Weekly Artisan; 1909-08-21

Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and / ~:t:I" <. GRAND RAPIDS ~=~~-~}-~Y GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., AUGUST 21. 1909 I J Our Patented Sand Belt Machines are superior to all others. They have proven indispensible to hun-dreds of customers. Recent Improve-make them more valuable ments still to you. Do not waste time and money by delay. We guarantee to produce better re-sults than you are getting and at expense. "I '" -_.__._..---------------_.----------~-----~-----~-------~---_._~---- ,II IIII I UNSOLICITED i, IIIII II,• I III I I I Yours very truly, SHO\YERS BROS. CO. PER Wfjw. ~. ,I,-W-Y-S_ONG & .MilES CO., CEDAH ST. AND SOU. H. H., GREENSBORO, N. C. S F' TETER,. Seey W N SHoweRS Prest (nF CE 348 WEST E..IGHTH ~TRf:ET June 4, 1909, Wysong & Miles Co., Greensboro, N. C. Centlemen:~ Please ship us at onea One No.170 Sand Belt Machine ~ithout the roller table, as we wish th1S machine to be used for sanding serpentine drawer fronts only. We already have one of these machines 1n service in our drawer front department and f1nd it a very satisfactory tool 1n every respect l' it it <> " i: * <> i< ~. <> * <> i< I> ~ We are 1n despe-rate need of th1S machine and will thank you to make shipment at the earl1est po&sible moment. We always have been and are yet great advocates and strong bel1cvers 1n your product as we have now some five or six machines of your make 1n daily operation, and find them to be even more than you have ever claimed for them. Your mort1ser and belts are the best labor saVing tools we have 1n our plant. now less Ask for NEW CATALOG 'IE" ....... .. ... A BIT OF INDUSTRIAL HISTORY Are You Running an 1860 or a 1910 Plant? In 1860 cottonseed removed from the boIl by ginnIng w~<; garbage-thrown away. Ey 1870 gInners managed to conVInce some people that cottonseed was good fertlhzer. Ey 1880 It was consIdered good cattle food and In 1890 It \\ as beIng used as a table food. Ey not utIlIzIng all the cottonseed 111 1900 (one year) twenty-sIx mIlhon dollars that someone could have had, was thrown away The CIty of Glasgow, Scotland, gets 9,000 horse-power every day-free-by catching and utll-lzmg furnace gases formerly wasted. The steel corporatIOn WIllhght the town of Gary, Ind , and run all street cars with energy that would otherWIse be wasted and belched out of furnace stacks. "DetrOit" Return Trap. PATENTh.D. If you use steam for heatmg and drymg and you allow any condensatIOn to go to waste-you are losing money. put all your condensation back into the botler wIthout pumpmg-and hotter than a pump wIth hft-wlth "DETROIT" Automatic- Return Steam Traps Manufactured and Guaranteed by General Offices: DETROIT, MICH. ~-------~._---~--- AMERICAN BWWl:R COMPANY "SIROCCO" DETROIT, MICH and TROY, N Y Works. TRADE MARK --~ SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a casttr yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened with flat head wood screw and furnished in three sIzes. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES No 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Somethtng dIfferent from the regular bar pulls, GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. GRAND RAPIDE=, MICH . . I.r • ~RAt\':' r-A:T"3 I PUIillb-ttBR-J\ T)i-· --------- II A Perfect Case Construction •• II ~::::::: I Most I Economical •! and Most I Accurate I Case I ConstructIOn I Possible III ,,, I,I,II• •I•• ,, ,.------~--_. Write for Catalog J -., No. 181 MULTIPLE SQUARE CHISEL MORTISER. III• It is entlrely I Automatic I II•I I I! II II• I II II • •• _ -4 It Clamps Mortises and Releases, Completing the Post in Less Time Than the Matenal can be Clamped on Other Machines Write for Catalog J Wysong & lliles Co., CedarSt.andSou.R.R., Greensboro, N. C. ---------~------_.--- . .. ~---------------------------------_._._.------- I I,t,I•t,I ,,• •I••• II I,,• , III I• I -- ----._---------------- ... III aran~ Ra~i~sfurniture Manufacturers'AssociationI I IIII , I•I I Here are the Exact Shades adopted by the Their "Golden Oak Oil Stain" is our No. 3424. Their "Early English Stain" is our No. 3425 Oil Stain. Their "Weathered Oak Stain" is our No. 3426 Oil Stain. Their "Fumed Oak" is our No. 3427 New Process Fuming liquid. Their "light Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3428 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Their "Dark Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3429 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. CHICAGO NEW YORK !I I .. . -- .... ... . ..•I Send for Samplesand Information. WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE FINISHING ROOM. '------------------------- .. -- ----_._---._- THE AD-EL-ITE PEOPLE ,. _... ...~ i I I THIS IS THE MACHINE That Brinl!s letters like the Followinl!: I I I I !I I I I Buss M chlne Works, Hollflnd, Mlch G9'l lemen We wish to compliment JOu on the WOl:'K ..'1.g of JOur' new #4. Planer Just ...nstelled for us "'hls macn ne does {lEIb"'st werle: of anJ plane"" va have aver seen, ana we <I."'S frank t.o sar so much bett"'r' tfLan we expect"d. th t our t'orema(> s1o.1dhe slmpl) could no" get along vlthout It.Il'1.d IIUS8.1.."''''H woul.o pay the p1:'lCe of itself vlth:a,'1.a Jear 1'1 Ol"k Sa ed en IllElCnlneSfo ...l.owlng. Wls11.1ng au dese ved sucaess wit'1 th s ne7 pa. te""n, VEl remain, Yous veri tr 1,1. II I II ..I Robb ns Tl..bl.