Black and white photo entitled "17 Employees of the Edison Illuminating Co., Detroit, Michigan. March, 1893."

Photograph. Black and white photo entitled "17 Employees of the Edison Illuminating Co., Detroit, Michigan. March, 1893." The photo shows 17 men who are dressed in work attire and are seated or standing outdoors. A brick building with three large windows can be seen in the background (probably the Edison Illuminating Company building on Washington Boulevard at State Street). The names of the employees are noted along the bottom of the photo as follows: "Left to right: Top Row: John A. Ash, Thomas J. Blackley, Walter J. Colladay, James W. Bishop, 'Sandy' Sharp, Henry Ford, John Dixon, Patrick Cunningham. Center Row: H. Ward Noble, George W. Cato. Bottom Row: James Sullivan, J. Eugene Lee, Wright B. Thompson, Frank T. Mather, John W. McNamara, George A Crawford, Burt Pettit." Several names are marked with an asterisk to indicate that they are deceased. A typewritten label on the verso shows "No. 68849. Those known to be living today (4/24/41) are: Colladay, bishop, Sharp, Ford, Cato, Thompson, and Mather. Those known to be dead are: Ash, Blackley, Dixon, Cunningham, Sullivan, Noble, Lee, McNamara, Crawford, and Pettit." (Note: The date of the photo is based upon the image depicted and is not based upon when the photo was printed.)
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Municipal Services
Subject Topic:
Detroit Edison Company, DTE Energy, Edison Illuminating Company, and Workers
Subject Name:
Ash, John A., Blackley, Thomas J., Colladay, Walter J., Bishop, James W., Sharp, Sandy, Ford, Henry, Dixon, John, Cunningham, John, Noble, H. Ward, Cato, George W., Sullivan, James, Lee, J. Eugene, Thompson, Wright B., Mather, Frank T., McNamara, John W., Crawford, George A., and Pettit, Burt
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