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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and ;' MICHIGAN ARTISAN '---------1 NOVEMBER 25, 1906 1--------' \.. THE GREATEST LINE of the GREATEST MANUFACTURERS of CHAMBER FURNITURE . ~ ·1 'i,] ':'1 '. ~1,, \ . r LARGEST FACTORY IN THE WORLD OPERATED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF CHAMBER FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELY. Every Dealer Wants It Because Everybody Buys It SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY Manufacturers of Bedroom. Furniture Exclusively GRAND RAPIDS, New Spring Line Ready January 1, 1907. MICH. ;j _.~."C_~~.· :'>:,)ft!;;i6';~:;'.o..:":..~;;.,'i,. ,- ,0. '#<, • _ _ ~~~~=~:~:.~::::.:: ,~.-~~~~~ , , ., THE MOST COMPLETE LINE EXTENSION TABLES . SHOWN IN JANUARY, WILL BE SHOWN IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. AT THEIR FACTORY, 750 BROADWAY ST. TABLES OF ALL KINDS. OVER 700 SAMPLES. • GRAND RAPIDS CHAIR CO., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. wenre iginutors rs =.~==~:- STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE AT MEDIUM PRICES HALL SEAT No. 314. Desks Tables Buffets Hall Seats Sideboards Cellarettes Hall Racks Book Ca""s China Cabinets Hall G1~~~es Music Cabinets Chests and BOIes SIDEBOARD No. 1161. Goods shown at our sample rooms at factory only. Full line will be ready Jan. 1st, 1907. J b2 No. 40. D. IL. IConrey Furniture Company SHELBYVILLE, INDIANA. Makers of _ COMBINATION, LIBRARt and SECTIONAL CASES, CHINA CLOSETS, MUSIC CABINETS and BENCHES. Send for CatalOI!. (TWILL PAY YOU TO SEEOUR LINE Shownonlyat GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., TOP FLOOR EXHIBITION BLDG. Conrey-Davis Mfg. CO. SHELBYVILLE, IND. ,-------- MANUFACTURERS OF ------, Medicine Cabinets, Bath Room Mirrors, Coat Hangers, Directors' Tables, Cafe Tables, Extension Tables, Costumers, Umbrella Stands, Plate Racks, Wall Cabinets, Book Shelves, Butler's Tray and Stands, Mission Extension Tables, Pedestal Extension Tables. WE USE THE INVINCIBLE LEG FASTENER ON ALL OUR FIVE LEGGED TABLES, OUR COMPLETE UNES WILL BE READY JANUARY 1st at GRAND RAPIDS----- -and- - ----------at CHICAGO No. 33 Costumer. Top Floor Furniture Exhibition Building. 8th Fioor, 1319 Michigan Ave. l 1 MANUFACTURERS· FURNITURE EXCHANGE Selling Agents for CHICAGO Furniture Manufacturers Handling Exclusively the F urmture Products of THE GREAT CENTRAL MARKET THE NEW FIRE PROOF FURNITURE EXCHANGE. WABASH AVE. AND 14TH ST. READY JANUARY 1, 1907. CHICAGO made furniture, constituting CHICAGO shipments with CHICAGO promptness from CHICAGO factories with CHICAGO freights. CHICAGO always And exhibiting in the New Furniture Exchange, th.e home of the visiting buyer. and illustrated. in one catalog, A necessity to every retail furniture dealer. CJJ This building will be ready January I. 1907. Onr catalog, however, is ready now, and we want to send it to you so that we may become acquainted and renew the acquaintancewhen you visit the market. Write ror catalog; DO IT NOW. MANUFACTURERS' FURNITURE EXCHANGE Temporary Offices: 3Hi Dearborn St., CH'ICAGO, ILLINOIS. 2 NEW LINE OF SAMPLES IN GRAND RAPIDS FOURTH FLOOR, KLINGMAN BUILDING. Last call for holiday trade. PRICES ate RIGHT and QUALITY second 10 none. 5080 Book Calle. Remember Our Li n es Library Suiles, Ladies Desks, Music Cabinets, Book Cases, Medicine Cabinets, Folding Tables, Commodes. Write TODAY for Catalog and Stock Sheet. THE UDELL WORKS, 1236w~~;:.~ty_E;ghth Indianapolis, Ind., U. S. A. 5082 I>f,.k., Rockford Chair and Furniture Co., Rockford, III. OUR SPRING LINE -01- DuReis. Doo~(am. Oina Closets. li~rar~ Cases. On Sale at Our Warerooms, BlodJrett Block, CRAND RAPIDS, MICH., DurinJr January, 1907 l EVERLASTINGLY AT IT. 27th Year-No. 10. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., NOVEMBER 25, 1906. $1.00 per Year. Why a Lively City on the Ohio is Famous as a Furniture Center. Evansville, Ind.) Ko\'. 22.- That Evans-..,ille is the most widely knmvn furniture center in the United States is due e,!- tirely to the foresight and liberality of the m<t1ll1factufcrs. The reader need only take up anyone of the eight prominent furniture trade nC\vspapers and examine its pages for proof of the above ."UtemenL It is fai,. to assume that every dealer in tile United States i:~often reminded of the impor-tance of Evansville and her manufactures through these im-portant agencies. Evansville fllrnitttre is consistently, per-sistently and uninterruptedly exploited. There is l1cver a "let up" in their campaign 01 pronlOtion. In this the ma11U-facturers are not like those of other centers whose expendi-tures for advertising Bre limited to brief announcements of their plans at the opening of each season. Evansville's claims are well backed up by the goods her nnnLl{acturers produce. Everything needed in furniture of medium and low price is manufactured, and to this fact the city is indebt-ed for its immense mixcd car business. The products of thirty factories are not infrequently represented in a single car and dealers appreciate the advantag-es of sucb important facilities. Evansville is 110t entirely dependent Upon the railroads for shipping her products. From her -wharves steamers depart daily for points on the Ohio, the Mississippi, the Cumber-land, tbe Tennessee and the (ireen rivers, carrying to many citics goods made in E\'ansville. /\ vast 2l110unt of money has beell expended in the recent years of the \)2st in the erection of factories and in extension_~ to the old plants. Among the companies that have made large expenditnres for the purpose l11ClltiO'ledare the Bosse Furniture Company, the Evansvil1e Bookc2se & Table Com-pany, t\le E,;,m",·",mc "\{ct;'ll t'nrnitnre Company, 1-:.h n. ~lil1c:r & Co., and the Specialty Ti'urniture Company. The output of several of these factories has been donb1ed in the past two years. The Standard Chair Company bas a new factory of large dimensions in course of erection. In almost every factory new lines have been prcpJfcd for the spring- season of trade and catalogues illustrating and de-scribing the same "vi11soon he ready for distribution. Among those \'dlO ",...i11be prepared to respond to calls for these im-port2nt sources of information, "not yet, but soon," are the Globe Furniture Company, the Karges Furniture Company, the Evansville Desk Compctl1y, Stoltz, Schmitt & Co.. the Bosse Furniture Company, the Evansville Bookcase & Table Company and the Crescent Furniture Company. An Elevated Wedding. A numher of furniture houses in Evansville, Ind., received a lot of free advertising a few years ago in rather a uniq\.le "\vay. The Evansville Electric Power Company had just completed a t211 smokestack and the house furnishing firms in Evansville offered to give the y01.11lgpeople who ,,,'-ould consent to be married Bt the tOIl of that stack a bedroom suile, carpe1;;, rugs, and china for their new home. These in-ducements attracted two young people \.·..h.o consented to be hoisted to the top of the stack and they were married there on a platform especially constructed for the purpose and on which there \vas no extra floor spact-~)llly enough for the minister and the brid21 couple. This Ullusual circum-stance was talked about through the southern part of Indiana for weeks before and after the event occurred. Undertakers May Shave Corpses. The \Viscol1sin Board of Barber Examiners, having re-ceived a protest 2g"ainst undertakers being allowed to en-croach upon the field of the tonsorial artists by shaving corpses, has decided that undertakers have the right to shave corpses, b~1t must not charge lOT the service. The boards' an1lual report recently filed says: "VVe l12ve many inquiries regarding the shaving of a corpse by the undertaker, and the Question is, has be a right to do it? In answer ,ve \vill say that if the undertaker makes a specif1c charge for shaving the corpse he will be liable to prosecution and fine for the violation of the barber law, but the fact is that the undertaker makes no specific charge for 'shaving,' but he puts in his bill for 'preparing the corpse for burial,' and therefore he cannot be fined for shaving the corpse as long as you cannot prove that he has made a specific charge for that part of the work." THE CORRECT Stains and Fillers. THE MOST SATISF ACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes "A~UFAC"TUR~D ",.,LY u"- CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. ZS9·63 ELSTONAVE."'Z·16 SLOAN ST. CH I CAGO. ~. I The Club Table That Sa tisfies Every bod y SIMPLE STRONG EASILY FOLDED Size 32 In. IODIt;a1 in. wide; 17 In. billb Co,.ered wltb Leath ... or Felt COOK'S PATENT FOLDING ATTACHMENT 1~~:::s~~Sle~t~1~~c~~~ of the table, as shown III the illustration. Our tables are made of hardwood, and covered with green-felt and leather. The cross_piece or cleaton end of table keeps the top from warping, and is so arranged that a person elln sit close to the table without crampin~ the knees. The felt used on this table is of extra thickness and made special. and is much better than padded tables where cotton batting is useq and inferior Quality of felt. Very useful and convenient, for card parties, children's games, ladies fancy work, or tea table. BELDING~HALL MANUFACTURING CO. BELDING. MICHIGAN WAREHOUSES-I % Monroe Street, Chicago. 213 Canal Street, New York ROBBINS TABLE COMPANY owosso MICHICAN ~ No. 304. QuarteredOak, 44x48 io. lop, 9 in. Pillar. FURNITURE FACTORY OPE.NINGS. Excellent opportunities for furniture factories exist in cities and towns of the Southwest along the lines of the ... An ample supply of hardwood timber, besides most of the soft woods, are procurable at low cost and within a short distance of these locations. Full particulars upon application. 8endfor booklet about factory openings along the Rock Island-FriSco, M. SCHULTER. Industrial Commissioner. Frisco Building. ST. lOUIS,Mo. 5 PATENTEO JUl.Y 29, 1902. The best FASTENER for Five Legged Tables Write/o/' Pria, and Infoymatjot\ -to-- Invincible Table Fastener Co.. Shelbyville~ Ind~ Fine Service MICHIGAN CENTRAL Grand Rapids" Detroit .. Toledo THROUGH CAR LINE Solid train service with Broiler Parlor cars and Cafe coaches running on rapid schedule. Through sleeping car to New York on the "\Volverine/' making the run in nineteen hours and fifty minutes: For full particulars see Michigan Central Agents. Or E· W. Covert. C. P. A. Grand .'I\aplds. o. W. k\1ggle., G. P. A. Chlca;:o. BETTER MAKERS OF WITH STANDARD METAL BED BEDS REVERSIBLE RAILS No, 691 $12.25 net Standard Reversible Rail 2 inch pillars made of seamless tubing'. Filling Ji and .% inch. Head 64 inches. Foot 40 inches. Patented lu1y 15, 191)1, No. 704"101. This rail is reversible in the true ~,ense of the word-can be used either side up and enables the dealer to make one set of rails answer instead of having two 1 -' stocks, one of regular, the other inve:rted. SOLID .. ., RIGID REVERSIBLE Smith & Davis Mfg. Co. ST. LOUIS, MO. s 6 ~MI9JiIG-r.rN , FURNITURE TREATED UNFAIRLY. Department Managers Stinted on Advertising Space and Show Room Facilities. Readers interested in the furniture business frequently no-tice that department stores, carpet dealers and others who sell furniture in connection with other goods, usually treat the furniture department unfairly in their advertisements. ~. B. Co" of f~rnft,:,re and stove eCOnOmle3 EvelJ the hOllse furnishillg h011ses, whose stock in trade is three-fourths furniture, use at least three-fourths of the space ill advertising other lines. Indeed the ~l11anager of the fur-niture department is lucky if he is allowed to use one-fourth of the space. It is not unusual to see a page advertisement, embellished with cuts and price figures of everything in the store except the furniture, which is given a lower corner or, perhaps, only a few inches in a single column. J \.1st why this condition prevails is not clear unless it is because furni-ture sells itself while the other goods must be pushed. How-ever, it is a fact that furniture is generally slighted in the matter of advertising and thcrefore the furniture dcpartment managers find it l:ecessary to make the most of the small al-lowance of space. How one of thcm managed to do so i.3 shown by the accompanying cut reproduced from an adver-tisement written and arranged by J. Harry Steiner, buyer for Hillman's, Chicago. Not only is furniture given "the worst of it" in ad\'ertis-ing, but it is frequently abused in the allotment of window display and floor space. Some of the gennal managers seem to think that "any old place" is good enough for the furnitme department-that people who want furniture '''"ilt ask for it. An example of this ktlld of management was found by the \vriter in a Grand Rapids, Mich., department store the other day. Having occasion to go through the "tore, he was sur-prised to Jlnd .a large. ano wett selected stock of furniture on the fourth floor, away back in that part of the building farth-est from tbe CJltrance. He had not noticed any allusion to such an elaborate stock in the advertisements of the house \~'hich l1S'CS printer's ink qtlite liberally and he was bold enough to suggest that such a stock ought to be given a het-ter sho"~/. The manager of the furniture department heartily endorsed the suggestion and confidentially admitted that he had been discouraged in his efforts to secure more prominence for his department. It appears that two men who had pre-ceded him, having failed to induce the mana.ger to give them "a fair show,'" had become disgusted and thrown up their jobs. When the present furniture department manager was engaged, the owners of the store were talking about closing b out the stock and dropping the furniture entirely. In speak-ing of his experience the new manager said: "I've been here about eight months now. All that time I've been trying to get a better show for my department, but all I've been able to do is to get a little space on the first floor down near the front. I have had that only a month, but I have used it carefully, changing the display twice every week, though it's something of a job to move furniture from this 'loft' down there and up again. That little improvement, however, has had a decided effect. . That little show down there made a sale the very first day it was pla:ed. A lady, passing, got a glimpse of it, and came in to investigate. As a result she found her way up to the 'loft,' where I sold her something like $150 worth of furniture, which pleased the proprietors almost as much as it did me. I had been given the little eor- Iler down there as an experiment and that sale settled it. I think I will hold it permanently and I hope to have it en-larged. I haven't heard any talk about closing out the furni-ture department since that first day's experience and my sales are picking up nicely." Horses on the Side. One of the big department stores in New York does a very profitable business in horses on the side. According to one of the horse dealers of the city the store will only buy hand-some, perfectly matched teams for its delivery wagons, and the drivers arc men of experiell~e and discretion-which is rarely the case with delivery wagon drivers. The handsome teams arc all used in the uptown residence district, where fine horses are in demand. The equine beauties attract a great deal of attention as they prance and cavort in front of the varnished wagons, and sooner or later some one who wants a trappy team is certain to inquire the price. They are always for sale, and, being perfectly city broken, C0111- Made by Roddord Chair and Furniture Co., Roekford. Ill. mand a good price. It is said that the store makes a very handsome profit out of this branch of its business annually, and in addition its handsome turnouts attract a great deal ,of favorable attention, which ought to go to the credit of the advertising account. 