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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and .. " ... I. - , A SUPERIOR FLAT SURFACE SANI)ER Why m<;tal1 ,my Sand Belt Marhme tor Flat Surfaces except the Wysong & MIles? You wIll pal tWIce as much for other makes and WIn get an mfenor machme If you do not belIeve thI<; communIcate WIth us and be con,mced No 171 Saud Belt Machme WYSONG & MILES COMPANY, Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., GREENSBORO, N. C. ASK FOR CATALOG E ~- The Best Truch.--The Strongest TrucK Lt. ..== This is the famous Gillette Roller Bearing Factory Truck---the truck on ~ hich it is said, uOne man can m07.'f a !rlaa ~f :woo pounds ~hi!e with tIll? other trut RS zt takes three mm." This is the truck that is strong where others are weak---tly trutk that has an unhreaRable malleable ilon fork. Thi" i~ the truck YOC are looking for if you wish to tn'~)est m rather than 7i.:aj!f mone} (;n factory trucks. Gillette Roller Bearing CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Lightest Runnmg, Longest Lasting Truck <~.~ ~~~---------------------~ IIjIIj I i IIII• I I \,I I•I •I,i I,I I I, I, II I . --~_._~-~---------------~ e(). GHA'ln ({APlns. )1:Il'H. BEl)· R()(. ~J Hnd 1) I ~~J ~. J .. It. ».) \1 (O)JPJ • 11 ~f Ifh""i It you ha' e no' one HI." OUl. ~tOI.t" I ..,lU1D](:· :tPU It- '"" J;ng liituifes. to 1l1d.tch """lth It " ('-l! ilu: lJ(l..,i ilU) Jl I; i1 .... 2' l~xl'l.?iitJ_l})IUPg-..OIl ......... bo"'~~ it.Hll f,uf" ...oJ( 'i:L!.tOJl1y I•• Ii II ,I I II j II. ~----- - - - __ ~__•• _ I 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN I Complete lines of samples are displayed. It is worth the time I! I and expense required in making a trip to Evansville to inspect ! Ithese lines. I IIII THM~m'~~f~g§~~.,~. ~~I.~~lli~_S2~be. i I THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabinets, K D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, in imitation golden oak, plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, China Closets, Combination Book and LIbrary Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Sideboards in plain oak, imitation quartered oak, and solid quartered oak, Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and Chiffoniers in imitation quartered oak, Imitation mahogany, and imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Line of Parlor, LIbrary, Dming and Dressing Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Made by The Karges FurnJtUl e Lo Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. Cribs, Wire Springs and Cots. Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the United States, made so by the Big Six Association . ....-------.-.-- .-.----.... WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 Made by Globe FurnItme Comp~uy Made b, Bosse Fnrmture Campau, Made by Bockstege Furmture Co. Made b, Bockstege Furniture Co. ~-. . --_. . ----_. . .. --- - .. - --_. . . --_. . - - -- -~--- -- ._- .~-.- -----_. ~-~----_._.-_._------ .._ ..._----..., .1 - I I WEEKLY ARTISAN THE ----_.. .. . . Catalogue upon request. II j.------_. ... --------------- --------- . ...- ------------ - ..._~ LUCE LINE Many New Patterns in Dlllmg Room and Bed-room Furniture for the Fall Season. SHOW ROOMS AT FACTORY, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ..... ---------~--- MANUFACTURERS OF ..... ~ LUCE-REDMOND CHAIR CO., Ltd. II BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I OFFICE CHAIRS, DINING CHAIRS Reception Chairs and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colonial Parlor Suites, Desk and Dressing Chairs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Birch, BIrd's-eye Maple. Qyartered Oak and C,rcass,an Walnut LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY HIGH GRADE You will find our Exhibit on the Fourth Floor, East SectIOn, Manufacturers' Buildmg, North Ionia St., Grand Rapids. j. • - _. ------- •• _._--------------_.--_. -_._---------------- .-_ ....- GRAND ~~======~~PUBL~IC ~ 30th Year-No. 20 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., NOVEMBER 13. 1909 Issued Weekly FORCED TO ADVANCE THEIR PRICES Action Taken at the Regular Semi-Annual Meeting of the National Furniture Manufacturers' Association at Chicago. Ch1cago, :i\ ov 12- The regular ,elll1-annual meetIng of the NatIOnal I'urmture l\IallufactUl e1t,' "\::,,,oc1atlOn held at the Aud1tonum Hotel ) esterday brought a larger attendance than any other meetll1g of the organuatlOn The attendance was from all sectIons of the country, but the mO'it notIceable 111- crea"e wa" from the east, no le::,s than twenty-one m,'I11ber from the 1\ew York and Pennsylvama a'i'iOClatlOn of furmture manufacturer<; bemg precent The total attendance ~as 0\ er a hundred, the exact number partlClpatll1g m the banquet bemg 105 Pres1dent A F Karge" of L\ ans\ dIe, Ind, occup1ed the chaIr and after call1l1g the gathellng to older announced that the most 1mportant matter for con::,lderatlOn, d1Scuss10n and ac-tIOn, 1£ deemed adv1::,able, was the conchtlOn that confront'i the manufacturers of furmture throughout the country The executive commIttee of the as,oclatlon presented a report, whIch after refernng to the 1ecent advance" 111 pnces of nearly all matenals thed 1ll the manufacture of fUlmture, and other Increases In general eApenses, ended w1th a resolu-t10n recommend111g that 1n V1ew of eX1"tIng comhtlOn" all fur111ture man ufactm er'i should aclYance theIr pnce, at lea 'it ten per cent The report wa::, dhcus"ed at great length "0:0 speaker opposed an advance 111pnces All agreed that such actlOll wa" absolutely nece:-,sary and unavOldable There ~as a c11f-ference In op1l1lOn. however, as to how much pnces "hould be aclYanced, man) express1l1g the opmlOn that ten per cent ~ as not enough Some favored 15 per cent and others thought that w1th the probabIlIty of further ad\ ances 1ll the cost of matenals, pnce::, should be rabed 20 per cent BenJam1l1 Bo::,se, a prom1l1ent manufacturer of Evan"v1lle, vOIced the \le~S of many others when he cIted "peClfic 111stances of the aclYance on raw materIal u"ec!ln the manufactUl e of fur11ltm e, (leclanng that glas" had advanced 20 per cent In the past week, hardwal e ha'i gone up 10 per cent SInce the ad1ustment of the tanff duty by congress and lumber has advanced from .=; to 10 per cent Several of the speakers charged the Increa,ed CO'it of matenals to the new tarIff law, as chd some of tho'ie at the meet1l1g of the Amencan Papel and Pulp ASSOCIatIOn, whIch wa" al'io helel here yesterday. \rthUl C Ha'it1l1gs of New York. plesldent of the lat-ter orga11lZatlon, saId manufacturer" of paper (lId not conSIder the tanff proper! y rev Ised "\ \ e pay from 50 to 100 per cent p10tectlOn on our raw matenals, sa1d l\Ir Hastll1gs, "and get 5 per cent protectIOn on om product,' he declared In the furmture men s dl'icu'i"lOn attentIOn was called to the fact that the report unde1 con"lderatlon d1d not 11m1t the proposed advance 111 pnces to 10 per cent, nor dId 1t recom-mend any absolute agreement to ma1(e any h1gher prlces and ma1l1ta1l1 them It "lmply recommended an advance of 10 per cent and left any manufacturer free to add 1S or 20 per cent to pre"ellt pnce:-, If he c!e,u e, to do "0 The report and resolutIOn a" presented by the executIve comm1ttee was finally adopted \\ 1thout a d1""ent1l1g \ Olce MIRROR PLATES ARE HIGHER Furniture Manufacturers Notified of a Sharp Advance in Prices. G1and RaplCls furl11ture man ufacture1 'i anc!, presumably tho'3e of other c1tle". have 1ecelved nottce of a change 111 pnces on mlrrOl plate'i-notlce that ha" been expected for about three months or ever Sl11ce the new tarIff law went mto effect It appears that at the meetmg of ~la"s bevelere, and m1rror plate manufacturer", held at Buffalo la'it week, a new pnce 11"t and a nevI' "chedule of lhscount" was adopted and they have been sent out to the manufacturer'i thIS week The new pnce 11"t coupled wIth the new rates of dIS-counts make" an advance In the cost to manufacturer'i aver-agl11g about 12per cent fhe aclvance on plateo contall11ng five square feet or le'iS 1S about 13 per cent and larger Slzes about ten per cent "That mean::, an advance 111pnce:o on our product unles:o we want to do bU:0111e'3Sat a lo'is," saId a well known Grand RapIds manufacturer last \\ ednesday "The best grades of lumber-quarter-sawed oak for 111stance-have advanced fully fifteen per cent dunng the pa"t year and other materIals have gone up cons1derably ~ow \\Ith a boost of ten or fifteen per cent on gla"s there's no othel way than to raIse the pnce of furmture 1f we are to cont111ue hus1l1e:-,,, I th1l1k that fact w1ll he made plal11 enough to all who attend the meet1l1g that lS he1ng held 111 ChlLago today The1e WIll he nothl11g hke an agreement for a ~eneral rahe In pIlLe", but the sItuatIon WIll be thoroughly c11scu:-,,,edand e\ ery manufacturer WIll ~ee that an advance 1n prIces 1<;unavOldable " 6 enthus1a..,m to the com1l1g 'iem1-annual show and the trade generally are expect1l1i:; "ome great result" As usual a large number of manufacturer'i were ch"app0111ted 111 not gett111g 'ipace a" no 11101e can be had, but they are consolmg them seh e.., ly\ tak1l1g "pace In the new permanent expos1tlOn to be held he1 e \\ here there \\ dl be room for all who apply I he la'it expos1tlOl1 brought 2,000 buyer", from all the ca"tern 'itate'i, from P1tbburg and Duftalo to the AtlantIc COd"t and from \\ ashlllgton and Palhmore to the CanadIan border lllle I he cldte'i for the "ho\\ arc Jan 17th to I'ch ~ 1l1clu"n e There WIll be 2. ~08 exhIbItor, and all "pace was "old three month" ago The ne\\ \1 uchant'3 and l\Ianufactm er,,' Exchange budd- 1l1g now be1l1£; erected at 46-47th street and LeXIngton avenue to Depe\\ Place wdl Ildve the greate ...t showrooms m the world It wdl centrahze the salesrooms of the dIfferent Imes of furn- !ture manu:acturel'i, creatmg a market under one roof that \\ III attl act buy er'i from all 0\ er the world, savmg tIme, money ener~) and gn mg better sahsfactlOn to both buyer and ..,eller" 1he present Fur111ture Exclldnge has for 20 \ ear" been the ea"tern "ellmg headquarter" for more than 300 manufacturers, represent111g an 111\e"ted capItal of S100 000 000 The '\ e\\ York Central and ~ e\\ York, New H a\ en & Hartford Rallroad'i are budchng the new quarters, \\ h1ch \\ 111 mean two tweh e 'itory bUlldmg'i, covenng tyro llt) hlocks, contd1n1l1g nearly 30 acres of floor space or 1 380000 "quare feet ArchItects have completed the floor plans \\ hlch can be seen by those lntere"ted About half the ..,pace ha'3 already been contracted for It WIll be a part of the ne\\ Grand L entral "tatlOn and 1'i ea ...l1\ accessIble to all "treet 1adroad ... ele\ ated. "ul)\\d) ". tunnel.., and 'iteam lad road" CJ1mbel Bro ..., the bIg 1'1111adelph1a melchanb who ale WEEKLY ARTISAN FROM A NEW YORK POINT OF VIEW Manufacturers and Dealers Report Prosperous Business-Great Expectations for the Coming Year. ~ew YOlk, \0\ lO-The fur111t111e hlh111e'i" tor the pa'it two year" ha" been \ ery ql11et hut that concl!t1On I... fa"t cl!,,- appeanng and there no\\ loom'i up d bnghter era and the dealer'i are all enjoy 1l1g a good trade People generall} hay e more "teaely employment at faIr wal2,e" and al e buy 111l2, f111n- 1ture aga111 The betiel cla'3"e" hay e been re..,tnctlnl2, then purchases but are now 100"en111g up J he reactlOn 111 1007 cnppled the tJ ade se\ e1ely The on1'. manutacturer-, \\ ho were not cOmpla1l1111g were tho..,e VI' ho had contracb "'lgned for work month'i ahead 1\0\\ the manufacturer, ale \ en busy, have good contract'3 on lldnd the future h bnl2,ht and all seem happy The \\!101e"aler ... d1l dOlnl2, more blhlne"" than for two yedr" and a1e pI epanng for d 1m.; ..,ea-on ne, t year ::VIahogan) \\ooel h hIgh 111 pnce, Odk 1" plett} nedr d'i lllgh and all matenal" al e hIgh a" \vell a" lahor -,0 It look" hke a general advance on all tur111ture '\[lnOl plate" ale h1l2,her and glass IS eJ<.pected to be \el} fi1111 Schwartz & Co hay e been 111corporatecl to manutacture office furnIture, \\ 1th a capItal of $10,000 1he 1nC01porator.., are Otto Greenbe1ger hIdore ~Ia""on and Charle" C \[1t chell Charll''i E ~P1 att ..,ecretal \ ot the \ e\\ \ ork I l1111lture Fxchange has returned from a tnp thlOUl2,h the \\ e..,t The fur111tm e eXpo"ltlC)J1 \\ 111ch open... 1ll ranuan look ... now as If It \\ 111be a greater "uccl''''' tlldll any e\ er held here Manufacturer'3 all 0\ er the country a1e 10ok1l1l2,tor\\ arcl v'V!th five ctlmplete lines of Refrigerators Opalite Lined. Enamel Lined. Charcoal Filled and Zinc Lined. Zinc Lined with Removable Ice Tank. Galvanized Iron Lined; Stationary Ice Tank. C"ALLENGE REfRIGERATOR COMPANY GRAND HAVEN, MICH., lJ. S. A. AT RIGHT PRICES. SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE AND LET US NAME YOU PRICE. ----------- WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 ~--_-..--_---.__..--~.~... -_--.---- -" .--- -- ------- ---- _. -_._-- ------_ ...- - ------_a..a_-•.-• -_. "" The Beautiful, New Udell Catalog is ready for all Retail Furmture Dealers. It wllt help sell the hne that of Its kind has no superior. It contains 88 pages Illustratmg 41 Library Bookcases, 88 Ladies' Desks, 48 Sheet Music Cabinets, 23 Piano Player Roll Cabinets, 14 Cylinder Record Cabinets, 11 D,sc Record Cabinets, 19 Medicine Cabinets, 10 Commodes, 9 Foldmg Tables. ACT AT ONCE AND WRITE THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND ,,- . . - _. ... .------------ - .----_. -----------_. .- . . ------------~---.--.~---~- bUlldmg an 1mmense department store here of 24 acres 111ek tent, at 31st to 33d Sts ,6th to 7th A\ e", started very small 1111842 Adam Gnnbel opened a small store 111Ind1ana, later enlarged, took h1S ",ons III partnersh1p and then opened a large "tore 111 1\lllwaukee In Ph1ladelph1a the) took Cooper & Conrads store, wh1ch has now 24 acre'3 of "pace The store here 1S progres"'111g rap1dly and 1" called G1mbel's Square Their stock 111the ddferent "tores run 111to many m1lhons 1he \\ H ThOUlas & Son Fur11lture Company has been lllcorporated at \V aterloo, ~ Y, to manufacture rocker" and other furmture, w1th a cap1tal of $30,000, promoted b) \\'11 ham H , John E and G \1 thur Thoma", all of \Vaterloo ),1 Rebchmann & Sons, office and o;ale"rooms at Second a\ enue and 21st street, and factor) on 13Sth street, hti' t taken up the manufacture and have on exh1b1t, a new llllC of "lde boards, ",Ulte", d1l1111gtables, etc, of German, Hahan and Colomal rena1ssance de"lgn and hope buyers w1ll look over then l111eswh1ch are made of mahogany and 1mported oak of the h1ghest grade and style .