<> Co BUSS NEW No.4 CABINET PLANJ:.R The Buss Machme Works are havmg marked success with this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of beltmg-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spnng sectional front feed roll and the late new sectiOnal chlpbreaker, make a cabmet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine Works are old manufacturers of cabmet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast with the times with machmes of great effiCiency Woodworkers of all kmds Will not make a mistake by writing direct or to their nearest selling representative regarding any pomt on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the hve woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ._--~-------------------_.----~--------_._-~--------_~-_.-._--- .., II II I, I HAND CIRCULAR RIP SAW MORTlSER COMBINED MACHINE No 3 WOOD LATHE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer s profit as well as a dealer s profit He can make more money WIth less capItal mvested He can hold a better and more satlstadoq. trade WIth hIS customers He can manufacture In as good £tyle and finIsh and at as low cost as the factones The local cahmet maker has been forced mto onh the dealer's trade and profit because of machIne manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand Power Machmery, reInstates the cab met maker WIth advantag-es equal to hIS competItors If deSired these machines Will be sold on Irwl The purchaser can have ample tIme to test them In hI" own shop and on the work he Wishes them to do lJescnptw. catalogue and przce Itst f1 ee No 4 SAW (ready for cross cuttmg) W. f. s.. JOHN BARNES CO" 654 Ruby St .. Rockford, III. p No 4 SAW (ready for nppmg) No ~ SCROLL SAW ~------ . No 7 SCROLL SAW........I FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 ~-----------------------~~·e:·~~~~~i~~S;-:-:-:-:-~--~-·-~--------l Over the World I Power Feed Glue Spreadmg Machine, Single, Double and CombinatIon. (Palenled) (Sizes 12 in. to 84 in wide.) Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Patent pendmg.) Many styles and sizes. Wood·Working Machinery and Supplies LET USKNOW YOUR WANTS -_ --------------------- ---- ---- -_.-----_ --~ No 20 Glue Heater. CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville,lnd. No.6 Glue Heater. MARIETTA FUMED OAK ACID STAIN Veneer Presses, different kmds and s,zes (Palenled) Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Elc" Etc. ....---------------------------- --- _.. .._ ..- ...._ ..--- .-_ ..------------------" I~-----...._----- .._--_ .._-- To the finisher who has been using the fuming chamber to produce his fumed oak our Fumed Oak Acid Stain is a revelation. This stain is in no wayan experiment but practical working stain, producing a more uniform color, and giving to different grades of oak the same shade. It is a strong, penetrat-ing stain, going into the wood and yet it can be used without injury to the hands. This is not a substitute for fuming. The stain actually fumes and is permanent, but it fumes in obtained on red as well as a different manner---saving white oak. The most con-the cost of a fuming cham- vincing evidence of the per-ber and the time required fect working qualities of this in fuming by the old pro- stain will be manifest in a cess. Unlike the Fuming single trial. Write us for a process good results can be sample. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, O. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO" Marietta, O. ~ ••• w ••• •••••• ••• we • ••• __ •••••• •• _ ••• •• _~ IMPROVED METHODS WE ALSO REPORT THE PRINCIPAL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT AND QENERAL STORES. ""---------------------- CREDITS AND COLLECTONS ROBERT P LYON Cenera! Manager THE SPECIAL CREDIT BUREAU OF' THE FURNITURE, CARPET, UPHOLSTERY, UNDERTAKING, PICTURE FRAME, MIRROR, VENEER, WOOD, CABINET HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHINC TRADES. New York Grand Rapids hlladelphl a Boston Clnclnnat, Chicago St Louis Jamestown High oint CapItal CredIt and Pay Rahngs Clearmg Honse of Trade Experience The Most Rehable Credll Reports RAPID COLLECTIONS. GRAND RAPIDS OFFICE 412-413 HOUSEMAN BUILDING - C C NEVERS -MiCh.iga.n _Man-ager .. ....------ . .. ....-.. -.....i 2 WEEKLY ------------_.~._-----~ I,, I,,, ,, II ,, ,I ,I,I,,,,,,,I ---------------~------~---~ j III• ••• •I II• I •Ih •• WHEN IN DETROIT STOP AT Hotel Tuller New and Absolutely FIreproof Cor. Adams Ave. and Park St. In the Center of the Theatre. Shop pmg, and Busmess Dt.stnct A la Carte Cafe Newest and FInest Gnn Room In the C,ty. Club Breakfast - 40c up Luncheon - - - 50c Table d hote Dmners 75c MuSIc from 6P M to 12 P M Every room has a private bath EUROPEAN PLAN Rates: $1.50 per day and up L W. TULLER. Prop. M A. SHAW. Mgr THE Wellin~ton notel Cor. Wabash Ave & Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO Remodeled at a cost of $150,000 Hot and cold runnIng water and long dis-tance 'phones in all rooms. 200 rooms 100 wIth bath Smale or en !Ulte Rates $1 00 and upwards One of the most Unlque dmmg rooms In the country Our famous IndIan Cafe NOTED FOR SERVICE AND CU S NE McClmtock and Bayfield PRO~S. I I~. ._. • • .4 ~----_.. .__ .... ---_. ._- ... •I I These saws are I I, made from No.1' I Steel and we war- II rant every blade. , We also carry a , I full stock of Bev- : : eled Back Scroll I • Saws, any length t I and gauge. ! •• \Vrlte UNtor •I : l'rlce Ll.t : •I, /lnd discount .,, •I 31 33 S. Front St., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH. II ~I ------------------ -----------------------~• ~---~---------------------------------------~ I I t • : BOYNTON & CO. l I • I I : Manufaclurers of : I Embossed and • • Turned Mould. • I ,ngs. Emboss· : • ed and Spmdle • : Carvings, and • • Automat,c I '. Turnings • We also manu • I faClure a large hne • •I of Embossed : Ornaments for , • Couch Work. : I 4'9-421 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. !, .. *--- -- --------- & "' - - ~~-----------------------------. ARTISAN Does Your Advertising Bring Results? When you buy space in your local newspa-per does it bring you good returns, are the ads attractive and well displayed? Let us supply you with good. high-class business bringing copy---copy that will sell good ---copy that leaves with the reader, a desire to buy. Results are what count, and its results you get. We have a regular weekly cut and ad ser-vice, also a special service for indivIdual adver-tIsers. W rite for samples and particulars. Let us help you to make more money. FURNITURE CITY ENGRAVING CO 403 Murray Bldg. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. / 10 SPINDLE MACHINE \ ALSO \1 \DF WI fH 12 Pi 20 AND 2') SPINDI hS DODDS' DOVETAILING NEW GEAR MACHINE ThIS lIttle machme has done more to perfect the drawer work of furnI ture manufacturers than anythmg else III the furnIture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fittmg vermm proof dovetaIled stock a pOSSI blllty ThIS has been accomphshed at reduced cost, a.., the machme cuts dove taIls in g-angs of from 9 to 24at one operatlOll It's what others see dbout your busme<:.s rather than what )OU sa} about It, that counts III the Lash dra\\er It" the thllll of enthu';lasm and the true rIng of truth you leel and heal back of the cold type that makes you buy the thmg advertlbed ALEXANDER DODDS, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHICAN Represented by Schuchart & Schutte at Berlm. Vienna. Stockholm and St Petersburg Represented by Alfred H Schutte at Cologne. Bru .... I•• Leae, Pa" •• Muan and Buboa Represented 10 Great Bnllan and lroland by the Ol>ver Maclunery Co. F S Thompson. Mar. 201·203 Dean.aate. Manche:lter. Enaland WEEKLY ARTISAN EVERY FURNITURE MANUFACTURER should have the Weekly Artisan List of Dealers and Buyers. It contains the names of all dealers in furniture rated from $1 ,000 up, satisfactorypay. Approximately 15,000 DEALERS are listed. The list is revised semi-annually. Costs $ 1.00 for the two editions. We are sending it as a premium for subscriptionsto the Weekly Artisan, the only Weekly Furniture Journal at $1.00 a year. Think of it! 52 COPIES OF THE ARTISAN AND 2 REVISED LISTS ALL FOR $1.00 Can you afford to pass up this opportunity? Send in your Dollar. You'll not regret it. WEEKLY ARTISAN GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 3 1 4 \ V E T~K L Y J\ R l' I SAN NEW YORK'S NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGE BUILDINGS Covering tbe entire block", froIu Lexington Avenue to Depew I>lace. 46tb to 48tb Streets Each building 200 x 275 feet in ",ize and 12 stories bigb , II , I , I ~'\ I 1,300,000 Square Feet or Nearly 28 Acres Floor Space THE LARGEST AREA WHOI~LY DEVOTED TO WHOLESAI~E SALESROOMS IN THE WORLD WILL BE READY FOR OCCIJPANCY DECE~IBER 1st, 1910 Applications fOI"space should be Iuade to CHAS. E. SPRA"TT, Secretary NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE ... GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBR} ~y 30th Year-No.8 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• AUGUST 21.1909 Issued Weekly *CONSUMERS AS AN ALL Efforts of Producers and Dealers Would People Who Use IMPORTANT FACTOR Be Wasted Without Their Goods. the Cooperation of Proper Education and Publicity 'Vould Double the Demand for Furniture ...Strong Talk and Timely Suggestions to Manufacturers and Merchants. TnL snbject whIch your ge11lal ~ecretaly has gIven me for Ch~LtbSIO;l I~ '1nteJlH~ent Co-opel atlOn Dehv cen Prod l1cer~ dnd RetaIlers' 1hIs IS Lldeed a matter of VItal Iml ortdnce dnd he~ very clo~e to the root of all commerce Co-opel dtlOn L the meas-ure of pro~ress 1J1 every fidd at humdn endcavor \\ Ith'}ut co- GperatlOn 111 many of Its Vdlled forms ;,oClety could not e~lst dnd bu~mess would be unknO\\ n It IS chfficult to 11llag111cman a~ a umt III the march of progl e~~ \\ Ithont the splnt of co opel a-tlOn apphed to hIs effol t~ 111evel v dnectlo 1 It IS, 111fad, a Idw \\ Ithout \\ hlch man could not eXIst The subje0t as It \\as dsslgl1ed to me confines the co-opela-tlve Idea between producer and retaIler and "0 fdl '1 good, but we have omItted the one party \\ Ithout vvho~e co oper dtlOn nelthel the producel nor the retallcl c0111d eXIst and that IS tne con-sumer \\ hate\ er we may cIa as producer~ and as I etdllers It ends 111Velll or falls hart at 110 most perfect aIm III exactly the Selme degree e1SIt l~n01 es or ncglects the llc,hL anc1 111teres1o of thc COnSl1mel or fellls to enh~t Ins WIllIng co-operatIOn l\Ielchamhslng IS after all, but a WOld commonly used to define bel!tel anc1 sale and 111ItS Idst dnalysl~ \\ '}uId be meamm;le~s If It chd not embrace ultImate ::onsu1l1ptIon Traffic and CA cndng-e of COlllnlOdll1es L-l!llcd un bet\veen producer and letallel be It evcr so brhk anc1 on terms of closest 111tnnaC) and eqmt) , leae!s to I othl1£,; 111the end unless the cone lIller I, satIsfied and lenc1s hIS CO-Gly:ratlOn to the plan It I \\ell, therefore, thc1t those ot us who may be some\\hat \\ arpec1111 our Vle\\ pomt as tJ these facts shoule! hdvc Qt1r VlSlOns correctec111l Oldel that \\ e may see thIng, as they are, and unclel-stane! just \\hat can be done and just what can nGt be done before Cleuc111lg\\ hat com se nM) be p111sued for the be0t mtel esh of dll LOllcellled Let u~ dllal) 7e thIS questlOll c1httle to see just what melchan-db111g means III tbe fllrl1ltllre bll;,lne~~ Thel e may be a ~plenclId productIOn dml splendlcl chstnb ltIon to the I etaller, but It cdl amounts to llothllll?, unles the effectIve co operatIOn of the Ultl mate consumer ha~ been enlIsted The prodncer and retaIler dlll\ e nowhel e hy then combmed efforts It thev mISS the con-sumer f Fe b the real autocrat of tl dele who holds the destImes of every ageJlcy of prcclurtlOn and ch tnbutlOn 111the