7 8 MAlL ORDERS TO WOODARD FURNITURE COMPANY OWOSSO, MICH. Our New Fall Line of Bedroom Furni· ture is unusually atfractive both in design and price, made in aU the fancy woods and finishes. Dressers in single pieces or in suits to match. SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE C. F. SCHMOE & CO. WOODARD FURNITURE CO. SHELBYVILLEI,ND. ftil(~tn (a~intts of Oualiij Sell at .ghl, and make a greater profit than other lines of kilchen cab-inets. Send for catalogue. T~, BBST of QUALITY fo' least mOlJey. We bave dnuhled our capacity and will be belief ahle to take care of our IMe than before. We loHc:ityour patronage. The Ford & Johnson Company "EVERYTHING IN CHAIRS" When in Chicago do not fail to see our im-mense display at our Salesrooms, 1435·37 Wabash Ave. Many new patterns. SEE OUR Complete Dining Room Suites-Oak and Solid Mahogany. Chairs and Rockers···All Kinds. Mission Furniture-All Finishes. Children's Go-Carts and Carriages.-1907 Line NowReady. Reed.and Rattan Chair.. ··a Complete Line. Fibre Rush and Malacca--the Ideal Furniture. =====GENERAL OFFICES ===== Sixteenth Street and Indiana Avenue, Chicago. SALESROOMS ======== BOSTON, MASS. 90 Canal Stred: CINONNATl. O. 47 E. SDcth SIre" ATLANTA. GA. Marielta and Bartow Streets FRANKFORT, KY. 1433-35.37 Wabash Avenue CHICAGO NEW YORK 202 Canal Streot No. 92-7. Solid Mahogany l "This Trade Mark Guaranteeslhe best," No. 526. No. 525. Our Oak and Mahogany DINING EXTENSION TABLES Arc Best Made. Best Finished V.dues. All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Stock. No. 495 Dining Table Top 48x:+8. Made in Q!arter-cd Oak. Wcachered Finish. Nickel Casters. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAN No. 495 Dining Table. AU Kinds of BASKET WARE MADE TO ORDER Please Send for Catalogue and Prices FOR WILLOW and RATTAN WARE I manufacture the Finest Clothes Hamper or Bedroom Basket IN THE AMERICAN MARKET F. PARTH I E R, Manufacturer of Willow and Ratian Ware, No. 209 GRAND AVE., CHICAGO, ILLS. 10 ·~MI9]-IIG7J-N "GRAND RAPIDS OF YORK STATE." Jamestown's Ambition and Remarkable Ratio of Factories to Inhabitants. Jamestown, N. Y., Nov. 22.-This busy little city of 30,000 might, not inappropriately, be styled the "Grand Rap:ds of York State." There are nearly forty furniture factories here, and including all other manufacturing establishments there is an average of more than one factory for every 500 inhabi-tants. When you come to take (llIt the school children, the teachers, doctors, dentists, lawyers, preachers and other pro-fessional men, and then deduct those cngaged in mercantile pursuits, railroading, and various other occupations, prac-tically all the rest of the inhabitants must be at work in the factories. In other words, there is a factory of son:e kind for every 150 people who can be depended on for labor to keep them in operation. Some of the factories employ sev-eral hundred hands, which means that a great many more must employ but very few. Still, Jamestown is a great furniture town. Hardly a month passes without one or two new ventures in the furni-ture manufacturing business. As for variety, it is only nec-essary to say that chamber and dining room furniture, parlor and library fumiture, chairs, lounges, couches and davenport sofa beds are made in large quantities. In conversation with the manager of one of the leading furniture factories he wc,nt carefully over the list, and from his own books made <Ieakulation that the average hand in the furniture factories here produces from $1,800 to $2,000 a year. That is the highest estimate of any city that I have heard of. As to quality, .some of the factories 'are turning out as fine goods as are to be found anywhere in the country. One en-thusiastic Jamestownian said: "In five years instead of Jamestown manufacturers going to Grand Rapids to show their goods, Grand Rapids will be coming to Jamestown." I asked him if be had ever been to Gt-and Rapids. He admitted he had not, but was confident that with Jamestown adding three or four furniture factories. to everyone being added to Grand Rapids, this city cannot help but distance her big ~l-'1ichiganrival in a very few years. Indeed, there is some talk of pooling their issues, building a large exposition build-ing here, and makillg a strenuous effort to attract the furni-ture buyers to this market. While nothing has really ma-terialized along this line as yet" it is this spirit of zeal and enthusiasm that makes things go-that accomplishes great re-sults. At the present rate of increase before the c1os~ of the year 1907 Jamestown is likely to have fifty or more furniture factories. That must certainly bring Jamestown into the very front rank of furniture cities of the country. There will be some notable changes in the Jamestown lines in Grand Rapids, ill January. Among them is the Maddox Table Company, who leave the Blodgett block and t:1ke the entire fifth floor of the new Manufacturers' building on Ionia street, comprising 12,000 square feet. This room is to be beautifully decorated and lighted, and it is the intention of the TVraddox Table Company and the Jamestown Chair Con~pany, who show with them, to have one of the finest fur-niture salesrooms a buyer ever set foot into. It will be in charge of Jolly Tom Crane and a corps of the best known salesmen in the furniture business. The exhibitors in the Manufacturers' building are to keep open house New Year's day. It will be a full dress reception with pletlty of music, flowers, feasting, good cheer for ev-erybody, but no business. Every order book will be locked up, but bright and early vVednesday morning, J anttary 2, the doors will be flung open to the buyers and business will start with a bang. The Jamestown Lounge Company will make a good dis-play in the Furniture Exhibition building, GTand Rapids, con- ::;isting of their famous line of couches, lounges and "Sim-plicity" sofa beds. This company, known all over "furni-turedom" for the excellence of its product, realizes that dis-criminating buyers are after quality even more than price, and consequently with th~m "only the best is cheap." Shearman Brothers, who for some years have exhibited their line in Chicago, will return to Grand Rapids in Janu-ary, and will occupy one-half of the sixth floor of the new )'-lanufacturers' building and will make a large'!: and [mer dis-play than they have ever before attempted. They will sho-....\' a full line of Universal sofa beds, davenports, couches, ward-robe couches and adjustable couches. Also a large line of l\Iission sofa beds, davenports and couches, There will be 100 new patterns. There will be seventy Universal sofa beds in this display, and a very large line of leather goods. The exhibit will be in charge of Frank Shearman, hi~ son, Frank Shearman, Jr., Wm. F. Walsh, Ed. J. IVIcGeeand 'E. W. Hawkins. The Bailey-Jones Company will make their customary fine display of parlor and library table'S in the Furniture Exhi-bition building, Grand Rapids, Buyers know that it is al-ways a treat to go into this display. Glenn Brown, so long with Skinner & Steenman, is to take a bunch of Jamestown lines to Grand Rapids and show them on the third floor of the Blodgett block. This display will consist of the lines of the Liberty Furniture Company, Alliancc Furniture Company and Himebaugh Brothers. L. C. StC\vart of the Liberty, will be with Mr. Brown. This com-pany has had a very prosperous year and is now adding to the plant a four story brick building 36 x 65 feet, which will in-crease their floor space fifty per cent. It will be used for finishing, storage and shipping. The entire plant is to be equipped with automatic sprinklers. The line consists of dressers and chiffoniers in oak, mahogany, bird's-eye maple and curly birch. The Alliance Furniture Corr:pany's line consists of china closets and combination buffets, while Himebaugh Brothers' line is made up of sideboards and buffets in quartered oak only-a medium and fine grade. This company has just completed a new imu story brick factory 160x 60 feet. It is fully equipped with the best of everything, and no doubt will turn out a line of winners. The Atlas Furniture Company, manufacturers of dressers and chiffoniers in oak, mahogany, curly birch and bird's-eye maplc, will exhibit on the second floor of the Furniture Ex-l: ibition building with H. L. Chamberlain and Emil Johnson in charge. The Morgan 1\·1anufacturing Company has been re-incor-porated, under the name of the Jamestown Table Company. Capital stock $120,000. The incorporators are Cyrus E. Jones, L. C. Jagger, Chas. L Moore, Thos. E. Pcrkins- and Richard Peart. The company will continue parlor and li-brary tables, and will at once build to double the size of the plant. TIle Jamestown Panel & Vcneer Company are having a \'ery extensive trade in all kinds of furniture panels and table tops. The Diamond Furniture Company are having a fine cata-logue engraved in Grand Rapids, which will not be ready for mailing until early in January. Gcorge W. Vanderbilt is reported to have abandoned his chicken farm at Biltmore, N. c., because he found it unprofit-able. Perhaps Mr. Vanderbilt did not understand the busi-ness, but it is more likely that his failure was due to his hav-ing located his project among p'eople who are experts in "raising" all kinds of poultry. Evansville (Ind.) has a "Merchants' Rebate Association." Money paid for transportation is refunded to out-of-town pur-chasers. -------------------------------------- -- - - - 7IRTI.sA~ .#? $ ,..t# Perfect Baking 1S Assured on Our New Victor Range ~'d::'::e.~~~ l\elth~, the pr(jl~"\(ln~' nor 'he "1lla,e''''- ",II ~,,,l ,!\~lea." '>'oud" 'n f!:n~'ng gO<>li r~ul,-, Irom tn,." I"<:h',/!'I'arlc, range ThE' """," ni [I"',' ,,f tlie [)HJln)ne"t ~{II"\' ,n Ull' e,l'- ha"~ hougln :\\'\\ \'''lor, tor "'" ", thelf 110:rne<, Th.,.. ~l'e :;,50(, Ind' ~l\av"fi~ ramilies ""'\g 'h~. ju"t ",I.: (/;\. '~:')II''''''/ .>Il" ,iJ '''',I'le, ~",\ I"{lU \~,t1I\nd Ih"l ,he,- <I",ak r"M~ htghl, (I' the :':ew "'~"" 'Il~n ·,rr ~{\ '\ncf belore <la'" faTlge ,uelll",," "Iu,',,,, ~,.eL)...{.'ered ;tl /'_'W(I"'" ",,,, "1] _,,,,h ea.',' CfoJ" "'n,,, \Vh,- 00\ sr, {mc ""., "ntO" \;'-",'" c'J()kq! ~" ,1 g-owJranl;~' Sommers Complete Bcd Outfit rcrm~ 51.00 Cash, SOt a Week C" '0" "e"";'.· A~~1.~1. Sommers Leather Kocker "" """ .... 1l,>'''"0 ~M ,,," ",," p;,.'" "r 'u,";" ... ",," "r 'M ."''''''0"'''''''' 0'' """, ,,"<(I , •• "" .0. -"~,h c·o,,,,.,. "1"'. '"., I. ""'co oC 'olloi '<" "",,, •• d ",."." ,"o'n0o"""'.".,,"..i.of<~0<'," ...... ",." "0".'.0 ,,,,,,,",w,,,""',d,,, .'".. :\,':"';: ,~,~:,I, ", .,,101. ,,' ,., r",·,."" 41f~~ """, "-" ,,0[<0 'ror"." $1.00 C"~<h, SOe W<*kly ~o .,""0< ."it<"" • "'~"r ",,,,ed .-oc"",. WE S .. OW SD.,E >Is LOW >,s U.oo. New Victor Steel Ringe $1.00 Casb. SOt \Veekly A.RE:OUk -TERMS 0101 TIfll ,l"1l.MOlJS HtGH·GRADE RANG~ MORE THAN ~,50Q IN USE iN INOlANAPOJ..IS ASK '{QUI! NEIGHBOR Outfit I~~.!b!~E'",~~~~!,~ "':;i:n:..\;,,~, """ f','. .'~;;~:n:j~',D~l',: "'''\:;,~..,,:~~'~::,; "':!~,,:;~• .' A Handsome \Verl(Hn~ rr<:~cnL Fr<:~ \Vlth Every Sommers Three-Room Outfit 'y< _iww ,Qmpo,'e ':"·",,.moIU ou,f,t> ";"w ~, 57 Cash: rerrns $1.50 Casli, baLal'ce flayahk 750t \\'ec~l) 'l'o "(>B' ,,,'rl~.• v"«' 5<" I) •••• ~,,·,. W~ SHOW ~'~~,. M ~a," A.$ ~I:'I.~Q. 11 and J 3 East Washlllgon Sf. SAMPLE OF GOOD ADVERTISING. , Sommers KitChen Ca!.Jinet 51a Week .0 "".'" "","ri,," " '.owe, "'iced ,"""'0" '·a'''""', WE .HOW SOME M L"w M H ..W. Cold Coin Baseburner • $2.611 C,sh -SUIO W~kly ,J,'"."" " lDw", .'!oM ~",d ,·0., ,,", W~ 'HOW 00 ... ~s lO'li; ~~~I~.O" Sun Hot Blast 11 ,-- -- - - - - -- 12 UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. Buffets Bookcases China Closets We~in&~,~~~~ooaM Finilh. S(le our Caul~e_ Our lineaD PetmaIlenteshibitioll 7th Floor. New ManufactureD' BuiJdirul. G<>nd RoPido. "Row, Styk" "" Drop e.m.,., Em""-'<l Mouidna. P• ..J.. Ek. I:MBOSSING and DROP CARVING MAC"INI:S Machinea for all pu~, aIl0 at prn:es withUl !he read! of aU, Every Machine hall our lI:llaranteh ~t breaka.~ fot one yeaJ. "Loldol Slyle ...... Luae e-dtY H~vye.m... ..d 0...Em"""'- We have !he Machine)'eu waul ala ",tiIfactory Price. Write fur de.aiPtn'ecitaala.r&. Alto make die. for .n make. of Mac:hinet. UNION EMBOSSING MACHINE CO., Indianapolis, Ind. 7IR'T'IS'~ ; ZT· HALL'S, the Polish thaI is Making Evansville Famous. Nall's Red Stal' Polish dries instaJltly and never softens or gums. No dis-- agreeable or offensive odor. Never set-tles or ~apon\tf:S. A trial ()fdeTg,lways :u"t~K~~b~: ~;c~U~i~J:~~?wi1e~~ furni.ture. ThiS Polis&is free from add. Can be used by any child. Guaranteed to give salisfactloll. Sold in 1,2, Sand 10 gallon cans and in barrels, also put up in l.·3 and 6 oz, bottles retailing for 10c, 15e aDd ZSc., altowin~ a liberal profit to the retailer. Write for prices and state qu~ntity wallt~d. Apcrfeel Polish and Cleaner for FurnUure. Office and Ba.r. Fix-ture •• Pianos, Organa. Bleyel., •• lrot'l bedfl. Cal'l' and Automoblhlls. We rejlJ1' '!IOUto tlu Orucent Furniture 00., The 1J}van$ViUlJIJlJ8k Co., The Bll D. Muter Folding Bed 00., and th,e. City Nationat Bank of ./!hJafl,81JUle. AMERICANPHARMACALCO., •• s uPP'.... s' s." EvanSlille, Ind The New Banquet Table Top all well tli OFFiCE. DINING and. DIRECTORS' T A.BLFS ue OUT ~ecia1t,... riJJ'y'--, , --~- -'_....- "-"- - ~ I ' _ "" . STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO.• ~~p;,j" Write (or Csla!oi\le' Get samp!ell of BANQUET TABLE TOP. WE manufacture the larg-est line of FOLDING eRA IRS in the United States, suitable for Sunday Schools, Halla, Steamers and all Public Resort •. We also maaufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds, Spring Beds, Cot. and Cribs in a. lar~ variety. . . • Send for CataJO&'Ue ud Prlcn·to Kauffman Mfg. Co. UnLAND. onlo Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel PanUind European ......Plan Rates $1.00 and Up GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind ror 50c ~ the FINEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND. Pl"Op. 13 TUE TALK Of TUE MARKET DURING THE JULY. 1906. SgASON YEAGER'S HIGHEST THE REASOI NS GREATEST QUALITY VALUES T"E YEAGERFURNITURECO~,Allentown, Pa. cnlCAGO -Furniture Manufacturers' Exhibition Building, 7th Floor, 1319 Michigan Ave. NEW YORK-(Salesroom) 333-341 Fourth Ave., Cor. 25th St. ~d Floor. THE ONLY CASTER CUP THAT Will NOT MAR OR SWEAT A. NewCaster CUP.a' Furniture Protector and a Rest W:e guarantee perfect satis-factton. We know we have the only perf~t caster cup ever made. This cup is in two sizes, as follows: ~J4 inch and 3 inch. and we use the cork bottom. You know the rest. Small sixe, $3.60 lI'er 100 Large size, 4.60 per 100 F O. B. Grand Rapids. Try it and be convinced. OUf Concave Bottom Card Block. does not touch the sur-face but upon the rim, permit. ting a circulation of air under the block, thereby preventing moisture or marks of any kind. This is the only card block of its kind on the market. Pric!!, $3.00 per 100 Grand Rapids Casler Cup Co" 2 .,,'woo' A" .. Grand Rapids, Mich. Also can be had at LUSSKY. WHnE " COOLIDGE. 111.113Lake St., Chicaao MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD ~~~~~~~ SPECIALTIES: ~'l~'fE[Qj UAR. OAK VEN EERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main Sf" FORT WAYNE, INDIANA oh~ PEABODY SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. North Manchester. Indiana The New "PERFECT" FOLDING CHAIR PATENTED OCT. 20, 1903. Comfortable Simple Durable Neat The Acme of Perfection in the line of Foldina: Chairs. PERFECT COMPACTNKSS when folded. Hard maple, natural finish. WRlTH FOR PRICES. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Via GR~ND TRUNK·LEHIGH VALLEY ROUTE. Two Fast Trains Daily Except Sunday. Daily. Leave Od Rapids 2:45 p. m. 7:05 p. m Ar Philadelphia 3:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Ar Ne~ york +:30 p. m. 8:40 p. ,m. Servic~ unsurpassed. For further information apply· at City Oflire, Morton House Block. C. A. JUSTIN, C. P. & T. A. 14 ESTABLISHED 1880 P'U!lLI5HED BY MiCHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFFICE-2-20 LYON ST., GRANO RAPIOS. MICH. E!'ITERi':!l AS MATTER Of THE .6ECOND OLM.S Sharp advances in iron ore and in iron and steel products, advances in wages by railroads and other corporations have been prominent features in the industrial field during the past month. At the same time scarcity of money, especially in ,Vall street, has been a feature in the financial world. Advances in wages and in the value' of staple commodities do not usually occur at the same time with financial strin-gency. In fact, this is the first time recalled in the history of the country, that advances in prices of iron and steel and a general rise in "vages have come during financial stringen-cy in Wall street. This unusual occurrence has caused con-siderable thought and speculation as to its effect-as to what developments may be expected in the near future, In some quarters there is a disposition to fear that the country has reached the crest of the long wave of prosperity and that re-etction is due to set in during the coming year. Similar pre-dictions havc becn made again and again during the past two years. They were not fulfilled and there is no reason for be-lieving that the current croakers are wiser than their prede-cessors. On the contrary, there is every reason to believe that they are false prophets. The apparently inconsistent de-velopments of the past month only emphasize the fact that the country has been divorced from Vi/all street-that the country's welfare and prosperity no longer depends on the success or failure of the financial speculators. With the railroads placing unprecedented ordcrs for new equipment to be delivered in 1907, with factories running night and day in order to meet thc demand for their products, with the great steel companies six months behind their orders and at the same time Alaska, South Africa, Australia and the United States rapidly incrcasing their gold production; there is no chance for reaction in business affairs. Nothing less than em absolute failure of crops <:an mar the prosperity of the country during the coming year. Ylerchandise, materials and supplies for the year 1907 will he bought on rising markets, and unless some unforeseen issue arises in the presidential campaigl1 the same conditions will prevail in 1908. *1'" *i* *1* *1* An exchange remarks that the price cutter would gain ;;1 commanding position in trade if he could stay ill business long enough. The truth of this statemcnt was demonstrated in the history of a dealcr in furniture in Evansville, Ind., who cut his prices so often and so deeply that he cut himself out of business· in a comparatively short time. When his successor took hold of the business, customc-rs of the house demanded the cut prices they werc accustomed to, but the new owner calmly and patiently maintained that he was not in business for his health and eventually gained a foothold in the community by steadfastly adhering to prices that re-turned a profit. Selling goods for less than cost may enable dealers to pose as public benefactors for a short timc and gain distinction in that large class of failures usually desig-nated as fools with a profane prefix. *1' '1* *1* 'I' At a meeting of the Western Mirror Manufacturers' As~ ,;ociation in Chicago 011 November 15, it was decided to ad· vance prices twenty or- twenty-five per cent, basing their ac-l tion on the increased cost of raw materials-particularly mer-cury- and higher freight -rates. The mirror men were' prob-ably justifie.d in advancing prices, but they seem to have made a blunder in giving reasons for their action. Some of their members declare that very little mercury is used on the backs of mirrors nowadays-that it has been supplanted by the patent back-and as for freight rates, it is generally expected that the new rate law will effect a reduction instead of a raise. Can it be possible that the mirror glass makers have been re-ceiving rebates on their sand freight bills? *1' *1* *1* *j' Charles E. Spratt of New York is authority for the state-ment that the furniture dealers of the country pay, annually, in fire insurance premiums at least $27,000,000 more than is required to pay their losses by fire. He also states that forty-eight per cent-almost half-of the .losses are due to dishonesty-in other words to incendiarism. If Mr. Spratt's figures are right, it ought to be an easy matter to induce the furniture dealers to organize· a mutual company, carry their o-wn risks and quit supporting the fire-bugs. *1* *1* *1* *1* An advance in wholesale prices of furniture does not al-ways mean additional profit for the manufacturers. The manufacturers are frequently forced to raise prices in order to avoid actual losses. The advances are usually due to an increase in the cost of labor and materials and under present conditions the men who furnish the materials are able to gobble up all, or nearly all, of any advance that the manufac-turers may make. *1* *1* *1* *1" New factory projects in Rockford, Ill., have been so num~ erous of late that it is difficult to keep track of them and, owing to contradictory reports as to who the promoters are, it is impossiblc to distinguish the real projects from the imaginary anticipations. However, .there is no doubt that the furniture manufacturing business is having an unpreced-ented boom in Rockford. 'j* *1* '1* *1* Clean furniture, rugs and draperies favorably impress the ladics, who buy most of the furnishings for the household. The duster should be used as often as the business of the store will permit, and the same is true of the furniture pol-ish. Clean, frcsh looking stock commands attention. *!* *1* *1* *1* A considerable number of man'Jhcturers of <,-,;'Ise goods, having withdrawn from Grand Rapids for the purpose of tr>5t-ing the claims of other markets, are returning to Grand Rap-i~ s. There are no doubts in their minds in regard to the lo-cation of the most important case goods market in the world. *1* *1* *1* *1* With the approach of the holid<lYs merchants will find profit and satisfaction in devising atttactiOllls for their show '\'v·indows. It is the season of the year wl~en every buyer is a Missourian and must be shown. *1* *1* *1* *i* From the decision of the \Visconsin Barber Board, as given on another page of this number of the Artisan, it ap-pears that a man must die before he can legally get a free shave in the Badger state. *1* *1* 11<1*1* Grand Rapids will be able to better accommodate the trav-eling and sojourning furniture men in future. Boyd Pant-lind has addcd the Park to his string of hotels, *1* *1* *1* *1* Early English is moving but moderately. The Colonials, the French lines and to a less extent the Mission, have the call. *1* *1* *1* *1* A few pieces of pyrography linger in the furniture stores. This fad received its deathblow from the hands of women. 15 "Un()reaka()l~Beds--Do They Co.rt More 1" HERE IS A',SAMPLE ONE FOR YOUR INSPECTION. Hel"lu 50 inclies. Widdis 4 ([. 6 in., 4 ft •• 3 ft. 6 in., or 3 ft. Posts seam_ less welded pipe I J -16 in. <liameter. Finisltes 1 1-8 in. Rods 5-16 in. and 3-8 in. All caslings malleable iron. This bed is guaranteed 25 years against breakage. It is dean and neat in ap~ pearance, If the Michigan Artisan is mentioned we will letouch castings in gold without extra charge. ~rice (frei?;ht allowed up tc New York City or Chlcago rate) $3.75. Dark or light green or blue at same price.: Dired auached springs, wood frames $1.25 extra or steel frames $2 extra. Try sampJes. NORTHWESTERN DEALERS. HARD MANUFACTURING CO. D,p •. A. BUFFALO, N. r. Observations Taken at Spokane, Portland, Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver. A recent viiiit in the far northwest disclosed the fact that the furniture dealers of that section are prosperous and their business rapidly ill creasing. The iitores of Spokane and Se-attle were explored by the writer as \'\lell as a fc,w in Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia. In Spokane two-thirds of the b1.-1SillcSS is done on the installment plan. The stores there arc all large aud 'wel1 lighted. That of Goble, Pratt & Robbins is the nC\vest and has a corner outlook ''lith large windows for displaying goods effect'ively. Tull & Gibbs and the Grote-Rankin Company also have large stores very artistically arranged. Besides a quantity of furniture from Grand Rapids factories, Chicago, Rockford and other eastern cities wcre well represented by their products in the same line. The western fir is quite extensively used in the ITlanufac-ture of cheap bedroom a1ld other furniwre by western fac-tories and with the weathef(~d oak fmi5h makes quite a good substitute for oak. Tull & Gibbs also have a larg-e store in Portland and the Grote-Rankin Company have al\other in Seattle.. The 1''\111 & Gibbs store in Spokane covers ~) square feet of Hoot' space, four stories and sixty-five mell fi.11demployemcnt there, Mr. Hebard, the 1ll;l1l.lger, was ill ill a hospital in Portland and Mr. Jones gave all the information wanted. The Grote-Ranki.n Com-p<m)"occupy a three story buildtllg and annex with 110,000 square feet of space and employ sev-enty- two men. There are h",·o basen~ellts. Jlr. Hall is the manager. He is also buyer for the china department. 1I<m}' handsome pieces of Gral1d Rapids and Chicago furniture were seen. They have an upholstery department. The Goble, Pratt & l~obbins store, of \vhich 1fr. Rogers, formerly of the l-Iastillgs. l\lich., Tahle Company, is a stock-holde'!", has only been (''ighteen montl1S in busilless. Tbey occUpy a modern three story and basement building. The store of the Stal1dard Furniture Compally was being torn down and a new one will he erected. Frederick & Nelson have a line store in Seattle with 1(;8,- 000 square feet of floor space consisting of five floors and two basements. The store covers a block on Second and one-half block on the side streets. A very small investmellt half block en the side streets. /\ small installment business is dOlle. :r...fostof the trade bUYii only tbe medium <lnd fine goods. . The lines carried include carpets, rugs, stoves, a china de,Jartll1ent and recently a ladies' '!"eady-made garmellt departm¢nt has been added. Mr. Nettleton kindly spared an hour of pis time to shmN the visitors around, I-Ie said that Ci'!"cassi;m walnut is in great demand and sells very well. The dull of. furniture 'is very popular. Washington fir, spok-en of above, IS mueh used for the woodwork in Seattle homes 10 tlpholttery green is the only color the public seem to 111,'a11t: A large upholstery department is kept busy on orders. The white w(~odwO'l"kand green walls of the store are very rest-ful to the eye. One very much appreciated feature of this immeuse :store is the tea-room for public use, with its green w~lls anq ntgs and mahogany furniture. The capacity of thIS roon!: has been doubled since the flrst of October. Fred-erick & Nelson have in twelve years gro"..-n to the present size from a secoJld hand store on this same site. One side of the building was occupied by a clothing store and that was crowded out to give more room for the furniture business. 1h. Nettl~ton is a believer in special sales. III Vic~oria \Veiler Brothers' store was visited and there the furnitpre from the iitates is decidedly scarce. One sees a11Yql\an~jty of Canadian manufacture, however. The Ma-cey sectio~1al bookca!'ies shown were made in Seaforth, On-t, lr10, and !uot in C-rand Rapid:;. The Hhdson Day Company have ~llarge piece of land ad-joining their present location ill Vancouver and in COUrse of time will nave a much larger store. Their present quarters are very 11,1uchtoo small and it v.rilt b(~ a great help to them to have the congestion relieved. Goods of Canadian mall11- facttlrc ..v..ere 'ill the majority llerc as well as in Victoria, one of the ex~eIJtions being a library suite in silve'!" gray, up~ holstered in green, C011sisting of an arm chair, two others alld a desk frotH J. & ]. Kohll. 1h. ""Vittner sa'iu the call tllere is for the golden oak fiuisll, whicr sells ill preference to any other. Tl~e dull finish is not appreciated by the majority in VancouverJ Taken tltogther, it w;tS a treat to be able to visit other cit'ies and frct a new point of view on the subject of furniture and house· furnishings. , Hiram Slete of Hamilton, believed to have been the oldest und('.rtaker ~n Ohio, died on October 29, aged 81.years. I . . iTHE HAWKEylt KITCHEN CABINET OngUlal feat*res. Desl.'l:D.finish and cabinet work the hest 011earth. Prices rQt.we.irom $;l.25 to $60.00. ~xclusive sale given. Sold to dealers only. PrIce IS a good salesman. QualIty is a better one. We have them both Catalo.ltue on: application. Union FUl'nUu,"4,') Co•• Rmn ..T!'lCT(,}~,IOWA: 16 HORN BROS. MFG. CO. 281 to 291 W. Superior St.. CHICAGO.ILL. MANUFACTURERS OF Chamber Suites. OddDressers. Chiffoniers UDiES' DRESSINGTABLES to match Made in Golden Oak, Genuine Mabo~hY Veneered, BIrdseye Maple, White Enamel Highly Poltshed or Dull Finish. We also make a liRe of PRINCESSDRf:SSfRS from $13.00 up. In Quarter-Sawed Oak, Mahogany and Birdseye Maple, Veneered rr you have not received our. Spring supplement, uk for it. SAMPLES SHOWN BY pECK & HILLS 1319 Micbi,g:ab Avnue, and HALL &: KNAPP, 187 Michigan Avenue, Cbu:ago. RICHMOND Chair Co. RICHMOND, IND. The Standard line of Double Cane CHAIRS and ROCKERS Menti()O MICHIGAN ARTISAN The Luce Fumiture Co. INVITES ATfENTION TO ITS LARGE LINE Of Bed Room and Dining Room Furniture. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN SALESROOM AT fACTORY ONLY. I, Big Profit in DininJ Room Suites The latest money-maker in furr:iture has beer! the dining room suite that costs $25 and looks worth $100. We originated these suites not long ago andi they have been among our heaviest sellers the past year. I One dealer tells us that a salesman got $140 for a suite that cost $35. It had not been marked and the salesman did not know the Iretailprice, but the finish was so good the customer was satisfied.. One dealer in Philadelphia sold 54 suites in sixty days. At the winter resorts in the South, at the summer resorts in the North, in California, in hundreds of cities where refined and modest homes:are furnished and people appreciate good style though they have not the money to pay high prices, Dining Room Suites sell steadily, profitably. You can always make a good pJ>fiton them. Nos. 5020, 5026, 5036 and 5038 have b~en exceedingly popular sellers, and we strongly recommend them---the cheaper ones for t~mporary homes, at resorts, etc., East West, North, South (they go in all parts of the country), and the higher priced for per-manent homes in the larger cities outside of New Yor~ and Chicago. NORTHERN FURNITUk, E COMPANY SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Klingman Building, GRAND RAl'IDS. I Furniture Exchan\l<l, NEW YORK. 17 18 Rockford, IlL, Nov. 22.