\ nev\ lllle of "ohd furmture ha'3 been gotten out f01 hoteb, cafes, etc The factory IS prac-tically new, has 96,000 "qual e feet of ",pace and 1'0 completely taken up Henry Re1schmann at the factory lS hard at work makll1g "electlOns for the trade \\ 11ham Mohr has opened a furmture "alesroom on the "ec011Clfloor at Snth ave and 34th "treet, that 1S a beaut) It 10, full) '3tocked and a most elaborate hne carned for both the Jobb111g and reta1l trade AleAande1 Bros, who'3e stot e on the Bowery vvas burned, hay e erected a hanebome new bUllehng for the reta1l trade and they ale III better shape than ever Kahn & GoleLtell1'" retaIl store on the Bowery burned the "aUle tUlle as t\leAander TIro'3, and thl'3 new store 1'3 a CIeellt to any locahty Alfred \ Illore"l, \\ holesale 1mporter of Itahan and French antlCJue hllmture at 12S East 23d street, reports a very satls-factory trade and certall1ly has a fine Illle of good" E Schlo:-." & Co , have been lllcorporated to deal 111 furn- 1ture, w1th a cap1tal of $75,000, held by Gustave E Schlo"", Edw1I1 r; Schlo",", ]\1 1\1 Lmdenstem, and a few other" J 01dan, Monarty & Co, 155 E 23rd street, reta1ler-" say that bu:-.mess 1'0 good They expect a much better season than la",t year and look for an era of four or five) ear.., of pro'ipenty A notable feature lS the 1mproved demand for a better grade of gooeb It lS not how cheap but how good ClrCa'3Slan walnut and mahogany are much called for Hoffstetter's Sons, makmg furmture frame:-., have moved from 111 E 13th street to 372 2nd avenue and are domg much more bu:-.mess They have taken up ca:-.e \\ ork and have glVen new pnces for fall m SUItes, chaIrs, etc, whIch are re-celvmg attentlOn Edwm Hotf"tetter ha:-. gone on the road through 11assachusetts The Fulton ChaIr Company has been mcorporated to manufacture challs, couche", and furmture here, WIth a capI-tal of $2,000, by l\IaA Bandler, Abraham 1\Ieadoff and Abe Drey Lennon & Co, of 153 Ea"t 23d "treet, find trade a great deal better than la"t year and expect a contl11ued Improve-ment Sea:-.onable stuff IS m demand now A "hort tIme ago d1111ng room furmtme was m demand now 1t 1"- bed room furmture They are so crowded that they hay e hardly room to turn around H S Vance who repre:-.ents the Logansport Furmture Company of Logansport, Inc1, says he ha'3 a very busy sea- ,on The extenslOn table:-. 1n mahogany and all other V\oods have sold well and the new deSIgns f01 190<), not countmg those reserved for 1910, have been 1emarked generally by the trade as bemg out of the oreltnary as to pnce", des1gn, etc. The T1dlOute (Pa) FurnIture J\1anufactunng Company, whIch Mr, Vance also repre..,ents, say that the changmg of the1r entlre hnes ha" V\ orked out beyond expectatlOns It ha'3 been the cause of greatly enlargmg the1r force of employees, makmg dre:-.sers, chlff011ler", etc , of mahogany, oak, bIrd' ",-eye and ClrCa%lan, The) are way behmd orders and expect to enlarge the factory The lond du Lac Cabmet Company of Fond du Lac, \Y1S, have put out a new ltne of h1gh ~rade chlfflOners, bed room :-'Ulte:-.,etc ]\11' Vance goes on a t11P thIS week to the factones and w1ll plobably put the latter filln''3 gooeb on exh1b1tlon here Cowperthwalt & Sons, of 193 Park Row, have opened a new furmture store at Th1rc1 avenue amI 121st street WIth a large and cho1ce lme of everythmg 1n the hlll11ture ltne The \Vllton \\ oodworkmg and Fur11ltule Company of North \Y 1Iton, Conn, are mstalhng a new engme and botler m an adc!ttlOn which has been bmlt to the factory 'IE C Ru"coe hauled the bOIler from \V 1iton ",tatlOn V\Ith h1S oxen and a1flved WIthout "enous nushap desp1te the bad roads "- Say, the RIdgefield, Conn, Pre"s RIce & Calbreath, Independence, Ole, furl11ture dealers, have sold then undertakl11g bUSl11e",sto H H Jasperson 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN ,~-------------------------- I• IIj II II II• •II •I I• I •• I --------~------------------------------ The season for banquets is here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand. ------~IIII I·I• I ••IIII Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and quality are considered. STOW &. DRVIS fURNITURE, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ---_._----_._--------~--~--_._-..I. City Salesroom, 4th floor. Blodgett Bldg. Trade Encouragers. Klrkpatnck the fur11lture dealer of Bloomington, Ill, furn-hhed a ton of coal tree to e\ en purcha~er of a '\lonarch Kit-chen I ange QUdntlt) purchaser" of the :'IIarlett Hdrclware Company, Harbor Beach, ':'\[Ich, receive tickets that entitle the holders to a :p1O ':'Iorn~ clllar \\ Ith purchases amountmg to $10000 the Peck-:\Ioore 1" urm lure Company of Benton Hal bor, J\IlLh, glV e a cook stO\ e \\ orth $2; 00 \ "tandarel gold watch h offered as a premIUm to pur-cha" el" ot furmtl1le \alued at $+000 h) the ~atlOnal Furn Itm e Compan\ of Ine!Ianapuh" \ tntted lcd1her rocker \\orth $1250, h given to pur-cha, u" 1m) mg turmtur( amountll1g to $3::; 00 by the Peoples' Outhttl11g Company ot 1I1lhanapohs Furniture Fires. 1 he tmnlture store of Isben Bro", \ Ihorg, almo"l totalh de,tro\ eel h) file on October 31 partlall) In~l1Ieel The 1\ IllIams fur11ltll! e ~t()re de"tlO\ cd b) fire on .:'\0\ emher 4 SG600 In"lllance $3,000 1 \\ 0 firemen \\ ere kIlled whIle flghtmg flame" 111 the plant ot the Roland}; rees ]\[attres" and SprIng Company. Mon-ti edl, Cdn , on \ eJ\ 8 The finanCIal loss I" ahout $15,000 fully 1I1sured ~ Dak, was Lo,,'3, $4,500, at Portale", 2\ :\f ex, II a" Lo,,~ on ~tock and bmlchng You can t ah\d)" make dIe 11edc!ot the house behe\e that i\'0 haec!" are better than one I'--------------------------------- --------- No More Exposition Buildings Needed. Real estate o\\ner~ ot C,rand Rap!d" "eem to be po~scs~ed of the Idea that there h no 11l111tto the c!emand fOl "pace for the purpo"e of exhlhltl11g turmtul e ane[ kll1drec1 1111e"ot goods 1 hey do not "eem to reahze that the 1111l1d111~"no\\ devoted to the purpose stated are more than suffiCIent and that the 0\\ nel s thereof al e not reapmg larg e I etnrn, upon theIr l11ve"tment" It IS stated that ~enator \1 111 \lden ~l11lth IS strongly c!lspo"ed to el ect an expo"liIon bmldmg on Com-merce street, that the Gooebpeech, the Ranl\ Ille e"tate, Henr) Iv I11kemulder and \lex Kenneeh contemplate thc Icnwddl11!; of their bmldm~" ,0 a" to d1clke them ell "Hahle to] e,-po"l bon purpose" -\n adt!ItICJ!1 10 thc iaUm \ ot the \ \ I1ha11l -\ Berkey ]'ur11lture Compan) \\ III he u"ec1 lalL;th In ,,1]()\\ 111£; lme", of fUlUltme and It I~ ;,tated that Duclle\ E \\ atcr, \\ho own'3 several \aluable trdch ot \aCdnt ground on Utta\,\d "treet, 1'3 prepared to get mto the f;ame the moment that additional e-Xpo"ltlOn "pace "bdll hc needed I he num],u of manufacturer" of fml11ture and l~II1C!recl l2;0oc!-, that el11plm the e"po"ltlOn plan fOJ "elhnf; thell Plor!l1ch hIe"" 1han one thou"anc1 and all are prell HIed \'\ Ith the "pace the\ need h\ the exposItIon bmllhng mana£;el" m \e\\ \ OJk (Jland RaplCl" ChICago, ~t Lom" E\ an,,\ Ille Il1l1ac1elph!a and Hu:,h 1'OInt ThiS IlUmbel I", more llkeh to be "mallei m tbc tl1twe tbclll larger \\ hen hlhl11es" I", actn e, manutclctm Ch a" a lule curtail the expen"e I11currul 111 "e1hng then PlOduch and the 11l~tory of the furl1ltme mdustr) 111 the pa"t PIO\ c" thdt the engla\er", the Joh prInter, the J dllroad" the hotel keepel -, a" well as the owner" of expo,,! lIOn hUllelIll~" al e llnfa \ 01allh affected 111 "uch pellod" CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS ROBERT P LYON Ceneral lI1anager THE SPECIAL CREDIT BUREAU OF THE FURNITURE, CARPET, UPHOLSTERY, UNDERTAKING, PICTURE FRAME, MIRROR, VENEER, WOOD, CABINET HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHINC TRADES. New York Grand Rapids Philadelphia Iloston Cincinnati Chicago St Louis Jamestown High POint IMPROVED METHODS WE A.LSO REPORT THE PRINCIPAL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT AND GENERAL STORES. CapItal, CredIt and Pay RalIngs Clearmg Honse of Trade Experience The lI10st Rehable Credit Reports RAPID COLLECTIONS. GRAND RAPIDS OFFICE 412-413 HOUSEMAN BUILDING C- C NEVERS lI1,ch,gan lI1anage;:----- ~------------------------------ I --------- ------------ ------ ._------------_ ...... WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 Improved Challenge Refrigerators. The great plant of the Challenge Refngerator company at Grand Haven, ~fICh, IS fully employed on orders and the com1l1g year promises to be the most prosperous 111the hls-tor) of the company, Captain Harbeck the manager of the busme:,:" spent several '" eeks In the great dlstllbuttng centers Vmegar will remove ltme spot.'>, ~oot from an open chim-ney or the careless handlmg of stovepipe" can be removed by cm enng thickly With salt, and this afterward can be brushed up qUickly Without 1l1Jury to the carpet', Spmts of ammoma diluted With water, If applted With sponge or flannel to dls colored spots, often restore the color Remove mill stams With milk and after soakmg up all that seem" possible, either 'ipnnkle thickly with salt or wash With pure white soap, a clean brush and warm water for grease spots use powdered magnesia, Fuller's earth or buckwheat floor Spllnkle on spots and let It lte unttl grease b absorbed Renew the floor or other absorbent matenal as often as necessary Housewives are cautIOned to look out for the car-pet moth 111the 'ipnng V\ hen carpet moths are clts-covered, after remov111g all art1f1cal ltghts m the room, saturate the cracks 111the floor With benz111e Vvash upper edge of the carpet With a solutIOn of con oSlve subltmate and alcohol, sixty parts of pOlson to one part of alcohol Be extremely careful about usmg It If there are children about "'\ good solutIOn to use 111Wlp111gup the floor be-fore pUtt111gdown the rugs or carpets IS as follows· A quarter of a pound of red pepper "teeped 111a gallon of water, to whICh are added two drams of strychma powder Growth of the Challenge Refrigerators Company's Plant dunng the past month and closed a number of heav y con-tract'i Challenge refngeratOl s are good refngerators and the company IS ever 'itnv111g to make them better All grades are manufactured Catalogue'i may be had for the asking How to Spoil or Preserve Carpets and Rugs. To 'ipOll a carpet :,\\ eep It With a sttff, hair worn broom, but to ~a, e a carpet dip y"ur bloom 111clean, hot suds once a week, then shake It out and hane, It up to dry ThiS Will make a broom la'it almo'it tWice a~ long a'i It otherWise \\ ould Rug'i :,hould be beaten on the \\ rang "Ide, then s'" ept on the right ~Ide 5pot~ may be remm ed by the use of oxgall or ammoma and water, Wo111ga sponge or flannel Sltghtly mOIs-tened bran IS equally as good as salt m bnghtenmg rugs and carpets How to Prevent Accidents. A book on the pre' entlOn of 111dustnal accldent'i IS announced by the Fldeltty & Ca~ualty Company of ~ew York The monthly bullet111 of the company says ",\' e belteve It to be the fir.'ot attempt that ha'i been made 111thl.'o country to gather together 111a sy~- tematlc treatise what has been settled by expenence With I egard to the preventton of 111dU'itnal aCCidents It l'i thc work of men 111thiS office who know the .,uhJect from the plactlcal '-,Ide-a~ eng111eers and underwnters In prepallng It they have had the hene-fit of all our own data, and they have made thoroue,-h-gomg stluclte'i In other directIOns Thl'i pamphlet deal'i With the hazards common to all mdustnes The supplementary pamphlet'i of the 'ienes t'J be IS.'ouedlater "'Ill deal With the haLards pecultar to "pecIfic 111du'i-tnes "If our conclu'-,lOn l'i nght that 60 per cent of all 111dustnal aCCidents may he prevented. and If thiS book clearly de'icnbes how they may be prevented, the work we have done should be valuable not only to em-ployers but to our company a.'oan 111surer and to other com-pames engaged 111ltablltt) 111surance" Dodds Machines in Demand. Alexander Dodds, the well known manufacturer of \\ <)0(1 work111g mach111ery of Grand Rapids, shipped at" leve-spIEdl( dove-tatler to a South Amencan port la.'ot Tuesday Dunng the past week he has ",hipped two machme~ ordered by Lmted State.'o officla!.'oand a!.'ooa fifteen-'ipmdle dove-taller to Buffalo, NY, and a ten-sp111dle dove-taller mach111e to :New York Ot) Last l\Ionday and Tuesday he recel\ ed orders for three of hIS dove talltng machme" The Spencer Table Com pan) of Indlanapolts, Ind, have Increased their capital stock from $50,000 to $100,000. 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN -~--__..----_._._._._._. ----~._---_._------.. IIII III Mechan~~fo~.~~ture Co. I ~---------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------~ ~I ---------------------------------------- II II IIIIIII , I GOOD BOOK FOR DESIGNERS The Latest Furniture Volume Added to the Ryerson Public Library, Grand Rapids. ~ late addItIon tc, the c011ectlOn of fnrl11tme book'"> an(l book" on k1l1elred snbJect'-> 111 thc Ry cr'oon l'nbllc Llbla\ Grand Raplel", 1:0entItled "Olnamc11tal De"lgn emlJlac1l1g thc anatomy of pattern, plannm!:; of ornament anel the appllcatIon of ornament hy LC\\h I Day pnbh"hcd 111London m lW)~ The anthor ha~ 111ade a elecp "tnch oj thl ,-nhlclt and hI', Idla" wlll elonhtle"s be of gl eat help to dC"ltine1" c"pcLlalh the lhap ters de\ oted to thc apphcatl'in of ()rnament The 1elea that the proce'">'">of p10elnClllti ol11amcntal de'">lti"n 10 ea:oy I'">a mIstaken one '\1 tht'"> do hay e frec 1e111often tIme" to dnelop thell 0\,11 fanc1e'"> bnt Hle2'">ale not ah\a\" de\ eloped qll1ckh 01 c0111e fnll-£;rcl\\ 11 'lhe pattern can be t1 aced dcm n to the" \eleton 01 t1ame-work and the \ alletles of form dl'">cerne 1 ihClc mnst hc elefimte l111e:o111orna111cntal de,lgn anel "0 thh trame\\ 01 k I" laId ont fir'">t 1 he ha'-I'">of all 1epcatcd pattel n 1"-gCOl11CtIll fOl111 and thIS '">0 calleel '">kpleton h lO\ ereel \\ It1l loha~ l "CIdb and other al tl"tlc de"lgn'"> '] he planl1ln£; of ornament to 1111leI taln panel" 01 othll ~pace IS C!JSU1S"Cc!at length also the a Jphcatlon of Olnament In the lattet the nnelerl) Ing pnnClple" of dec01 at1\ e al t al e c,-plall'ed lhc tcrm con\entlOnal \\a'- n"eel to C,-PIl"- that k111d 0' treatment \\l11ch \\a~ adaptcd to the pll1 pu"e" of decoratIon ()111<lment Ca,ll]()t pI oped) be an \ thm£; bnt con ,cnt'onal The md,ter" of the rast aV,d\" fonnd 111 natlllc thell ~onrce of In"pllat!un To mochf} the fOIlll:o of natUl e and dppl~ thcn lor urnamentatlOn \\ a" thell alln lOIn en-tIonaht) 111ornamentation I" anothel name for I etlcenlC 01 ',elf-re:otra111t, the artIst tne:o to do \\ hat the \\ ark rUln11 e,,- anel IS onl) re:otraIned h, th-;; lll111tatlons of the \\ 01 k l{epetItlon In patte In hecomes nece'o"ar}, It lS an clement 111 decorat1\ e (k"lgn It 1'0 a pI e\ ent1\ e a~a111"t a l()o~e and rambhng ornament It exhlblh crder and £;1\e" scale To adapt a de"lti"n to the pUI jXJ"e:o of repetltlOn It mlht he re mo\ eel from the lmltatlOn of ndtnre 1he n"e of the human bglll e bcu)l11c" \\ ecln"OJl1C If Il peated a11d dnphcated too often it 11111"tbe modelatelv u'">ed 1he ach I"ahlhtv of 11ltroduun!:; alllmal f011l1~ 1I1to mechdnll ally repeated ll1dnufact111 e depencl:o upon the ab11It) of the FULL LINE OF MUSIG "'§~RBINETS I P/\Tf,NT /\UTOM/\ T1G SHELVES I Also for all kmds of records. COMPLETE SUITES FOR THE DINING ROOM PERIOD AND COLONIAL DESIGNS AT POPULAR PRICES VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS CHICAGO. 1319 M.c1u!!an Ave. 3rd Floor. NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE. Space 10. 6th Floor. al tht to keep the111 In proper :oubJectlOn dC"lti1b h ah\a)s delIghtful To dIscover pecpln!:; out hom folIag e IS a "urpnse \atnre form" to be aclmls"ahle 111 ornament mu:ot be treat-ed 111 d decorat1\ e \\ a) Then the question of the effect of the \\ ()1 k In e.>.ecutlOn and 111Its place b Important The ~lmpler the de:Olgn the better It appear:o when used 111 repetItion '\n Infi111t} of elaborate and labonous work 13 1111sspent upon eleta11" ot domestIc fur111ture whlch not only passes un-noticed hut ought ne\ el to aUlact attentIon at all It often Some mystery III hlrels and figures ~--------------------------- II II• I •I I II I I II IIIiII j III II I f It II I II •!II THE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ~~~f~r~e'~N~~~ No Stock complete without the El, Beds III Mantd and Upnght I ELI D. MILLER &, CO. I EVANSVILLE, INDIANA t \\ fIte for cuts and pnces I I ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE. EVANSVILLE. ~-------------------------------_ ...._-----. --------., f-~~'~~.~.=~;-~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 i:------------- III• I I,, Ii I,,I •I,,i I II II~-----_._-----------------------------_._-- No. 694. 