hollow of ll1S hand He IS the man \\ e are all v\orklJ1[?,"for, he pay S UJ our wages only so long as we re 1del hllll faIr serVIce, and stops paymg when \H' don t TIns truth deserves to be so well llnder- "tood and appreuated amI so 11l11Velally a(h11lttcd by evcI y pro- ------------ * l'rom an addre~" by 0 H L ,Ver'llCke of tile ]\facev Company Grand Rapids to the Retail rUIlllturE' As~OCtatlOn of v irgmta at Roa noke on August 13 110q dllcel and evcI y retaIler that It hall f'1flll the VCly fOc1l1ddtlOns upon \\ hlen dll theIr etlorb drc based whether they be 111dlVlductl or co-operatIve 111theIr nature \\ e have often been told thdt ()} per cent of cdl busl less \ entures result 111fallnres I c10 II( t knGw whethcr that IS so Dr not, and 1 do not thl lk anyone el se know~ exactly, but y;hatevel the pel ccntdge nM) be, all falh,res arc due to a dhre~al d of the consumer s 111tCI t-st 111 one ;\ ay or another expectll1~, '1f COlUse, the fallurcs wInch dre clue Ll calal11ltle~ beyond human foresIght awl onttoJ \;\ hetnel faIlures rcsult from a lack of capItal, from 111expenence, dl~hollesty, or whdt not, the consumer other pay ~ the penalty or reap, the rewal d C;llcce~s 111 bUJmes0 thel efore, IS lar[?,"ely dependent llpon the 111telhgent co-oper dtlOn bet\\ een the producer and the retaIler, \;lth ,11ld for the cons Il11er ] et u" not lo-e sl~ht of thIS fact 01 unc1el rate the 1]11p01tance of thIS tll1th le"t om effOl ts end 111 fdl1Ule and Ollr hope~ In chsapp01ntment Tne retaIler IS pnmanly a dlStllblltor, but he lepresents only a pal t of the entIre ~cheme at ell t1lb,lt!on [ra 1ojJortdtlOn, \\ hlch bcg111s WIth the rlrd) wc1gon of the p JdllCer, goes thlou!?,1) the sel \ Ices ot JJ111mon earners to tne stm es of the 1etallel ann then to the ultImate con~umel Thc I etadel, howe; el, must ),. somethIng more than a mel c agenc\ f'}l the dlstnbllt lO] of phYSIcal propel t} be must provJ(le the means wnerebJ l k,<o\\ ledge of fact~ and fanues abont plodllct~ may be dl tlllmk I at c1pncc the consumer IS \\ Ilhng to PlY for sllch enltghte 1111cnt J'roc!tlccl s dl d co-,nmcrs coulc1 do 1msll1e ~ \\ Ithout thc ml(l (lleman 1hey could eXIst 111a \\ ay \\ Ithmt tnc I etallcr hence It lO~1Lall) [ollc)\;\s that nClthel \\111 a\dll hlm,elt of the II1tell11ec1- lary SClvIce unles~ there be somc defil1lte advantclge In cl01l1g so It I~ thereforc, a matter of VItal Im]''11tdllce to the I ctdrler that hIS sel \ Ices be made I 1chspen~able to tne consumer dnd c1esl1 able to the proc1ucer I do not WISh anyone to get the Idea that I am Gppo~ed to thc mldc11eman '\ '1 one, 1 beheve, apprc- Clates the deslrablhty and almost necessIty 'of the retaIler more than I do It I because I do dppl eClate the Importance of the retallel tnat 1am here today, anc1lt I~ my eal nest deSIre that what I shdll hay e to sa) \\ III be of come c1enl1lte benefit to every furt1l-tIu e merchant 111 the land J am proud to a(h11lt that the gredt succe~~ \V hlch se~tlOnal furl11ture hds dchlevecl \\ auld not have been pos"lble wltnout the aId and co-operatlOn of the I etall mer-chdnt, but 1aloo WIsh to sa) that It l111ghthave heen even greatcr \\ Ith a more mtelltgent regal d for the consllmer s mtere t It Ism) pm po~e to put hefore ) 011 the tacts of the ca~e as I see them 111 tne hope that ~ome of vou at least may under-stand mOl e clearly how to become hetter mcrchants and thereby \\ hllh \\ 111 make 111\ IenMI k" ,lbout thc I ct,ulcl ~ound ltke a Lom-phment \\ hat arc the eVIls \\hleh rctall melch,mts complam of, th<:lr C,lUse~,md theu cm e ) \t first glance thel e would seem to be an endles- vdnet) of them and traceable to a, many causes, fm each ot \\lnch evel\ othel merchant 11,1sa lemed) of hIS o\\n, and ,ometlme" "e,eral but \\hen these eVIl, ,ire analV.lcd and summed up the) I esoh e them,elves Into the one propos~tlOn of merchan- (It,,e find1l1g-lts \\a) to the consumer \\Ithout pa"-1I1g th10ugh the hand" ot the retallel dt all 01 dt an 1I1SUffillent malg1l1 of profit 1hI, c011lhtlon ot atta11 , ,hould not exl"t, but ,mce It doe, eXIst \\ e Illll,t look the fdds squarel) In the fdce and be sure that \\ c underctancl the cause befol e \ve undertake to pI escnbe a Iemed) 1 do not heSItate to Sd) that vou merchants are mOl e dlrectl) rcsponslble for the cut price eVIl than the manufadurers [t I, \ ou \\ ho pIck up the lobs and offer them to the consumer at ~uch ]()\\ jJllces that \ ou and the producer both lose money \ pnce :;Iven to the consumer \\ l11ch does not prOVIde an eqUItable mal- ~m t01 p10ducer amI me1chant ahke IS unfa11 to both, no matter \\ ho make It It IS you who order goocb for some customer" \\ Inch \ ou do not cal TV111 "tock, cU11pl) to scalp d sn1<1l1comnl1,,- S10n \\ Ithout stoppll1g to cOllSlder the consequences, It IS ) ou who ,end, the card man to the manufacturel and ask hIm to quote \\ holesale pncev or nearl) so to) om cu,tomers who are hurt- 1l1~ the bU"ll1ess and \\ hen) ou have clone these thll1gs and have the I eb\ clemol altLed the pnce ancl profits on an al tide, or a Ime ut good, -'0 that It I, no kmgel de'lrable to the merchant, and \ uu have lett the mamlfactmer to hIS fate, you turn about and ulIldemn h1111t01 sellIn\?, dnect or through the only other avenues \ ou Ildve left open bet\\ een hIm and the consumers, ancl that IS the catalo~ue house, \,,,OClatlOns ,uch a, yours \\111 never overcome thIS evJ1 \1ntll the\ begm at home and ,ay to the manufacturer VI/e wJ11 not "acnfice \ OUI gooc!s n01 Jour nghts and you shall not sacn-hce om", 1hel e are some manufacturers who have not waIted tnl the merchants to get to~ethel and ctop pnce cuttmg, but have taken the gentlemenh bOvl11e of tObdCCO fame b) the horns ai'id ha\ e "aId "\\ e \\ III not and) ou ,hall