-Rockford is one of the most thriv-ing manufacturing towns in the great state of Illinois. In Ofle respect it is different from ma.ny other cities, and that is this: In the twenty-odd years 1 have been visiting this city I cannot recall a single instance where a manufacturing es-tablishment has wound up its business and moved to some other town to hetter its condition. To be sure, tbere have been some fires and some failures, but I know of no one who has moved from Rockford to some other place because he could not succeed here. Then, again, there are very few cities that have made greatcr proportionate strides in manufacturing than Rock-ford. I think there were but five furniture factories here at the time of my first visit, viz: The Union, Forest City, Central, Co-operative and Excelsior-the latter in the uphol-stering business. All of them but the latter are still in busi-ness, and there are two of them, either of which is nearly or quite as large as the whole five. Today there are at least a dozen that would he figured among thc largest furniture fac-tories in any city in the country. And still they are build-mg more. Two very large ones are now under way, while several others have recently finished or are about to start large <ldditions. And so Rockford bids fair to become the greatest furni-ture manufacturing city in the west, if its present rapid growth continues, But furniture is not the only manufactur-ing industry here. Indeed it is doubtful if the furniture busi-ness is as much as fifty per cent of the aggregate manufac-tures of the city. Every manufacturer of furniture visited said he was having a great business year. Trade never was better. The Cen-tral Furniture Company will not show at any of the furniture expositions in January. That is a pretty good indication that they are not suffering for business, and have not been for many years. Their line consists of combination bookcases, china closets and bUffets. These are all well made from good styles, and are popular with the trade everywhere. The Mechanics' Furniture Company has long been famous for the beauty of design and excellence of construction of its goods. A number of new china closets and buffets wiH be added to the line and shown in January on the third floor of the Manufacturers' Exhibition building, 1319 Michigan ave-nue, Chicago, in charge of S. J. LeRoy and J. E. Hanvey, the latter their western representative. The Standard Furniture Company has nearly completed an addition 80 x 96 feet, four stories and basement, to be used for offices, finishing and storage. The new officcs will be finished in quartered oak and will be among the most attrac-tive in the city. The factory is now about a block long with the exception of a small space between the two main buildings, which only breaks a solid brick wall the entire distance. There .."ill be thirty-five or forty new patterns of china clos-ets, buffets and bookcases added to the line, which will be shown as usual on the first floor, opposite the elevator, of 1319 Michigan avenue, Chicago, in charge of "Yohnny Yohn-sonH and assistants. The Rockford Chair & Furniture Company has in courSe of erection a very large addition to the factory, and the fin-est factory office building in the city. But Robert C. Lind, the secretary and manager, said: "Don't say much about that. We don't want to sell the factory, but just tell the people tha.t our display of china closets, buffets, combination and library bookcases in the Blodgett block, Grand Rapids, in January will be one that will please every buyer who calls to inspect them." Well, that is no exaggeration, and every buycr will say so who sees them. The Royal 11antel & Furniture Company has started an addition 80 x 112 feet, four stories high, for finishing, shipping and storage. It is expected to have this building ready for occupancy early in the spring. Trade is good-never better. The line will be on exhibition in January on the sixth floor, 1319 Michigan avenue, Chicago, in which will be shown a large number of new patterns of china closets and buffets. The Rockford Frame & Fixture Company will show a finc line of new patterns of fancy furniture in January on the top floor of the new Furniture Exchange building, Fourteenth street and V\Tabash avenue, Chicago, with Peck & Hills, also in Grand Rapids in the Furniture Exhibition building, am} ill the New York Furniture Exchange. This is one of the larg-est and most beautiful lines of fancy- furniture on the market, and never fails to attract the attention of the best buyers. Oscar Bergquist, as "head push" of the Rockford Desk Company, seems to find no time_ for anything but work, and Made by Rockford Chair and Furnitu-re Co., Rockford. Ill. he just lives on it, and grows happy and prosperous day by day. Oscar has got into the habit of making nice china <clos-ets, ladies' desks, parlor and music cabinets, and M. L. Nel-son & Co" 1.411 Michigan avenue, Chicago, (who show the line the year round), have got into such a habit of selling them that they can't stop. The Rockford Palace Furniture Company show their line with Hall & Kna.pp, 187·Michigan avenue (Karpen building), Chicago, the year round. It consists of buffets, sideboards, china closets, combination aJJd library bookcaseSt ladies' desks and music cabinets in oak and mahogany finish. Its a good line and puts money in the pocket of the merchant who handles it. The West End Furniture Company will make a fine dis-play of furniture in January on the'sixth floor of the Blod-gett block, Gr311d Rapids, also with Peck & Hills in the new Furniture Exchange, Fourteenth street and Wabash avenue, Chicago. The line consists of china closets, buffets, combi- nation and library cases, and every buyer in both markets will do well to give it a careinl inspection. Rig, fat, jolly Buell Pease will show a ful! line of the Union Furniture Company on the top floor of the ':Vlanufac-tnrers' building, Ionia street, Grand Rapids, where he was kept so busy last July. The -Union line of chinas, buffets, combination and library cases is one of the big ones and among the great sellers. Pease and his line are always at the top. The Larson & Hult Company is the name of the latest firm of dealers and 11lldcrtakers in Rockford. They have a fine store well stocked with all kinds of furniture, mattresses, Made by Roc.kford Chair and Furniture Co., Rockford. III, pillows and beddinl< at 420-422 Seventh ,tceet, Aug. W, Larson, the president, has been in other lines of business for several years, ".,..hilcCharles A. Hult, the secretary and treas-urer, has been intimately connected with the manufacture of furniture in Rockford for many years. He has been the sec-retary and manager of three of the leading furniture compan-ies at different times, and is thoroughly posted in all the de-tails of the trade. They report having a good business, '''"hic.h lS rapidly growtng, alHl the Artisan wishes then) all kinds of good luck and prosperity. Different Qualities of Mahogany. To those who are not in close touch with the furniture business and even to many of those who handle the finished product, mahogany is mahogany, whether it comes from Cuba, South or Central America or Africa. To the factory men, however, there is a great difference in the qualities of the wood. The toughest mahogany comes from Cuba, but, like that from Mexico, it has little figure-it is very plain. The African mahogany has the best figure, but it is too brittle. The laying of veneers made from African crotch mahogany is considered a good test of a cabinet maker's skill and abil-ity. Comparatively few men are able to do it successfully. Few dealers or users of furniture have anything like an ade-quate idea of the difficulties encountered in making a perfect piece of furniture and the time, expense and perseverance that have been put into experimenting different methods in order to attain the desired results. 19 Corpse Can Not Be Replevined. Two greedy undertakers of Superior, Wis., got into a dis-pute, both claiming the right to take charge of a corpse and prepare it for burial. By a shrewd move one obtained pos-session and the other sought it on a writ of replevin issued by a justice of the peace. The case was appealed to the cir-cuit court, where it was dismissed, the judge holding that a writ of replevin will not hold a eorpse because it is not prop-erty in the ordinary sense. This decision was based on an opinion given in a similar case by the supreme court of Michigan. It was the case of Keyes vs. Hanke, in which the plaintiff was suing for the re-covery of the body of his brother. It seems that the brother had died at a hospital and the defendant took the body and began to prepare it for burial. The plaintiff got out a writ of replevin to secure the body and when the case came up the judge decided that a human corpse was not property and, as it is given in the report "a writ of replevin will not lie for its return." The Vlisconsin judge, in discussing his ruling, suggested that the proper move to have been made by the aggrieved party ,vas to apply for an injunction restraining his oppo-nent from acting. Owners of factories located at Holland, Muskegon, Man-istee and other points on the big lakes of the state of Michi-gan enjoy a decided advantage in these days of scarcity of freight cars. The big steamers crossing the lakes carry heavy shipments of furniture from the lake ports daily. The business of Edward J. Kjolseth, Stoughton, Wis., has been taken over by the E. ]. Kjolseth Company, which has been incorporated with a capital stock of $3,000. The incor-porators are C. J. and J. E. Melaas and Mr. Kjolseth. No. 244 Muaie Cabinet. ---Manufacturers of--- BOOKCASF.S, LADIES' DF.SKS, COMBINATION CASES, MUSIC CABINETS, and CHINA CLOSETS. New Catalogue ready for mailing. =,=~SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN~=,= Mr. Dealer: If you want your oreler filled promptly and want goods that you can make good profits on during the coming holiday sea-son, mail your orders to us, We solicit trial orders. Sheboygan Novelty Company 20 OVERLAND FREIGHT TRANSFER COMPANY, POOL CARS FOR PACIFIC COAST SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. TEAMING FORWARDING STORAGE make a specialty of distributing pool cars 01 all kinds and PARTICULARLY, furniture, carpets, linoleum and interior finish. Referellces, Bradstreet's or Dun's and any bank in San Francisco, and the trade. Cadoader in Chicago Carloaderin Grand Rapids j. W. Welling, 633 So. JeffersonSueet Gelock TransferCompany, 108 So. IoniaStreet at Opalite Lined Enameled Lined Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank Galvanized Iron Lined Stationary Ice Tank Send for new CATALOGUf Bnd let us nllme you Price five Complete Lines of Refrigerators Challenge Refrigerator Co. GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. fOUR TRAINS to and from CHICAGO Lv Gd Rpds 7:10 am Ar Chicago 1:15 pm I,v Gd Bpds 12:06 pm AI" Chicago Lv Gd Rpds 1:25 pm Ar Chicago 10:55 pm "Lv Gd Rpds 11:3"0 pm Ar Chicago 6':55.tun * Daily. Pullma.n Sleeper, on 11:30 train open 9:00 pm. A la carte Cafe service on all day trains. Pere Marquette ParlfJr cars on all day trains, Rates reduced to 50 cents, THREE TRAINS to and from DETROIT and TOLEOO Lv Gd Rapids 7:12 am Ar Detroit11:55 am Ar Toledo 1:00pm *Lv Gd Rapids 11:10 am Ar Detroit 3:05 pm Ar Toledo 4:15 pm Lv Gd Rapids 5:20 pm Ar Detroit 9:20 pm Ar Toledo 10:45 pm • Dally. Note Fast Time Made by Both Midday and Evening Train. Meals served a la carte on trains leaving Grand Rapids at 11:10 am and 5:20 pm.. Pere Marquette Parlor Cars on aU trains. Seat rates, 25 cents. uALL OVE-R MICHICAN" H, J. GRAY. DJstrlct .P.lUI.!wnguAgent. Phone 1168. Grand Rapids, Mich. • Factory Locations There is in the various offices of the Land and In-dustrial Departments of the Southern Railway and Mobile & Ohio Railroad late information regarding a number of first class locations for Furniture, Chair and other Woodworking Factories, which will be furnished Manufacturers upon application. An invitation is ex-tended to all who use wood in their plants to write about the timber supply, good sites and markets avail-able in our territory.. Address your nearest agent. M. V. RICHARDS. Land and Industrial Agent. WASHINGTON.D. C. CHAS. S. CHASE, "pnt. 624 Ch8m~.1 BvlJdi.D. St. Louis. Mo. The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON, MICH. Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks Extra Large Chiffoniers ___ Also Manufacturefll and Exporters of --- ROLLING CHAIRS Chails adapted to all kinds of invalidism, both for house and street use. OVER FORTY DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM 21 Muskegon Valley Furniture Co. MuskeilOD Mich ••• Odd Dressers Chiffoniers Wardrobes Ladies· Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Goods Ladies Desks Music Cabinets Moon Desk Co. Mnskegon, Mich. OFFICE DESKS See our new TYPEWRITER CABINET White Printing Co. HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPLETE =~=====GRAND RAPIDMSICH.,~=~=== Stafford Makes Upholstered Furniture Send for our new Catalogue showing a full line of up-to-date Couches, Sofa Beds and Parlor Suites. t.ll Prices on Lodge Furniture and Book Fixtures quoted 011 application. ;------~------------~--, No. 22S Leather Couch. t.ll Every Visit our Exhibit at 1323 and 1325 Mlchi~an Ave., Chical!<>,with Geo. D. Williams Co. E. H. STAFFORD MFG. Co., 262-264 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. We also make School Furniture, Church Pews and Opera Chairs. furniture dealer should sell all of the above lines. Little Things of Great Importance. A pull, knob or toilet screw on a door, drawer or toilet standard is a little thing, but it is a matter of great import-ance. Many a piece of furniture has been marred, damaged or converted into a nuisance because the knobs or pulls were not properly fastened. Nearly all housewives have had such experience, hence when they buy furniture about the first thing they inspect is the fastening of the knobs, and not in-frequently they find them loose or easily loosened. Such a discovery places the salesman at a disadvantage. He may explain that the defect will be made good, bl1~instead of sat-isfying the customer the fact that an excuse is necessary is more likely to spoil a sale. Such a condition of affairs is entirely unnecessary. Let the retailer insist that all his purchases shall be equipped with the Tower Patent fasten-ers, made under the Tower patents, by the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Brass Company, and he will never be troubled with a loose knob or pull. There is no extra charge for the "N 0- Kum-Loose" fasteners on any piece of furniture. They are furnished to manufacturers free of cost, hence retailers may have them for the asking. Milwaukee May Make School Desks. Milwaukee newspapers state that the school authorities of that city have decided to manufacture school desks in order to protect the city from paying extortionate prices that are being asked by the manufacturers. It is the opinion of the officials that an understanding at least exists between a number of the manufacturers and that they 50 control the market that it is impossible for the city to secure anywhere near a price that is right. Secretary Harbach of the school board advertised for bids on 1,000 desks twice. The best offer received so far was $3,287.22, or $3.28 a desk. 1\:lr. Harbach has investigated the matter to some extent and he is confident that the repair de-partment for the schools can t'urn out a satisfactory desk for $2 at the outside. The Standard Upholstering Company of Topeka, Kan., has been placed in the hands of a receiver. The company was arganized at Abilene and later moved to Topeka. It has never been considered a success. Liabilities about $8,000. l10pklhl IRd l1arrlet SU. Cincinnati, O. "enry Schmit &. Co. MAII:BRS 011' UPHOLSTERE.D..FURNITURE WDDf AND PULPIT. PARLOR UKRARY. HOTEL AND CLUB ROOM Detroit, 1\lich., l\'ov. 23.