48 in. top. No. 687. 60 m. top. Others 54 m. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAN ------------------------------------------~ IIIIIIII •I I I II , IIII ,II ,, II ,, I,,, •I ----' o,eem'i ao, If the \vOlkman had set hImself to shmv ho\\ far It was possIble to go In the clIrectIOn of mmute detaIl They mtht learn to do le'i"" than the 111e'(~)ellenced pero,on would thlllk nece...,o,ary and make the de'iIgn tell 111Its place Know Ing whel e to stop m applymg ornament 'ieems hal d to some de'iIgneI~, but the matenal Itself p0111tS out the appropnate tI eatmcnt, the degI ee ancl the kInd of conventIOn-ahty to adopt, by heedlllgo, 1b p10mpt111g'l the artI'it knows how far to go and where to stop Who is the President's Labor Advisor? Edltollal 111 Amencan Induo,tne..., for NO'. embel -BU'iI-neso, men m general are a~l(jn~ to-clay, what motn e m""plled Pre'ildent Taft to say at ChIcago, "1 know there IS an eleFlent among employ ers of labor and 111\ e...,tcr..., of capItol whIch h utterly opp0'ied to the orga111zatlon of lahor" It has heCOl'1'e a fa\onte habIt of certam labor leaders to claIm that 0P:'OSI Uon to theIr Il1e~al and arlJltraly practlceo, IS OpposItIOn to organl/ed labor ao, a whole, It Is only natural that the "Bom-haste~ 1 unosos' of the labor field should attempt to perpet-uate thClr tenure of office by arOU'img dao,..., hatred, even 11 plalll truth IS ...,acnficed In the effort we can Imder...,tand t"e \ Ie\\ pomt of the Gompero, and the J\Tttchells, but not tlte plc'ocnt \ Iew-pOlnt of the p1e'ildent of the U111ted ~tate'i It I..., mconcelvable that the PI e""Ident\ statement w as m~lde w Ith0ut d foundatIon of hehef or from other purpose thau tll 'itate that whIch he thought to be true On the other ha1'll1, '\1 r Taft could not ha\ e ba:oeJ h1'i ..,enolts accusation, for ...,llh It I..." upon personal ex ;(lIenCe He has ne\ er been d'l employ el of labOl 111an} degI ee He ha'i not been brou 11~ It1tJ close and reI "'cnal contact \\lIth U1110n'osave perhap ~ ,'tlUl he g:l\ e hI"" famous deCISIons a..., a jtdge 111 OhIO H,' h l~ ne\ er hIred men, nor mea...,tued the result of then lahoI"", IlL 1 l'een confronted as an employ er WIth a "stnke" problelll wh,ch meant, on the Gne hand, d sunender t) unJu'ot dema! c1.., a'1d the forgmg of anothcr l111k In the ch l 'n of labor cle..,pu-tI~ I'l and on the other freedom and l11dnhooJ and the prn lIe, c e\ en If hou~ht at a CrUo,h1ng pnce, of C l11duct111g one'o, 0\ 1 bUSlneo,s \\ Ithout mtel ference by tho...,e ha\ m~ no nght iC' mterfere \Vhen Pre..,Ident 1aft IcfL hI"" ...,ummc, home to tOll t"e countr}, It wa..., unde1 stood that he had se\ el al message" of Importance, c1oo,el} connected vnth adm111I...,tratIon p()lj~ e..." to deln er to a waltmg worlel ] hese poltc1e'i \vel e not c 1- ------------------_._._._---- t1rel} the re'iult of personal 0pI11l0n..." as many o,tatesmen hdC[ \ I'i1ted De\ erl} dunng the long 'iummer months, and It 15 reasonahle to ""uppo'oe that the PreSIdent S ChIcago utterances wel e the result of conference and ad\ Ice \I\That the em-ploy ers of the country ask IS, where cltd PreSIdent Taft absorh the kno\\ ledge whIch enabled hIm to "know there IS an ele-ment among the employ er'i utterly opposed to the orgam7- atlOn of labor," a wholly prepo"terous and fal'ie belIef? A ltttle reflectlOn, and even a superfiual knowledge d condItIons, would enable any man to realtze that orgamzed labor as 'iuch, IS a necessary force 11l the 111du'itnal devdcp-ment of the country EmploveI'o recog111ze that fact, and not only freely admIt It a..., mdI\lclual~, but wllte theIr approval III the pflncIples of theIr vanous a'i'iOClatIOns La...,t, month, 111commentlnlS on the Pre"Ic1ent'o, ChIcago o,peech we \ entured the hope that he had been nll'iquoted-now WIth a more mature \ Iew of the 'i1tuatIOn, Vi, e are 111c1111ed to bclte\ e that PreSIdent raft'.." ach ISor~ on thI'i pal tIcular questIOn madvertently used the term "organIzatIOn" 1n<,teacl of "leaders of orlSamzecl labor' an entIrely chfferent thmg A mhplaced comma can alter the fate of a natlOn-a wlOng \\ 01 d ma} lead to the do\\ nf dll of even a preSIdentIal am h1tIon Cl \\ 0 of the large...,t fdctoneo, 111\\ 11lchenelon, J\1a%, ;\10r-ton E COIl\ erse &. Son..." to} manufacturer", and Carter & Campbell, 1eed chaIr ancl gOCdIt manufaciurer'i are nO\\ fl111- nlng 0\ ertIme-from 7 a m untt! 9 p m There 1~ no tune ltm1t for the luncheon and the 200 clerks are "e1 \ eel 111two relay", It bemg asserted that the last relay accept" w11ltngly the re'3pons1b1hty of see111g that only a rea.,- onable tIme I" con"umed by the first comer" The luncheon, \\ h1ch LOuld not be dupltcated oUb1de 111qualtty and quantlty tor Ie"" than 75 cent'i, consIst" every day of a chOlce of "OUp'3 and meat., and "everal vegetable" and the s" eet tooth of the non-dnnk111g man 1" catered to \\ 1th a large""e of desserts, "omet1me" five or "lX be111g offered on the menu The kttchen of thIS establt"hment IS under the "upenn-tendence at an employe who ha~ been WIth the bank for many \ ea1 ". \\ ork111g m \ anous capaC1t1e" As the restaurant IS not a mane} mak111g "cheme and IS only IndIrectly "elf '3UP port1llg the food prOVIded 1'3 of the best qualtt} obta111able 1hI" "tatement appltes WIth equal truth to the cul111ary de-partmenh of the othe1 place" \ IS1ted, the very foundatlOn of the ,uccc"" of the "} "tem beIng dependent upon the knowlerlge at the cmplo} ee that he can get better ~u.,tenance at the table prO\ Ided for hIm than at any restaurant w1th111 the poss1b1hty of hI'i purse The1 e h onl) one fem111111eemployee dt the Cha"e Nat- IOnal Hank and deference lS paId to her ~ex by the well heaped tra \ \\ l11ch 1" placed at her desk a'i the Tn11lty clock stnke'i the 111Jdda} hour The luncheon 'ierved 111the bUllchng expla111s the gUlde, \\ ho leave'i a "ell eqUlppec1 c1e'ik covered WIth the mor11lng's nnII to act a'i e"cort. 1~ really a 'iafeguarrl to the bank and IS Jt1 no 'ien"e a phJ1anth10p1C '3cheme In the fiI "t place.' he "aId, "If a WIre comes or an 1m-pOl tant me"sage In any form whose content~ can only be an 'i\\ ered by one ~pec1al per"on we do not have to walt the te1111111atlOnof h1" oUh1c1e luncheon. for we can find h1111llTI-mechateh and an e\ J1 m111ded per"on could not WIth the "a111e tdClht} ab"tract a draft "hen he does not leave the bUlldmg at the hour \\ hen he mIght pos"lbly arrange to meet a confede1 ate "That of course, 1" a mere 111c1dental pO"~lb1ltt} The health of the employee" 1'3 of cour"e a paramount con"lder-at10n \ liood 111Idda} meal I" a panacea for many Ills at-tendant on the hurned breakfa"t and a d111ner often taken at IIIeguldr hour-, and In many ca"e" 111places where the food 1~ not of the be"t Good health mean" good work, and '3tat-l" tlC" prove that the clerk" 111a hou~e whIch looks out for theIr welfare 111thh respect rank hIgher than those of con-cern" where aIel fa"hlOned method" of fteedom at the noon hoUl are adhered to" At the Home In~urance Company at 60 Cedar street, whIch lIke the Cha"e NatlOnal Bank, has a record of twenty \ car" to the gooel from th1" pomt of VIew, a veteran In the ,en Ice of the 111corporatlOn expla1lls that the bounty of a hot cltnneI at noon \\ here noth111g stronger than good coffee or tea 1'3 ever "en ed argue~ largely for temperance .:everyone of our employee~ IS dlst1llgUl"hed for hIS ~obnety, he "aId, "and per.,onally I attnbute thIS to the luncheon "erveel 111the bUllcltng Every cafe and restaurant ha" a bar. and WIthout mtentlon a young man meet111g hI~ fIlend~ there fall., 111tOtemptatlOn A badly noun shed body too often demand, the st1mulu" of 111tox1cant", but WIth a cour"e menu of good food "Ulted to the taste of hard workmg men no "uch danger lS 1mm111ent and the men of the C'1mpany are a fine lot healthy, amb1tlous, WIthout bad habIts fhe re"taUlant of the Home In"urance Company IS on the top floor and the 200 employee" are "en ed In relay'3, WIth an allo" ance of half an hour for the meal There 1" a '3eparate 100m for the) oung- \\ 0111en There IS an unwntten rule here too 111regald to pen"lOn" and on the h"t are many one tlme employees who afte1 faIthful "erVlce have been compelled to 12 \ \' E E K L Y ART 1 SAN TAKING CARE OF THEIR EMPLOYES Elaborate Arrangements and Conveniences in New York Banlis. Office Buildings and Department Stores. The maJonty of the bank", 111"urance compame" and great financJaI corporatlOn" hou"ed 111the "Kyscrapers m the !)U"I-ness d1stncts of .:\Ianhattan prOVIde luncheons for theIr em-pIa} ees and al'3o chnner", when the latter are reqUIred b) the stress of work at certam "ea"on" sa) s the" ew York Sun A few of them go even further and 111some of the nc\\ er bU1ldl11gs readIng and rest rooms, ltbraIle" g} mnasm111 ", and roof gardens are prOVIded -- -Although In the de~Ire to look out for the comfol t" ot the lower and mIddle cla""es the meI el} 11Ch al e too otten A REST ROOM FOR SHOP GIRLS overlooked, thl~ 1'i not the case m "ome of the bUI!dmg" \ hItec! by a Sun reporter ancl ,Ulte" of room" for the offiCIal" \\ Ith every 1111agmable comfort ale "to\\ed away m the "eclu"lOn of sIxteenth and "e\ enteenth fl001 s, "0 that \\ ork may not be 111terrupted by the nece""lty of home gomg The man from out of tOWIl who VISItS the establhhment WIth \\ hlch he 1'i finanCIally affihated Ulay be entertaI11ecl V\lth a" great com-fort and conve11lence as at the club \\ here he l'i put up or of whIch he 1:0 a non-re"Ident member Vanous rea"on'i are gIven for the e ,tablJ"hment ot the mIdday luncheon". whIch have become almo"t an expected part of the eqUIpment of the bu"me"" hou"e One ,f the officer" of the Cha.,e NatIOnal Bank on CedaI "treet. \\110 "hO\\ed thc ba"ement re"taUldnt comfortably htted up for the cmplo\ e " use, saId that the bank was a pIoneer m th1" \\ OI k and that the mIdday meal had for twenty years been a regular pal t ot the dally routme of the clerks WEEKLY ARTISAN _----------.-.-.---~~.,. •• iii * .,. • .- stop work on account of ill health It IS learned that while there IS no formal rule regarding pensIOn", 111 any of the estab-lishments vIsited, the majority of them adhere to the pnn-clple that faithful service demands that the declll11ng years receIVe their due reward, that reward varying m degree with the generosity of the directors At the ~tandard OJ! BUlldmg, 26 Broadway, luncheon I.., ..,erved only to the heads of departments, about two hundred m number, and no tally except that of tnne IS kept on the re,,- tauranb, lunch counters and cafes v hlted by the rank anrl file of employees A top note of comfort and even luxury IS ..,truck at the ?\ atlOnal City Bank, which occupies the entire block on \Vall ..,tleet once used by the cu..,tom house On an upper tIoe)r here approxnnately five hundred people are "erved every ddY at the lunch hour and the restaurant staff, 1l1c1ucllng \\ alter." numbeL' twenty-e ght There are sepal ate dm1l1g room.., for the men and women, one for the heads of department" and a hand..,ome pnvate d1l1111groom where the directors en 1 their arduou" labors and where on short notice dl'1ners are gl v en on "peclal occasIOns The rooms al e big and light The tables are covered With "potles" dama..,k, which b laundered 111 the bank's own laundry, \V here every modern convemence IS established, elec-tnc Irons, etc Every clerk ha, a speCial place and time allot-ted to him Great cllshe" of pickles, plates heaped With bread, yellow splotches of butter and steaming coffee urn" awaited the first arnvals on the day of the reporter's VISIt, and the bJ!l of fare 1I1cluded hot soup, meats and vegetables, With dessert, and 111 season a plentiful supply of frUlt h prOVided On the cllrec-tors' table were also bonbon" salted almonds and grape frUlt The chef exhlblb a small room devoted to the manufac-ture of Ice cream contammg a machme With electnc attach-ment where forty quart.., IS made at one fell s" oop, an Im-mense cllsh "ashmg machme, storage rooms vary1l1g 111 tem-perature for meab, vegetables and frUit.." cream'l, chee'les, butter and eggs, all tiled and nnmaculate 111 appearance, The Ice IS made 111eighty pound cake" He announces V\ Ith pnde that the luncheon he serves each day free of charge to the employees could not be duplicated 111the downtown chs tnct for $1 Followmg a second gUlde, a glance IS had at the '-,\\Ite of ..,leep1l1g and ",ltt1l1g room", furl11shed 111 mahogany With great four post beds and comfortable easy chairs, With "pac au" bathrooms, books dnd pictures, which are at the cllsposal of the e"tabh'lhment In anothel sectIOn of the bmld111g are comfortable rest room'l prOVided for u"e of the employee::, The bank'" employee" have formed the N atlOnal City Club, which meets once a month, on which occasIOn a collatIOn IS proVided, also at the expen"e of the bank, It be1l1g argued that the good Will promoted by a society of thiS lond 111the long run help" to gIVe the bank good sen Ice If yOU th111k the top note of comfort supplIed to employees IS reached at the City Bank the fallacy of the vie" dl'lproved by a VISit to the new Metropolitan Life In'lurance BUlldmg 111J\Iadbon Square, wlllch houses 12,000 tenants The com-pany prov Ides luncheon every day on the eleventh and twelfth Hoar" for 2,700 people, a large proportIOn of them \\ omen, V\ ho have their 'leparate room to d111e 111 Thuty-five m111- utes IS allowed for the meal and the employee" are served In three relays. It I" said by one of the officer" that provld1l1g by wholesale, as IS done, the actual cost to the company IS about 18 cenb a meal and that a meal of the sort 111 any re,,- tam ant would co..,t at least 60 ceni<., and probably more George H Gaston, vice-president of the company, said that With the maJonty of people hV1l1g on a moderate mcome the B. WALTER & CO. i\~AD~~~~ Manufa~ TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT fir"t economy sought to be practl::,ed IS m the midday meal and to In event the "hort- ...Ighted economy was the pnvllege of every employer In addition to the luncheon room there are a large audl-tonum and a gymndslum on the top Hoors and a portIOn of the roof IS to be fitted up for recreatIOn purposes The h011r3 of the m "urance employee.., are from 9 to 4 30 ev el y day except Saturday. when the work day IS over at 1, and In consequence there IS ample tllne for the meetmg of the var- IOU" "oClal clubs, the gy mna'>1um, the dance" 111the auclttonum, etc Kat only are the trust com pan Ie.." m"urance compames, banks and other corporatIOns emplOyIng great clencal force" I11tere'Sted 111 the welfare of theIr employees and showl11g that Intere::,t In practical way"', but 111the van of thl::' progreslvc movement are found ..,everal depa1 tment ..,tore", V\ holesale cIoth111g establlshment'l, commerc1al compal11es of one k1l1d and another One department store now 1n proce'ls of budd-mg Will present the mO..,t approveel appltance ... of sal11tary and hygle11lc natUi e that have been evolved by clever brams In thiS ..,tore there wtll be an emergency ho::,pItal w1th a nurse alway" In attendance, receptIOn rooms, nIght classes for edu-cational work, a library, a free re"tal1rant, an agency where board or lodging Will be secured for the em ployee<; and of cour"e a prOVident fund One of the mo"t attractive lunch rooms for employees I" on the roof, enclosed 111W1l1ter, of a clothUig hou::,e, where part of the sp:lce IS devoted to gymnas-tic appliance" In summer awn1l1gs and wmdow and roof boxes of 'Scarlet gelal11ums make a very allunng settll1g for the nlldday meal and recreative hour" A department store has a "mnmer cottage 111New Jersey which accommodates fifty-five gIrls a week, and the summer vacatIOn spent there 111volves not one cent of expen"e to the girls from the time they leave the ..,tore on Saturday afternoon till they return the folIo\\111g week Transportation h pro-vided, and each party 1" per"onally conducted by a secretary who ac~~ as hostess and gl\1de >\nother <;tore ha", a phY"lclan V\ ho clev ote" two hours of h1s day to med1cal attendance to the employees and 1S pro vIded WIth a well eql\1pped lltspenSary for Ilnmedtate work H~IS--p-re-v-en-t-iv-e~-w-o_rk.