th!l::-f1in are vested in the complainants. That lhe extans~on tables made and sold by the defendant, 11k" the s.II.l!lpleoffered in eVidence, infringe claim one of said patent. It is further ordeJ'ed, adjUUC;E1dand decY'eod that the !lllid defendants. thair cOllnsellors, attD.l'"n&ys, Dollc1to-rs, llr:;el'ta, se!'V~nta snd wor!':.mon,he, and they are el'lcn and ever.y cne of t.hen pAJ"retually anjoineu fJ:"or.!t.he alIa (}):"\J;se of tfl01 ea, _bodying 1n their st:rJ.lcture UlQ 1nvsnt.1on ot \.ha hereinbefore I'!entloneu patent. lt i8 further ord!l!"ad, adjudc;ed and deereod that the eonplalnellts !"e.covef' agel. nst the sll!.d defendant the coats to bo ts.xod, and that the sald eOJ'lplainants have execution th"lI'efC!re. 30 ~MI9'pIG?J-N A Valuable New Book On "Historic Styles in Furniture." The following arc extracts from a new book on "Historic Styles in Furniture", by Virginia Robie. Miss Robie's record begins with the mediaeval period, when machinery was not and the handicrafter was in his prime and put his heart into his work. Of this early day there remains a few royal chests and coffers of enduring oak and cypress, richly carved, with hinges and locks of metal work intricately chased in trefoils, and quatrefoils, with heraldic devices and sornctimcs illiaid with ivory Clnd mosaics. "As a record of mantlers and customs the illuminated missal is to the middle ages what the sculptured freize is to furniture Polish We offer a polish guaranteed to produce a BRILLIANT ati\d PERMANENT lustre on any finished wood. A dealer's trade builder. Send for sample Xi gross, $3.75. Our SUPERIOR REPAIR fiNIS" never fails to remove burlap marks and mars; and, used with crystal shellac and a set of our colors, (aniline, to match any finish) will repair deep scratches and jams, and reproduce the original finish! at once. A boon to factory or store. Rep~ir outfit,. comp):te, with colors, one quart til::325 fimsh, and IUslructlons for use. . . . . . . . . .. ,. 'P' • SEND fOR SAMPLES. Grand Rapids furniture Polish Co. Greece and Rome. It represents the earliest history of domestic life of mediaeval times," writes Miss Robie, in-troducing her chronicle to household goods, wnIch she fol-lows through picture and existing examples from the ninth century to A.merican colonial times. The missals of the British l'vluseulU picture household life when the Saxon thane ruled in England. It was a rude age all over Europe and religions and dval wars wars from Con-stantinople to Britain on the west kept the country in a state of turmoil. In times when no castle was safe. from enemies furniture was 110t valued and the only flrtic1e of importance was the. chest which serve.d to hold the famlly treasure and could be moved at a moment's notice. Thus the chest or coffer, frequently used as a bed and as table, stored with gold and silver and family wealth, was the most important article of furniture, for many centuries, and in Anglo-Saxon days, before the Kot:maps came to England, was the on1'y carefully constructed article, perhaps with the exception of rude chairs and footstools, that were carved. To follow the history of coffers and chests alone would be of absorbing interest, as from them developed the cupboard, the dresser, the credence, the cabinet and no doubt our latter-day box couch and trunk. After the conquest wooden beds replaced those of straw, and settles and arm chairs and folding seats found their way into English homes. Decorative infiuencef horn Constant-inople permeated Enrope, and the era of cathedral building and the rise of the guilds had a stimulating influence on furniture craft. The story followed by Miss Robie is faseinat-ing-, the craving for beauty of the time bearing fruits in carv-ed cupboards, tables and. the still treasured chests of which pictures illustrate the best type. This fifteenth century developed an exaggeration of furniture as well as dress; it was the flcl\'v'ingof extravagant Gothic. The Italian renaissance gave a fresh impulse to art. Quoting from Symonds, Miss Rohie wri.tes: "Durlng that period the entire nation seemed to be endowed with an in- ~tinct for the beautiful and with the capacity for producing it in every form. The same care-expended on the facade of a cathedral or the i.nterior of a palace was bestowed on the simplest piece of work-with results unparalleled to-day. The list of articles had increased considr ~ably, as may be seen in the pictures Qf state dining halls, of bed chambers and of single bits of antique furniture. Treasure chests now had become marriage coffers, miracles of inl"ay and carving and clocks had arrived. Beds, chairs and conveniences we know to-day were abundant~ The furniture maker was extending his art to paneling and beautiful ceilings, many of which have been rescued from the-ir ancient quarters and brought to America by apprecia-tive eoll'ectors, a fine example of horizontal beaming of this period lnt,,:ing been transplanted to the music-room of Frederic C. Bartlett of Chicago. The eras of Louis XIV., Louis XV. and Louis XVI were important chapters in furniture l1istory, the characteristic:.; of which are plainly set forth in this admirable review. The eighteenth century ushered in the familiar name of Thomas Chippendale, who was the first Englishman to give a title to a style, although Miss Robie recognizes him as i<more a translator than a creator." This chapter of the work has been writte.n for the modern collector of old furniture, who may turn from page to page and find lucld descriptions of Hepplewhite, Adam and Shera-ton. Briefly commencing on the time of the French Empire, the Colonal period of our own country rounds out the revie IV of historic styles of furniture. House furnishing in these days has becotne an art and con·· venient books are a help to thread the mazes of fashions :ll1d to teach distinctions between the good and the b~td. This handy litHe volumne with its numerous prints and <.i.1!al1tity of information arranged in an interestng at'd logical manner comes to fill a present need.