-The Possdius Brothers FUnli-ture )'Jallufacll1ring Company will have a finer show room and a hettel· ;:wd larger lilJe thaJl ever before in the -5011th-east corner of the second floor of the Furniture )i1anufactur-ers' Exhibition huilding at 1319 :11ichigan avenue, Chicago, in January. Everything "viii be in readiness when the exhibi-tion opens, and everything points to immense sales. The Falmer },Tanufacturing C01Tipal1Yhave eomll1ellced the erection of a fine brick building ,,:~x 50 feet, three stories awl basen:Ctit, which "vill greatly relieve the congestion in the factory. \Vhen cOly.pleted the office will be moved from the present building, and the cabinet makers, rUbbcrs and IJol-ishers will he lEaved into it. They will also have sample and stock rounts in the new building, which it is expected to have ready for occupancy early in January. They will make tllcir usual fine display On the second floor of the Fur-niture Manufacturers' Exhibition building, 1319 11ichigan ave- 11l1e,Chicago, in the space vacated by the Posselius Brothers' Furniture \hnuiacturillg Company, A large number of new pattems of parlor and library tables and pedestals will be added to the already large line. The .Pioneer l'vIanllfacturing Company will make a joint Pioneer Mfg. Co ... DETROIT. MICH. Rccd furniturc Babu Garriagcs Go-Garts Full line sbown on second floor, ] 3 19 Micbillan Aye., Cbl. cago, in Janu.lll")", ROOK WOOD and a general line of F#\N6Y Tf\8LES \Vrite for Cuts and Prices PALMER Manufacturing Co. 1015 to 103.5Palmer Ave. DETROIT, MICH. Full line shown on second flO<lor. 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago. in January. 23 display with the Palmer Manufacturing Company in Chi-cago and will show a fine line of reed rockers, baby carriages and go-carts. The \Vo[verine Manufacturing Company the Cadillac Cabillet Company and J. C. vVidrnan & Co. will make their usual magnificent joint display on the seventh floor of 1.319 i\Iichigan avenue, Chicago. Tll{~jrs will be one of the larg-est and finest displays in Chicago, Retail trade in Detroit is good. The Grand Upholstering Company, 125-12·7 Gratiot avenue; George J. Reindel & Bra" 17cJ-176 vVoodward avenue; "V. E. Barker>i's two stores on \Voodward and Michigan aVel1lleS, aU report excellent business, and as these stores are all the three great shopping streets of Detroit, they arc a fair criterion of the state of trade in gel\eraL The Rosewood Fad. "The letters written by a cherished hand" must be taken out of the "little rosewood casket which is sitting on the stand.-'-' Perhaps the rest of the song \"lill be heeded and the sister, having brought them, will "read them everyone to me, who have often tried to read them, but for tears I could not see," But the letters are not the chief thing. It is the rose-wood casket ,vhich counts and the reason it counts is because it is rosewood, says the writer, in the Chicago Post, The wood is coming back into favor. That is why old attks arc being ransacked for pieces of it, and why those people who possess it are accounting themselves fortunate. Beds and tables and sofas and chairs of the wood are the fad of the hour, and even caskets smaH enough to "sit upon a stand" arc dragged forth from their hiding places, glued together and exposed to the gaze of those unfortunate ones who possess nothing more lraluable than 11CW mahogany. As yet, the demand for rosewood furniture has not grown beyond the supply, althoug·h d~ale1"s in thE higher grades of fl1rniture say it is the fad of the haUL At the present writ-ing-, therefore, the fortunate oues who own rosewood would do better to keep it for the cnvy of their less fortunate friends who possess new mahogany, rather than trying to sell. "\\T e are not making any special efforts to buy rosewood," said one furniture dealer this morning," although we may have to do so soon if the demand C(mtinues, We always have picked up any pieces we could find, for it always has been a safe investment. "RosC\'vood grows in South America but y~ars ago the forests were almost exhausted. For tkit reason most rose-wood furniture is really antique," Frederick K. Rockwell, the pioneer fttrniture dealer and undertaker of \iVilliamston, 11ich" was found dead in his bed on November 15, a victim of heart disease. He was 81 years old. Murphy Chair Co. MANUFACTURERS DETROIT, MICH. A COMPLE.TE LINE. .' GLOBE SIDEBOARDS l c--------ARE THE---------, BEST ON THE GLOBE FOR THE MONEY GE'I OUR CATALOGUE. Menti'n the MICHIGAN ARTISAN when writing. I Globe Furniture Company EVANSVILLE, INDIANA .. Bockstege Fumiture Company EVANSVILLE, INDIANA Makers of the fjJ"SUPEiRIOR" EXTENSION. PARLOR.nd LIBRARY TABLES NewCATALOGUEjustissued. --lGET ONE.-- are Good Wardrobes GOOD Style Construction Finish PRICES RIGHT Write jor Catalogue Karges Furniture Company, EVANSVILLE, INI). MAKE MONEY MR. DEALER BY SELLING THE KITCHEN CABINETS CUPBOARDS SAFES and WARDROBES Best Goods Lowesl Prices BOSSE FURNITURE CO., Evansville, Ind The "Ell" fOLDING BEDS ~~~frTR~'':.N~~~ No Stock complete without the Eli Beds in Mantd and Upright E 0 M &. Co Evaa5vUJe. JDdJana LI. ILLER . Write for cuts and prices 1858 1906 E. Q. SMITU CUAIR === COMPANY === MANUFACTURERS OF WOOD, DOUBLE CANE, CANE, COBBLER TUfTED LEATHER AND VENEER SEAT C"AIRS AND ROCKERS No.H5 Rec::eption Rocker Veneered Rolled Seat Quartered Oak Finished Golden Office and Warerooms, Cor. Third and Division 518. Factory and Supply Mill, Foot of Oak St. ______ EVANSV1LLE,IND.,------ 26 Libt'1U'Y Suite Made by the Udell Worb,lndiaDapolU. huI.-Librar:r Table. Bookcase, De.k, M•• a%ineC.billet and Lamp Table. ~MI:?PIG7fN Ralph P. Tietsort's Beautiful Home. During the past year Ralph P. Tiet"orl, treasurer of the Royal Furniture Company, Grand Rapids, devoted milch time to the erection and furnishing of a home, located on Madison ENTRANCE. avenue, one of the most beautiful thoroughfares in the city. The hOU3e is in the Colonial style, constructed of brick and DRAWING ROOM, surmounts an eminence overlooking the avenue. In fitting up and furnishing this home ]\,1r. Tietsort has made liberal expenditures, and it la{:ks nothi:~.;' that is required by the well-ta-do house owner in the way at fitments necessary for convenience or comfort. II I 27 The rooms are finished with fine imported cabinet woods, their cheerful colors and beautiful figures contributing largely to the adornment of the apartments, In selecting the furniture for his home Mr. Tietsort adopt- UBRARY. the slyle of thc colonies, <lnd some of the pieces are of great value on account of their history and the events associated with them. :rvIc and Mrs. Tictsort are not alone in the en~ joyment of their lovely home. The rising generation is well represented therein, their presenc.e contributing to the ever-reigning joy of the household. Had to EJ1large Their Plant. Hubbard, Eldredge & Miller of Rochester, N. Y., are just llJlishing a fine five story brick addition to their factory, which v·,:ill give them 30,000 square feet of floor space, to be used fol' on-ices and warerooms. \iVhen completed this will be onc of the very largest factories in the country making fille chairs. Trade has been so heavy all this year that this new building became an imperative necessity. They will make an unusu-ally fine display in the big Furniture Exhibition building, Grand Rapids, in January. The display will be very stmng in solid mahogany, ..v..ith a great line of Mission styles and medium priced wood scat chairs and rockers. Langslo\v-Fmvler & Co. witt make their customary fine display of upholstered chairs in J auuary at 1319 Michigan avenue, Chicago. Forced to Raise Prices. "The advance of ten per cent on case goods was impera-tive," said John A. Covode, secretary of the Berkey & Gay Furniture Company, Grand Rapids, :rvlich., after the Chicago conference had taken action. "Recent advances in raw ma-terials made that action absolutely necessary, and there is likely to be further advances, for materials are going higher and higher. "Yes, I notice the railroa~s afe raising wages," continued ~dr. Covode. "That's all right; the men deserve it and it's very nice in the railroad managers to raise wages voluntarily. They can do it very easily for the increase in business has increased their net profits. Railroads do not produce any-thing. They simply handle the products of others and the cost of those products cuts no figure in the profits on haul-ing them to market. The cost of raw materials does not affect non-producers as it does the manufacturers." Norman Roos has resigned his position as manager of the RaGS Furnjture Company, South Bend, Ind., and will go into business on his own account. He is succeeded by J. A. Smyth of Grand Rapids, Mich. 28 DOWN AMONG THE BUCKEYES. I' News and Comment From the Ohio Furniture Making Cities. Cleveland, 0., November 22.-0hio is a big, rich, prosper-ous state, full of big cities, big industries, and big men. To be a Buckeye is considered by everyone 01: her people as great an honor as being a Roman citizen in the palmiest days of the Caesars. Ohio is a state where they do things~ make things go. If they prosecute John D.'s octopus they bring it in guilty; if they lay for the railroads they compel them to give a. universal two-cent fare-which proves to he a great boon to the railroads as well as the people. Politics, like' chestnuts, seem to grow on the trees, and the harvest is always abundant. There is never a time when the Buckeye is not ready to drop everything and rush to the political de-fense of his beloved country. Cleveland is one of the big tOW11Sof Ohio; famous as the home of John D. and of Mayor Tom L. Johnson. After Chicago it is the largest of the lake cities and is growing very rapidly. O. K. Wheelock & Co., the Beelmen Cabinet Company, the D. T. Owen Company, the Forest City Bed-stead Company and lvIarble & Shattuck Company will show their lines of furniture in Grand Rapids in January_ These lines will do their fuH share in making Grand Rapids the great central market for exhibiting and selling furniture. Bedford is a suburb of Cleveland, twelve miles south and reached by two railroads and a trolley line. It is a prosper-ous little place, the home of the B. L. Marble Chair Company, which has been doubled in size this year! and the Taylor Chair Company, wTiich is now erecting an addition to the storage and finishing building, 80 x 84, three stories and base-ment. Both of these prosperous chair 'lOuses will make their cl1stomary semi-annual exhibits in Grand Rapids in January. Akron, the home of Senator Dick and the Goodyear Rub-ber Company, famous also for its sewer pipe industries, al-though forty miles south of Cleveland, I discovered was a great seaport. The only evidence I have for this statement, however, is a sign which read: "Wanted-500 men to unload schooners." Canton, the home of President McKinley and still the home of his much loved widow, is famous for its watches and watch cases. It is also the home of the John DanuerManu-facturing Company, manufacturers of sectional bookcases, whose line is regularly shown in Grand Rapids as it will be in January. Delaware, the home of the Delaware Chair Company, is also the home of the great Methodist college. It is a hand-some little city of 20,000 prosperous, contented and happy people, about twenty-five miles north of Columbus. The Delaware Chair Company has a new catalogue l"eady for mail-ing and will make a fine display of chairs and rockers in January on the first floor of the big Furniture Exhibition building in Grand Rapids. The Columbus Couch Company is a new but decidedly vigorous concern, which proposes to make its mark in the furniture worhL Columbus, the home of the E. M. Hulse Company, and sev-eral other important industries, including the big law factory sometimes called the state capitol, is in a <;trugg1e with To-ledo for third place among the big cities of Ohio. The city is growing rapidly, has an immense busines3 and will always be among th~ great commercial cities of the west. The E. 1-1. Hulse Company now bas a well equipped frame factory which became l1ecessary in order to keep the upholsterers supplied with frames. E. M, Hulse is a jolly good fellow. But for his everlasting good nature he would die about twen-ty years before his time, for he does enough work '(all head work; the hardest kind of work) to wear out two ordinary men. He will tell more stories (and good ones, too) and answer more questions and give morc directions, and find out l , MR. DEALER: Think of the trouble you've had with other Sofa Beds---the break-downs ---the disgusted customers. Think of the sales you've lost on account of the dissatisfaction of the pro-spective purchaser with the crudities of design---or the frame construction---or finish---or the hard upholstery---or the wide opening between the upholstery and the ends---or the unsightly fixture in the box---or the noisy action---or the narrow seat---or absurdly high back--- and so on, ad infinitum. IT'S DIFFERENT WHEN YOU HANDLE THE "SIMPLICITY" Easy Sales. Satisfied Customers. Big P""fits. And "It Stays Put." Our new "SIMPLICITl'D CAtalogshows thi largest and hest stlling line of Davenport Beds you ever saw. A p~stt1'gets it. Jamestown Lounge Co. World's Largest Makers if Davenpurt Beds, JAMESTOWN, N. Y. 7I R'T' I oS' 7I..l'\I 1l 7 m tM 29 REX [::;::d] MATTRESS CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION Wa.rehOU8e!l~ ST. LOUIS, MO. KANSAS ClTY, MO. MINNEAPOU5, MINN. PEORIA, JLL UNCOLN, ILL. CHICAGO, ILL. more of what the other fellow is doing than any other man in FROM AWAY OUT WEST. the business. His big line of couches will be on exhibition in January, as usual, at 1319 ~'1ichigan avenue, Chicago. Cincinnati, the Queen City-the city of business and beer; art and music; machinery and furniture; lumber and varnish; the home of "Alice and Nick," and George B. Cox; the city of narrow streets and tall buildinp;s, and "the Rhine" running through the center; next to Milwaukee probably the most pronounced German city in the United States, is always in-teresting, picturesque, and, smoky. The writer of the his-tory of the furniture industry of Cincinnati would require to trace the growth and progress of the city for nlore than half a century. At one time the greatest furniture manufacturing city in the west, if not in the whole country, it still maintains a high place in the furniture world because of the excellent quality and variety of furniture made. Here are manufactured large quantities of office chairs, chamber furniture, uphol-stered furniture, including church and lodge furniture, dining room furniture, hat racks and fancy cabinet \varei folding beds and wire mattresses, pillows and cotton felt mattresses, hall and mantel clocks, and a great variety of other house-hold goods. 