not cltsregard the rules ot eqUlt) III the sale of OUl products ThIS class of producers IS grO\\ Ing 111 stl ength and numbers eve Iy day and they are domg tdr more fm the leg-1ttmate merchant than the latter has been able to do tm h1m,elt and th1:obr111gs me dovvn to my hobby, and the onc lSre,lt sublect \\ hleh I hehevc to be the only true and per-mdnent solutIOn of the cnt prtce cVII - Thc TI ade J\Iark and I'nhltllt\ '-,tablht\ goes \\ 1th confidence, demorahzatlOn WIth doubt ,lml ~thplllon Confidence 1" a p]dnt of slow growth and thnves onlv on l11ent dnd trnth '-,0 long a, fnr11lture IS sold and paraded ,\llom l1101hh Jnst ,0 long \\ tll the merchant and manufacturer hncl came to complalll of ~ut pnces vv henever there is room for donht the conSt1111eldemands and receIves the benefit, but when doubt I~ dIsplaced b) conhdence and certamty the customer is evel read) to pay the plemlum The world admIres men who are not afratd to stand ont boldly and w11hngly assume the conse-quences fm then own acts It always has been so and always WIll be ] he man \\ ho conceIves a th1l1g of ment and by hIS skIll produces It ha, the nght to become known to the man who con- ,nmes It and the comume1 has the nght to know whether the maker 1, standmg behmd hIS productlOn and hIS own representa-tlon~ legardmg It Xo man h ,,0 well qnahfied to tell the exact tl uth dbont an) arttcle as the man who made It, and when he h \ulltng to stand behmd Ius story It WIll have more VI- eight WIth the pubhe than If told bv ~0l11eone else who, m the nature of thmg" knows less about It The man who puts 1us mark on an 1l1fenor arttcle and m]:,- ,ure1y and 5\\ Ift1y find hImself out of the 1ace The tradc '11a1k of the mal~er on a pIece of fur11lture IS hke the sIgnature on ::I check agalllst money m bank, It makes It good The endorsement ot the responsIble merchant IS an added guarantee which removes the doubt from the consumer Vv ho are asked to cash It. Your own paper mdy be ve1Y gooel, but If I were to offer it WIthout \ om sIgnature I am afraId my endorsement would not gIve It cunency I have sometimes heard It saId that overproduction IS hurt-lllg the furmture busllless but that IS not so There has nevel been any over-productlon 111fnrmtnre vVe are suffermg from under-educatIOn and not from over-plodnctlOn, We need more 1l1fOrmatlOn, more truths 1l1terestmgly told about furniture, more advertts1l1g, more pUbltclty, more trade marks, more courage and 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN mdke yom chosen callmg mOl e sureh md1,pensable to thc con- ~mner, and therefol c mOl e deSIrable to the ploducer ] hc} both need you and vel y earneotly clesn e \ our Lo-operatlon, but ne1thet can be dnven to employ d servIce wInch IS not \\ 01th It, co",t \11 attempts on the part of ll1erchant~ ,md then or~alllLatIOn s to Impose then serVIce, upon eIther the consumel 01 the producer w1thont re11l1ellng full, ,tlue lC'ce1ved must 111 the cml 1 esnlt 111 f.\llme, and all "nch efforts fmally become a usclc"" e,ven e and ,l 10 ~ to ,tll concerned and to the mel chant 111part11111,\1 Ihe pl111clple, \\h1ch e;ove1n the ,tatus of 1ctall I11Clchan (lts111gal,o apply to productIon WIth cClual fC)lee \\ e all 1,nO\\ from expcllencc that there a1e \\ Ide (hftcrences het\\ ceol plO dIlLCI, ,111dth(l1 jJlodmtlOns 'll1d aho 111 thcn \\a\~ of dOIng o H. L Wernicke. th1l1~s, hencc 11lclchdnt cnclea\ or to hancllc the l1l1e-.\vlllch th(\ l111c1by expenence dre mo,t de"ll able dl1LIlllo~t jJlohtable ,1l1dth"t IS qmte a, It should be ] herc 1~, dftel all noth111g !j111teltkc ~ood, keen, honest competltlOn, not only betv, een manutactm cr, bnt between mel d13.llts Tt stlll1Ulates 1l1d1V1dual 1111tlatne and leads to progress, economy and 1l1dustnal health Compet1tlOn IS thc great scavenge1 \\ h1ch most qmckh 11(]-, 1J1dtbtl \ at thL l11competents and thereby enla1 ges the field ot opportull1t\ for the fitte~t It \vould be a sad da) fOI tnI~ natIOn \\ hen the sp111t of "c\ faIr field and no favols should be clt,placed b\ monopoly and molly-coddle I tor one, do not belte\ e that \\ e of the Lmted States WIll e\ er come to such a pas~ ~I) faIth I ests 111 the autocratIc consumel, who under our fm m of e;overn-ment has lus remedIes m the ballot and hIS 11eedom ,md hlstor \ tclls us that he knows how and when to use them 1here IS one large fact whIch JustIfies CD-opel at10n In pCl- ~OJ1Sengdged m ,anous hnes of mdmtr) through voluntary ,lssoclatlOns, and that IS our \\ asteful way of domg thll1g~ It has been so easy to get 1I1to busmess and ~ta\ m, became of our wonderful resources and cont1l1ued e;IO\vth that \\ e al e apt to lose 'lght of OUl obhgatlOns to sOClet) and ll11ae;1l1eom ~eh e~ en-tItled to ~omcth1l1g fOI notlung OrgamzatlOns hke ) ours can do much f01 then members by seardung out then faults and ~hortcormng~, by elevatm!?, theIr own standalds of bus1l1ess ethIC, ,1l1d by makll1g ItS membel ~ more u,eful and nece,sal y to the publtc upon whose patronage they are dependent vVhencver an 0'l:;-a11lZatlOn, whethel It he ot produce1 s 01 retaIlers, has elevated the standard of ItS 0\\ 11 servIce and has abandoned the eVIl pI actlces eXIstmg \\ 1th111It-, 0\\ n I ank, then and not until then, has It a moral nght to jlomt Its accusmg finger to the faults of others I regret to say It, but truth and the hope of domg good compels me to remmd my good fnends m the retaIl furmture trade that most of the so-called eVIl, compla1l1ed of, and whIch aSSOCIatIOnshke yours are seek1l1!?,to COlIed b) I esolutlOns aImed at the manufacturer, are chllclre11 of then 0\\ n C1 eatton and they WIll not down unttl you lay thc ax to the root Please do not 1mag111ethat my Op1111011 of mdnufacturers IS a more ex-alted one, On