~h_o.f_g.r_-ea-t--_value.. _. ..- ----,. STAR CASTER CUP COMPANY NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. III I III• I fob Grand Rapids II III III •III III .. -_ -----~ (PAT«hT APPI ,}<lJ t'( R) \Ve have adopted cellulOid as a hase lor our Caster Cup', makmg the hest cup on t he market \ellulolu IS a great lmprovemeut over bases made of other matenal \Vhen It IS nece~sary to move a plt"ce supported b) cups WIth cellulOid bases It can be done wlth ease as the ha<:.esare per lectly smooth CellulOId does not sweat and hy the use 01 the'e cups tables are never marred rhese cups are fintshed 10 Golden Oak and vVhlte Maple Iimshed lIght If you w,ll try a sample order of these yoods you w,ll dn,re to handle them In quanht!8s PRICES: "17e 2Ji mches $5.50 per hundred. Size 2X: Inches 4.50 per hundred. 'lRY A SAJIPLE ORJJER ~------_._._-- 14 IC) h tha1 ot c"tabh"h1l1% a new stand of trecs to replace the (del umbel \\ hlch h cut oft ThIs was the first problem under-t, lken h) thc Cocolllna Expenment StatIOn l\Iuch valuable ll1f()fJJ1atlOn 1e~anllng the factor" ll1fluencll1g natural repro-duction ha" alreach heen secured, but many years of system-atIc "tuch \\ 111 be 1 cqUlred to fully solve the problem. The tca "IhJ1n \ of al tlfiual 1egeneratlOn by plant111g and SOW111g h al"o bClllg tested Thc latter expenments, for the sake of econum), al e be111g conducted on the smallcst scale whIch \\ III ll1sure leltahle lesttlts appllcable to general conchtlOns 1 he plan" for the near future prm Ide for a detaIled study 0, the jJlOblems concern1l1g the naturdl and artIfiCIal regen-u ,ltlun ut othCl commerCIal trees ~uch as Douglas fIr, Engel-mann "p1uce and the JU111pers [ csts vvIII be made of tree" llltroduced from other regIOns, \\ Ith the v le\\ at findlllg other "peCles, adapted to plantlllg III thh 1eg-lOn, \\ hlch al e ~upenor to the natIve trees Onc Important ploblem \\ hlch WIll occupy much attentIOn at the e",pel11nent ',t,ltlOn for a number of years IS the deter-mln, ltlon of the latc of groVvth ot m111ature trees left on an ,uea attu Iogg1l1~ In suentlfic fore<;tlj, a" practiced 111 many lUlOpean countlle" even tract of timber IS <;0 handled as to \ lcld a pll petual "upph of matenal, han ested at regular 111tel\,tI" In ()J du to e"tablt"h such a sy"tem of management It IS 1H Ce""al) to kno\\! for each area logged how "oon It IS prac-lcdble to leturn for a <;econd cut, and tbe )leld whIch can be c,-pelted at that tIme, and III order to do thIS, It IS necessary to d~tel m1l1e 110\\ LI"t trees of chfferent age" grow after the n'dture tlmbu ha" been removed These data WIll be "ecured In penochc mea<;Ul ements of all trees on typIcal cutover areas (Jl1 ellIfel cnt torest" In \r1/ona and :t\ew l\Iexlco Dunng the ]ll e"cnt ~la"Ol1 e,-pcnments to dcterm1l1e the 1I1fluence of thlll- WEEKLY ARTISAN GOVERNMENT FOREST SERVICE Some Interesting Experiments Being Conducted at the Station Near Flagstaff. Ariz. The government 1:0 noVv carr) 111g-on In\ e" t1[;atl\ e \\ 01k at regular forest expenment statIons "1111l1ar to thl a~llltll-tural expenment stattons III the chftcrent statl" The first fore"t expel11ncnt statIon credted In thIS countn was the Conco111na ExperIment StatIon at lLu;"taft '\J 1/ona e'itabhshedlast summer 1m estlgatlOn" CO\ell11!Sm,1l1\ pllc\ ,e~ of forestry In the south\\ e"t have ah edch bce 11u11du takl11 at thIS statlOn The second forest eApenment "tatlOn ha" l)een e~tabhshed thIS year On PIke" l'cdk C0101ado The need for such "tatlOns become appal ent \\ hen the long tIme nece"sar) for handhn~ f01e"t cApel11nents h con- SIdered In agncultural experIment'-> defillltc re"ult-, Cdn usually be obtallled III one or at most a te\\ ) eal" 1H tOl e"tl \ because of the long tune requll ed fOl trees to de\ clc)jJ "COIc" of years are often reqUIred to complete d "1I1£;le e'-pel11nen1 AJI expenmental Vvork 1:0 conducted undcr the elll ecilon of men who have had thorough tl a1l11ng 111 techl1lcaI ami ]11dC tIcal forestry EvelY expellment ha" ,I dneer bedll11g u]lon some problem Vvhlch \ Itall) CUnCCll1':>the manag emc11t ot th c forest Every expenmcnt \VIII be pursued U11t1lc011c11j,1\e Ie suIts are obtall1ed and Cver) 111allconcluct1l1e, 1I1ve~tJe,atl\ c \\ 011, WIll be gn en an opportulllt) tu put hI" reco111mC11datlO11s to the te'it 111actual field \VOlk l nc1el thl" ~\ ,,1"m e\ el \ 11(\\ plan call be th01oughl) tnec1 befOlc bClne, put lilt) plaetlee 011 a large scale, and thu" the 111Jl11) IC"l1Itll1e, tl0111 111hllk 11 practIces call bc 111111l1111Zecl Thc great tcchl1lcal problem V\l11ch noV\ cOllh (mt" thc fore"tel 111halHl1J11g'the gI eat fOJesh ut \11/ ma c\!H] \ e \\ If c'-- ~---------------------------------------- ,I -~-_. ---------------------------~---------" • STRATFORD OAI1 FLANDERS OAI1 EARLY ENGLISH Furniture manufacturers who seek the correct shades III these increasingly popular finishes will find our stains will meet every you are interested requirement as to 1n any 0 f the color and work- above write us for ing qualities. ]f sample panels. The Newest and Most FUMED OAt\ II I~--- MARIETTA, OHIO. ---------_. Correct Shades In FUMED OAK- -Our Fumed Oak Acid Starn IS largely used by manufacturers who recogmz~ In It a practIcal pIece of goods produc Ing not only a correct but a UnIform color with out the use of a fummg chamber. This staIn has proven a success wherever tried and even manufacturers who have a fumIng chamber have found that by using thIS staIn over the fumed product they can tone up the work and make the color umform. Wnte for sample panel. STRATFORD OAK --ThIS is one of the new stains now comIng Into favor and will probably be much seen on Arts and Crafts furn- Iture the coming year. It ISa very deep brown color with a purple undertone Write for sample panel. FLANDERS DESIGN -The Flanders is a new deSIgn In furniture fimshed in a deep nut brown shade of color, In soft, velvety, dull effect. We make this stam In the correct color. Wnte for sample panel. EARLY ENGLISH The Manetta Early EnglIsh ISconceded by the best authorities to be correct III color and the finest workmg stain on the market. Write for sample panel. ---_. -_._-----. -----_. - ..... WEEKLY ARTISAN ning upon the rate of growth and the quahty of timber pro-duced upon the rema1111I1g tree.., wIll be 1111tated Attent10n IS abo be111g gIven to the Improvement of the range An attempt wIll be made to lIltroduce valuable forage plants on port1Ons of the range on whIch the native vegetation IS :oparce or of an mfenor quallty Expenmental "OW111Q,"of Kentucky bluegra,,:o, tImothy, red top and brome grass have already been made, and other forage plants v. 111 be te;"ted from tune to tIme A collectlOn h be111g made of all hel bs, shrub" and tree" of the :0( at10nal I, ore"ts, togethel v\ Ith notes on theIr forage or wood producmg value Natural Decay of Timber Costs Millions. ~I1lhon:o of feet of tImber and fil11;"hed lumber rot every year In raIlroad tle.." blldge", tl e..,tles, pIles, farm bmldlllgs, fence", poles, and mme props 1he lumber consum111g- pub-hc of the Ul11ted State'" pay s perhap" thIrty to forty mll110n dollar" a year to make Q,ood the los;" from v.ood elecay These great dram" are a source of more and more con-cern each year Chem! 'Ot" and engmeers v. ho haye to do wIth the u;"e;" of wooel are workm~ uncea"mgly on tlF' problem The C S FOle"t ServILe has men who devote thell wbole tIme to It The Importance ot the problem can not be ov er-e" tlmated l\,1I1hons of dollars are annually saved bv pre- "en atIVe treatment of timbers, hut much ) et 1emams to be learned \\ ood decay IS cau"ed by fungus, a \ egetable gro Nth sometnne" ..,0 :,ma11 that It Cdn be "een only wIth the mILl 0- "cope Its root.., or branches, hke mmute haIrs, force theIr v.ay mto the v.aod tbsues and ab..,clb or eat away the ..,ohd parts The collap"'e which 1e:oult.., h called decdy TImber IS artIfiCIally presen ed by forc111g 111tOIts cell.., and pores cer- ~- .- .-_.--_ .._ .. -----. --_.•-•----------<f Montgomery Hardwood Lumber Company Manuhcturers of all k ltlds of NATIVE FURNITURE LUMBER 15 I Crawfordsville, Indiana. E. s. STERZIK. Pre ~... .------------------------------------~ tam "ub"tances wInch plcvent the glowth of fungI As long as thIS sub"tance h pre:oent m "tdftupnt quantity, the germs of decay-the tbread.., and pore" of fungth-can not enter and the wooel I.., pre'-,en ed 1hiS c,ften mean.., doublIng and some-tIme: o tl eb11ng the lIfe of the timber. The gOYernment offiCIab constelel the mve:otlgat1Ons of the pre:oervatn e treatment of tlmher of such Importance that the bUSllles" of one office of the rarest SerVIce, that of wood preserv atIon, WIth new headquarters at :\ladhon, \V IS, I" gn en over entIrely to the vvOlk of cxpellments 111co-operatIOn WIth raIlroad C0111pa11leS and other corporatIOn;" and 111dl-vlduab 111prolongIng the hte of ral1road tIes" 1111l1eprops, bndge tl111ber~, fence po..,±<"an (1 tranS1111'-,;,,1Onpoles The lengthen1l1g of the lIfe of t1mber means the ..,dvl11g of nl111lOns of dollars annually tbrOl'gh d01l1g away WIth the heavy ex pense of labol and co..,t of matenal for renewdl" So far the gO\ el11111ent ha" not ~ucceedec1 111devlS1l1g any vvay to prevent decay vvlthout e"pen:oe that I" practIcally pro-lllbltn e, but much 1'-,e"pectecl f!Ol11 the wory" at the nev" "ta-t10n If a practical metho 1 can be formed for prey entn e de-cay It WIll do much tov\a1d solv 1l1£; the tImber plUblem Harry Rob111oVltz, propnetor of the Boston Fur11lture "tore 111FItchburg, 1\Ia".., . I.., defendant 111a breach of pr0l111..,e smt brought by 1\I1"s hmma R,J;"enberg- v,ho a..,k" only $SOO for hI;" haVIng tampered WIth hel affectIon.., CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood workmg tools, you had better gIve us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothing but Quality tools, the first cost of ""hlch is conSIderable, but which WIll make more profit for each dollar mvested than any of the cheap machmes Rood-ing the country. Oliver Tools Save Labor "OLIVER" No. 16. Band Saw 36 Inches Made With or Without motor dnve Me t al table 36"x30" Will take 18" under the gUlde- lilts 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees the other way Car nesa saw up to I~II Wide OutSIde beanng to lower wheel shaft when not motor drIven WeIghs 1800Ihs wben ready to shiP "Oliver" New Variety Saw Table No 11 W,ll lake a saw up 10 20" diameter Arbor belt 1. 6' WIde Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MlCH , U. S. A BRANCH OFFICES Ohver Machmery Co, Hudson Termmal, 50 Church St, New York, Ohver Machmery Co, Fmil National Bank BUlldmg, ChIcago, III • OlIver Machmery Co • PaCIfic BUildmg, Seattle, Wash. Ohver Machmery Co ,201-203 Deaosgate, Manchester. Eng H Tempers u 16 b) the bureau of ,;tat1st1cs of the Department of Commerce and Labor If the c1a,;sJi1catIOn of the cen';lb by wh1ch pro-duct,; of mll!Jng, slaughtenng, cannmg, etc, are mc1uded under "manufacture,;,' were followed, the percentage of the f01e1~n comme1ce whllh ma) be ::,a1d to be conducted for, or un 1ehalf of the 111dnufactunng mdu,;tne'3 vvould be even ~1eate1 '3111Cethe bureau of ::,tathtJcs 1n Its c1aSS1ficatIOn, up-on \\ hlch thl" "tatement 1S ba:oed, mc!ude" products of nl1llmg and "laughtenng under the general cIa"", "food.,tuff,," WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHI::O EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANrWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHERCOUNTRIES $200 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES SCENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE. 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAP DS. MICH, A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter July 5, 1909 at the post office at Grand Raplds. \11chlgan under the act of March 3 1879 ,Vhen the "York!',; faIr wa" heldm ChIcago. "l"teen ) eah ago, exhIbIts of furlllture were made by Frdnce, 5\\ Itztr land, England, Italy, the German natIon" and our 0\\ 11'coun-try. The people were more mtere.,ted m the artJ"tlC ca1 \ llH?," of Italy and .':lwltLerland and the gav uphol"tcn ot rral1ce than the more "tald and worth) producb ot the Engh"h de sIgner::" whlle the compOSItIOns from the tdct0l1e" of the V111ted States were con';ldered m a general \\ a\ goocl enough for an) bod)' But the sohd \\ orth ot the } ng-h "h des1gn'3 made a deep nnpre"'3lOn upon the \ l::,ltm" dnd ~Iad-ually the1r styles and ta"tes ha\ e been a::'''i11111Iated1)\ om people Engh"h "tyles, Engh'3h fin1"he,;. Engh::,h combma tJon::, ale now qUIte generally preferred The ml';'310n and the hnes of the French LOll!'3 dlthough u"ed l11uch Ie"" than formerly, have not ent1rely lo"t favo1 Engh,;h 1dea,; m arc!l1- tecture have gamed a strong foothold m ~l11enca and a "tronger place m the decoratIOn of mtenor" \ot 111dn\ \la1" ago no room \\ as con';ldered 'decorated that chd not bedl upon the wall., and ce1hng figures 1n gay colors m the "t}le,; of the French or Itahan Renah"ance \,0\\ the beamed cellmg and the l11gh \vamscot1l1g. the paneled doo!" and the stra1ght 11I1efixtures of the Engh"h are "een e\ el \ \\ here and adm1red Amencan::, may not ente1 ta111 deep "eateel attectwn for the Engh"h people, on account of "ome shght ehtterencc" of 0p11110n m rega1d to gm ernmental affaIr" many) ear,; ago. but they are "0 co::,mopo!Jtan m the1r 1deal,; that the} ql1lckl) recog1ll7e ment, whether 1tS '3ettmg be F 1ench Spa11l",h 01 Enghsh, and adapt 1t to the1r u"e., The e"h1blt ot tur11lture at the wodd s faIr 1ll ChIcago wa,; a \ er} unprofitable 111- ve'3tment for the cabmet maker'3 of England ~ gentleman m charge of one of the largc'3t hne::, ,;110\\n "a1d befOl e the c!o::,111gof the gate,; for all tlme, that he had faded to '3ecure a ::'lllgle comml,,';lOn (meal11ng an order to decOlate and furl1l",h a home) dunng h1', ::,ta} m Cll1cago He wa", gleatl} d1"ap-pomted over the lack of apprec1atlOn on the pa1t of the ~men-cans If he \\ e1e to spend a few week::, III our countn m thIS year of our Lord he would be surpnsecl to learn hcm dec1dedly Enghsh we have become Here 1S a statement of facts that W111 '3urpn"e manv readers Three-fourths of the commerce of the Cmted State" IS conducted for and on behalf of the manufactunng mdu" tnes J\Ianufactures and maunfacturers' matenals \\ hen com-bllled formed m the fiscal year 1909 74 14 per cent ot the nnports and 7278 per cent of the export'3, \\ hde food "tuff" and m1scellaneous matenals formed but 2581) per cent of the 1mports and 2722 per cent of the export,; Th1::' ,;tatement i'3 based upon the c1a::,slficatlOn of Import,; and exporh made ()n account of the t1me requn ed b) attendance upon the "11111-annual fur11lture expos1t1on the low co"t of 11\mg and 1h "oudl ad\ anta~e". a con'3lClerable number of travehng "alt"men hay e taken re';ldence,; m Grand Raplll", m recent ) ear-., Uther::, w1ll do .,0 III the near futlll e The"e sale,;men "pencl from "lX to ten week" m Grand Rap1d" annually, and the amounh the} "Iwnd f01 hoard would ,;upport then fam1hes 1he ach antdf?,"e'3 of home assouatlOn"i dunng the eXp0'31tlon -,hould be taken mto con'31deratlon The trend of lumber co 11lLon", for the pa,;t eIght yeals I", \\ ell 11lehcated by