1.fany of these concems make semi-annual ex-hibits either in Grand Rapids. Chicago or New York. Among those who will exhibit in Grand Rapids in January are Stille & Duhlmeier, \vhose line will contain many fine specimens of Colonial designs in chamber suitesJ"W'ardrobes, chiffoniers and toilet tables in mahogany, oak, bird's-eye maple, Circassian \valnut and other popular woods. The exhibits will be on the fourth floor of the Furniture Exhibition building, in charge of Mr. Frederkk Stille. His brother George will also spend a few days in Grand Rapids if business will spare him, Steinman & Meyer, the Standard Furniture Company) the Phoenix ·Manufacturing Company and others will be repre-sented in Grand Rapids. Portsmouth, one of the most thriving cities of southern Ohio, has two prosperous furnitnre compar,es, the Vlait Fur-niture Company and the Wait-:Ful1er Cabinet Company. Both of these are engaged in manufacturing sideboards, and the fanner "''''111 show in Grand Rapids as usual, being an im-portant part of the McVey aggregation, in the Furniture Exhibition building. Gallipolis has three furniture factories under one manage-ment, al1d a fourth in Charleston, \Vest Virginia. It has been decided 110t to show at any of the furniture exhibitions this year, but to depend upon their salesmen, catalogues and advertising in the trade papers for business. If they have the right kind of salesmen and advertise judiciously, they are not likely to be disappointed. Mr. Sligh Talks of a Recent Trip on the Northern Pacific Coast. Charles R. Sligh .. president of the Sligh Furniture Com-pany, Grand Rapids, Mich., spent most of the month of Oc-tober, with .M. J. Clark, also of Grand Rapids, in Oregon, \Vashington and :Northern California) looking for timber in-vestments. While talking of their trip, llt. Sligh said: "We fouod plenty of timber, there·'s lots of it out there, but most of it has been pjcked up by investors or speculators, Eastern or Northern.lumbermen and other capitalists have bought immense tracts and the price of stumpage has doubled or wore in the past year or two, Of course, a large number of homesteaders have taken up claims in the past few years and there is a large amount of valuable timber on their holdings, but it will not come into the market right away-they will require from fourteen months to five years to prove up and secure their titles. Timber conditions out there are much the same as they were here twenty-five or thirty years ago, except that the country is over-run with land-lookers and the timber is being picked up much more rapidly than it ever was in Michigan. "The coast cities of Oregon and Washington are having more than their share of the country's prosperity. The San Francisco disaster has thrown a large amount of business to Portland and Seattle that they would not have gotten but for the earthquake and fire. Several San Francisco wholesale houses have established branches or moved temporarily to the northern c1des and they are doing enormous business. They intended to stay there only until they could rebuild in San Francisco, but the chances arc that most of them wilJ become permanent fixtures in Portland and Seattle, "Seattle is having a great boom. They now claim over 200,000 inhabitants and real estate is sold at New York prices. r saw a piece of property that was sold rec.e.ntly for $3,000 per foot ·frontage, and it is not on a main street either. The town is certainly wild onreal estate values, but it is claimed that present conditions and indication for the future justify the enormous prices set on all kinds of property. "Vole did not go down to San Francisco, but judging from \",hat we heard from there I think it will take twetlty-five years to rebuild that town, or even make it what it was in the way of business before the earthquake. They have built a large number of 'shacks' and it will he hard to get rid' of them." 30 -~MIF ..HIG7fN -~ ~;; ~=~a; ~ ~! «I -;;::= ..... ~ , ,- 1:= ~i.f " " " r !{] ~, ~= " " .:5 .... , " 8 8 .? ~8 .=... ~. • ~." " " ~.~=6~]0~:::'" %~_:>~:i~~"~,;...:ti:'--~ ,I l H~Tf nH~ ~r~ 1~t~H .'. ~~~ I i1gi! i~'::~1 ;.'3' , !Htii ", Ji , H!~Jj -/"- !.P~ I H!~~Ul ~H~ .~ mm -::-in~ u !it! ,"ri j:H;i "I; ! § 1- ,.. :<'" ~H " 31 WE MANUFACTURE AN EXTENSIVE LINE OF Zinc Lined, White Enamel, OpaIite Lined and Porcelain Lined Refrigerators of every desirable size. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR CO. Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers, New York Ollice, 35 Warren St MUSKEGON, MICH. Comfort Sacrified for Beauty. Is there ally real reason why fttrniture should not be com-fortable? This is a question that, like the refractory midrib in a mission chair, bears hard on the average householder. We have become so arts~and-craftity snobbish about every-thing nowadays that even that great and beneficent invention of a noble friend of humanity, the 110rris chair, is getting frigid, formal, and more a thing to he looked at than to be sat in. TllC shape of nine out of ten pieces of furniture is miserably contrived to exalt, if possible, the reputation of the owner for artistic taste, not to make him or his friends feel good and snoozy around the domestic fireside. 1t is said that our latest esthetic rage, the Mission furni-ture is modeled after chairs, tables and benches left in the ancient Spanish missions of southern California when those outposts of the church in a barbat·ous land w"erc abandoned. It is not stated whether the Mission furniture had anything to do with causing the missions to be abandoned. It may well be that they did. In any case, it is known that several hair shirts were found in the missions at the same time, which is a most suggestive circumstance. It points unerr-ingly to the apparent fact that the pious Franciscans had the chairs and benches there for puqlOses of penance. Beyond a doubt, something of the penitential character of this furni-ture has survived in its commercial representative in the mar-ket today. Some of the oldest of us can remember a kind of easy chair used in the long ago which was built to fit a man's back It cunred jnv\"'ard a little bit where the back curves in, bulged backward and sideward pleasantly where the should-ers expand, came forward again in a nice little nip at the neck and fltlally afforded a comfortable pillow-like recession for the head to lie back upon. One sat well down into this chair, but at the fT{mt there \Vas a kind of San Juan hill that pre-vented one from slipping forward. The arms weore ample. This chair had absolutely no estllctie qoalities ·whatever. There was no beauty about it, except the heauty of peace and seretlity. But to sit in it was a benediction, not a 111orti11ca-tiOl], of the flesh. \Vc helieve that this chair has its comfortable successors in the market, htlt they are availahle only for millionaires, or for presentation purposes. This gennation has acquired altogether too strong a sense of the picturesque to bc willing to be merely comfortable when it has a chance to be esthetic at the sacriflce of its ease.-New York Mail. Mahnke Succeeds Reilly. Charles F. Reilly, for the past six years representing the Jamestown Lounge Company in the large cities of the east, has resigned his position to enter ~l1siness for himself as a member of the Miller Cabit1et Company. Mr. Reilly has built np a very large and successful business for the Lounge company and his resignation was accepted with much regret by the managers. His many friends will join in the wish that he may meet with unlimited prosperity in his new ven-ture. ~Ir. Reilly's successor will be Richard Mahnke, for the past seventeen years with S. Karpen & Bros. and their pres-ent eastern reprcsentadve. 1Ir. Mahnke's engagement with the Jamestown company will date from January 1, 1907. His (ong experience in the manl1fadure and sale of upholstered fnrniture render him particularly well fitted for his new posi-tion. In fact, he is regarded as one of the best posted men in the country selling 11pholstered goods. Many of 1Ir. Reilly's cllstomers are already well acquaint-ed with ::\.'!r. Mahnke and those who are not so fortullate will soon have the opportunity of making his acquaintance. A brilliant success for Mr. Mahnke in his new position is a foregone COllChlsion. The Globe-Wernicke Company has declared the regular quarterly dividend of one and one-half per cent payable De-cember 10. Remo'Ye.SbippinS Marksp Mars. Scratches, Stains. Cleans, Fills in and Polishes. II I I 32 HIGH GRADE BEDDING We Manufacture an Unsurpassed Line of MattressesL-DoWD_ Cushions Feathers and Feather Pillows -OUR- 1906 CATALOGUE Gives you detailed information on GRADES, QUALITIES and PRICES Schultz & Hirsch Co. 260 South Desplaines St. CHICAGO, - • ILL. SPRATT'S CHAIRS ARE THE JOy OF THE CHILDREN. Our new CHILD'S MISSION ROCKER was a winner from the start. Write fcr Catalogue and prias. Our line is large and pril::esare eight. We make CHAIRS GROWN-UPS as well as CHILDREN. GEORGE SPRATT & CO. Sheboygan, Wis. Say you SQW this ad in tb~ Michigan Arti-san, Our New"end and Foot Power Circular Sa", No.4 The strongest, most powerful. and in every way tbe best machine of its kind ever nuLdc, {or, cross-cutting, boring and grooving_ Cal>inet Makers In these days of close competition, need the best posaible equipment, and this they can have in . . . . BARNE.S' Hand and Foot . POWER Machinery Send for our New Catalogue. "W. F. al JOHN BARNES CO. 654 Ruby Street. Rochford, Ill. For the Holiday Trade The A YOUTH'S ANUAL TRAINING l BENCH Is an Article That CanJ Be Beat. A Useful Article in Any Home. A I erfect Gift for the Boy. Same Bench we Fu nish the Best Manual Training Schools. Strictly high grade in every respect. Sold at a price that places it within the reach of all. I! sold like "hot cakes" last Chris mas. Get it on yonr list for this year. Write for full information and prices. GRAND RAPIIDS HAND SCREW eo. 130 Sout~ Ionia St., Grand Rapids, Mich. LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF BENCHES IN THE WORLD. I News, Notes and Comments. The South Side Furniture Company has OPlt1ed a ne\" store lt1 Youngstown, Ohio. The \Vhlte l'ront furniture store at Orofino, Idaho, was de<:troyed by fire on November gLoss, $3,500 Hemy'\T. IIclge, for over lMlf a century a furnIture dealer in Louisville, Ky., dled Novembmer 18, ag-cd 71 years. The Bair Cabinet Company, rcccllt1:~; orgallifcd in Des l'vIoines, la., is turning out physicians' cabinets a1d sectional bookcases. Fire in the sho\v room of the IVlcLeod & Smifrh furniture factory, I\'linneapolis, caused a loss of about $3'iIOO on N0- vembe:r: 12. The Deinzer Fumiture Company of Monroe, ?vliCh.,which also makes mirrors. has been obliged to enlarge the mirror department. . . The IVlanhattan Furniture Company of Los A geles, Ca1., suffered a loss of $5, fire in the factory andl warehouse on November 11. . Rockford, Ill., now has seventeen furniture factories for 'which the payrolls, combined, amount to somdthing over $100.000 pcr w,,·k. l T. he Tennessee Ch~ir Company's factory at Covington. Tenn., was totally destroyed by fire on Novembe 14. Loss $12.000 with $4.000 il1sur~ncc. The Sanitary Bedding Company of Louisvill . Ky., has made an assignment for the beneflt of creditors. Assets es-timated at $300; liabilities, $1,200. 11ilwaukee furniture men have organized the :r:v1ilwaukee l\'lanufacturers' and Jobbers' Club for the 1>urplse of "de-veloping Milwaukee as a furniture cellter," V'l. T. Evans, fu 1iture dealer, "vas. 011('.of the losers by a fire that 'wiped ou several buildings in V·larrllton, Ga.. on November 9. ·s loss was fully insured. Herbert Gordon f Eugene, Ore., has sold his etail fumi-ture business to Lee Campbell and Joseph Fellman, who will take possession January 1 under the name of Campbell & Fellman. A. A. Valentine, & Co., importers of oriental goods, )lew York, have opened a branch store at 1624 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, which will be known as "The House of a Thou-sand Lamps." Scranton ,Pa., had a half-million-dollar fire on November 10. Among the losses arc ]. Scott Inglis & Co., furniture dealers, whose loss was estimated at $90,000 to $100,000, with about $75,000 insurance. John Bolhouer, a DClfoit butcher accused of buying furni-ture on the installment 'plan, selling it and skipping out with the proceeds, "vas caught in ),Jitwaukee and is fighting against being taken back to Michigan for triaL vv. J. Campbell, the Springfield, Ill., undertaker, who was too handy with his pen, has been convicted of forging checks and awaits sentence. He is a cocaine fiend and has been twice an inmate of the asylum at Jacksonville. Fort y."T orth, Texas, is to have a wholesale furniture house owned by men who ha"'e recently sold out a similar business in I\femphis, Tenn. The Fort \Vorth concern will be known as the Fort y."Torth Furniture Exposition Company. The Buchanan Furniture & Cal·pet Company of Kansas City, ),Jo., has ()LltgrO\v~lits quarters in the "Old Rookery" building, and will mov~ to 1204-06 Main street. The new quarters, which ,,",'ere fonnerly used as a furniture store, are being re-modeled and will be ready for occupancy hy Janu-ary 1. Fire that started in the furniture warehouse of Owen & Co., Detroit, Mich., November 21, caused the death of one man a11(1 property loss, to the extent of $50,000 or $60,000. Frederick VIl. 1\fartindaIe, a furniture finisher, was the victim. He was at work on the; fourth floor and after appearing at a front window he fell back into the burning building. 33 • 34 ~MI9]iIG7fN Theory VB. Practice. There was a clash between theory and practice at the re-cent meeting of the Case Goods Manufacturers' Association in Chicago. The modern theory of figuring costs, as ap-proved by experts, was illustrated by applyying it to a dresser that manufacturers have been selling for $1.2. The experts proved beyond a doubt that the cost of the article was more than $12 and that those who had made and sold it at that fig-ure had been doing business at a loss. In discussing the matter most of the speakers endorsed the theory, but <\1\ old German, who had been in the business for years, and whose chief output consisted of the $12-drcsser, expressed doubt as to the correctness of the conclusions reached by the experts: "I don't know ahout that," he said. "I have made those dressers for a good many years. I sold them Ordinance 723, which has never been repealed, if enforced, would play havoc with the business of the town ,unless Mayor McClellan dropped all other duties to sign exemptions. It provides that no person shall' use or have on any street of New York any "calcium, Drummond or other light of intense brilliancy unless by the mayor's permission." N,or shaH any person place any such light on any house in the city so that the same shall reflect or shine upon any street or avenue. One can imagine the effect of the enforcement of this law upon Sixth (lvenue or the Great White Way. Carpet Dealers in a Buying Trust. Manufacturing trusts, agricultural trusts, transportation trusts and selling trusts and combines are so numeroUs now-adays that their methods and operations cause little comment. for $12-sometimes for less-and I didn't notice that I was losing money_ I didn't have much at first. but now I have my factory, my machinery, my stock, my home, some bills coming to me and some money in the bank. Kow, if I have been losing money all these years, how did I get all my prop-erty? I think somebody must have made a mistake. ~by be their rules are wrong." The German's remarks are said to have dosed the dis-cussion of the subject. New York's Dead Letter Laws. It may interest everyone of our department store dealers In furniture and carpets to know that on each secular day of the' year they are violating the la,...-, says the Furniture Trade Review. Ordinance 633 of the revised ordinances pro-vides that "articles of furniture may he exposed for sale and sold" at six places only in the city,; viz., Peck Slip, Burling Slip, Old Slip, Broad street, bet¥veen Front and South, and Vesey street, bctwe'en Church and Washington, and the square in front of Greenwich Market on a line with Christo-pher. street, west of Greenwich avenue. MADE BY FANCY FURNITURE CO.. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Buying trusts, however are rare, though there is apparently no reason why they should not flourish. This seems to be the idea of the great carpet dealers of the "Middle East," who have formed a buying combination in which such houses as House & Hermann of Wheeling; W. H. Keech Company of Pittsburg; M. H. PiekeringCompally, Pittsburg; House & Herrmann, \Vashington, D. c.; Brown & Co., Cleveland, 0 .. and Kiplinger & Co., Baltimore, 1'ld., amI Lancaster, Pa" are represented. Buyers for the houses in this combine, instead of going abroad, have arranged to have the good brought to Pitts-burg, where during the past two weeks th y have been exam-ining- samples and buying stock for thei ~pring trade from reresentatives of the principal carpet man tfacturers of Amer~ ica and Europe. The arrangement w'Il undoubtedly cut down expense accounts for both buyers a ld sellers. P. Weinberg & Son, Limited, have in orporated, to carry all a department store business at Elizab 'th, N. J. :The cap"- itel stock is $10,000, and the incorporato s are Philip, Jessie and Rose Weinberg. 35 ~HIS PUSH BUTTON distinguishes the "ROYAL" Morris Chairs from the other kind MORRIS CHAIRS --FROM--- $6.00 to $30.00 CATALOGUE UPON APPUCATION. Royal Chair Co. STURGIS, MICH. Higher Prices for Beds and Bedding. Although advances have been Inade quite recently in the price of metal beds, fur:ther advances are looked for bdore the end of the year. This is due to the great increase marie in the price of fa,,," materials, UpOll vv"llichthere seems to be no settled prices. According to the quotations puhlished in the American 11etal 1Iarkct, Daily Iron and Steel Reporter and tbe Iron Age, copper is now quoted at 23 cents, as against 17 cents last year and 14% cents in 1904. Pig iron is quot-ed as selling now for $22.50 per ton, as against $lG.~2;,l"ajst year. Even at this it is more or less scarce and premil11ns are being paid for quick delivery. The price of spelter in 1903 averaged about $5,50 and the present rate is $6.40. \Vben it is taken into consider<\tion that brass is made of two-thirds copper and Ii spelter, some idea of the increased cost of the manufacture of heds may be inferred. Iron pipe has been advanced $3.50 per ton during the past few weeks and foundry:coke is now selling at $6.40 per tOll delivered, in comparisoll'with $4.15, which was the price three months ago. Varnish and gums arc always advancing in rates and this makes the, cost of the enamels greater than before and the price of bbor is also said to be advancing. Some of the 'ne(\ mallUIacturers have ad\'anced the price of their beds about fifteen per cent during the past few weeks, while others have found it \vise to discontinue the making of certain patterns and filling only the orders received at the new prices. Advances in the prices of mattresses and bedding may be expected to take place at any time ill the immediate future, which will be due to the scarcity of f,L"\V materials and the eontinual increasing prices of the same. Tickings have ad-vanced about twenty per cent quite recently and a scarcity of all grades is reported. So far as cotton is concerned, Six Years of Test have Established Supremacy THE" ROYAL.' PUSHBUTTON MORRIS CHAIR prices are unsettled. The market is rising and every time an order is give.n -it lS taken only at higheT Tates than the previous one. 'Manufacturers making woven wire springs are now compelled to pay Jifty per cent over former prices for the wooden parts of the same. These and other recent Cidvances make it an almost absolute certainty that advanced prices in bedding may he looked for very shortly. Mr. Kremer Quits the Factory. Edward .A. Kremer has resigned his position as vice pres-ident and assistant superintendent of thc V\Tinnebago Furni-ture Company, Fond du Lac, \iVis, and is succeeded by Henry Ley, who bas been employed in the company's office for sev-eral years. Mr. Kremer ".·.i.ll devote his entire attention to the retail furniture business of Kremcr Bros. He has been with the \Vinnebago company twenty-four years. .. 36 ·~MI9pIG7}N THE LEXINGTON MK-bisPm Blvd. &: 22d 51 CHICAGO. ILL. Refurnished and re-fitted throughout. New Management. The furniture dealers' bead-quarters. Most con _. veniently situated to t b II!! furniture display houses. Inler·Slale Hotel Co. OWNEIl & PROPRIETOR E. K, erHey. Pres.; T. M. CrUey, V. Pres.; L. H. Firey, Sec:-Tleas. Chicago, November 24.-"That country is most prosperous in which the greatest number of the inhabitants shar~ in the fruits of industry. It is not the volume of business done by a nation, but the number in which the profits of business are divided that gives character and reality to prosperous con~ clitions. Measured by this standard, the United States at the present moment is more genuinely prosperous than at any other time in its history. Kever has the volume of business been so large; never has there been a wider or more liberal division of profits. As may he seen 'from a survey of the industrial field, there have been announced by railroads and industrial interests, increases ill wages tbat will Tun iJlto the hundreds of millions during the coming year, And it is an advance due to natural economic laws and conditions. There is an unprecedented demand for labor, a demand that labor is not prepared fully to meet. The supply being less than the demand, the price advances automatically. Every wage earner who is receving more for his labor today than he was a year ago, does not need to be told the country is prosper-ous, because he has come into intimate touch with prosper-ity. To him it is real." The foregoing editorial which appeared last week in the Chicago "Evening Post," best describes the present trade condition in Chicago as well as elsewhere. In the same issue appeared an extended article dealing with the "immense rise in wages and the present l.1nparaJleled era of prosperity. Most of the large railroad companies have re-adjusted their scale of wages and other Chicago industrial firms have fallen ihto line and granted substantial increases. At the same time the manufacturer and employer faced a labor shortage reaching a total _of between 300,000 and 500,000 men. A visit to the various factories in and around Chicago proves that there is plenty "doing," as they are running to full capacity. Many manufacturers declare that they could run far into the spring or orders already in hand. Retail business in Chicago was dulled somewhat by in-clement weather. The holiday season here, though, has opened earlier than in previous years, due in p<l;rt,no doubt, to the fact that retail merchants have used every effort pos-sible to get peopJe t() their stores early and avoid the regu-lar holiday rush. Practically all of the Christmas goods L are now on display. The big stores comtnenced weeks ago to increase their help in order to accomt 'odate what they declare will be the biggest holiday trade this city has ever experienced. C. G. \-Vhite, se_cretary of the Manufa turers' Exhibition building, 1319 IVlichigan avenue, reports very foot of floor space in the entire building subscribed fo, A corps of in-terior decorators, carpenters, and general utility men have been at work for several weeks getting the big building in shape for its eleventh season. Mr. White promises more exhibits and a greater variety of articles for this year than ever before and is preparing to accommodate a still larger number of visitors. Although country dealers in all lines of goods have been waging a fierce war against the mail order houses, the lat-ter seem to be thriving. An official of Sears, Roebuck & Co. recently g'ave out the following statement: "Our gross earnings this year will be considerably: more tban $54,000,000, and the increase ovcr last year will be more tban 337:3 per ccnt Profits have not increased in such a ratio during tbe year, but they are entirely satisfactory. Enough will be earned over and above dividends on the preferred stock to provide a surplus that will permit the payment of dividends on the common stock in a few months." Great Rush for Carpets and Rugs. The demand for carpets an~ rugs has been so heavy since the spring season opened that quite a few of the best selling lines have now been withdrawn from the market. IVIanufac-turers state that their mills are sold up for the entire season on these lines, and that there is no use in taking orders which cannot be delivered. Rugs of all descriptions have been or-dered in large quantities, buyers who balked at the advanced prices having returned later, eager to place large orders. Manufacturers ofAxminster rugs state thatin spite of an advance of 25 to 75 cents placed on' the goods, the orders placed have been the largest in the history of the trade. Con-cerns handling Axminster and other goods have refused to sell buyers Axminster rugs unless they placed orders for other goods as well. They claim that this is due to the fact that buyers have come into the market and placed their or-ders with certain houses for general lines, and when un-able to complete their orders for Axminsters have gone through the market and purchased these goods wherever they could secure them. In this way, certain sellers find that they ate heavily oversold on Axminster fabrics, while the other lines have not been touched. The Wilton rugs are running a close second with Axmill-ters, as these goods have been in excellent .request in the 10.6 x 12 sizes and 11.3x 15 sizes, The 6 x 9 sizes have become very popular and in some quarters further orders are refused. Manufacturers of tapestry rugs who found that these goods did not sell welt last season named slight reductions at the opening of the present season. These reductions on an otherwise very stiff market seem to appeal to the buyer, and the demand for tapestry rugs, especially in the 9 x 12 sizes, which were reduced 50 cents per rug, has been very heavy, It is now 5tated that if this demand continues, prices will un-doubtedly be placed on the old basis at a very early date. .Body Brussels and Smyrna rugs have also been very popu-lar, and a large business has been put through. The in~ grain situation continues rather mixed, as some manufactur-ers have advanced thcir prices, while others are holding their goods on the fall basis. The demand has not been large and it looks very much as if the ingrain cal'pet is gradually being fon::ed out of exist~ ence. In certain sections of the country a fair demand con-tinues for goods of this description, especially for the rugs, which are reversible, wear well and are cheap. ,------------------------------ -- PRINTING AS A SALESMAN. Must Be High Grade and Up-to-Date in Order to be Effec~ tive in Securing Busines.s. The object in using printers' ink <111(1 the printing art, whether it be in the daily press, the magazine or by circulars, is ob ...i.ously to create a market fwd sell goods. says Frank Brown in the November number of Profitable Advertising. As one of the principal factors, almost all advertisers today realize the importance of bigh-grade printing. They know that every circular, booklet or c;ltalogue sent out creates an impression and that impression should al"ways b{~the best. People like to trade with a fLrm that is prosperous and noth-ing reflects the prosperity of a firm so unceasingly as high-grade printing. before the developmellt of illustration, as it is practised today, plain-type cmnOUllccl11enb;filkd the bill; but with the rapid strides made in phntaengraving, color-making and com-mercial dra\;ving there has been constantly dema11ded of the printc:r an art \,i\Torkmanshipin keeping with it and faithfully portraying to the prospective customer the value, adaptability or other de!:iirablc features of the advertised goods. This has brought about a new printing salesman, One who not only can give a reasonably close estimate of the cost, but can plan and suggest ,vays and IlJCaOS of interesting a pos-sible customer, And to be successful he must be versatile. He must have a knowlc:dge of the various processes of C11- graving and the qualities of paper best adapted to the differ-ent kinds of engraving. He must be at least somewbnt of all art critic: and familiar with the combination of colors, lIe must be prepared Hot only to suggest styles, arrangement and individuality, but also to furnish drawings, snpply Jiving models, if nccessary, "work tiP" the photographs cwd take charge of the production of cuts and electrotypes. Often-times he is called npon to prepare the "copy" or text-matter of a booklet or catalogue, and should be therefore a thorough "ad" writer. Printing salesmanship for high grade £inns means more today than disposing of so much pl1per and ink. It means keeping alive ,...i.t.h the times; it means a campaign of educa-tion toward a combination of the artistic and commercial. And the salesman must l1ever sacrifice one for the other, to be successful, for the customer, while looking to him to pro-duce something pleasing, is always after the dollar, He is not in business far the encouragement of are al011e. The work mtlst sell goods. There is nothing, except showing the goods themsdves, that will d(l this so effecti~Tcly <IS well prepared ~l11dfinely printed illustrations.; or .• better still, a combination of illustration and harmony of colors which is at 37 once pleasing to the eye and accentuates the picture. This must be most carefully done, however. No one realizes .better than a competent salesman that a photograph rarely pro-duces the desired impression if used for cut-making as it comes from the photographer. It must go through the hands of an artist who retouches, in other words brings out by means of paints the details of the goods as they arc plainly discerllable and obliterates all disfiguring features. A grc<it deal of the high-grade advertising of today is of the .H. issouri "shcl\v me" variety-illustrations by living mo-dels actually llsing the article-and there is no doubt that it is m.ost effective, at the same time being capable of very artistic treatmellt. Of necessity, illustrations of this charac~ ter must be finely printed in order that the story may be told in its most seductive manner. Other firms, employ high-grade printing to the eXclusion of samllles and almost to the exclusion of the personal sate,s-man. This is done by the use of three or four color plates, iaithfutly reproducing the colors of the goods. In time to come this means of conveying to the purcl1aser a correct understanding of the nature and quality of the goods will be more and more employed. The demand of the public and the efforts of the printing salesman will be a potent {actor in bringing this ahout, Higb~grade printing is not confined to the catalogue, al-though this is usually the most pretentious publication of a finn. Circulars have largely gone out of date for high-grade advertising and have hettn supplanted by the booklet, which offers greater ovportunity for attradi~'encss and creates a better first impression. The letter-head) invoice and state-ment should all bear out the good impression created by cata-logue or booklet. The true printing salesman recognizes the fact that high-grade ptinting is not always, or even ofte.n, ornamentaL It may be severely plain in its make-up. It is essential, how-ever, that it should have character and be done in a studied, 'workmanlike manner. It may be artistic if plain. As rdated to advertising·, printing is merely the dress in which it goes fonh) and high-grade printing is its best suit of clothes. It is merely so mueh display, unless there is a story behind it, and that !3tory 111Ustbe most convincingly told. A smart talker appropriately dressed will be a power in selling" goods. The Ulan behilJd the "mon" will entertain a well dressed visitor,. but if he is going to purchase he wants to knuw all about the goods and the values that are offered him. Therefore it is essential that after the introduction the information be complde and the argume1Jt convincing. The salesman should sell high-grade printing with a view to properly introducing high-grade argument, The result cannot fail to be high-grade