-Ex. A scheme to fleece the unwary was. nipped in Witmingtoll, DeL, recently when the chief-of-police closed the store of the Delaware Furniture, company. The place was run as a club, each subscriber paying a weekly installment for the privilege of partici.upating ~n a drawing. It worked wen for the schemers. A quarter of a century ago the sale of goods by a gift distribution plan was quite common. An attractive main prize, usually ;1 high grade piano, was placed in a NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Via GRAND TRUNK-LEHIGH VALLEY ROUTE. Two Fast Trains Daily Except Sunday. Dally. Leave Gd Rapids , 2:45 p. m. 7:05 p. m. Ar Philadelphia 3:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Ar New york .4:30 p. m. 8:40 p. rn. Service unsurpassed. For further information'-"'"applyat City Office, Morton House Block. c. A. JUSTIN, C. P. 8. T. A. window and envelopes containing numbers corresponding to numbers placed upon articles offered as prizes were placed in a box. Patrons paid a stated sum for the privilege of dl"aw-ing the envelopes from the box and receiving the articles the numbers in the envelopes called for. The principal prizes were never drawn. The envelope containing the numbers of the piano and other principal prizes Were laid flat in the bottom of the box, which the hand of the patron never reached. It was a very profitable scheme to the merchants employing it, but was put under the ban when the bill to'lotteries was enacted as a law by the congress of the United States. ---------------------------------- ---- Partners in Lif,e-U nited in Death. George B. Lewis, vice president, and Hero M. Amsden, until recently manager of the New England .furniture com-pany, died on 1\.la1'ch 21 and were buried on l\{arch 24, in Grand Rapids. Deceased bad been ofj-iciats of the :-Jew Eng-land Furniture company since 1880 and ,,,"ere \videly known and generally respected. The funerals were largely attended by members of the loc<ll Furniture IVTanufacturers' Associa-tion, also by members of the Pythian fratertlity and friends. Both were fifty-seven years of age. The local association of manufacturers adopted the following resolutions at a meet-ing called fol' that purpose: "That the sad news of the passing a.vay of Hero M. Ams-den and George B. Lewis ha>i come with a >iense of personal >iorrow and loss to their friends and business associates. "That by reason of integrity and honesty in business deal-ings, and high character, loyalty and devotion in their person- ,Ill relations, they have justly won the respect, estc,cm and re-gard of those \vho carne into contact with them. "That we desire in honor of their memory and so far as words can avail. to express and be"r \'litness to our respect and regard for them and our sincere sorrow in their passing; away. "And that we do hereby extend to the families of the late Hero M. Am~dell and George B. Lewis our deep and sincere 31 Israel Goodman, Jacob Tobias and Casper Gol'dberg re-cently organized the Puritan Furniture company, in Chelsea, _Uasi'., 'with $3,000 capita1. John Euwer and H. B. Fisher will engage in the retail furniture business in Youngstown, O. E. A. Turnbull of the Grand Ledge (.:\Ilich.) Chair CiOm-pany, \"iho was seriously injured by a fall in January, is sJowly reeove.rjng. Ulpt, Gahagan of Chattanooga, Tenn., reports that the factories of that city are well E'upplied with orders. Over in Boston fire escapes arc found to be so da.ngerous that they are trying to escape fire escapes. J. H. Parkham has been engaged by the Chattanoga Fu~'- nitLtre \'famtfactllrl;rs' Associatic..Jn as sales manager. R. J. Sbattuek and company lost their stock of furniture by fire in Litchfield, )1jch., recently. l\{ay, Stern and company have opened a store in Pitts-burg, Pa. Leo Lehman is the manager. S. D. Johnson has purchased the two furniture stores of the Campbell Furniture company, in Marysville, Cal. Prospectors visited Johnson City, Tenn., recently .• pre-paring to invest $100,000 in the erection of a factory to make furniture. H. E. Schumacher wi1t manage the \Vashingtoll 'Street sto:·c an<l Julia Mor;·ow the furniture department of the north I'",,,,,, "" "."," ,.•" ~,~, 'Pr'''I'';'''';' r"",,,"~1 in. ".,'t.,,,I,, ";'1, "r ('h","."""""'"j.l,,.,," """,',.,"'i,",..,,",",,(,'",,'.("''0"',''''''''''nI",,",i,.i.,i,,,..,.,,,,.T,h. ","I,",.,",".,"1'"'''''''''1'''"'''"~,'1' 1,·,',n,u.1 I~;I~:"~.:~,,:';,: ,~:i ;,1,':'i;';i:,;";::;, ",':.;; t:~~~~::~, ";':~I~'I"',~';:.:~; ';'..:i( •,:~~";'ud~j .~:i (~'.,"""."1h••,,',",,,,"",<o,·,,·d """h .,"" ""h ~'''''''"''''''''"' ," "'r,,'"' ,",I >,co.. i:dd '",'r,'''''''''.''' ,,( ",,' OlIO;;"" .I,,,,,,. "".,,, 101m,'"," 1l§::2:~~:~::':::~~:~.~jj~El.:~.~~~;:':~~;'~::,:'~:·~"~:':;;":'{;,:.~~:f~;':~:~ SAMPLE OF GOOD ADVERTISING, sympatby in their herC'<lvement, and direct that a copy of these resolutions be sui.tab1y cng-rossed and presented to each of sair! families." Trade Notes. R. D. ""VarreD has leased .F. C. Roser's furniture store in Canajoharie, N. Y.. for a te;·m of :years and will' conduct the bnsiness. LOllS L. Valentinc, Andrew E. Brake of Chicago have o~g<l\1ized company with $6,OCO capital. The sale of Oliver Rothert's toona, Pa., to Gimhel Brothers 000, is reportcd. A warehouse v.rill be e:'ected by Miller, Stewart & Beaton retailers, of Omaha. The ,~rillan Manufacturing company, reccntly incorpor-ated in Marion, Ind., ,vill erect a factory. F. M. Finnell of \Vinolla, Minn, and George B.DoyJe of rvIil1neapolis have entered the employ of the John Brcssmer company of Springfield, Ill. The ),'lacey company succeeds the ]\l'1acey-\.V. ernicke com-pany in Grand Rapids. l\lr. 'Vernickc continues as presi-dent and devotes lljS entire attention to lhe. bnsiness: James R. \VyEe is vice president, E. K. Pritchett secretary and Frederick K. Tobey treasurer, Seaver and Joseph F. the Century Furniture building· and stock of Philadelphia, for in Al- $200,- L side store of the Lefebere Furniture cOlllpany in Green Bay, 'Vis., hereC\[ter. T1~e errors of future excellence. costly teacher. The \Vinston (N. C.) Furnitnre company plant was sold at auction, recently, J. S. Clarkson has opened a furtliture store at Fort ~~Vnrth. 'V. TI. Hodges succeeds J. \V. Booker in Burlington, la. Tuttle & Kimball succecd Harvey bTeene in Rochester, Mich. C. E. J orgen""on's fUl'11iturc plant in Chicago, ,",,-as entered by safe blowers and ,\fter overpowexing the watchman, the snfe was 1:Ilo,.vnopen and $25 and $1.500 in notes was obtain-ed. One of the men is said to be a former employe. The Kindd Somersaultic Davellport company of St. Louis, wil! manufacture Davenport bcds in New York. Capita.l stock is $6,000. Thc American Furniture company, :rvlartinsville, Va., have purchased four acres of ground and will establish a furniture factory. The I\,{inot, N. D., Furniture company has been incorpo-rated. Capital invested i,s $25,000. The Jamestown FUf11iture company has been incorporated with an 3\.1thorized capital stock of $5.000, at Newport News, the past sh(ltlld serve as warning guides to' Experience is iHl excellent though a.t t!mes ,...----------- ---- ---- ---- - - No. 2030. DRESSER. Full Swell, Glass Knobs. Qoartered Oak, Mahogany ~ Bird' ,-eye Maple. Polished. Plate, 16x:18 Top. 20][36. The Northern Line HAS DISTINCTIVE MERIT that must not be overlooked. Its WONDERFUL GROWTH IN POPULARITY, which is shown by our record of results is evidence of the fact that it sells along the LINES OF LEAST RESISTANCE KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THIS LINE Get the Catalogue. Northern Furniture Company SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Manufacturers of BED ROOM, DINING ROOM and KITCHEN FURNITURE. No. 3531. CHIFFONIER. Full Swell, Glass Knobs. Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Bird·s Eye Maple. Polished. Plate, 14lt.2.4. Top; Iling. PERSONALITY IN SALESMEN. Salesmanship is as much a science as Seamanship. The clever seaman has given him. the ship, with her various sails, her steering gear, her compass, and the vary-ing winds, with which he maneuvers and gets speed out of her. The more clever the seaman, the mote will be turn the opposition of the elements into· useful channels, the very gales into horsepower. Did you ever read Doan's "Two Years Before the !\Iast?" It illustrates to the full the difference between the captain who commands the ship, and the captain who is cornmandcd by the ship. The former knows to a nicety bovv tar safety lies in the list to port, and how many yards of canvass the gale \vill per-mit, how much the mast can safely bend. TIle captain of the latter, less fearful of the storm, £u: Is his sails, and with bare poles is dictated to by that which he should tUrJ1to his use. Just ,~(}'\lith the fu'nitul'e salesrnaJl. The~·e are as many kinds are the:'e are varieties of captains, 33 stores. The medicare salesman, however, as a r,uIe, has evolved from mediocre ranks as it result 0{ cultivating per-sonality by 110ticing things. I hold that any fairly intelligent salesman at, or even a trifle under par as to results may, either teach himself by ohservation or be taught, the selling habit that runs into t1gu,es. That fact is even being recogn,i,zed a." wo:thy of higher cduc:ltion and suggestion has been made that the study of salcsmanship be added to the col1ege course. How many times has the unsllceessful seller watched the retreating back of his lost customer, with a full knowledge that his 5hort- COIning'lost a sale, yet witbo1lt the remedy? I canont tell the one, who needs a remedy, just what that remedy i~, hut I can tell him how to discover it himself. ! First of all, absolutely know your stock. That means know veneer as veneer, and birch as birch. Know what' is a dowel. a dovetail, a splasher, a mortise joint, a standard :'llld all such things that pertain technically to the goods. Tf ,you don·r know these things, gO down stairs and ask qucstions of the repair man, who generally has factory exper- Made by lhe L-nt~ Table Co .• Narbville, Mich. hut there is only one variety ,~.-hjchlasts and gets the salJry, and that is the one who puts personality into his selling, to whom the cLlstomer is the wind, which, blow hot or blow cold, enTries him to a sale. The salcsman, whom the clIst01ner steers, will ulake salE"~ but not ill quantities such as the salesman \\'110 steer~ the customcr. The mediocre seHer shows his customer a num-ber of the articles asked for, notes the one admired, and im-mediately fans allover himself in his recol11mendati'onoi that particular one. The customer is quite likely to change her milld, on closer inspection. The salesman is then brought to the pass of letting his praised article down easy, or ignor-ing it for the new choice. The customer, not knowing the line is bound to be fickle, and seldoll], except in the case of strong mind cd people, flxes (ll1;illy on an cady choice. If the salesman shifts with the choice of his custome,', he simply makes of himself an automaton clJilrgcd 'with the ans\vers tn certain questions ill thc \'vay of lLicc, wood, 01" size. Any well informed sa1esmal1 can answer sl,ch questions and price is not paid for that knowledge. Sall:s by such are made only to cllstomen who know tlH~ hOllse. ;111(1 come to huy. any way, and who would buy from whomever waited upon them. These are the twelve and fifteen dollar men in the average 1ence. Use these technical names in selling. It begets con-ildence. Get so accustomcJ to measurements that you do not need a tape measure to ascertain the size of mirrors or the width oi bases. DOll't attempt to open locked d:.-awers of which :the key is lost, or similar attention divertcrs. If the detail management of the store is such that keys are lost that should not be, 01· if casters are out which should be in, or mirrors dirty which should be clean, leave the casters and the key and the mirror talk alone, and make the mental reservation that when you get to be man.'lgcr, such things will not be. All this knowledge and the more you look into it the more more you will see to pick up, becomes in time your person-alit),. You don·t neul to be agg:'essive anJ bluster to have thi:" quality. The man who knows, and knows he know:;, impresses oth-ers \vith his knowledge, and the reverse is just as true, He who is ignorant and Lies to hide it is apt to advertise it. Havi ng. then. a fuB knowledge of your st,ock, 110 custo,wer call ent:l11g1e yOll, and your story. \vil[ systcmaticaliy;Jlang to- !!,"cthel"; Tben is the time, not before, like the captain of the ship, tn use tllC gale to add speed to the sJlip. 34 l[ the customer knows i.t an, as they often do, stick firm-ly to what you know to be right. If its solid mahogany and you know it, and he says it isn't, make it stick that it is. if you have (0 whittle it to show him. He may be provoked on being mistaken, hut you've got his confir'ence. Tell the truth. If you have a job where they don't want the truth told, get out as quickly as you can. You arc sim1l1y make a chump of yourself for so much per, and if you ever get a job in a white store, your misrepresenting hahit will get you into trouble. You don't need to be good looking, or curly headed, or deep voiced to be a salesman with personality. Tt's all a question of being well grounded and sticking to your ground, withOltl being nasty abOtlt i.t. Let your customer hove':'"ove.