a current bul1etJn from the government bureau of '3tathtc1" In the year 1900 the a\ erage pnce at the mIll" 01 all lumbel plOclucecl V'va.,$11 13 In 1904 1t had nsen to S12 7G. 1n 1906 to $1654, m 1907 to $1656 In 1908 1t e!Joppee! back to $1 ~ 37, but, though not offiCIally reported, It h belteved to hay e made a new hIgh mark m 190) It 1" offiClalh "ta e I that the average ehstance traveled In a clay b} the a\ elage frc1ght car on the ra1Iwa,\" of the l11lted .':ltate,; 1'3anI} tV'>enty-two mJle", III twenty-four hours, and that the a\ e1age speed rate of fre1ght tram::, 1S ten mIle", per hoUl It 1" no wonder that fre1ght yard::, are congested 1h1" conchtlOn could be 1emed1ed by the mtroductlon of f?,"e1atel "peecl and longer haul'3 \\ould re'3ult De"lgner" f1equentl} compla11l because their work I" cop1ed ~n\ de::'lgner \\ ho th1l1k" tW1ce 1::'bound to conSIder that h1" de-,lgn" \\ III be cop1ee! 1f they pO';'3e,;", ment If he 1'3really a c1e-'l~nel he \\111 tnO\v how to proht out 0' the very poverty ol the COl1lhtlOn of whIch he complal11" Submlt he mu,;t ,\ 11\ not elo "0 g racefull} ? That Detr01t fur11ltul e dealer who carnes, 1ll IllS up- ::,ta1r" "tore. onl) catalogue", photographs and blue pnnt'3 wdl not be conSIdered ehg1ble to Ulcmber.,h1p 111 the Mllhlgan RetaIl I"UrnltUlc Deale1S' A""oclatlOn To out"lller" the carpet and ru!:; tJ U'3t, If there 1S "uch an orga11l7atIon, doe'3 not seem to be 111 f?,"oodworkmg order It may be, ho\\ e\ ll. that oublCler" do not know much about the v,ork1l1g" of the combme Reta11 merchants of Texas havc contnbuted funds for the "upport of an officer \\ 1th headquarter'3 at c\u"t1n to carryon d ,,\ "tematlc and relentle"" war aganht the catalogue mer-cantlle hou ",e" It 1" estu11ated that the new l1l1e'3 to be ,;hown 111 Grand Rap1d" In Januarv \\111 add one hundred to the Itst of travel- 1l1g .,ale::,men that \\ III spend the ::,ea'3on m the C1ty One of the ,;tate mercantde a::''30ClatlOn of Cahfor11la pa",;ed a re"0lut10n recently declanng the .,elltng of good'3 by manufacturers to pnce cutters unfnendly and unfa1r WEEKLY ARTISAN Lock Mortising Machine. :\IanufactUl er" who u:oe or de"Ire to use the mOl tI-eel lock'3-the peer of all locks-\'\;Ill welcome thI'3 new labOrIng '3a\ 1I1f; I,1ach1l1e It 1" desIgned partIcularly to perform all the machme work on the wood preparatory to ItS recen 111gtl e lock and escutcheon In thIS respect It perform'3 four oppr atlon" at one c1ampmg of the "tock and vvlth "urprI'3mg qUlck-ne,,' 3 'I he'3e four opcraiJon" consIst of mortI:omg to reCf'n e the maIn bod} ot the I'JCk, countermortI"Ing as a gUlde for the lock sah ag e and the b01111g of tvv0 hole" to recen e the c'3cutcheon These opcratIOns 1cmov e practIcally all of the wood and vvlth several stroke:o of the cl1Isel a trImmer can ha\ c the lock and e"cutcheon "et m theIr plOper place'3 wlthm a fcw moments' tIme. ThI'3 mach111e h al'3o capable of pla1l1 mortI'3111g from °to 6" 111 length and from about Y,j. to 1" 111wIdth It b also adapted for hOrIzontal bOllng and hght vel tIcal bOrIng DELAWARE CHAIR CO. DELAWARE OHIO. ') I ~I J CHAIRS, ROCKERS and SETTEES LARGEST "QUALITY" LINE of DOUBLE CANE LEATHER MISSION 17 ~,._ _.-- _------------------_._---------------------- -- - . I:I ,,II ,I :II \,:, I III, ~---------_....-.--------------_-.--------_._.--~ --_._._---~~_._----------_--I CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. .,I It It I i I ..... \ ] he detaII'3 of the mach111e are a'3 follows The ma111 arbor IS of crucible steel, run11lng 111tvvo 6 adjustable boxes It "upports a chuck at one end for holchng the mortI:oIng bIte; and the other end operates a belt \\hlch dne" the oSC1llat1l1g arrangement 1he yoke L, centelcd upon a heavy shaft ex-tend111g downward 111tOthe ba'3e and provIded WIth two ad-ju" table bear111gs A slotted dI'3C and connectIOn, operated hom thema111 ...p1l1dle by a senes of belts, o~clllate:o the mor tls1l1g bIt The length of the mOllI'3C 1" varIed here by a screw adjustment A steel ball and bra"s adjustable bearIng resist the vvear The table has a backward and forward move-ment actuated by a hand lever protrud111g from the front of the mach111e ] wo adjustable "tops are prov Idcd A vertIcal mm ement IS gn en the table for locatIng the mortbe for var- IOUS thIcknesses of stock Two clamps With qUIck \ erucal adju"tment'3 are located ,)n the back fence of the table The'3e secure pres"ure oy qUlck act111g eccentncs The c:mtact plate" 'Swn el on ball" and are padded WIth rubber The double bOrIng attachment has two honzontal ml crometer adjustments operatmg at nght angles to each other The"e locate the exact pO"ltion of the escutcheon The two bIb run rIght handed and may he swn elecl to bore hole'3 for doO! as well as drawer fronts The con,,'ructIon of thl" machme 1'3 guaranteed l11gh grade E\ ery adjustment and convel11ence IS prOVIded to facI-htate qUlck and accuratc work \11 '3111allbeannge, are made of bras., All small e,p111dlce;and gear'3 are n,ade of tool steel All way s are hand '3craped to fit The machme 1..,a model o~ good constructIOn \1\' clght, 60a pound", floor space ovcr all, 30 ,,40" , ">1Le of T and L pulley.., 7 x30" One '3et of bIts, countershah d11CI wrenche., prov Idecl The machme 1S made by the Crescent Mach111e \\ orks, manufacturer~ of patented and Impro\ cd \\ oochv 01 kmg Mach111ery, Grand RapIds, J\Illhigan The Car Shortage. The latest report pubhsec! by the car effinency commIttee of the Amencan RaIlway A"sociatlOn gIve" the total car '3hortage on November 1 at nearly 40,000 aga1l1st about 35,000 on October 15 The surplus has dIsappeared entIrely m all sectIOns of thc country except Xew England, where there al e "tIll a few Idle cars at vanous pomte, The shortage IS gi eatest In the nllc!clle \,\;e.,t and 111 the coal regIOns, more than half bemg m coal cars The total ..,hortage IS greater now tha'1 de any time sil1ce the fall of ISl07 18 • • •• 'III" • Dill ... ---- ~.~._. __ ._ ~----_._-------1 WEEKLY ARTISAN to •• IIII III I 'I Manufacturer.; of the Shimer Cutter Heads for Floonng, Sldmg, Doors, Sash, etc. ~- .._... ... .., I •••• •III III II ,I .----- -_.~._._._._.__.~_.._------'I Don't Burn Your Moulding. Blackened edges so often found m hard wood Mouldmgs mdlcate the use of mferior tools, which fnctlOn and burn because of their failure to have proper clearance The Shimer Reversible and Non- Reversible Cutters are made of the finest tool steel by expenenced workmen. In deslgn and con structlOn they are supenor to anythmg on the market They cut well and retam their sh::lpe until worn out. Send us drav. mgs or wood samples for estimates on speCial cutters. Many useful de Signs, with prices, are given m our catalogue SAMtJEL J. SHIMER & SONS, Milton, Penn. Ceiling, Southwestern Michigan Factories. Benton Harbor, :\IIch ~o\ 11-111l', lIttle lIt\ \\ll1ch WIll keep the memory of the famou" :\II"",oun ~enator \\ ho wa" a contemporary of \\ ebster, CIa.' and Calhoun ~reen t01 all tune, 13 one of the most pro"perous 111soutl1\\e",tern \[Klll gan '1he town al", a.' s has a look of pnde lIkes to keep clean and have good pay ed "treets, and e\ er.' .' ear add "ometh1l1f; 1ll the way of fine bU"lne"'~ buIld111g", tactone", chm che.., and schoob, whIle a" a resIdence CIt) It IS doubtful It thel e 1" al1\ other In the ~tate, ot lIke SIze, that has as mal1\ beautltul homes, well kept lawn" and fIne reslclence "tIe~ts ~"a bU31l1ess place, e\ ery k111c1of tracle "eems to prosper anel grO\\ Th CIty ha" one furl11ture faLtor), that ot the ~pencer &. Bal nes Company, makers of beel-room fur I11ture, ot the med1l1m and better grades They hay e a permanent ,,110\\ room 111 charge of B T Plimpton, In the \[anufaLturer", }~"ll1bltlOn BUllclIng, 1319 :\IIchigan a\ enue, UllcctgO Here I" a good IllustratIOn of blhlness acumen on the part ot lohn Bdrne", one of the founeleI" of the Spence I & Bat ne", Com pdn \ \\ ho S111cehIS retIrement from act1\ e mdnagement 111 the tm111tm e busllless orga111zed a bank \ly 111f01mant tell~ me that the old bank wa" the CIty deposltorj dnd that the cashIer wa" an alderman and chaIrman of the committee on finance ot the common counCil, and the bank paId the LIt\ nothIng to! the 11'.e of Its money, but when the Clt.' \\anted to b 11jO\\ It \\ a", "a hor"e of another COI01, and the 1nnk \\ a., cloln~ Cjmte well :\1r Barnes ofterecl the CIl.' 2 p"r cent hI It'->money WIth the Ie"ult that hI" bank no\\ l:;"et halt the> Lit m J1leY and the other banh I etam, half, hut ha to pa' :2]J1I een t Ir ItS use So the Clt.' I" the ~a1l1el ~-----------------------------------~ ! Gran d2p~:~~o~~o.S?~~p~r M~hUp Co. I •• IIIt IIIII t II II •II ~-------_._.~._.__.~._.--._------------------- I \Ve are now puttltlg" out the be<;;t (d<;;ler Cup" \\1th cork bases ~\t'r offeree to the trade 1h~se are filllshed III (roldell Odk dlld \\ Illte Mdple In a light finlc;h 1 hec;e-g-oodc; ar~ admlrAhle tor polbheJ HUOls alld furn lture rests They will not sweat or mar. PRICES $4 00 per hundred 5 00 per hundred F' 0 n Grand RapIds Slze 2;{ ttlchf'c; Size 2%: 1111 IH...~ Try a Sample Order BARGAINS IN NEW MACHINERY I have on hand for Immediate shipment the following brand new machllles which I Willsell at reduced pnces: 4- Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from IX to 18inch centers. 3- Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from I to 12inch centers. 2-Eighteen inch Cabinet Makers' lathes. I -Sixteen inch Cabinet' Makers' lathe. ---ADDRESS-- - J. C. DeBRUYN, 130PageSt.,Grand Rapids,Mich. The Buchanan C'ab1l1et Company at Buchanan, IS hay 111g a fine trade 111 kitchen cablneb, bookcases, ancl Duffets, and de~k.., \Ir Rtchal ds, the man who make" the wheels go 1 Jl1nd 1"0 \ ef) optlml"tlc 111legard to the present and future oj bU"'lne ,s fhe Ha\\ k", lurl11ture Com pan) and the Banta Fur11lture lompam oj lJo",hen, Ind , wIll make a JOint exhIl)lt on the 6th 1'1001 of the Leonard lurl11ture ExhlbitlOn BUllclIng, Grand Raplcl~ 111 Januan Ihls comb1l1at on of chamber and d1111l1g room 1Url11t111e \\ III be one of thc most attractive m the city 1'1 ade \\ Ith both of these compal11es 1" good and they WIll mdke the be",t exlllbit 111January they hay e e\ er offered the traell The lIttle Clt.' of SturgI", l\llch, has a fine lot of f111l11ture jdct01Ie" that are raplell.' mah111g the town famous The Royal Chall lompan.', lIke the growmg boy, has outgrown It" clothes Ie. the big factor.' 1" not large enough to take care of their bl1'->111e""and they are now b111ldmg another 70 x 132, two "tOIle" high for offices, "l11ppmg and storage '1hiS wIll add gl eath to the pi 0c1UC111gcapaCIty of the plant They WIll mah-e a fine eAlllblt 111J anuar.' on the fourth floor of the 1-' 111n- Iture E"hJ1)ltlon B111d1l1g,(Jrand RapId", and at 1300 :\llchlgan a\ enue, ChIcago The Royal pu"h button chair has become famou" cU1d manager \\ alton ~alcl theIr exhIbits 111July last blOu~ht them thlee tImes a" much busme~s as In dny prev- IOU" e'(hlblt anel that the sales 111 ~ugu"t werc bettel than In an) 1110nth In the history of the compan) Aulsbrootc & Tone, repOl t excellent bus111esc, The, Will make a larger and bettci c'(hJ1)lt 111 J dnUal) on the first floor, east half, of the \1 cl1111"aLtnl el" lJ1lllc1111g,Grand RapId", than e\ el before l\Ir rone", ",aid they \\ ere \\ ell satI"fied With the bu ,111e"s they "eulled 111J uh and that many of the orelers have been dupIJ-eated ] he GrobI"er Cab111etmahers Company are havl11g a ~ood bU"111es" 'I hc) Will make a ~plell(lId c,how m the J\Ianu-fae turel" buIlIJng, (,rand Rapid", m ] anuary The Stebbms- \ \ t1helm Com pan.' are hay 111g a good tl ade, and wIll make their customary exhibIt, In January, 011 the first floor, east 11d1f ot the :\[anufdcturerc,' !wIl(!Ing, Grand Rapids "'------_._--------- •II• I I IIII •ttIII III --~---~----- .. H::P::NS~:~::~~lES?T?O' I CinCinnatI, OhIO II makers of Upholstered Furniture III! ---. ------- for L )orF and rULPll PARlOR, LlBR \RY HOT~ L alld CLUB ROO\1 ._--------------------.-------- WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 NATIONAL FORESTS IN MICHIGAN GoveJ.·nment Takes Charge of Two Tracts of Pine Barrens in the Peninsular State. The MIchIgan and :\Iarquette )J atlOnal Forests, haye been placed under admmbtratlOn, and actual work toward the 1mj)ro\ ement and better ut1117dtlOn of these area" for fore"t purpo"e" has been begun The two new NatIOnal Forests w111be ddml111stered from Au Sable They have beE'n placed under the charge of S M HIggm", who has had many ) ears e:xpenence 111fore"t work and lumbenng 111 northern MIchIgan Pro\ l"lOn has been made for the employment of a suffiCIent force of Fore"t Guards to protect these areas adequately dunng the dangerotb fire season, and the funds hay e bE'en made avaIlable for the beg111111ng of plant111g and Imp ray ement work Immechately on a small scale The ::\hclllgan ~ atlonal Forest cover" 132,770 acres on Au Sable nver 111Uscoda, Io"co, -\lcona and Ogemaw coun-ties ThIs b an area of sa'1dy Jack pme and scrub oak lands whICh have been repeatedl) burned \\ Ith the except10n of a few scattered clump" or ~orway p111e and small patches of spruce and tamarack swamp, It contam" no t1mber of com-merCIal \ alue The Marquette NatlOnal Forest, mcludmg some 30,603 acres, IS on the northern pe111n"ula near Sault Ste J\Iane 1n Ch1ppewa county It con tam" ma1111y sandy pme lands \",hlch were ongmall) well fore"ted wIth whIte and Norway 1)111ebut have been cut clean and 111most 111stances severely bUlned The"e old p111ene" are not now produc111g any f01e"t growth except 111 "cattered patches where jack Pme 1s re-placmg the ongll1al timber \\ hl1e these tvvo "mall 1\.at1Onal Fore"ts are at pre"ent pract1call} valuele"" h am the lumbermen'" standpOInt, they he 111 the very center of the ongmal pme belt of northern '.\Ilclllgdn, mcluchng .,011" wh1ch are very largely unfit for agnculture, but most of wh1ch are naturally adapted to the proc!ucl1on of the \'vhlte and Norway p111e t1mber wh1ch once macle thl" regIon the greatee;t lumber producmg dlstnct 111the world There Ie; httle question but that under pro-tection and careful management much of thee;e areas can be agam re"tored to p111e fore.,t and th1" w111 be the object of the federal government m theIr adnl1111strat1On The ch1ef and mO'ot neces"ary v, ark for the fore"t officer" charged WIth the admml"tlatlon of these lands w111 be that of fire protectlOn, both b) patrol c1unng dry penods and by the constructIOn of fire bredk" through dealing narrow "tnp" around the area", the protedlOn of \\ hlch 1S mo.,t urgent. The "econd and equally Important task lS the gradual refore"tatlOn of the portIOn" of these two foresb wh1ch are eapable of pro luung a \ aluable growth of umber Th1" work VI, 111"en e a" dn object 1e""on f01 what can be done WIth at lea.,t a part at the large area" of burnt ov er land 1n the Lake States \\ h1te and 1\.orway pme, natlves of th1S reglOn, w111 be used cll1efly. but expenmental test" on a small "cale w111 be made of other "peCIc., i\" soon a" practlcable, the lands embrdced yyIthm the forest boundanes w111 be carefully ex-am111ed and dass1fiecl 111reference to theIr sUltablhty for for-est plantmg, the areas be"t adapted to "uccessful forestatlOn w111 be selected and plans made for collectmg seed and be-g1l1Ulng plantUlg operation" It 1'0 probable that a forest nur"e1 y w111be "tarted on a "mall "cale next spnng and the wo! k of plantUlg pushed a" 1ap1dly a" the ava11able funds of the forest serv Ice perm1t The acreage of the"e ~ atlOnal Forests doe" not affect In any way the patented lands or unperfected claIms whIch may be 111cluded w1thm the forest boundanes The status of all The abOl e cut is taken direct from a photograph, and sbows the range of one size only, our No 1, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other sizes~ taking in stock up to 60 inches wide and 2 inches tblck. Ours IS tbe most practical metbod of clamping glued stock In use at the present time. Hundreds of factories ha' e adopted our II ay the past year and hundreds more will in tbe future. Let us show you Let us send you tbe names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our list) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way Is tbe best. A post curd wIll bring It, catalog included. Don't delay, but wrIte today. A. E. PALMER & SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign Representatives: Tbe Projectile Co, London, Eng-land, bchuch.Irdt & S('hutte, BerlIn, Germany; Alfred n. Schutte, Cologne, Paris, Brussels, Liege, Milan, Turin, n.trcelona, and Bilboa. ~ •••• ._ •• ••••• a_a •• _~ such land" rema111" unchanged, the only Jun"dlctlon exer- CIsed by the I Ore'lL serVIce be111g to report ham t1111eto time, as requec,ted by the dep:lftment of the 111tenor, upon the un-perfected claIm" to determ111e the compllance of the c1a1111dnts WIth the federal land Lmr" under wl11ch such clamb were 1111t1ated The D1stnll Fore"ter of DI&tnct 1'\0 1 whIch 111cludes the r\atlOnal } orests 111 northern J\I1ch1gan held an exam1- natIOn for forest ranger., at Au Sable on October 25 and 26 for the purpose of "elect111g competent men to form the per-manent force 01 the adm1111stratlon of the"e two foresb r J 1301g\i\;al t "enlor member of F J 1301gwart & Son, undertakers of l\1l1waukce, \\ I", dIed from a .,tloke of para-lyS1" on Oct 27, aged 51 yea1" He was a natIve of German} and e"tabh"hed hh bl1"111e,,s 1n l\hlwaukee 1111883 ~_~..