the contrary, I have a rod 111pICkle for them, too, WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 all that the~e Imply It is clall11ed that the populatIOn of the L mted States IS 90,000,000 and that the annual furmture sales amount to $135,000,000 If the"e figures are correct It means that the annual furmture bIll of tIns gi eat natIon IS only $1 50 for e,lch person, or about four-tenths of a cent per day. Just thll1k of It, less than 3 cents a week for furmture There IS hardly another Item m the entIre lI"t of staple wants for whIch we spend "0 lIttle money a" for furmture Can you unagme peo-ple nch enough to spend "even tIme" as much to mamtam theIr '\; atlonal (:rovermnent tv, Ice as much for automobIles. "evel al tImes as much for ted and coffee and many tunes a" much fO! hquor and tobacco than the, do for furmture to be m danger of bankruptcy If theIr furmture e:>.pemes are doubled? CertaInly not, and It theII furmture bIll were multIplIed by five It ,"ould make the natIon ncher m every way and not poorer The anI) Iea'on I can thlllk of \Vh) so lIttle money IS e).- pended fOI furmture IS the lack of ll1teilIgent lllterest shown by the manufadurer m hrs own produds It IS mOle hIS fault than yours that a larger and better demand fOI good furmture has not been developed, but you also stand m the way of this develop-ment by not mSlstll1g upon It that all the goods whIch you buy shall bear the maker's mark and that he ~hall publIsh the reasons for hI" claIms upon the consumer It IS a mal vel to me that so lIttle has been saId about furmture by ItS makers, for It IS a sub- Ject so nch In possIbIlItIes fOl explOltatIon that It~ use could be mcreased many fold by SImple and Ob,IOU" methods of publICIty The publIc spend" ItS money for the thlllgS III "hlch It takes the most ll1terest and not for thmgs III whICh It takes the least Om e make It the subject of mtellIgent merest to the people and yOU WIll find them eager to spend theIr money for fm mture The re-taIl merchant can do much for the stabIlIty of profits and pro-mote a larger demand for furmture by mSlstll1g upon trade marks ,md advertlsmg from the manufacturer and also upon an under-standlllg about retaIl pnces whIch both may respect. There are more mterestmg p0111ts 111a pIece of furmture than 111a horse, yet who ever heard of a horse trade WIthout some cl!scusslOn of every pomt from wmd to \V Ithers and from fore-lock to fetlock. GIve a horse a pedIgree and hIS value goes up It IS the same WIth furmture. The products of makers who have earned a reputation for themselves WIth the publIc sell to better advantage WIth a trade mark than WIthout A $5 Knox hat WIth-out the "Knox" would not cell for $4, a $1,000 Stelllway Grand WIthout the name on It 111 bIg letter:, all over the front would not bnng $600, a $50 sewll1g machllle WIthout "Slllger" would not Imng $+0, a Buck's stove WIthout 'Duck" would not sell at 20 per cent off and a sweeper WIthout "BIssell" all over the top would be rejected at almost any pnce by the consumer no matter what the merchant mIght say about It . '\ great paintll1g WIth ItS ongm III doubt goes at a bargam, anonymous poetry IS even worse Look where you vvIll the ad-vertlsed brands are the staples for whIch the leadmg merchants stnve because they are eaSIer to sell The profits are faIr and the consumer get;, what he wants and IS satI"fied \Vhy should not Berkey & Gay or Nelson-Matter furmture, after fifty years of es-tablIshed success, be as well known m every home as the Eastman kodak, whIch ten years ago was an unknown thmg Had the Eastman people made no better use of theIr opportumtIes to ex-plOIt the kodak than the makers of furmture have theIrs there would have been a very large over-productIon m kodaks long ago and the profits whIch merchants are now harvestmg from that source would not have been worth mentlOmng -When the consumer has been taught to mSIst 0n trade marked furmture from makers of known reputatIOn the catalogue home WIth ItS anonymous furmture WIll be a thmg of the past, but untIl then the catalogue house WIth ItS interestmg lIterature and C0n-vmCll1g arguments IS, at least, on a par WIth the merchant who buys anonymous furmture on hIS own Judgement and takes chance~ of makmg a market for It alone mstead of dlvldmg that burden WIth the maker It is tIme that the merchants begm to realize how the entIre mdustry IS bemg stunted, how hb oppor-tumtles are be111g neglected and hIS profits unsettled because the makers of furniture are "asleep at the sWItch" The merchant stands 111his own lIght when he opposes the use of trade marks and publiCIty on the part of the manufacturers. It IS a narrow policy and keeps the consumer 111 Ignorance of the mterestmg facts and fancies m furmture which create the deSIre to possess 1t also breeds needless changes 111style and finish to the confus- IOn and loss of all concerned. There is nothing which has hurt the profits from furniture so much as the senseless changes whIch are made from time to tl111efor no other Ieason than a lack of mtelligent publIcity. To the lover of art who has been educated to look for real worth 111 furmture-and all persons are lovers of art-there IS a wealth of ~uggestlon m every pIece n0t govelned by pnce or deSIgn, The merchants and the makers of good furmture have been so long wrapped up 111 a nan ow conceptIon of theIr craft and ItS pOSSIbI-lItIes and have held the mckels so dose to theIr eyes that they have not ~een the wealth of roses beyond The average retaIl "tore IS a most careless place, w1th a fun-cI, ll atmosphere whIch repels rather than mVlte", The clIspla) s dl e hapha7ard, 11lechamcal <111(1 confnsmg, ,~here they "lIould be arttstlL, attractIve and mstructI ve A furmture store