· everthing she likes, giving her the good points of each. Let her indicate her preference, not yours, and don't commit yOU - .self to a 48-inch dresser as being the only thing, to discover that her space limit is 45 inches. That would be setting and trimming your sails before you know the direction of the wind. One great <lest-roye,! of sales i.s the preconceived ide<l-of the salesman that the cllstomer don't want to buy, but is only looking, You might as well guess the number of beans in the quart jar. Anyone with curiosity and time enough to go into a fur-niture store, however indifferent appea:-ing, can be turned into a customer, or influenced to become one later. You are, hired to spend so many hours a day t:ying to sell goods, and the scheme that gets you the big total should be your labeled scheme. \Vhat odds then, if you spend time on an unresponsive looker, whom you think you cannot sell in preference to waiting for a customer whom you m"y or may not sell"? It is a common habit among salesmen to "shake'· the looker who don't "look good" and often such lookers go to the next store down the street ~',ndb\1y. You might as well give up that habit. It i5 bad, and wrong, and foolish. A splendid thing to go along ",,·ith personality is to look after your customers after you do sell tht:.m. Very many salesmen book the orde··, particularly in the large c:tics, and then the incident dies. \Vhether 0: not the shipper shillS well, or the deaner dea'ns well, -is in their estimation a matte;- that concerns the house rather than them. Get in touch with your post 1110:·temsales. If anything goes wrong, you will come in for your share of the curses. Call up your customers by phone, or if they ha\"e ::Lbig bill. go and see them. That is the way to l2nd them and their friends for second orders. Even if everything is all right and the customers sati.sJied, it shows an interest and t:hat all comes under personality or influence. Set down some evening and figure these things out. If you have brains you will easily see the chances and can appl~: them to yourself. If you can't or don't care, you haven't bothered to read this article, anyway, and the don't care sales-men are generally brainless. The bulk of all furniture buyers now holding good posi-tions, were promoted from the ranks of salesmen, not of ne-cessity being the top notchers in sales, but having a furniture pers0nality, and knowing what they knew. 1£ there is a man in your store wbo, under the same condi-tions as you, and with tl~ hetter leverage, sells more than you, watch him, and see how he docs it. Don't be one of those salesmen, of which every large store has several, 'who are more fitted by lack of enterprise to measue cold molasses, and the colder the better. The fur-niture business calls for a larger share of selling intelligellcc than many others; the competition among salesmen is kecn-e~, and the chance for comparison better. If you tack ambi-tion to better yourself in the business, yOu arc simply play-ing second base, with a hetter man on the bench, and he is bound to exchange with you. W. J. CALDER. Rockford, 111. I t is a pleasure to visit Rockford and call on the many busy furniture manufactures there. They are all' gentlemen, and, though busy, "fail not to cnte the strange:'." If Grand Rapids is the Furniture City, when the fU:'niture output does not represent more than 40 per cent of the total V<lluatioll of goods mauufactu:ed in that city, what shall be said of Rockford, whose furniture output l~nearly or quite two-thirds of the total valuation of the city's manuiactures? There is not a city in the union, and hardly a 1i.-st class furniture store in the land where Rockfo;-d furniture may not be found. \Vhen these facts a:·e taken intn consideration, it is apparent that something is doing in Rockford, The Forest City Furnitu. c company is having a fine busi-ness. Manager Clmk saill they wO'llld be on hand in their regular space on the second floor of the big Waters building, Grand Rapids, in July with a bunch of new patterns, and the same old bunch of salesmen; don't need an~' new patterns in that line, as the old ones are "onto the curves" of every-thing and everybody in the fwniture business. . Charley Lundberg of the Co-Operative Furnitme company is an expansionist-believes, like Teddy the First, in being a world power; so after huildill,g up the business of the Co- Operative Furniture company to a higher pl,.ce than it ever occupied before, he og,lllized another company named the Made by Mechanic6 Furnil~ Co • Rockford. Ill. Rockford Cabinet company, bought the big factory of the Rockford Burial Case company, turned it into a furniture fac-tory, and is turning out a line of buffets, chinas, bookcases and clinil}gextensiol1 tables that sell at sight. The Rockford Chair & Furniture company is never idle, never 5ho: t of orders, and will soon mail a'r ·tnusually attrac-tive picture book of good things to the furniture trade. The 11·echanics Furniture company has a new catalogue of buffets, china closets and serving taMes in oak; parlor cahinets in mahogany and music cabinets in mahogany ,wal-nut, oak and birch. It is a beautiful catalogue and every dealer should have a copy. Since my last visit to Rock-ford this company has erected a large addition to the factory, adding more than one-third to the floo: space, which enables them to largely increase their ontput. They will have a fine exhibit in Chicago in July. The Cent:a1 Furniture company is one of the busy ones. Their line of china closets llne] bookcllses is onc of the hest ill the \",llOle }{ockford bUllch. The Union Furniture company will' 1110ve their exhibition in July in G and Rapids from the scco11(l fl.oor of the IVlasonic Temple to the seventh floor of the new Manufacturers' build-ing on Ionia st:·ee1. 'where they will have for neighbors the l\fuskcgOll Val1ey Furniture cornpany and .I\100n Desk com-pany of "\l uskegon. The T{ockfo,d Frame & Fixture cornpany are the largest manufacturers of fancy cabinet ware in Illinois. The line of pa,lor cabinets is a st (Jng one, and they have built up a trade that spreads all over tbe country. The Rockford Standard Furniture cmllpany are rnailing a new catalogue. Its full of pictures of sellers. The Royal 1,'1ante1 & Furniture company are enjoying a flne t:·ade. and the Rockford Desk company makes a similar report. Rockford IS soon to have another fu nihue factory. The ll1inols Cabinct company is the !lame. Capital stock $100,000. Thc factory will he located in Ellst Rockford, on the Eighteenth avenue car lill('. not fa" from the Royal Man-tel & FurniW'-e company. The olhcers llre: John P. Lundell, president and K. E. KliUbsOll secretary The main building \vil1 be 224 x 128 feel. three stories. The intention of the C011lplllly is to bring out a line of mission fu"niture, and later if the trade demands it. a scneral li11e of furniture 1'01' which Rockfv'c1 has become famons. C. :"J. Vi. A. R. Peebles, Manager. Since the withdrawal of the late II. 1\-'1. Amsden from the manag-e11lcnt of the Xew England .Furniture company, the 35 duties of that official have been performed by A. R. Peebles, the secretary uf the company. Hc is a vigorous, energetic young man and it is the purpose of the company to continue his employment in a managerial position. FURNITURE MEN IN ASSOCIATION. "Aggressive and Protective" Union Formed. A permanent state organization caBed the Home Furn-i~ hers' Association of ~Iassachusetts has been organized by Boston and state urniturc dealers in the retail trade, with about 100 members. The object is aggressive and protec-tive." Tts officers are: p:-esident, C. E. Osgood, the C. E. Osgood company, Bost011; first vice~president, C. N. Pea-body. Eldridge & Peabody, Boston; second vice-president, John L. Robertson, Robertson & Co., Lowell; third vice-president, Jackson Caldwell, J. Caldwell & Co., Somerville; fowth vice-president, Lou Adams, People's House Fumish-ing company, Haverhill: secretary, 1\-1. A. \;Yood, the C. E. Osgood company, A. McArthur compa'ny, Boston. Executive Council-Richard E. "Vv'arner, House~old Furnishing com-pany, Xew Bedford; Henry L. Ki!icaide, Henry & Co., Quincy; Geo!'ge L. Hersey, J. VV. Hersey & Son, Springfield: llugh .McLean, McLean Brothers, Holyoke; J. J. Sullivan, Huckley & Sullivan, Lawrence; Stephen Harrington, Ste~ phen Harringtoll, Cambridge; Charles~ Flint, Flint & Barker, \Vorceste,; B. A. Atkinson, Frank Ferdinand, Boston. Audi-tors- Geo. J. Bicknell, Atkinson company, Boston; James Ellis, James Ellis company, South Boston; LeBaron Ather-lon, ;\therton Furniture company, Brockt011. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Be,t In America Parlor Suils Our New Line in of Two, Three Davenport .nd Beds Five Pieces are the very best made in that can be made Stationary Styles and Prices .nd to suit Loose Cushions EV"'Ybody ONE OF OUR BIC SELLERS. OUf new line will be shown only at our Show Rooms, 35 to 39 North Capit:aI Ave., lndianapo~. Ind, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE OF DAVENPORT BEDS. 36 THE LEXINGTON Mic~ Blvd.& 22d 51 CHICAGO. ILL. Refurnished and re-fitted throughout. Neu" Mana/{ernent. Tbe furniture dealers' head-quarters. Most con-veniently sitllated to the furnilure display houses. Inler·Slale Hotel CO. OWNBR & PROPRIETOR E. K. CrUey, Pres.; T. M. eritey, V. Pres.; L.H. Firey, Sec-T1eas. Chicago, March 25.-The furniture manufacturers of Chi-cago are all busy at this writing, reports from those inter-viewed going to show that the volume of trade has continued most satisfactoril"y through February and "the current month. President A. P. Johnson of the Johnson Chair company has been seriously ill for some time at his home, but is re-ported to be imlvovillg at tbis writing. 1V1r.Johnson has been atTIictcd for several years with a complication of troubles. President Joseph Meyer of the Manufacturers' Exhibition Building company spent a week during the middle of the current month in the States of Indiana and :Michigan. Presi 'dent Meye" found ,all of the mallufactl1~e:'s busy and in addi-tion to rcncwals of old contracts for space, received appli-cations for a goodly number of new leases in the Big Build-ing. John Horn, Horn B:'others: "The condit;ol1s with tiS arc vcry satisfactory. There has been no letting up in the volume of our trade. but on tbe conL-a'y there has been a marked increase. Jaquary of this year was $1,200 ahead of January a year ago, and Feb:uary has 1--.;::en$2,400 better than February",1905." Manage:-,.CbarJes Elmendo:-f of the Manistee Manufactur-ing company, was in Chicago the 21st inst., and wii's' on his way to the P~icific coast for a business trip of sever:il weeks. Mr. Elmendorf will visit Portland and Baker City, Ore., also Tacoma, Seattle and other coast,t'~i~i~&~ "On his ;'eturn he will stop off a'{~ansas City and' Omaha. J. Y. Ellwer;~and n. H. Fisher of J. Y_ Ellwer Sons, Youngstown, Qc"visited this market on the 24th illst., to pur-chase furniture for a new store to be opened at Youugstown, E. C. Allen of the Carrom-Archarena company, Luding- -ton, Mich., was in Chicago on the 22d inst. The Carrom- Archarena company, in addition to manufacturing a strong line of· boards; arc making a strong line of tables_ 1\'1r. ;'AJlen was in Chicago for the purpOSe of placing the table pine agency with some of the local commission houses. Mr. ,Allen was for a tc:-m of years a salesman for the ).lanistee ·lI.Janufacturing company i~\'t~c 'carly days of that company. F. T. Plimpton and company have been having a sec-tional' bookcase exhibit at the Business Show which has been /'IR'T' e ?,.. running the past hvo weeks at the Coliseum. The exhibit was a display of the goods made by the Humphrey Book Case company of Detroit. H. C. Plimpton of La Farge, "Vis., who operates a furui-ture and gcncral store in that town, was in the Chicago ma.- ket the past "leek. l\1rs_ Plimpton, who is at the head of the millinery and fancy goods department, accompanied her 11llsbalJd. Mr. Plimpton is a brother of F. T. Plimpton, the well known Chicago commission man. \\Fork on the Kew Southern Hotel addition will begin April 10. The present five story building fronting on Michi-gan avenue will be torn down and a new ten story fireproof "trttcture will be eeeted in its prace. Secretary Charles G. White has just returned from a two weeks' trip during which he visited the furniture centers be-tween Jamestown, N. Y., and Evansville, Ind. Mr. '\'hite s;~ys he found all of the munufacture"s J:.'lsy, the advance made in prices before the first of the year appa:-ently cutting no figu:-e in the volume of business. The National Business Show, which has been running dw past t\-vo weeks at the Coliseum, has had among other exhib-itors stich well known concerns to the furniture trade as Cen-tral :VTanufacturing company, Sto:-ey Furnitu:-e company, Am~ berg File & Index company, and the Macey-Wern:c-kf: com-pany. Al'so the McCollum :Manufacturiltg company of TT ammond, Ind_ The Lathrop company, wholesalers of furniture, 1319 l\lichigan avenue, are sending out five thousand catalogues to their furniture trade. The catalOgUe is .arranged in very convenient form for the inspection of the dealer, Cuts and prices are shown of their big line of oak suites, dressers, com-modes and sideboards. which the Lathrop company carry in their Chicago warehouse for immediate shipment. Charl'es A. Fisher and company's plant at Lincoln, Ill., was visited by a small fire the second week of this month, result-ing in putting temporarily out of commission several carding machines. The Lincoln plant has been running their card-ing machines day and night on three shifts, This plan will be continued as the company now has orders in for one thousand of the famom; Rex Inner Tufted mattresses. On account of tbe interruption by fire the Chicago wa:-ehouse FOUNDED 1888 Reduce Your StockII at a good profit or sell en-tire stock at cost. "TNE NEW.IDEA MEN" 460 Monon BI'd'g CHICAGO SALES MANAGERS WRITE FOR TERMS. through the enst. Mr. Schneider says the trip was a very satisfactory one, as he has never had a more successful period for doing business. Rumo:'s have been current of late that the Peck & Hills company arc planning to secure a lease on the p:-operty at 1234 l\lichigan avenue with the view of erecting a building of their'6wn in which they can display the big list of lines they-carry. J. C. Hills, when qucst:oned, said that the matter will be drawn npon to fill urgent orde-s_, , J osepb 'J, Schncider of Schneider & Allman, commission merchants, has ju,st returned ham an eight weeks' trip of having a building of their own has been more or less under consideration the past ten years and that the question is as indefinite at this time as' ever. Hanke Brothers, 129-137 N. Ada street, Chicago, have just gotten out their twenty-eighth annual catalogue and are mail-ing the same to the furniture trade. The catalogue is a com- ..rrnnrDWr\Qnr IMPROVED OPEN BOLSTER ROLL Shipped one dozen in a case, K. D. flat. Covered in white muslin, $11.00. Covered in colored satine, $12 00. The Best Open Bolster Roll on the market. TRY A BOX. The Sanitary Feather Co. 249·255 S, Canal St cHICACO. plete one in every feature pertaining to the IT;-I11keline and shows that this company's goods arc stronger and better than ever. The death of Edward J. Dwyer, member of the widely known furllitl1 e n'"111 of 3.1cAllSh, Dwyer and cumpany, oc-curred Tuesday night, ).larch 2Cth, from jlncumorlia, at his home, 4940 Fllis avenue. III ~he passin:.