- - • • ••• a _ a • a _ • _ a •••••• 1 IIII The Weatherly Co. I Grand Rapid., Mich. I ..---------------------- ---~ THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send yonr address and and receive descriptive CIrcular of Glue lIeaters, Glue CooKers and Hot Boxes with praces. AMERICAN BWWER COMPANY "SIROCCO" 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN TRAD[ MARK 25% PER ANNUM (Write for proif if abo!!e.) This plant running In IQUITOS, PERU. WE WILL GLADLY QUOTE YOU, WITHOUT OBLIGATING YOU TO BUY ANY EFFICIENT GENERATOR dIrect connected to an " ABC" SELF OILING ENGINE will electric light your plant, run fans, etc., and if you are now buying current, will pay you in savlllg 'ABC" SELF OILING ENGINES ATLANTA CHICACO are generating thousands of kilo-watts all over the world, and each engine is paying for itself every year in savings of fuel and oil. (Exhaust Steam is Available for Heating and Drying) WE DIRECT CONNECT TO ANY GENERATOR GENERAL OFFICES, DETROIT, MICH. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURC ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE bU"l11e"" admlnl"t1atlOn than (Tea 1\1 Hdlenbrand who had the honOl ot helng elected on \0\ ember 4 by a handsome 1l1djont\ Through Creorge's long a",,,oclatlOn WIth the Grand }{apld" market he ha" acqUIred a large acquaIntance WIth 1l,llJltUl e men all 0\ el the country, who WIll be pleased to learn ot the honor'i \\ hlch ha\ e come to hll11 and wdl sympa-thIZe \\Ith h m In hIS troubleS-If he has an} First Mayor of Batesville. ..\Jewpapers flOm Date,,\ dIe, Ind, 'itate that the Llt\ ha" graduated from the vtllage cIa"" and elel ted 11"> hI "t ll1a\ 01 Bate",vllle I" essentlall} a turnlture to\\ n <lnd It h thel etCJ1e no NEW YORK New Prices on Cat'pets and Rugs. -I he ad\ ance 1ll pIlle" on clf!)ets and rugs In the eastern market:, a\ erage" le"s lhan 5 per cent \\ llton rug", 9 , 12 ha\ e been marked up aLout $1 each and Bru""eb rug", s \111e "l/e '10 cenL ed:::1 Ingram calpet" have been advanced 25~ (Ii 3» lenlc, pel \ard and \\ llton, A'CmIl11'iters about 5 cents pel \ al cl "ele" SmIth & Sons ha\ e made the follow1l1g an nO\1nlement \0\ cmbel pnces not changed from la"t ::\lay, but these pnlC, al e not guaran tled to hold for 24 hour'i In Ofltef \\ ur 1 al e lJable to be \\ Ithclrawn WIthout notIce ]anll try ll'le, about; j)t1 lent hH;her than the advanles nameel h",,,t Juh May Morris Discusses the Morris Chair. II,,,, Ilav IIorn'i daughter of the de'ilgner ane! poet \\ tll1am 1[0111" 1" toullng the Cl1Ited State" and eleln enng L:lt It' Spcak1l1~ of the \[orlls chaIr by whIch \\ J11Jam J\lor-j ~ h be" t kn j\\ n III thl'i country, "he remal ked "It wC'ule! be difficult to plck out the ong1l1al J\lorns chaIr among Its many 11111tatlO11" I leno" It was a very comfortable chaIr WIth an adJu ,Llble back, and It 1'0 really a great fa\ onte In Amenca, I am told that no modern flat would be complete WIthout It" mOl ~ tlun prq er tInt the City s f rst I 1J, Cl ;1'luld be 1 furl1lture man \\ hlle there are gJocl fUL1111'I" men In n te'- VIlle, there are none who 'Would giVe the c } a nFllL tho;-o luh WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 These Specialties are used all Over the World ~------~---~ II ...._-..-.-..-.-..-.-..-.-.-..-.-..-_._--_-....._._------_. --_. ----_._._- Veneer Presses. d.fferent kinds and s.zes (Patented) Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc., Etc. Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Patent pendm8:) Many sty lea and .izes. Wood-Working Machinery and Supplies Power Feed Glue Spreadmg Machine. Single. Double and Combination. (Patented) (Sizes 12 m. to 84 in LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS No 20 Glue Heater CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind, ..- . . New Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Re'-,Idence- F A Rosenfield. elUtIng the commg '" mter, WIll erect forty bungalow'-" costmg $2,000 to $2,500 each on VIsta Dnve, Los Angeles, Cal , F E HartIgan, \\ e'-,tnl1nster place, Los Angele", $6,000; H B V\ l!son, 209 W cst State street, Lo'-, Angele':>, (bungalow) $4,500, \\ Ilham E Corey, ); 01 man dIe sqnare, Lo;, Angeles, $4,000, \\T R Follmer, Fcrry and Lake strcets, ),Illwaukee, \\ IS. $7,000; Leo Rehm, Clarke and 32nd "treets, I\Il1waukee, $4,000, John Schlrlll brand, Chambcrs and \iVest 34th "treet'-" Ml1waukee, $3,800, J E Ellston, 204 Buckmgham avenue, Columbus, OhIO, $3,500, I\1 \ Pennell, 100 Cypress "treet, Ka11'ia~ CIty, \10, $5,500, I\Iabel Luter, San AntonIO, TeAas, $0,500, l\Irs Ella Shaw, Ccntral avenue and 28th "treet Inellanapohs, Ind, $5,200, I\Ih 1\1ary Donnan, Penn "ylva11la and 33rd ~treeb, Indlan-apolh, ~4,500, Harry Hopc Burch avenue near Madl;,on road, Cmcmnatl, OhIO, $S,OOO, l\lr;, Emma Burger, 410 Third ave-nue, Cmcmnatl, $4,800, Rev l'ather relska, 3S14 \Vood-bndge "trcet, Clcveland, OhIO, $3,500, :\Ir'-, John C;ulll\ an, 380 Blame "treet, Peona, Ill, $3,000, \Yalter RlLhard'-" Lake Dnve near Bradford street, l\f1lwaukee, \VIS. $7,000, I\1yron Dmg'-" Homer and Km11lkm11le ;,tI eets, ::\1I1waukee, V\T 1'-, , $4,500, L J r ar;,cn, 775 Farwell a, enue, I\ll1waukee, $4,000, Eugene SItterly, lOJ South Ferr) '-,treet, Schenectady,)J Y, $4,400, \\T S l\Jattock ,402 Lenox .Koad, Schenectady, $S,OOO, G \\ Mar"hall, Belle, ue boulevard and Faxon avenue, Mem-phI;', Tenn, $3,600, R E Patton, 1188 Snowden a, cnue, :\Iemphl'-" $4,000 George Olber, 303 Kmnear place, Seattle, \\ a"h , $20,000, l\Ils'-, Anna Castl1la East 18th avenue, Denver, Col, $6,500, Dr '\ H Harns, 814 COlona street, Denver, $4, S08, Ernc;,t Frelhofer, 31 Kehr St , $3,500, Valentme Decot, 72S Fa~t Genessce A, e, Buffalo, $4,000, John Klttl11ger, 70 BIdwell St, Buffalo, $4,800, Kate r;. Dayton, 126 Crescent St , ruffalo, $5,800, Chas P PhIpps, 142 Dorchester St, $6,500, J w Hawk, 731 \'\ e'it 17th St, Oklahoma CIty, $4,000, B 7 Hutch11lson, 628 \Vest 20th street, Oklahoma CIty, $4 SOO, H ),1 Llcht, 61n South )'1111"street '\1adlson, \\ l'i, $6000, H S Spll1cller, 1925 John a, enue, Duluth, Ml11n, $3000, II \V DaIley, Lo;, Ange1e~, Cal, $2S,000, ;\;lrs Deb Strade", Los Angeles, bun~alow, $4,000, vV Ilham Abbhtt, Pomona, Cal, $3,000, F H Mernll, Pomona, $3,000 G \V Elaas, Buffalo, NY, $,3500, R M Parkhlmt, Buffalo, $3200, J R \\ hltman, Sprll1g Dnve, Atlanta, Ga, $6000, \Valter I\1c GIl111l'-"3741 lortleth avenuc, ChIcago, $4,;00, S ~T Nls'ien-baum, 302 Ram;,on 'otlcet, I\tlanta, eTa, $5 500, r\ B Stoltz, Leavenworth, Kalb ,$4,400, Carl H Zleme, Young"town, 0 , No.6 Glue Heater. . • .4 $4,000, Mary A Helland, Fry and PIerce streets, St Paul, ),111111, $3,500, S 1\1 Apple, 1012 Vve"t 5th street, LIttle Rock, "\rk, $4500, Dorothy C Engelman, 4172 Folsom avenue, St Loms, 1\10, $4-,000, L \V Dubb, 5235 Garfield avenue, St LOlllS, $3,000, I\Tr'-, P P Boule", 3805 Locust street, Cl11cm-natI, 0, $5,000, Edward H ~lorns, Lanca;,ter Road, PhIla-delphIa, Pa, $30,000, Ida I\1 Sperr) , 563-5 \\ halley avenue, Aurora, 111, $5,000, \VIlham Dempsey, Florencedale avenue, Youngstown, 0, $3,200, James Morgan, Oxford ,avenue, Youngstown, $3,500, I\1artha E HIlher, 532 South Carroll street, South BeneL Ind, $6, SOO, J\Irs Susan F Hobbs, 54 Myrtle strcet, Lynn, I\la'-,s, $3,;00, 0 \V Messenger, 36 Rockdalc avenue, Lynn, Mass, $4,000, L ] Hobbs, 1737 Au-tun111avenue, MemphIS, Tenn , $6,COO,J A J\1cAlh'oter, Rark'-,- dalc street and Vl11ton avenue, 11emphls, bungalow, $4,500, l\Trs Moor, 1172 Mulvane '-,trcet, Topeka, Kam, $3,500, J \\ Hanson, 770 Hampton 'otreet, 1opeka, $3000, J A Clark, Ontano, Cal, bungalow, $3000 I\llscellaneou'-, Bmldmg ,-The Ilarvey Hotel Com pan) ha'-, let the contract for the erectIon of a tlllrt) -room adehtlOn to theIr Fray ::\!farcos Hotel at WIlhams, "'\nz Bergen coun-ty New Jersey WIll ercct a court house at Hackensack to cost $84,000 A hberal appropnatlon WIll be made for furn- Iture for the structure Palmer Bro~ & Fulkerson have finan-ud a company to buIld a theatre at C and Tll1rd streets, Los Angele;" Cal, at a cost of $150,000 The rryman Hotel Company h about to expend $100,000 m bllllehng an addItIon to the Hotel Hayward, San FrancIsco, Lal Contract'i for the blllldmg to be erectcd for the Los Angele;, (Cal) Athletic Club, at an estimated cost of $508,000, WIll be let before the end of N ovcmber VV Ilham I\bbott and] oseph Zemansky of San FrancI'-,c,), are to bUIld an up-to-date theatre at Coahng:t, Cal L J Carter of Slh el Clt), WIll blllid a first class hotel at Las Cruces, N ~1ex \\ ork has been 'itarted on a $50,000 addItIOn to the Southern Hotel at Baker'ifie1d, Cal '\ movement ha'-, been maugurated m Grand Rapids to orgal11ZC a car loadl11g as'ooclatlon The men at the head of the movement are makll1g a caleful l11vestlgatlOn of the SItu-atIOn and hopc to securc the co opcratlOn of manufacturers of furl11ture and kl11dred lmcs Represcntatl' e'i of a mall order hou;,e that had nO actual eXI;,tence al c repOl ted to ha\ e fleeced the farmers of Lmcoln county, v\ ashmgton, out of a few thousand dollar" 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN SUIte No 922 by Nelson-Matter Furmture Co, Grand RapIds. MICb WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 - .-.-- ..- ..--_. ---- _.~._--_. --------------., \ .~I ... -_ .. I ....... -- ... II I We can help you. Time saved and when don e leaves are bound (by your-self) and mdexed by floors or departments. BARLOW BROS., Grand RapIds, Mich. TVr.te R.gktNow ..---_ .. ------_ -- r-80- Y N-,:-0-~-~- c o-~--l I M•• -... I I Embossed and , Turned Mould I iDga, EmboaaM ed and Spindle CarvIngs, and Automatic Turnings. We also manu fadure a large hne of Embossed Ornaments for Couch Work. 1256-1258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. '---~._--_.----------- .... - .,. ---------_._._---_ . I These saws are made from No. 1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. We also carry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. "1rite us for Price List and dI8count ~------------------- II .. ..~ 31-33 S. Front St., ORANDRAPIDS, MICH. r--- . -----_._- -.-_-_ -.__--.-__.---------., , I I'----------------------_._.~.--_.-_. __ . IMPROVED, EASY AND ELEVAlO RS QUICK RAISINC Belt, Electnc and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power for Furnzture Stores Send for Catalogue aud Pnces. KIMBAll BROS, CO" 1067 Nmth 5t, Council Bluffs, la, Kimball Elevator Co., 3~3 Prospect St., Cleveland,O., l0811th St , Omaha, Neb, 120Cedar St , New York CIty. .....,---_ ..... I II II ----------_._._--------., III,I II II ---------------------------~ If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. (tlarence 1R.1bills DOES IT 163 Madison Avenue-CItizens Phone 1983 GRAND RAPIDS MICH '---------_ ... .,..------------- --- ---------- - .. . I SEE-===== I I..---- --- ....----------- ..._- West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. for U1GH GRADE PUNCHES and DIES ---~ European Factories in Anlerica • Simon \\ Hanaurer, deputy Amencan consul-general at } rankfort, Germany, furm"hes the followmg translation from a German paper m regard to German manufacturers, estab-li" h1l1g branch factone., m Amenca "Recently It was announced that a great silk dyemg firm of L) ons had acqmred a large factory of thiS branch m Pat-erson, N J, at a cost of sevel al mIllion dollars The purpose of thIS acqmsltIon IS to manufacture m the U11lted States a class of hIgh grade sIlk dres., goods and textIles whIch hither-to had been ll11ported from France, SWItzerland and Germanv It IS expected that m future other high quality sIlk goods (nbbons, etc) wJ1l be manufactured m the L;nlted States and the fear pre\ aIls that skJ1led workmen and experts of the sIlk mdustnes of Europe wJ1l be drawn to Amenca, thereby m-fhct1l1g mJLlfy on European productIOn and export trade There are partIes who seriously contemplate the eventuality of the U11lted State" not only ceasmg to Import any sl1k goods at all from abroad, but appearing m the outsIde mar-kets as a strong competItor to the great SIlk-goods manu-facturers of Europe" The annual report of the operatIOn" of a lead pencIl fac-tory at Xuremburg, Germany, says "As the unfavorable customs tariff of the L;11lted States, which has not been bet-tered by the late rC\ISlOn act, has made It nigh Impossible to export our goods to that country, thIS company, m order not to lose ItS sales there, has mstructed It long-time representa-tIve agent there to erect a factory for the manufacture of lead penCIls m the U11lted States ., German newspapers also mentIOn gl'OWlllg Amencan competItIOn 111 the tulle (lace) mdustry and 111 leather beltlllg, pamts, colors and machmery Several of them express the opmlOn, that when American manufacturers and exporters once master the mtncaCles of foreIgn trade, as Germany, lrance, and Great BntIan have done, theIr product wIll dommate the markets of the world I,I III ..~I New Process for Making Wood Alcohol. ReplY1l1g to a ChIcago mqmry askmg for mfol matIon concernmg the manufacture of alcohol from sawdust m France the quantIty of such matenal a\ allable, and the prospect of a "ale III that country of a ne\\;ly 1mented American proce"s for that purpo"e, Con"ul-General } rank H J\Iason, of Pans, re-port:-> as follows Very little tImber or lumber IS sawed 111 or near the forests of } rance, so that the supply of matenal for "uch process would be l1111ltedand e.>.penslve Apparently the only estab-li" hment for the manufacture of alcohol from "awdust I" at St Marcel, m the Department of Ardeche, III the south of France, not far from the MedIterranean It h a new, up-to-date concern and employs a hIghly Improved process of an mventor of A.lx la Chapelle, ~whIch con'\l"ts m e'(po'3mg "aw-du" t to "ulphurou,", aCId gas, whereby a chemIcal actIOn IS mduced whIch enablc" the alcohol to be generated and ex-tracted WIthout bemg mIxed WIth or contammated by the sulphur, as had alway s happened when sawdust was mace rated m a solutIOn of "ulphunc aCId under the older pro-cesse" Consequently, It IS claimed that wood alcohol made by the new proces" can be drunk or u"ed for any other purpo",e to whIch pure alcohol IS usually applied One metnc ton (2,204 pounds) of .,awdu"t YIelds by thIS process 100 liters, or 2747 gallons, of alcohol. 