should be a place lIke an art gallery, as <1ttractlve and mterestmg a" a museum of al t ,md WIth an aIr of such restful, refined comfort that It could not fall to appeal to every person of means dunng hour" of leIsure and brmg them there to enJoy It and to study the elementanes and refinements of good furmture m short to absorb furmture educatIOn " To make "nch a plan male effectIve the merchant dnd the members of hIS "taff must themselves be educated and become 1espected as authonttes m such matters \Vhat IS pleasmg to one pelson seems commonplace or ugly to another. A pIece of furmture, wInch by Itself or m certam surroundmgs may "eem undesll ahle dud of lIttle value, may m anothel place be found most ple'lsmg ane! woule! there sell readIly at a good pnce UntIl the merchant learns the great truth, that the sentiment-, when appealed to are the nerve-centers whIch termll1ate and relax at the mouth of the pocketbook, they have not risen to theIr op-portumttes De It the sword of General Jackson, grandmother's old spmnmg wheel, or any other now useless thmo- as long as It /:>' < has aSSOCIatIons whIch stIr the sentIments or eXCIte the em0tlOns It WIll create deSIre to possess and WIll command a pnce It 1;, the story that goes WIth an artIcle and not so much the artIcle Itself whIch creates the deSIre to posse"s, and Just as thIS deSIre to possess IS aroused the fields of opportumt) expand The hIS-story of a house whIch makes a thmg If 111terest111g1ytold adds value to ItS product The hIstory and motIve of styles and theIr evolutIOn afford endless opportumty for profitable furmture educatIOn. The harmony of shapes, forms and colors can be worked 111a thomand 111terestll1g ways and be made to pay well, and when It comes to wood, there IS 110 end of the 111terestlllg etones that can be told to CIeate deSIre Let me remmd VOLI here that ~ature IS a \\onderful artIst She does nothmg m v~nu but men often de"troy the art whICh Nature has gIven them There IS no reason why two pIeces of furmtm e should be val led alIke, because as a matter of fact, they do not appeal WIth lIke effect to dIfferent persons any more than women do There ,II C no two pIeces of furmture one Just lIke the other any more than there are two women alIke, and there never WIll be There are no two pIeces of wood one Just lIke the other and there never WIll be They may be alIke 111:,hape, but not 111character or 111 nptal1 of figure, tone or character any more than the same sublec' when pa111ted by (lIfferent arttsts would be alIke eIther m ap pearance or value \"'hen all else has been saId the fact remams that furmture stores as now conducted do not stImulate the grateful emotIOns and the pleasurable senses whIch eXCIte deSIre for possession and thereby relax the nerves whIch contml the pocketbook I can best explam thIS Idea by takmg a pIcture gallery for example A pIcture IS not a practIcal thmg by any means but 111many homes the cost of pIctures IS greater than the cost of furmture. Go mto any modern art gallery and let the al tiSt 111 charge, who under-stands hIS busmess and knows h0w to produce effects WIth shadovv boxes, lIghts or shades and other tncks of the trade, show you thIS" Perfect Gem" by So-and-So, thIS wonderful creatIOn by the Dauber and thrs ' Dream" from the brush dnd bram of a master, WIth mterestmg details The chances are he WIll create 111 you a deSIre to possess You go agam and agam, you take your WIfe and mVIte the opmlOns of your fnends You thmk and talk pIctures, arttsts, techmque, m other words, you become a walk-mg, talkmg advertIsement for the products of the pamter's crafts and a customer of the merchant who touched the button \Vlth every good pICture there IS a story and on It the artIst's mark For wealth of dIsplay and deslre-creatmg pOSSIbIlItIes furm ture has no equal 111 the realm of merchandIse There IS abso lutely notlung else so ll1tlmately and mterestmgly mterwoven WIth our lIves fr0m the cradle to the grave, and nothmg whIch m ItS charactenstlcs ,,0 plamly portrays the emot1Ons, Ideals, habIts and hlstones of a people as ItS furniture. As the marttal strains of fife and drum incite men to most heroic deeds of valor ~---~~-~----~~~~~--~~---------------. •I,I,, IIII II,I,,I -_._----- .II. 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--------_.....--------------------------_ .....--------------------------------------------------~ I Y Our Large New Line of I I The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure to come. DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when pnces and quality are considered. STOW 8. Df\VIS fUKNITURf, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------. CIty Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. so also does the clanon call of I11terestlng clispld) and other tal ms of publiCIty arouse the desIre at the people to part vvIth theIr money for thIngs they want So, I say, JOIn hands wIth the producel and blend your VOIces together In SIngIng the hymns and preachlt1g the gospel at gooel furnIture Back thIS up wIth a store dlsplav that attlade, and wIth arrangements that vvIII delIght the eve and please the e,en~e~ Don't wait untIl some one needs somethI.1g "0 one ever I ealll needs a thIng untIl he wants It People spend most monev tOI dungs the) do not need bnt merely" dnt and all! bu 1I1e~sIS t{) make them want more amI better turl1ltll! e a,1C1to tIllS cnd r pledge you my hearty support and enthUc,lastlc co O[JU at10n New Furniture Factories. The .;\lontgomery FUll1ltUl e Company \\ III el eet a t,lctOl v ,It Troy, ~ C A wooc! carvl11g plant vvIII he establIe,hed ,It '\ dsln 1IIe Tel111 by \\ Ilham E Cumml11g o F Welch hae, engagedl11 the manuLldmc ot peclc~tal, and furl1lture at HIgh POlt1t, " C