{ of .:\h. Dwyer Chi-cago lrv.;es one of the hest kllO\Vn and ahlest business men ill the furniture trade. Possessed of a most gcnial and \vinning persoml1ity, he W(lS one of the most JloJJular of men among all those who came with;!", the circle of his acquaintance. :.rot only ,vas 1\1r. Ihvycr successful in the business ,',..orld, but he also achieved ma:'kcd SLLccessill the Ileld of politics p"cvious to the time of his entering the furniture business. ~tr. Dv,ryer was a mcmber of the sUlte senate from 1894 to 1898 that being- the \;' Jlolitical office be held. He was born in 37 ceased ,"vas a mernhcT" being present 111 a hody and prominent men, including Congressman vVilliam T "orimer of the Sixth district, a close friend of J'vlr. D\vye', and Judge Hanecy. John 1\1. Smyth alld Fred Blount. The pall bearers were CongreSS1l1an Lorimer, Scnato:" Teml11eton, John Dade, John Cook, James :Ylonaghan and And ew G:-8ham. Effective music was rendered by the St. Amb"ose cho)' The interment was in Calvary ceme!~ry. General SHies Manager alH1 Purchasing Agent R. A. Forcl of the [·'()rc1& Johnson company, has been spending the win-ter in Texas. At the p 'esent writing "fr. Ford and Mrs. Fo·d are ill Denning, where they will remain fo:" some time IOllger. "V\rh;,t Others Think" is the title of a booklet which is being mailed by the George D. \,Villiams company to the manlfacturers in the furniture trade-letters in the form of testimonials from J au nary exhibitors, the special features of desirability in exhibiting in the V\,'holesa1e Furniture Ex-hibition Building a"e stated as follows: "Direct entrance on ~lichigan a\'cnue. No cossing of bridgcs or al1ey~. Goods on exhibition eve,y day of the year. Salesmen in charge every day 01 the year. All flows face Michigan ave-nue. Located midway bel ween the two large exhibition buildings. \Vell lighted and ventilated." Fire on the 6th inst. destroyed three furniture warehouses and contents at Sheboygan, \Vis., two belonging to :McAnsh, Dwye:- and company and the other to Andrew McAnsh. The origin of the fire is believed to have been fromcossed wires. The buildings 'were valued at $90,000 and the contents at $32,- 000 and were covered by insurance. The Royal ]'dctal Ylanufacturing company, 1817-1819 Dear., born street, Chicago, have been displaying their line of goods at the )Jationa1 Business Show in the Coliseum. The Clemetsen company, manufacturers of Clemeo desks, have been having" a Clemen exhibit ~\t the National Business Show in the Coliseum building. The display included a WILL YOU PURCHASE YOUR SPRING FURNITURE AND CARPETS CD DOWNTOWN: BIG RENTS, BIG·EXPENSES. 81G PRICES t UPTOWN: LITTLE RENT. UTTl[ [XPfNSES. LITTlE PRICES! SAMPL£ OF GOOD ADVERTISING. Chicago at Ohio ;l11d :North Halstead street"" on Kov. 21. 1861. After graduating frorn the public ~chools he entered the ein-ploy of a publjs]-)]Jlg JlO11SC. This he left after a few ye:lrs, taking a clerical position in the city clerk's office, which marked his introduction into politics. In 1890 he was chmeu clerk of the \\'est town. Later he was west town assessor, assistant superintendcnt and superintendent of the city water system. The funeral took place Friday morning, :\la'ch 23. 8t 10:30 from the housc and later from St. Ambrose church. whe'te req-uiem high mas:; 'was ceJebnlted and appropriate reinarks made by JTather Foley. The fl1nenl! was very largely at-tended, memhers of the Illinois legisaltt11"( at the time dc-new typewriter desk which putting on the market. charge of the exhibit. the Clcmetsen company is just l\Ianager Reggio has been in }Tuel1(:'r Brothers we~e damaged to the amount of $8,000 by a fire in their facto"y in Chicago, recently. The capital stock of the J obn D. Raab Chair company of Grand Rapids has been inceased from $20,000 to $50,000. The business section of White Pigeon, Mich., was recently burned and loss amounted to $20,000, At. V,.rickett's furniture store was in one of the buildings which were destroyed. 38 Large il!uJtrated Catalogue Jhow] whole linc • .AiRfor Catologue uA. " Go-Carts and Baby Carriages To show our line is to show the best This Folding Reclining Go-Cart is representative of the most popular kiud this season. Wheels are 12 inches in diameter; rubber tired. Springs front and rear, uutless axles. Dash and Back adjustable. We manufacture four other sizes of Go·Carts in many designs, also a large line of handsome Baby Carriages. \Vith the opening of navigation business always becomes 1110re brisk in Detroit. This does 110t apply so much to the m"anufacturing business, especially the mal1ufacture of furni-ture, as the furniture makers of this city <1"e busy all the year round, but to the retail t "ade and general business of the city_ Thousands of men find remunerative employment dur-ing the season of navigation along the docks. in the great warehouses, and in the shipping roems of H:cwholesalc dis-trict. 