20 kIlo", (42 pound,,) of acetIc aCId, and the reslc1ue or spent .,awdu"t I" ples.,ec1 mto bnquette" and u"ed as fuel Consequently It IS claImed that the proce.,s IS very profitable The process IS patented, of cour"e, 111 lrance and the U nltec1 State" ., III ,I .~ 24 .. -- . I I •I• • II1 WEEKLY ARTISAN .---------- .. - ... _- .. -~ I! ""TheReason Why." Gentlemen -Three t) pIca 1 e"amples Illustrat111g 1101J]t' or lcl vantage of the 'Strocco' fan, al e \\ U1ked out belo\\ it om \\ hIe 11 1t wIll be noted that these advantage" ma) be summallzecl a, toll, \\' 1st-Increased efuuency, result111g 111 a ,a'1I1g In H P for "mc capacIty 2d-Increa,e 111 capacIty of fan for s«me PO\\ cr 3d-Smallel space occupIed for a g1\ en capac!t) or mcre I 'ed capacIty for the same space occupIed 4th-Slo\\ speed, resultmg III qUIet operatIOn No doubt yOUl reader" wIll be speually 1I1tere'tcd J!1 tIll' C()J!1 panson at thIS tIme as 'SirOCCO fans al e be1l1g spcuhe ,1 almost "" elUSIvely, and the follo\\ 1I1g facts sho\\ the I ea,on \\ '1\ COMPARISON OF "SIROCCO" WITH: STEEL PLATE FANS 1- As~ume that a capacIty of 210)0 cu ft of alr per mmute IS deSIred at % oz pressure SIze of fan or h6lgh t Speed Horse power Savmg m H P 31lJl<.T, PLATE F \N 1 '0 _)0 9 for same (apaclt:, c;IROCCO F ", 1\0 10 10\ '0 1" I :IKCl~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~<;"~~Vm~5 SEND SAMPLES, DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES, 8 ,I ~~~k,~:reI E. P. ROWE CARVING WORKS, AL~fstN. I I ~-------------------------._-------------------~ I'el1lh\ h allla no\\ ha" nndel con'ildcratlOn d total of 1 S,OOO "tcel car'i 01 1910 deln u.y, va1ned at abont $18,000,000 In connectIOn \\ Ith the neV, 5,00J car order, the 1allroad Is a"k111~ fOl "peLlficatlOn" that 111dncle "tee1 wheels for that lot ot Cell" l he hlfi orc!el for "battle "hlp" car" WIth a carry- In-:; capelllt\ ot 77 ton" each, \\111 aLo 111duc!e all steel v,hee1s, as lt 1" the n"e of the"e \\hee1" that make the larger cars po,,- .,lb1e [he ral!t oac!" offiCla1" hay e "tatec1 that all told tlIe Penn '\ h al1la \\ onlc1 plObably be 111the l11drket for 120,000 sttel \\hecls dnlln~ 1()10 for tlC !Z11tC<lr" alone "en tc \\ futll1tl11 e men YO'llIhe killed 111the northern \1(Joe!" thl" tall 110"t of them ale too bus) to go huntlllg, 2- Assume a gIven hOf"38 power~say 15 ~\\l11Ch It IS de<;;,lled not to E'\.('( eel SIze of fan or heIght 1fO No U 1"2 CapacIty 40000 0,0000 Speed 188 1'\2 Increa",e In capaCIty for san18 po"\., E'l 3- Assume a gIven head room-~ay 12 0 -not to 118 e,,(eeoeo SIze of fan or heIght UO ,n 13 111 CapaCIty at % oz 31000 4)00[' Speed 212 110 Increase In capaclt\ for <..,ame "3pace GCl npled u I Some Idea of the 6Teat capaC-It, of the SIrocco "heel", 1111\ ht gamed from the fact that gn en t" 0 wheel" of same SIze I unlllng at ~~m( pres~ure the SIrocco Wheel" ould ha \ e 50% greater capacI t\ than th a old style fan wheel at a speed 400/ le~s AMERICAN BLO'Yl'.R COvlPA, l DetrOIt MJCh Nov 2 1909 ""BattleShips" on Steel Wheels. Report'i from Pltt'iburg "tate that morc cal (Jrc1el" al e "\oon to be placed by the Penn,,) hal1la compam for the 1Jnes '" est Inql11ne, 'ient out t]l1S \\ eek ha\ e come to thc Lal bmldlllg compa11le'i for 5,000 ne\1 "tee I cal" ot the "tancl<l1d type, 100,000 pound" capaClt) for c1ell\ el \ ne"t \ eal I hI" mqully lS m ac1chtlOn to thc 100000 cat" of the battle "hIp type, on whIch car compame" are blcId1l1g '1 hu" 111 all the - ~ ~... _~ N p --- .--- - -...-...:; 11111111 ~ ::-0 -= --- - III \1" ~;-:---- 111" - /" --------- 'Ull l' ::;: hu Mission Oak Finishes ~ ~ The L. Mac E. Stain fumes the wood equal to a Early English Stain No. 506 Filler. Weathered OaK Stain No. They are the Standard Shades. SEND FOR FINISHED SAMPLES .....,,,~,..J,)/ I "'----- " .J ..~:' Fumed Oah Acid }-umed Box, No. 1719 and 1725. THE LAWRENCE-McFADDEN COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. WEEKLY ARTISAN Odd Chairs for the Home Beautiful. I t has been truly "aId that "she who IS devoted to her house never ha" any thlllg to spend on her"e1f 0' Even after the home had been furmshed wIth all the necessltle" and a good many of the luxune" there 1" alway" "omethlllg want-mg stIll ffl 1 here are the "peClal pIeces of furnIture whIch add refine-ment and fi11l~hto the home beautIful, for mstal1ce Screens THE CHRISTMAS BUYING SEASON HAS REALLY BEGUN. EVERY DAY'S DELAY NOW WILL MEAN ADDED DISCOMFORT TO YOU LATER. THIS STORE IS EQUIPPED AND ARRANGED ESPECIALLY FOR THE GIFT BUYER AND IS FILLED WITH ARTI-CLES OF CHARM AND DISTINCTION SELECT TED SUITABILITY AS GIFTS OF USE AND BEAUTY. BEGIN YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING NOW-FOR YOUR OWN COMFORT AND SATISFAC-TION. WE WILL BE GLAD TO HOLD YOUR PURCHASES AND DEFER YOUR BILLS UN-TIL CHRISTMAS IF DESIRED. Well-Worded HolIday AdvertIsement. for bed room<" odd chaIrs for the 'ialon'3" the tea, work and dreS'illlg table.., A hand"ome "creen placed between the front and back pallor" 1" a" ornamental a" any pIece of furn- GRAND RAI1IDS PR&SS FIUDA Y NOVEMBER ~ 19011 HEYMANS HEYMANS tlEYMANS if you-have a home of your own I can be II aoe>: lu.v"asyouw","~no:1pry ll~eyes 0 hl: ears uannoY you You \ ""by You a t eally pay lie: a> you 1:" along only yaudon havetop.oy every II ng at C1n~" he "" "la.e lunch any tlmeyou,..,hung yand here. noon "growl once Nohnl:cano<:<:u thatw I "moo ... you. No store of anyknd nth cuy " na 1 a you (',on no these <;ond 005 w h hk n a boa 01Tl!:h"ust at'.d """ ",h h h<llla be '<T sy tern ,,! dtot\l.e ,""counts. Non has any lust '" good COMh IN you p er" And the hame .. easy og<'tby QII .y em 01 monhlycr<:<!t. So he AI\DTII.LK:1HEMATTEROVFjtWlTHU$ and let u•• how fOU tha wcae lIat. Allpatmcnto. edated n the In nreandyo e Ie hem a youdmwfou mon hy hurden 11 (rrS,no homen maketa. Linoleu s\\!l~~.I6.50 You ...... ~the b •• ~...h ... 7 "7 Ll.. o1e ......... that me.... Pott". LI 1........ L.... I A And It s ..... A Rood one. A Sample AdvertIsement ~ Quartered OaK Desli lll~nn Iture can be A fine, can ed 'icreen WIth mlrror'i III the top tor111San excellent background for a charmlllg ho"tess at the table, and may hIde the door leadlllg to the kItchen a'i well .-,. ------------- ---------_._---- I II IHE FORD & JOHNSON CO. CHICAGO This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chairs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dining Room fm mture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Order furni-ture, etc. A complete hne of sam· pIe. are dIsplayed in The Ford 8 Johnson BUlldlRl!, 1433-37 Wabash Ave., in· cludlnl! a special display of Hotel Furniture. All f~trmture dealers are cord~ally tnv~ted to visit our bttilding. II II 6- __ . .. ... . Then there are the odd chaIrs They are the hall mark, so to '3peak, of the llldn Idllalty of the home A couple of gOthlC or renaIssance chaIr~ are neces"ary to the style of a well filll'ihed vestIbule or hallway There are III fact many ~ty e~ of odd and ..,howy chaIrS whIch are de"lrable for the filllSh of an establIshment Plant Enlar2ement. \;\T ork on the extenslOn to the plant of the Valley CIty Desk Company, Grand RapIds, h progre..,'illlg rapIdly Con- "lderable new machlllery wl1l be lllstalled Its a good thlllg to think tWIce before you speak, and even then you generally have a few thoughts comlllg. --~----_.-._~-~-----------------------------~_.._~------------------------------------_._------ i" I I OFFICES: CINCINNATI--Second National Bank Bullding. NEW YORK--346 Broadway. BOSTON--18 Tremont St. CHICAGO--14t h St. and Wabash Ave. GRAND RAPIDS--Houseman Bldg. JAMESTOWN. N. Y.--Chad ..koln Bldg. HIGH POINT, N. C.--N. C. Savings Bank Bldg. The most satIsfactory and up-to-date Credit Service embracing the FURNITURE, CARPET, COFFIN and ALLIED LINES. The most accurate and reliable Reference Book Published. Originators of the "Tracer and Clearing House System." -- --- -- - -- ~--- -- ----- CollectionService Unsurpassed-Send for Book of Red Drafts. ~_..... .. ...._. ... .. .. 25 - --., It _. - ~ MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS II S .scofield 1'; a nevI' undertaker at IIlll1dm,,\ dIe III Henry I aL,taclt 1'; e"tahh"hmg a rug tacton at c..,Pl111g field, Oregon E H Samuel" has "ucceedecl John Blacllnl unclel tdhCl at Alta, Iowa G IV Raa, & Co undertaker" of \lannette \ \ h hI \ t sold out to J 1\1 Harper The Dlgelovv Carpet Compan\ " ml11.. dt lllllton \Ll"" are runl1lng 24 hour" per cla\ ] oseph Berge1l1 ,;ucceed" Carl ()]-,on III the letad tl1lllItu n busmes:" at Sierra \1adre Cal Pierce & :\1ottrell "uccecd \ C \\ alkel In the und'I tak1l1g bU'31neS" at Long Beach Lal P E Cha"e has '3ucceec1ed }~ugene Bogart ln the leLll] furmture buslne:"" at :\lonmouth, Ore The capltal "tack of the ~kron, (0) \lattle .... Compdm has been 1I1cred:"eclfrom $10 000 to $2:; 000 The John :\letzler De'3k Com pam ot HeI1dll1el '\ \ I.. 111 the hand:" of Bunce & \lason a .. recen er .. Credltors ha\ e filled a petJtlOn 1ll bankluptc\ a~a1ll:"t the Capltal CJty Ca:"ket Com pam Col um h11::>UhlO The [';dtlOnal Ca"ket Lompan\ dl e 1mdd1l1g an dd(!Jt!()n tu the factof} at LOlll"\ dIe, k} at a co"t ot S12000 Bdnkruptcy plOceec!1ll~" ha\ e been ..tal ted d~a1ll ..t thc Boyle Furl1lture Com pan} ot Salt Lake Clt} L tah The Herzog Art I urrutl1re Compan\ of Sal;1l1d\\ \llch have added automohde bathe" to the1l hne of product" The :\Ill1neapoh" (\IJnn) Dec!dlll~ COmp'lll\ arc bl11lc1 ll1g a bnck ad(htlOn to theIr pl'1l1t at a co ..t ot S-l-:;00 N A Dunham & .'Jon have pllrchd"ed thc tl1l111tl11C anc! hardware buslne"" of \\ J1ham Sa\\\el at \\ e"thoro ](ma J E Kenne), fl1l111ture dealel and unclel take I ot L u ba WIS, has admitted h1', "on In-la\\', C H BaItlett d.. a paltnel Herman Karsten, anc! John L Pattel "on "l1lcced C '\ Kar'3tens 111 the retaIl furmtl1le b1hlne .... at '\ehla"ka lIt\ Kebr The Richford furl1ltule fdcto!\ ,It D11lhngton \ t I.. 1unl1lng 0\ ert1111e and the l11anag el" repO! t a val CI1\ ot '3kdled labor The foundatlOn'3 of the lentl11 \ rurnItl1ll lOl11jlall\ .. new factory 111 Grand RapId, al e completed dnd \\ )1 k on thl wal]:" h 111progl e"" I"rank L Harnngton has bought the fur11ltl11e c,!01e.. of \V J BeckWith and Fd\A,ald Balber at \\ \()m1l1g [(ma and wJ11 con'3ohdate them LOllI" Tankus who opened a fm11lture "t(Jle ,It \\ ec,!pOlt Ct, 111 Septembel ha" alread) had enough of It Hl ha .. de-clded to clo'3c out hl'3 "tock ane! qmt Henry Ley the pIOneer furl1ltm e diCaler of " Clltm alaI, whose '3tore ha" been a landmark of the to\A,n tOI Il1dn\ years ha'3 '3old out to J 1\1 Green and] ohn Orton The plant of the" eeneer and 1\1111Compall\ ,It \Ice] 1"1 JunctIOn, II a"h, wl11ch \Va'3 recent} lH1rned \\ Ith ,I 10".. dt $7:;,000 1', be1l1g lebl11lt On d larger and better "calc Asa 1\1 Flnney, manufacturer of uphol"tered fml11tul e 0 1\lanchester, K H, ha'3 mOved 1I1to a Idlge bllck bl111dl11g and Will more than double the capaclt} of hl'3 plant The Rice :\lattJng Compan} of c\ugu"ta :\le, \\Ith a capi-tal stock of $2,000,000, ha" been authonzed to do busl11e" .. III the state of IlllllOl" With capital 11l11lted to $500000 The Butler Furniture alld EqUlpment Compdll} of But ler, OhIO, ha;; been ll1corporated by George F Solomon ) R. Staunton, Milton \\ lse and other" Capltal stock $SO 000 ~ "peclallot of table" and Chdll" ln Koa\"oodllll,clte,! 110m the PhllJpPllle lslancl" 1" Ul course of manufacture at the \\Olk" of the )ohl1'3on !}rotheh I urlllture Company, Glan,j RalJIC]:" J 11 Pel kin" note teller In the Commercial 1'\atlOnal ]L nk 01 hllll1 c1u Laa, 1\ h, ha" resIgned to accept the pO'3I-tIdl1 (lL ..ale" l11ancl~U "01 the (JtunC) Rcfn~erator Company o! thdt ut) (T \ LlpP" uphobtel er of Dela\ an, 1\ h, ha:" taken [1 1\ Lange d.. a partnel anl! under the name of L1PPS & I ange the plant \\ III be "uPJ)l'ed \\Ith up co-date eqUlpemnt cend cnlargtll Re\ \1 B Sha\\, ,,\ho recentl) retired from the pastor-ate of the rlr'3t BaptIst Church, ha'3 purcha"ed the llltcres_ of T \\ CatIck 111 the firm of Rarton & Catlck, undertakers of "'an BernardIno, Cal I \ \ raJrar of \ \ oon"ocket, R I, has purchased the lUl111tUle "tore of C H Oake:" & Co In Bangor, 1\le He wl11 ll1Lllge the bU:"111e""and run It under the name of the Farrar I ur111ture COmpdn} !he People" I Ul111ture Company of St LoUl:", \10, "'111 ll1O\I" Into ne\\ and lalgel quarter:", haVing secured a fifteen \ tal led ..e 01 the ~I\. "tor} bl111c1111gon the southea:"t corner of r lev enth and Oln e "tleets The Sa1J1ple rur111ture Company, dealers of C1l1Clllnatl, () h,IS been IncorpOi atcl! b} Samuel Shott, Slmeon J\J Shott, I \1 Jdcob" TheodOle \\ 01£en"te1l1 and \\ ~ House Ca-pItal ..tOLl,. ,111"ub"cnbecl, $0,000 (lv\ 111gto PO)I health Roger" E Cloker ha" "old hl" 1I1ter-l ..t In the llOckel lhdlr lompan), .'Jhebo}>;an, \Yl" , to the othu ~tOlkh()Idel" He ha" re"lgnec1 111'..,pO"ltlOn as vlce-pi e ..Hlent dnd \\ III I etIlc on Dec 1 lhe ][a\clt\ lOI,1pan\ \\ho hd\e ftul1ltl1le ~tore" In ,e\ eral "duthel n utle .. ,He clo"1l1~ out their bU'31neSS 111 1,ort \ \ ()]th 11"\',(-' I) H a\ el t\ state, that the onl} rea "on fOl dO"l11g the r OIt \\ 01 th "tOle 1" a l!e'311e to hghten hI" pelsc nal labOl" and 1e"pon ,I blhtIe" r---••-•~._._--~-----_._._._-- I II!I ,I IIIIII I --------..., II III• •II MUSKEGON VALLEY FURNITURE COMPANY II II IIII•I I WRITE FOR CATALOG ! ~----------------------------------------------~ MUSKEGON MICH .... COlomal ~ultes TOll POSI Beds Odd Dressers GnillOnlers WardrObes ladles' rOllels DreSSing TObles ManOQany InlOld GOOQS WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 ~-----~-----_- _____---_--_---'"f ~-----.-_4~~---.------..- . --1 HERE'S THAT IS A BARGAIN No. 537. 28x42 top. Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thIs fine hbrary Table by tb.e dozen, unless you make up a carload out of tb.IS and other good thmgs we have to show you. PALMER MANUFACTURING CO. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. Ii I I I I I I •• ..4 ~ Aj ~---.-.-.----------------- .... New Furniture Dealers. P H Roc1nque ha" e"tabh"hed a new fur111ture store at Scranton, :1\11"" Skmner & <.,,, en-,en are new fUll11ture dealer" m 1\1mn<: apolJ", 1\1llln "\ "ho1e"ale fUl111tUle hou"e h to be e"tabh"hed at Devil'" Lake, '\ Dak I'red Fenker ha<; purcha"ed Henry Bauch's fur111ture "tore In South Dend, 1nd \ 1'., Ll\ 111g"ton has adcled a fur111ture department tr hI" general '3tore at Conway, '\lk :l\1nckclro) ::'age h to engage m the fUl111ture and unc1el-taktng bU"llle'3:o at '1 errell, Te)o, The Stelchl BlO:o lurl11ture Company have opene 1 1"el1 ne\\ :otore at 621 ",1al ket "treet, Chattanooga, Tenn ,under the manalSement of J Cal Ste1ch1 , I III \II III II I I I I III III i\Iy1e-, H Cooper 1'3d new fur111ture dealer at 17 C01 11 n b1a stI eet, G tIca, )J Y lIe call" h1S place the "Happy Thought Stove and Fur111ture Store" Ohver C JIIl1 ha" opened a new store for exh1b1tlOn and "ale of antIque fnrl11ture mc1udmg "rare p1ece:o of genu1l1e ChIppendale, IIepplewh1te and EmpIre cle"lgn ", , at 38 v\ d10w "treet, VI aterbury, Conn D Bloom, Charles Bloom, :1\1 A I "aac" and "Bunk" Sp1ke" have mcorporated the v\ alnut R1dge Furmture CCO'l1- pan) to e"tabh:oh a retall furl11ture store at \Va1nut RIdge, '\rk CapItal :otock $25,000 II J Sloan, formerly manager of l'artndge & Blackwell\, funllture departmeut, Detr01t, has '3tarted1n bU"111es-,for h1m-self undel the name of the Sloane Fur111ture Company, on tht second floor, at the cOIner of Broadway and GratlOt a\ enue He "ells at I eta 11from factory catalogues, photographs a'ld bl11e pnnt" .. . .. .. . .