business, ii BERRY BROTHERS' II Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes II MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED II THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TR'ED WRITE TODAY FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES 1 1 1 1 . SERRY B'R'CiMYH'E5RS, LIMITED NEW'0" VARNISH MANUFACTURERS CH'CAOO II ' BDS::~I\D!:LPHjA D ET R 0 I T ST~'~:~:NATI ~I\LTlMORE CANADIAN FACTORY. WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO SAN FRANCI$CO I 38 New Factories. Wilson's Automatic Musk. Leaf Furniture Company 15 a new corporation that will establish a plant in Portland, Oregon. A. J. Kingsley, Margaret \rVhite and J. !or Teal have organized the Oregon ChaiT Company at Portland, Or~g(J11 They have $75,000 capital. \Villiam Genge, E. F. Bean and David Herman have or-ganized the Inland ~Iattress & Upholstering Company at Spokane, Wash. They expect to begin business in Decem-ber, Lincoln, Neb., is to have a new factory to make a patent adjustable window shade. L. E. Wrttling is the principal promoter. Several state officials are stockholders in the project. B. O. Jackson, \V. W. and H. W. Ort have organized the Jackson-Ort Company with $5,000 capital stock, all paid in, to establish a plant and make beds and mattresses in At-lanta, Georgia. The Lake Geneva Piallo Stool Company is a new Illinois corporation capitalized at $15,000, with the purpose of oper-ating in \Visconsin. The company will start business in the old plant of tht, Lake Geneva (Wis.) Manufacturing Com-pany, but will soon 'build a new factory. George F. Felker of Logansport has purchased a site of thirteen acres and let contracts for buildings for a furniture factory at Lebanon, 1no. He has purchased the patents and patterns of the kitchen cabinets formerly n)ade by H, C. Clark and \vill conl1ne himself to that line at the start, but expects to add other lines later. Big Business With Little Profit. Over sixty members attended the semi-annual meeting of the National Association of Case Goods Manufacturers held in Chicago during the second week of November. Secre· tary 1. S. Linton of Grand Rapids, J\.Iich., reported that, judged from the olltput of the factories, the past year was the most prosperous in the history of the association. "The capacity of all plants of the association was taxed to its ut-most and the output shows an increase of over $5,000,000 over any previous year of our organization," he said. "But unless we can secure the proper kind of labor for our work the business next year will be depreciated harmfully. Every member of the association needs lahar-men who can get the timber out for us and men who can get out our products." However, the profits on the last year's business were not in proportion to the amount of goods produced. As a matter of fact the mirgin between actual cost and selling prices had been nearly wiped out by the increased cost of raw materials and the lack of desirable labor. Therefore an advance of ten per cent in prices was ordered to take effect on January 1, 1.907. .7I.RTItSsYeI-2'f From the Unel of the Luce Funiiture Co., Graud Mich. LIGHT FROM THE SOUTH. How a Kentucky Furniture Dealer Meets Mail Order Com-petition. }1erchants from the South are generally supposed to be slow-going, lacking in energy, enterprise and other qualities that contribute to the success of retail business. After travelillg through the South, men of the East, North and Great \iVest frequently declare that what the South most needs is some of the "git-up and git" that is practiced in other sections of the country. Such has heen the condition for lllany years, but it appears that a change has been tak-ing place, or has already bee1l effected, and that some of the Why Not Order? Say a dozeD, or more Montgomery Iron Display Couch Trucks sent you on approval? If not satisfactory they can be retumed at no expense to you whatever, while the price asked is but a trifle, com-pared 10 the convenience they afford and the economy ,they represent in the saving of floor space. Thirty_two couches mounted on the Montgomery Iron Display Couch Trucks occupy the same floor space as twelve dis-played in the usual manner. Wrile for catalogue giving full descrip_ tion and price in the different finishes, to· gether with iliustrations demonstrating the use of the Giant Short Rail Bed Fastener fn Iron Beds. Manufactured by H. J. MONTGOMERY PATENTl:lH Silver Creek, New York, U~ S. A. D"nnis Wire and lron Co., Canadian Manu-facturers, London, Onto merchants at leas.t. arc now wide awake-fully \lP to dale in their business mCthcds. At any rate, traveling sales1llen and others who, a few years ago, had !liuch to say ~lbout the lack of ellergy and ambition in the South, no\v declare that the SOtlthern merchants arc "coming to the front" in the matter of methods and means for getting trade and holding it. That the merchant!:; of the South h"ve made great progress in the past fevv· years must be conceded. They are not only alive to the advantages of advertisilig, but they seem to be less worried by competition than those in other sections of the country. 1\" orthern merchallts '1Nould hardly think of looking to the South for pointers as to bow to meet mai1- order competition, but while many of them have been be\vail-ing their prospective toss of track a Kentucky fumlture dealer seems to have found a way to convince the lleople in his field that it is not to their advantage: to patroni2e the mail-order bouses. His method is fully divulged in an advertisement which he nsed recently 111 the newspapers and also in the form of a cil'cu1ar letler, of ",,'hieb the fotlowillg is a copy: LET'S ITAVE A TALK. Let us have an honest, eanlest talk about your furniture buying. J--Tave yOU been buying from Chicago mail order houses? If so, read carefully the comparisons which we show belO\v. \\.Te have olle of these "Buyers' Guides" bdore us in pre-paring tlyi5 c.opy, and the comparison is not guesswork. '.tVc will show you where you can save morey-say nothing of building up 1ll01lster railroad companies and belping oat Chi-cago buslness houses, which at the same time weakens your country town, dr,l\C'v"sdowll the market for your produ(~c, and lcssens the va1ne of your o\vn land in favor of real cstate in the Korth, and then these people don't credit anyone. Kat one in a thous;md has thought of this, and if yoU will read carefully yon will see we can actually save you moncy. 39 This Chicago catalogue quotes a seat dillinglChair, per set of six at.. "-dd frelgh on 72 pounds.. . Makl11g a total of Deduct au regular PTlf:C plain, double cane . ,.$3.75 ... 1.25 ... $5.00 3.50 . ..... $7. J I 7.25 Leaves net They ma Add freigh gain to yon of., . . $1. 50 e a big howl about a cotton felt mattress at. $7.40 on 44 pDunds... . , . .80 ]I.'fakes the cost to you at depot. Our regut r price is". . . . ..... $8.20 . .. 8.00 Here we s They gi The freigh ve yOU __ . . . e a glowing description of an 1ron on the bed is.,. .... $ .20 bed at. , .. $6.30 . .. 1.07 The cost t( you ;1t depot is. \Ve give y( t1 a better one for. Leavillg a let saving of. . $ .12 This catalogue makes a big noise abont a solid oak (-j foot extet 5.ion tabte and quotes a price of. . ..... $11.85 It weighs 2 [) pounds; freight is. 1.90 And it CC\ts you .. Dedtlct OUI regular price. . $13.75 12.50 And we sa e you just , $1.25 "\Ve COlli take up this whole pJ.per in giving comparisons, and ill <'ve y instance it would be in our favor. We have this cata1.o lC from one of the largest concerns in thc North, and call 5h )V....yOll the pages alld description if you care to see. The Sd wab & Trieber Mirror Manufacturing Company, Brooklyn, Y., h<15 been incorporated. The capital stock is $30,000, l1'd the il1Corporators are L Schwab and G. 1J. Treiber of rooklyn and \iVilliam H. Ricdelt of Yonkers. by She.boygan Nove.lty Co., Shebo.,.ZlII.n. Wis. ... 40 -""1Vl.I9..H1G 7(N? An Interesting Plant. On,e of the most interesting plants lately visited by a rep-resentative of the Artisan is that of the Hard Manufacturing Company of Buffalo, N. Y. They manufacture metal beds and a full line of bedding, employing over 200 hands, and having more than two acres of floor space in their plant. The interesting feature was that all their beds and cribs arc machine made instead of foundry made. They have no cu-pola and do not use a pound of cast iron in their work. Ev-every casting is a piece of annealed malleable iron which is 7IR'T' IS' JI.l'1 3 0/ ee stead of $5, the amount allowed by the county court for bur-ial of paupers. The bill was presented immediately after the funeral, but was held up as the judges believed it was ex-cessive. Hendershot, a farmhand, accidentally shot himself white hunting on the Platte river, near Edgerton, and the body was turned over to the coroner of Platte county, who engaged Undertaker McComas. After ,Mr. McComas' explanation the judges decided to pay the bilL "Yes, it's true,"said one of the judges, "that the country ground and drilled to exactly fit the rods and pipe which go thtolIgh. A dozen or more huge presses are used to set these castings into place delivering" a pressure on thorn of from twenty to thirty tons, depending on the size of the castings. A lin'eof these presses is here illustrated at work and it is eVideMt that 'the goods thus made are absolutely indestruc-tible. Oile can ta1.::c"a.piece of this malleable iron and flat-ten it\'ut on an anvil, in the same way that you can wrought iron. Their manager told the writer that every bed and crib that they send out had a !twenty-five years guarantee on it and certainly they make-vbry, smooth, nice clean goods, which ,we think it would pay '~urreaders to investigate. Country People Respect the Dead. "You see" we're in the coup try down -there, and we have to give them a decent burial in the country. In the city, here, it doesn't matter. Nail fOUI1boards together and another board at each end, dump 'em! in and cover 'em up-that's a . pauper burial in the city, but: in the country they wouldn't stand for it for a minute. If we buried a pauper like that down in Platte county they Jould run us out of town. It would make no difference whether the pauper was known or not, or whether he had "any friends; they'd take up a collec-tion anyhow, and give him a decent buriaL" These remarks were made recently to the county court in St. Joseph, 1'10., by J. M. McComas, undertaker at Edger-ton, Mo., in explaining why his bill against Buchanan county for burial of Harvey Hendershot in April, 1,.905,was $22 in-people won't stand for the pauper burial as we know it here. And then, on the other hand, a person of means can die fifty per cent cheaper in a small country town than he can in the city, and get just as good a burial." The plant of the Standard Chair Company at Union City, Penn., was totally destroyed by fire November 14. The loss was over $100,000 with $70,000 insurance. The owners, Roy Church, Ray Fenno and Orville Hatch, announce that the plant will be rebuilt. Furniture Dealers need have no more fear. With the use of Cline's Caster Cup one table may be placed on top of another without injUry. Made in two sizes in the following finishes: Oak, Mahogany and Rosewood. Special prepared feet bottom, preventing sweat marks, scratching, etc. Price: 2]4:in. per 100. $3.50, 3)j in. per 100. $4.50 We also manufacture the mo.t reliable Card Holder on the market. :: Write for our Dew 40 pUe ,CataloBue. L. Cline Mfg. Co.. 123. Wabash Ave., Chicago MICHIGAN Co., Rochford, Ill. nl•ture DR ENTIRE LINE (many of hem new patterns) of • Closets 41 Mechanics CHINA CLOSET. Ready for Delivery The White Classified Directory POCKET EDITION Manufacturers of Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Refrigera-tors, Interior Finishes, Bedding and kindred goods Classi-fied by states, towns and trades. Send in your order im-mediately. Price $5, WI.ite Printing Co., Grand Rapid., Mivl.. Ina and Buffets ill be on exbibition on the Third loor of the Furnit re Manufacturers' Exhibition Buildi g, 1319 Michigan Avenue, Chica 0, Ill. "t(' "t(' "t(' n charge of s. J. Le ROY9 J. E. Hanvey. Made by Mechanics Furniture Co., Rockford. III. Would Punish Railroads for Delays. The ::\Icrchants' & Travelers' Association of Pbiladelphia has ad pted Tcsoluti()Jls favoring the penalizing of railroads \vhere he delays in shipments exceed a reasonable time. The as ociation will join with I thirty-three other commercial bodies throug-hout t.he country, representing a membership of 200, 00, and institute a vigofollS crusade to enlist the sym-pathy a HI support of congress for this rdorm in freight tranS-port;:, ti 11. ------" A 42 New Style Folding Beds. "The old fashioned upright folding bed is out of date," said Morris Heyman of the Heyman Company, Grand Rap- Made by Pioneer Manufacturing Co., Dettoit, Mich. ids, Mich., when· his attention was called to the statement credited to Rosenthal & Gumberts of Evansville, Ind., in which they noted a great falling off in the demand for the once-popular piece of furniture. "I don't know that we afe selling as mally folding heds as we did formerly, but that de-pends on how far back yot! go. vVe are certainly not selling as many as we did ten or twelve years ago, when there was a rage for foldillg beds, hut we are selling lots of sofa beds, sanitary couches, cOllvertible davenports and the like. The mantel folding bed is a gooQ. seiter and I think that taking all the new styles together we are putting out just as many folding beds as we did five or six years ago." Owen; R.Chaffee of the firm of Young & Chaffee, Grand Rapids, discussing- the same subject, said: "'1I,'e hay€ had No. 309. Made by Robbins Table Co. OWOHO, Micb. a good del11;twl for folding beds during the past few months. The demand sometimes seel11s. to be spasmodic, I suppose it is due to the season. Rents are high and maliy people find it necessary to economize in the matter of space. 'J'he old fashioned folding hed is out of style, but there are plenty of substitutes. The 'Silnplicity,' made by the Jamestown Lounge COl11pany, is one of our best sellers." INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS 1 5 Woodard Furniture Co. Yeager Furniture Co .. 8 . .13 Ameril'<UDl'harmaeal Co ... Alaska Refrigerator ClI. lmrneK, W. .1<•• &. John, Co. Belding-Hall Mfg. Co. Berry nl."others BO('kstt'ge ]<Ul'1liture Co 24 Bosj;;e Furniture C(II. . ·~5 'Challengt' .Retrlgeratol." Co. . .20 -ehfeftgo ""ood Fini!lhing Co. 3 Cline, L•• l'11g. Co. 40 'Conrey-Da,vi~ Mfg. Co. b2 Conrll'!Y, n. L., FurnJtur!." Co.. . .112 Eva,ns,·tlle "Metlll Bed ('0. Fi!>her, C. A.,. & Co .. :}'ord &. Jahnson Co. 'FrilWO Sy!ltem Globe J<'urntture Co ... G. R. Ca",tel."Cup Co. G. R. Chair Co. G. R. Hllm) Screw Co. Gl'IInd Trunk Ry. Hal."dMfg. Co. Hasslel.", Owen C., Co. Hoffman Bl'others Co. Horn Bros. Mfg. Co. Hotel rautUnd Illinois Central Ry. Imperial I"llrniture Co. Inter~State Hotel Co. Invincible Table Fastener Co. Jamestown T.Olmge Co. Karges li'urniture C9. Kauffman "l1g. C(II.. Lentz Table Co. 9 Luce )<'urnltnre Co. . 16 Mfdnt'. Ex. Bldg. Co., Chicago Cover Mecbanics' J1'urnitul"e Co. . ... 41 · .32 . .. 29 8 5 . : .24 .................. 13 .al .3::1 .. ,13 .15 . :n . IS . 16 .............. 12 · .4-2 . Cover . .... 24 .. 12 l\olfctrs'. Furn Ex., Chi(~lIgo. ~Ulchigan Centrlll R)·. Miller, Eli D., & (:0. Montgllmt>ry, H. ,J. ::\-[oon Desk (~o. Morton Hou~e .... 12 l\lobile &. Ohio R)·, . 20 Murphy Chair ()o. .23 l\[uMkegon "alley Furniture Co. . .... 21 Xorth!."rn Flll."nitllre Co. . .1. N"elson-3-1aUer Furniture Co. . .Cover Olsen, O. C. 8., 81; (~o. . .. ~7·35-:~8-n O
- Date Created:
- 1906-11-25T00:00:00Z
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