111 dry goods, hardware, groceries, boots and shoes, clothing, drugs and chemicals, Detroit is one of the leading jobbing cente_rs of the west, and trade with the jobbers al-ways becomes more active when the boats begin thciT" sea-son operations. All this bas a material effect on the retail furniture business, and when the tremendous amount of building that is going on in this city is taken into considera-tion, the lot of the retail furnittl'c merchant does not seem to be a hard one, to say the least. Detroit is rapidly becoming a g-reat -financial cente", with. more than a SCOT"eof banks, trust companies and other fi-nancial institutions. The latest of these is the Security T ust company. M. 1- :Ylurphy, president of the ~Iurphy Chair Murphy Chair Co. A COMPLETE LINE American Go-Cart Company Detroit, Mich. No.89H company, is one of the organizers. of this latest eute-prise. ~Ir. Murphy is 011eof the most active and valuable members of the Detroit Boa,d of Commerce, which- is doing so much to advance tl,c mate: ial prosperity of Detroit. Having built up from the smallest kind of a beginning the largest chair factory in the state, and one of the very largest in the country, Mr. Murphy has found time to interest himself in many other enterprises in this city, and is looked up to as one who speaks with authority-the outgrowth of knowledge. Among the other great enterp:-ises of Detroit are the Wolverine Manufacturing company and the Cadillac Cabinet company, at the head of wh:ch is Frederick B. Smith. He is another illustration of what b:·ains, industry and enterprise may accomplish. and the two great factories under his per-sonal care and watchfulness are a monument which any man might well be proud of. To be a successful merchant and manufacturer at the same time, building up both branches of the furnitu:-e trade at the same time, is what vVilram ]. Streng has shown h-m-self capable of doing. The Grand Upholstering company con-ducts one of the leading retail stores on Gratiot avenue, while the Palmer rV1anufacturing company is one of the lead- MANUFACTURERS DETROIT, MICH Pioneer MfS. Co ... DETROIT, MIen. R66tI furnitUrll BabU GarriaOlls Go-Gans ROOKWOOD and a general lille of FI\NGY TI\BLfS Write for Cuts and Prict:ll palMER Manufacturing Co. 1015 to 1035 Palmer Ave. DETROIT, MICH. iug- table m:lmlfactnring conce us in Detroit. Doth of these enterprises arc due to the push and good judgment of }'[f. Streng. The Pionce:' ]\[anllfncturing company, adjoining the Pal-mer 1Iatlufactllring company, 11Ial1ufacll1:"CfS of reed and rat-tan chairs. rockers. children's ca. riages and go-carts. IS under the personal supervision of George Streng, b "other of \V. ]., and i:-i highly prosperous. The la:-gest factory in the United St;lks operated exclus-ively ill the manufacture of dining extension tables is that of the Posselius Brothc:"s Furniture r-,''!<llll1factllring company. Their famous Victor extension table has prohably the larges:- sale of filly p;\tent extension table ever put on the market \V. F. Barke-- and compZlny "v:11 S()Ol1 o::cn up their Hew :\Iicbigan 'Wellt.le retail store. Tt ,,,ill he o.n(' of the Il1le",t fu:-niture stores in the city. Victor V. Ceulebrock will be in ch<t:'g-e of the new store. while V·l. E. Barker \vil1 have general supervision of it as well as the \Voodward avenue _~tore, J, C V'/idman and company are having" a booming trade in ha11"furniture and china closets. The ;-\111eric;\n Go-Cart comp:I11Y is also en:oying- a tine trade in rccd and rattan chairs, children's carriages and gO-carts. The Humphrey Bookcase company have added a line of regular library bookeasc.s :ltld lihrary :\11(1 office tables. Evansville, Ind. The factories of b:vallsville are well provided with onle:-s. The staple goods. embracing "everything for the household and the allice," made in this city are ever in demanr!' V'lith an abundance of moderate priced materials, skilled lahor aud superior facilities for shipping goods, Evansville is in position to rnailltZlill her supremacy in the trade. \\-'0: k upon the new factory of the Specialty vurniture company is progressing satisfactorily and ,:v-ill he ready f01" operatiol1 befOl-C the opening of the fall season of trade. Thc nockstege Fu:-niture company reports a very satis-factory demand for tables for the dining room, the parlor and the charnhe-- Secretary Jourdan is welt pleased with the conditions existing in the trade_ "The Hanner Line" of metal beds continues to please the trade. [t is strong in every featnre. The Karges Fu:'niture COtnp8ny a'-c mailing a catalog"ue of chamher furnittl1-c and ..v..anirobes just from the press. Seeing Mexico. A, YV. Hampe of th~ R0yal Furniture eompany. Gr:-l.nd Rapids, is spending a few weeks in old ".\'1cxico. He has ill\'cstmcnts there. 39 WILL DISCHARGE UNION MEN. Southern Furniture Men Tell' Employes to Leave Unions or Shops on April 5. Five thousand workmen in thirty-odd manufacturing plants of f1igh Point, one of the greatest furniture manufacturing tmvns of the south, have been informcd that on April 5 no union men would he employed in thcse plants_ Careful es-timates put the number of mcn involved at 2,000_ The manufacturers, most of whom are furniture makers, say that many of the employes -were opposed to being o:gan-izcd, seeing only useless friction as a result of suell action. Since the nrg;ll1izatiol1 of the workmen ill iec1ing sprung up. Employers declare the new order merely a matter of business with no ill ,viII. The orgallization of I11gh Point labo:" has exceeded on a basis anything yet worked up in a southe~ 11 manuiacturing town of its size, aod the outcome will be watched with inte:"- est. Furniture makers are well organized and prepared to pull together should a J1ght be lllflde, but it is believed ther;; will be no light. Why It Holds. There are some pecple ,so lwsy that they can hardly find time to investigate the merits of all article like the Tower pat~"t fastener for holding drawer puHs and knobs sec.1l.-dy in place. Yet a mere glance at the cut will show that they a:e the little bradded washers that fasten themselves into both sides of the drawer when the knob or pull is fitted on; which ean never, by ally possibility get !oose, while the furniture lasts. This is very importallt, as it really adds to the vnlue of the furniture much mo~e than the cost of the trimmings, while the litlle fa."tcncrs eost absolutely nothing. But the husy man may ask how it is that these fasteners add to the \';ilue of the furniture more than the cost of the tritnmillg~? In reply, we ask, is not an insured house wo:·th more than it v,'ould be if not insured? v\Tell, these little fasteners in-sure the drawer fronts against marring by the pulls getting loose and dropping down. Then it is not an infrequent thing to fi.nd a knob or pull missing altogether, when they are not fastened with the Tower patent fastener, and as i.t is almost impossible to match the others with the same style of knob or pull. fin entire l1CWset of trimmings becomes necessary. So the importance of having all furniture ftted with the Towe: patent fastener, made only by the Grand Rapids Bras" com-pany, beC01l1eSapparent. --- The Sanitary Feather Company nf Chicago is one of the leading feather houses in that city. They arc putting in an 130 horse power Corliss engine to take the place of the present engine which is much too small for their rapidly growing business. Among th,eir specialties is the "Featherweight" improved holster roll, il1ust~'ated on an-other pagc_ It is shipped in cases of one <:!ozen each, k. d. flat, covered -in '\vl,ite rnns\-ill, $11.00 a dozen; in c.olored satine $12.CO a dozen. Their ;~ddr('ss is 249 to 255 South Canal street, Chicago. 40 ESTABLISH EO 1sea I"UI'L.Ii5Hl!:D ay MiCHIGAN ARTISAN co. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFFICEw-2-20 LYON ST., GRANO RAPIOS. MICH. EtlTE:REO AS MATTER Of THE 8ECOND CLASS By the (kath cf H. M. Amsden and George B. Lewis, Wil-liam S. Emery and O. A. ,Va d remain as the sole survivors of the original New England Furniture company. Elias Skinner and E. F. "'lard passed away a number of years ago. I-I. C. Brooks and Charles E. :"leech and others sold Qut their stock several years ago, and when the annual dinners of the company shall be held in the future there will be many va-cant chairs. Messrs. Emery and Ward have steadily support-ed the cO:'po'ration through many vicissitudes of its past history, and their minds are filled with kindly thoughts of those who have gone to the great unknown. The incorpor-ators were natives of New England and in honor of t!1;:Hsec-tion the company was named. The stories that have reached the ears of the manufac·· turers of the east in regard to the p~osperity of the Los An-geles district are almost beyond belief. Here is one by Ed Caldwell: ;'During the past six months 75,000 people from the east entered the Los Angeles district. It is estimated that their expenditures averaged $6.CO per day per head." The furniture dealers had a wonderful volume of trade, but to the reflecting mind a commodious hash foundry would not be a bad proposition for Los Angeles during the winter sea-son. \\'hile the January selling season was disappointing to many exhibitors in the volume of o:ders taken, the manufac-turers have had very satisfactory returns from the buyers Wl10 took memo:-anda, The value of. the exposition plan for sell-ing goods has been asce~tained, and its practicability estab-lished. The national house of representatives will probably pass a bill to put alcohol used in the a ts on the free list.fhe senate may be depended upon to pigeon-hole the bJl, however, and nothing more will be heard of the measure during the life of the present congress. If the floor spaces of the furniture exposition huildings 01 New York, Chicago and St. Louis were combined under one roof there would not be sufficient room to exhibit samples of the lines of furniture produced by the manufacturers of Grand Rapids. 1\ow the table makers (extension) are at it. Quite a num-ber have signed an agreement to withdraw their lines from the expositions and a number quite as large have signed leases for space in the exposition towns in \.,.hich to show their lines. In the olden time the world possessed but seven wonders. Now its wonders are countless in number. The twenty-five {urnitureexposition buildings in Grand Rapids rank among the most wonderful. The manufacturers of Grand Rap:ds a-e fully employed upon orders. This condition will not interfere with the work of preparing for a magnificent exhibition of eaSe goods in Juty next. The railroads of Ge manl'give rapid transit of ex-porf" at favored rates; a diffe ent plan from' that followed by certain American rail wads ill giving rebates to ta~o_ ed i.ndustries. Buying goods from pictures calls for the employment of the imagination. Buying from sampleS. CIemands judgment. Be a market buyer and leave imagination a't home, Only in Gqnd Rapids is it possible to show the largest collection 'of furniture on the earth. The city has twenty-five buildings devoted to exposition ,Purposes. The legislature of Massachtts'etts has refused to pass a bill purposed to prohibit the eUlployment of women and min~ ors overtime in factories. The agreement of the congressional" sub-commitee on a free alcohol bill is about the most tonic thing in the air at Vlashington. Customers demand new things-something different. The!'le can be bought advantageously hythe market buyer. All space in the exhibition buildings has been taken and the Grand Rapids show in July will be the g:eatest on earth. The rilore a salesman knows about some things and less about others, the better salesman he is. "Out·of-Town" Checks. The legal right of hanks to charge for the collection of out-of-town checks is about to be tested in the courts, upon the initiative of the directos of the I1Lnois Mal1ufactu:"'e s' Association. This association hIS been greatly dissatisfied with the ~ew rule of the banks impos:ng this check-collection fee and has been advised by counsel" that the rule is illegal. The proceeding to test its legality is held by agreement with the Chicago clearing house committee. Prior to January the banks made no charge for collecting out-of-town cbecks. The jump from this condition tC-Jone of arbitrary fixed fees in no wise conforming to the 'absolute or relative expense of collections, so exasperated the association that the banks wc:-e forced to concede a reduction of one-third from the announced charge. The association is willing to concede charges based on the cost of collection, but not the adopted schedule, which, it is estimated, would increase the banks' revenues by fully $7,000,000 a year. Hence this suit is directly inte':csting to the commercial' world generally. Death of Gilman W. Avery. At Biloxi, Miss., on March 24, Gilman Vl.r.Avery, pres~dent of the Comstock & Avery company, Peoria, Ill., passed from earth, the result of a stroke of paralysis sustained a month previously. Deceased was a native of New Hampshire, hav-ing been born at Greenville in that state on Ma;·ch 14, 1835. He settled in Peoria in 1864 and engaged in the furniture business. He was a high mil1ded, honorable gentleman, qualities that commanded the respect and esteem of the com-munity in which he lived. His business attainments we;e many, and his judgment sound <Inri reliar'e. A wife and two sons, Frank E. and Frederick 11. Avery, are the im-mediate mourners of his loss. Capital Stock Doubled. The Hard 11al1ufacturing company, bedstead manufactur~ ers. of Buffalo, have doubled their capital stock, now making it $150,000. This new stock will be issued in full this week. They employ abont 200 hands. 41 ~!SE~ARS, ROEBUCK & CO. ~ CERTIFICATES HAVE 'ii~r@' DOUBLED IN VALUE CHAIRS FREE .... U ....- .....JAmOUlltiDI" ~ ,110 00 • A FEW OF THE MANY OTHER VALUABLE ARTICLES WE NOW DIVE FREE IN [lCMANIE FORS50.00 IN naFIT SHARINO CERTIFICAT£S. ARTICLES THAT H£RETOFORE REQUIRED SlOO.DO IN CERTIFICATU. THE PLAN OF SEARS, ROEBUCK &: CO. THE GREAT MAll ORDER HOUSE IS REVEALED IN THE MATTER ABOVE. 42 -of'"J'Vf.1:2!pRIG 7}N FOR 50 CENTS. \iVe will mail the Retail Edition of the Michigan Artisan to any address in the United States for the remainder of the year lQ06. Remit with order. MICHICAN ARTISAN CO" GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS Amerl('-Jl,ll Go-Cart Co .. Alaska Refrigerator Co. Atlas Furniture Co. Barnell CO'J W. F. & J .. Bennett, Chas., Furniture Co. Berry Bros. Bisilell Carpet Sweeper Co. BlI
- Date Created:
- 1906-03-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 26:18