- ._~~------~-_._---~------------_.-._-----_-.-.-_------__...-~ "I. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" \ BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. I • aM. • •••••••••••• _ ... 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~Iinnesota Dealers' Retail Furniture Association OFFICERS-President LOUIS J Buenger Ne\\ VIm VIce Pre<;ldent C Dantebon Cannon Falls Treasurer, o -\ 0 \10ell Peter~OI1 Secret an W L Grapp JanesvIlle EXECUTIVE COMI\!IT fhE-D F RlcInrdson NOIthfield Ceo Klme Mankato W L Harn' \llIIneapohs, o Sunoth G encoe M L klIne ~t Peter GINGER ON ADVERTISING FROM TilE PRESIDENT. bll\ 111", Ibollt thh t1mc I, \\ e p( "Ibl} C In \ot tcn 'C\ ell} cal' hay e the t11meh ot 1I11111C,otd 11le! '0 much 'Sr 1111 '0 much teeel '0 much ,tock '0 mUC,l )loul tl \ I' thq 111\ e lIght 110\\ l11cl \\ hCll buy 111£{UJmllle11le, Ihele h .2;om>; 10 be ,1 101 o[ 1'\ b1h1l1e" Thel e 1t I, up to OUI mcmblr, to ed\ cl the '" pu ol,tcntly tlMt \\ hell (\ el a e1htomel of your lom mUml) th1l1k, ot furmture he I"ocnteo \ our nlme \\llh 1t Ilthu th 111 some 011l d'e 0 l In \ ou doubt tm 011e mo nH 111 \\ hdt \\ ould h IJlpell 111 1 bU'1I1e" \\ 'l\ It } ou (01llel d t lh 111 \ OUI commu11lt}) \ Oll cen do It If you tlV so let 11', >;et oUI ,onH ed\el ll' 111.2; thh Ih mkogl\111.2; 1\ Ine h \\ III be \\ I} Ihe Ie! ot 1'1 othel pre \ lOUs ed\ el tlS1I1g 1ell me v.hat k111d o[ men ,ne In the 11l111Jtl1le 1m-lllc" 111cl I Hand Carved Post Rocker \\111 tell you \\lllt kmd of a bu,1I1e" the} dll gm11'S to )lllJdull, 1111 ne\ er [or one momenl tdke II fm gl ante,l that yom b1h111e" h "om" to be gredtel thdn the man beh1l1el It \ ° b11olne,s c 111ell' e 1 IJl It self unless II has stJong, h,rd \\ork1l1g selt leh,mt 1,11 'Cllllg mcn t chalacter back of It J\Ien who Ie tll} unclel ,I ll1d ho\\ to bllIld up I bU'111ess arc not In Ihe majont} \ 0 b11',1l1e" c In bl IlgJH 11111l' thc men behmd It ,ne nght ,md th It kIn 1 ot mln (Ion t j1ht he)lpe n They dIe 110t necessdnly the mo,t bl lln) bllt thc\ 11e the Ole, \\h make a btUely of hov. 10 make then bU'1I1c" '1 '\lcee" 11el kel p 011 the alert for new '\lggestlOns ,1l1cl Ideas Ask most any successful b1h1l1e" m U1 hO\\ he sucleu]ed '111I the l hance, al e ten to one that he \\ III tell you Iha t he (hd It bv IWIll,t dnel constdnt ad\ertl'1I1g Just take up mo,t an) p Iplr 111d \ \I cunnot help but llOtJce thdt the blgge,t mo'ot "11ecl"tul hU'llle, houses have the largest, mo,t COlbplCUOUS ,Iel, III Ihe be-t p IJlll' of then commumty If you t111!1k } Ol1 l l11J1O! .ffO! d to ,]W!1 1 111tllh on dch ertlSl11g, spend \\ hat you can but cIon t do II III I h Iph 1/ (I d cdreless \\ay Use a few U11lIo \\ll1ch \It t\1l111,h \OU eontlnutlh a11d dfter you ha\ e aeh el tl,ed same place I te\\ ot the '11tide, In your wl11dov. marktd a, ,peclah h ach el tl-cd It \ OU \\ 111 d thIS conscIentIOusly dnd put 111 the c IthusII'111 tInt, 0111 b1hl1lD' ele mdnds, you WIll soon e}.pellence dS othel' 11'1\e the tl Ulh \lhl pll I' ures of the adverhsers gdme and I emembel tll1:, do n( t thl11k )( I one m111ute that the people, re gom,:; to get enth11ollotle ()\ II ) ( UI goods unles, you are \Vhl1e you must h'l\ e ,Itlshe 1 C1hlomll' you cannot rely on them to to)t yOul horn I Cdn gIve only one InCIdent where Hh ertl,- I1lg dJ(1 not pay Ti11e, \las blought to my no tJce ,lwhIle dgO \\hen 1 \\as mak111g '1 tour of I11SpectlOn of ga' plant'> fOl our ut} \\ hIle 'II tl1lg 111 d hotel, [ pIcked up one o[ the p Ipel' of the town md saw th,lt Olll ot 0111 l11e111bll' was ad\ erhsl11g I cert tin locker The lei looked good to me so after suppel T ccllul It thh man', stOle and dsked fOl the lockel '1, ,W ordlnalY cu,tomer would To my ,urpnse I v. as told to go to the back end ot the ,torc and I would hnd el fev. pIlecl up 111 the cOlnel T ehd so ,md found them \\Ith the \\ I 'pplll" pI pelon, all mal red etc, ,md } Lt tlll' de tlLl \\ III del, why hl<, dch el tl'111g does not p'\\ I dm glad that tll1' IS dn e}.eeptlOn to the I ule of our member, but thl, mCHlent ,](1\\ 0 to cl gre,tter 01 1eos deglee Ihe mltho 1 of the usu 11 sm,lill fur11ltl1l e retaIlel s aeh el tlSl11g The successful buslnes, b1111de" IS a 111111ot Im2gmdtlOn A bus111ess m 11l lcmllot plm '1 great ddvertlsmg campalgll \\ Ithout l'lld,?;ln ltlOll Before a smgle ach el tlsement lppears the ad \ erhser ~ees the results ment,tll) \\ hlch he leel, the ddvel thement w111 produce Do you sup pose he would ad\ ert1se unles, he fen eo'\\\ the F19 No. 155 ThIShIgh grade rocker In large, flaky quartered oak, and hIghly hand poh.h€d and can be had In the golden or weathered fin- Ish. or In ma-hogany fin 1sh When made up In the mahoga-ny finish. all panels are ofthe genuille mahog-any. It IS very heavy, rIchly carved pIece and all carVIng being done bY~~Ind therefore gIVIng it a soft, smooth fimsh. l~ote the WIde shaped arms and large shaped seat, the extra hIgh back, WIth ear brackets, makIng 1t an exceedIngly easy sltt,ng chaIr. Best ever gIV-en In thIS lIne, at thIS exceedIngly low PrICe. Price at our store I nus J BLE\GIR PI cSldellt 'lln, umt furmshed our members for 40<' 1 hh Roeker ~7 40 IlI\o RF142Yz Tins large lux-urIOUS rocker IS WIthout any doubt the blg-ge~ t valup that has bepu after pd The seat 1.:, ~2x~2 Inche:, mea..,urem e Il t the extIeIlle outsIde 1 s 26 Inches the h, wht of back flom floor 1:, 42 lUC!JP, The back IS tufted seat larg-e and comforta ble <up!'ort e d by 011 temporeu ",pnn~ llchly rufi:lC'd on the ",de" and top ot bqch. and also thp entlle flont ThIS chair 1:' upholsted "lth the be,t '!rade ofChd-e 01 Bu"tonleath81 winch ]S a splendid SUb...,tltue f01 genUIne leather and has excellent "earm'S qnalItles ThIS " the be,t Turkl'h rucker th'lt can be had at tIll::' PI1CP w8u!ht dbout 100 lbs Mount ed on '-8culJlJ Con ..t..l acted fr~une castor~ anD fitted ",th an pxtra hea,; 011 temp~red rock er sJjrIngs WhICh glve::J It aver;}' comtorvab18 'ock Pnce at factol\ OUR PREPARED UNITS. The pI eSldent's artIcle on advertls111g Cdll, to 1111lld ,ome plam fdcts whIch ale, ery cnar II tcn,tte of hIS WclY of domg tl1mg, The (dillel s of our a,ooclatlOn heve alway S done \\ h II they could to ,tImulate aeh ertts111g and n1dke It edSY, for our members End that the pI epclratlOn of ad\ ertl,mg matter IS very hard \\ e wIll dev ote thh week s dep"rtment to the Illu,trat1On of unl!:, wh1ch we are dble to fur llIsh our membel s To those of you v. ho are e011',tant dd\ ertJsers, 1t wIll not be nece,sary to pomt out the great advant 1ge you have m bmldmg } our deb' by thIS umt construCllOn To those who never elId dl1ythmg dlong the'e hnes, v. e want to say that out of nmety-tv. ° dlffere11t ,!CIs gathered from the van01h pe I h of the ,tate, wc clId not End more thdn ,Ix whIch gavc an dccurate descnptlOn of the artIcle, ad\ ertlsed In ~tudY11lg- out our plan )01 .tdvertl'lllg helps and consldellllg v. 11dt pohcv v..tS best to follow, the commIttee on advertt 'o1ng adopted a method of descnptlOn along maIl ordel house hne" We know that thIS sort of ad\ ertlsmg IS successful but we ob t 1111ed the adv ertt~e]TJents mentIOned above to ,ee If we could find a better method \i one 01 Ihcse sdmples C,lme up to the ,tdndard dnel \\ hen \\ e asked why better de,cnpt1Ons were llOt ,,1\ ell, \\ l \\ ell told tl1lt Ihe pllnter charged too mUC11 for settlllg the111 UD Other, g 1\ e the excu,e that they dId not have tane 01 lbIlIt} ,dong; these lIne, AJI thIS ,howed vel y plamly that ,ome th11l£{ 111t1',t be done to help membe1 S 1n one of the mCht 1mportant elL! lll, 01 then bU'111es,-that of proper ad\ el tIsmg [he prep lr It10n of the,e Ulllh, hov.ever, mvolves a gledter l1110unt of deL\ll >\olk than IS dpparent to those who do not elo th1s \\OIk Ju,t 10 £{l\e our membel' a httle I11slght a, to IS neceo '11\ 10 ]1ll]1l1l III oI1Q;mI1 11mt, \\e \\111 gIVe you I httle detenl \\lnch 1- lS tollcJ\\' Altlr \\e dec1de on plepal11lg 1 un1t pelnap, \\ e l111clth II \\ h 11l\ el U1t" \\e have of thiS Item elre uther half-tones 01 out 01 proportIon to Ihe Sl/e >\e want 10 'lse IIalf tone cannot be u,ed succe,dully 1n l1e\l spaper work and nowdddYs nedrly ,dl c11h made f01 catalog purposeb ,He half tones, so v. e are obh£{ed to h 1\ C 1 h llld elr'l\\ ln6 made \\ h1cl1 usually costs $2 Then we hdve t h 1\ l the deocnptlOn "ct up 111 type de )uncl the cut for whIch the l)1 mill 11'11dl} eh,lfges u, ~oc Aftel that 1S done, \\ e hdve to sene! the 11mt t thl eleltJ otypel 111order to get '1 umt nuele whIch costs lh ~Oe -0 \ ou ,el tlMt It eosts $120 to get the hrst copy of a Ulllt II \11\ ml111bu \\as to do thIS mcll\ldudlly 1t would Uht hllll $320 101 e lell uml \ \ e ell kno\\ that the d, erage 'mdll dealer eould not ot, nd '11eh l "pen,c but \\ e cen tl11u Or£{dlllzdtlOn, furlllsh you \11\ one of the,e nlllts 101 ~Oc each The,e umts dre so mortIsed aftel they have been elect rot} ped Pnce a t store SOLID OAK SWELL FRONT DRESSER 1 h]'-., j I I' lllt f 11111 11 1 Rocke] 11 11l111bcl'-., fOI -!O( ~ ) Ij ) Ilou]h \\Inch \\ould blob te11ned? You mtht llIent dh see the benehh to be (leI 1\ tel from ach e1 tlsmg lOu 11111',t men tall) ,ee } 0111 llhto111el, dnd then constl uct p1\1h fOI reachl11g tho,c CUSl0111el, RIght 110\\ IS} om time to get out 'Ollie II tl 11\l Th enkS,?,1\ 1I1g llh UtI' I 11 .., People d1 e 'S0l11.2;to 111\ l bl.2; dmner, \\ 11lch me,ln, th It they arc gomg to hay e lots at comp lily ~ll thl<, me In, that the} ale "0111.2; to gt t llIce table, llIce ch tll s e tc pI 0\ Idl1lg \ ou m eke them Ie ahLe It The re hOn \\ l m-il \ CllI stron£{ly to get Ite I Tl1'lllk,gn 111" bU'111e" h th It I good 11\c1y Thdnk'£{1\ 111.., bUolne", IS d fOle runnll (11 I he dt1l) Xm\S bU'l11l" ncl as buy111g IS mOle OJ Ie', lull taglOu, It stanels u, ,tll \\ ell 111 hdnd to cre,te as 111Ul11 F lOY. RF 3'1'0 - This cl ..... ~ 13 mac1lit of geumne oak WIt h quartered oak flout It has two large drn,wers and two small ones, all dla1" "Ilh the "haIJ"1 seTJJentrne front and fitted \nth c a. i , brass hllndlf"S and lC'C'ks T1.13 dJ e'iser Ii 21 in deep and 40 in wide TJ...p lllirror 'b ve17 sh'tpely, ap.d 15 24x20 iUl.-hes and 180 Without an equa) at the plfce 8J PI'~ dllect frem fae tory in Indiana Sl.up-tung wefglIt about 150 pounds Our special pt!911 fpr lIuo PISO. Montgomery Ward Price FreIght ... . Settmg up, etc Price at our store $1015 185 35 ThIS unIt furnu~hed OUT memlJero;;; for 40(' '1h1S Dresser $8 40 WEEKLY ARTISAN that the member u~lI1g them can change the pllce to ,mt hnn,elf dnd tllel e I~ a pldce mortl,erl dt the top of edch cut for ,uLl, v. ords d, Xma, Speual", ThanksglV1l16 Leaelc\ ~ or SpeLlal Sale ,0 11e C<l11 use the U1l1t "t 'my time of the yCdl dn I for dn} k111d of d ,dle wll1ch Ill' may be conduct1llg J\ ot only that but by d loptlng our Ul1lt sy" tem of eirlvertlslllg, you v. III Selve more thdn the LO~l ot the cut a, the cuts furnlshecl flee by the VdfIOU, fdctones take 11101e "pace thel11 tlle whole unit If you put In a stock of tllese umb, all y)U have to do 'Ahen you 'A ant to pi epetre el11 "ad IS to select the nU1111)('r of U11lb you wbh to run 111your ad', ilx the pnce sIgn yom name clnd tne "a,l" IS I eady You may I e"t ,is"ured that It I~ LOn ect In cverv detaIl v. hlch I, not dhvays the case If you I ely upon the elVel age small pI mtllH; offlcc Our leas J11 for UI g1llg yOU ~o ~trongly to blcome pel "Istent advertlscrs I' that tlle prospenty of our iSSOC!eltlO\1 de pend, upon the prrJ'o]Jent} of our 111dn Idual membel s, so anyth111g tl1dt \\ e Cdn do v. l11cl1 v. 111 he lp our member~ to become more pro" ]Jelou" win Inake our i'SouitlOn 11101e plo~pelous Thereforc we urge a hber,11 use of the ddvel tl'111g mdtter v.hlch has been pI epareel tOI you by tlle advcrtl"ln~ Ulml11lttee \\ lllch com mlttee IS very deSirous to he lr from all of our membel s as to how 'Ae c,m help them ,till more If any of you have some partlcul"r If'W or Ided, let u, 11d\e It and perhdps some other member, thru thiS larger expenence can work out a plan \\ hlch \\ III be of undreamed of a~"lstance to you, so don't be backwal d but send ,uch Ideas dS you hdve to thc secretal y for the the of the ael> ertlS1llg commIttee VI' e are ,101ng all v. e can and now It 1'3 up to Y IU, ,IS lI1ehvldual mem bel s, to 11I,lke thh depal tn1ent grow ]) R 1HOlVIPSO\, Chalrm,ln of Ad\ ertls111[),' Committee A SUGGESTION FOR A THANKSGIVING AD. The very nlLmesends a thnll of pleasure through the hearts of every house-w! fe..the day of family reunJ.ons. turkeys, plum puddmgs. ete --the one day more than any othel when the housekeeper feels an unusual degree of pnde. Each year she demands some little addltlon-·perhaps Its a new chair, or a a dllung table a new set of d1shes, some new cookmg utpnslls 1t IS sure to be somethmg and this sale w1ll g1ve you ample time to fill your every need satlsfartonly at a savmg As m all thmgs else. 60 m the furmture business there IS a gradual tjvolut10n gomg on at all tImes so we have become members of the Mmllesota Reta11 Furn1ture Dealers ASSOCIationwhIch 'Juts us III a pOSitIOnto get and sell goods that can be prIced to meet any and all competitiOn ThIS ThanksgIvmg sale IS only a stal ter of what we Will be able to do fm Chnstmas bargams We beheve that MmnesotlLpeople prefer to buy Mm-lesota made goods ot Mmnesota merchants pnce bemg equal Have found that people do not like to buy furmture m the Cat III thJ bag (cataloguc) way Come In and see our ofI'ermg and then we Will be able to convmce you that our store IG the best place to buy yOUl Thanksglvmg needs. " IThanksgiving! I ThIS cut furnoshed our members for $1.00 THESE SPLENDID HIGH GRADE COLONIAL DE-SIGNED CHINA CLOSET ThIS lntchen cabmet has two du~t-proof hillS WIth wooden bottoms. for flour. meal or sugar; two drawers for llllen and cutlery and a removable chop-pmg and kneadmg board Top 1S 26x45 lnches. 1Smade of whit? basswood WhICh ISeasy to elLan MJ.terlal. workmanship and fimsh dependable Dlawers and bmb lemovable; lower p.1rt of legs detachable Fmlbhed In natural gloss. Sears Roebuck IJr!ce at factory FreIght added Settlllg up, etc. F3. Thl'o hIgh grad" ~hlUa closet. is mad> a f quartered 0 a k Has round vasts. carved claw fee t. I bent glas~ ends. Neat, lovely carved top ornament. Has quartered oak crObS bauds, no veneering. Has SIXshelves, and ISvery well caster-ed at bottom Has po!Jshedgolden fimsh Shelves are adJustable. WhIChIS a very good advantage for the housewife Is of the latest deSign, and a well constructed pIece of furm ture thru dnd thru These chairs are maue of ~elected oak. upholstered With genume No 1 leather. qUJ.rter baCk. rIch golden gloss fiOlsh. seat mortIsed and screwed togeth-er, back legb bolted to seat makmg very rIgid constructlOn. W~Ight about 151bs Full SIze; has an elegantly ,haped sew" and IS Ju~t the right hf'lght to bo VeJy comfortable. StrICtly hlgh-gr2cde QU1O,1- 1ty. Newest deSIgn Sear~ Roebuck prIce 1Of,t1O,clory,$1 Frel'5ht 100, setting andpob.):l ..20 Priee at our store, F 10 \0 1011-IL Price at our store ) ~bo,e Lmt ~bo\ f' Ko 2;8 1!z Chma ClO~et $ 40 13 30 Abo\e l mt $ 40 Above No 1611 BOA Seated Dmers EaLh 167 rhe aJJO\ elm t Abo\ e No 700 Cabmet MEMBERS NAME AND TOWN HERE. $298 07 .25 29 $ 40 2 75 JO WEEKLY ARTISAN Write us for information. MOON DESK COMPANY ...--_._- I ----.-----------_._._._-~-------------_ ..-------------_
- Date Created:
- 1909-11-13T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:20