c\ G Walters b at the head of the compam that h to e~ tabhsh a furl1ltm e and wagon factory at St lh'l1les, La Harch, ood lt1tenol fil1lshes vvIII be manufactureel bv the Allzona V\T ood V\'orklt1g lompam recenth lt1COll''ll ated \\ lth $50,000 capItal at \shvIlle," C A movement to Olgal1lZe a compam tOI the pUIp he ot erectmg and operatmg a funnttl! e plant at COIdelle Ga ha~ been started by C Vv Pomts of ChIcago The ProgressIve League of c\lexanclna La IS e,ald to have secured the establIshment of dIal ge chall factOl) 111that tOIl 11 but the name of the concern b suppressed for the pI ee,ent 1he Chlcasaw Table and :\Janufactunng lOl11pam hds beeu 111COplOl ated, WIth capItal stock fixed at $,1 JOCO, to manufacture tables and small furnIture 111\1emphb, Ten11 Clement GIbson, G A :\fcUam, C G ChambeI1al11 L F CaH!v\ ell ,11ld (, ] l\1cSpadden are the l11COl pal atOl S Had a Close Call. George C Holll"ter, "ale" manager tor the Hot Ula,t Feather Compan), Grand Raplde" ",as a pac,sen~er on the Pere Marquette resort flyer near Granel Ledge la"t \\ ednee,- day I11ght when the locomotIve bOIler exploded, ln11l11g the engmeer and fireman, wreckl11g the tram and In lUllllg hall a dozen pa..,sengel, :\11 HollIster wa.., badl) cut and hllll"ed about the head and face, but he ",a" able to a,,"lst In remov-l11g and canng for the dead and m]ured He escaped fIom the overturned coach by Clawhng through a \vll1dow and then "tumbled ov er the body of the engllleer who had heen lnlled Instantly A Heavy Saw Bench. Here IS a hedv} v dnet) savv bench e;;,peClally deSIgned fOI all alOu11c! work whether heav y or fine It IS capable of ta1-.mg the hea\ le,t cut of any e,aw bench bmlt, Ie, also abso-hlteh acemate The machllle IS eql1lpped voth a belt tlght- 1m I \\ hIe h t;1\ e., the greatest po,slble belt beanng on the al hOl pulle\ 1hIs IS ahout ;0 per cent more than I" ob-t, u11ed 011 ,\11\ othel sa" bench TIne, machllle Ie, heavlel than the OIdlnan Sd\' be11ch and the COlhLluctlOn tll111011t IS ot the fmce,t cl11d.htv 1he complete eqUIpment con,Ie,\-, ot -+ t;uages, 2 saws, \\ lenches and counter shaft ;\11 bear-mg., amI loose pulle} s are self 0l1111g TImlt b} the Cree,ccnt \1 achl11c \\ orb, Grand RapIds, 1\1lch ~, ---------------------------~, I I ! PIONEER II I MAnUrAClUnlNo I (OMPAnl I : DE<;TROIT, I\1rCH. I I , t • , Reed Furniture , ,I Baby Carnages ,I I Go-Carts I I ~ I II II II FulL tzne 81wnn only I at the faclOJ y I I ...------------------ ---- -----------------~ MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. 1 he 11enchan ('II I ,,) I, urmtlll e (ompany wIll enlarge thCll plant Gahan Hlos wl1l engage m the undertakmg busmess at Tom anawk. Vhs L 1\1 McPllllhp", furl11ture dealel at \\, to "Ie" ha~ 'old out to] ~ Sugg" 11rs Charles ~chneldel of \\ ,1terloo, III has sold hel fur-mture store to her son, E J ~chnelCler A petItIOn m bankruptcy nas been hIed agalmt the Stork Fur1l1ture Company of ,:,outh Omah,1, ~eb The Amencan Cpholstenng Company of EvansvIlle, Ind has been mcorporated CapItal stock. 13,000 CredItors of D E Handley, furmture dealer of Lanca ,ter, Uhlo, have asked that he be adjudged bankrupt Brummund & Kulander, furl11ture dealers and u'ldelt,1ker, of Walker, :.\lmn , are <'ucceeded by J E Kulan ler The (Tray } ur1l1ture Compan), table makers, of AlbIOn ,llch , has been mcorporated CapItal ~tock, $12,000 The Harchng Furmture Company of Dlckmson Colo, ha, been mcorporated WIth capItal ,tock fixed at $100,000 Chase & West, fUf1llture dedlers of De, ~Iome", 10W,1, h,1\l moved from W,1lnut stleet Into a new "tore on EIghth street The Gray- Read- W nght Company, furl11ture dealer" of Reno ~ ev , have added an undertakmg department m charge of J ame, O'Bnen The CapItol Furmture C ompan) of PIerre have been aW,1rded the contract for supplymg the furmture for the new South Dakota capItol bmldmg Dowlmg Brothers, of Gtlbert, on the Mesaba range, Mmn , al e blllldmg an addItIon to theIr store whIch WIll be nsed as a morgue and undertakmg parlor" Emery V\ renton, formerlv extenSIvely engaged m the manufacture of furmture at Falconer, X Y, ched at Jamestown, ~ Y, on August D, aged 7,~ years The Pme Street } urmture Company 1\1uskegon, :\Ilch, are bmldmg a bnck veneered addItion to tnelr store The new bmld-mg WIll contam three stones -bOx(lOteet The firm of Sleble, Bra general sto! e furmtl1rc \.tc at \\ oodbme Iowa, ha, been dls,olved \ugust Sleble, WIll U)'l-tmue the furmture and unclertakmg bnsmess The E l \uto Go-Cart Company has filed articles 111 creasmg the capItal "tock from $:2'5,000 to $30,000 and chang1l1~ the place of btb111ess from BelOit to Monroe WIS The Booth Furmture Company of BOlse, Idaho, now oc' l1P\- 111gthe LIttle bmldmg, on Bannock ,treet, have one of the large,t and best eqUlpped furmture stores we"t of the \h<;soun nvel The \very Furmturc Company of South Fra111mgham, :\1as, \\111 soon move mto nc\\ and larger quarter<;, havllg secmed the store recently vacated by the Enterpnse Clothll1g Company Charle<; J ansk), formerly of \Iamtowac, who went to (Tree,l Ba), WIS, about a year dgO and estabhshed a furmture store on the west SIde, IS closll1g out hIS stock and WIll qUlt the busmess The Drummeler Company, pIoneer hardware and furmture dealer,; of Walla Walla, Wash, have sold out to the Manon-Drew Company, who WIll take possesslOn of the busmess December 1 The Roper Furmture Company of South Bend. Ind, ha been mcorporated by J A, H C, C A, J G, and H D Roper CapItal stock, $100,000 dlVlded mto shares of $50 each The bUlldll1g occupIed by the Johnson-Hatcher Compan\ furmture dealers, In Sprmgfield, Ill, has been sold for $70,()()() The sale, hov\ ever, WIll not affect the tenants who have a kJ'l£; lea e ;\fr and \lrs \Tan C Beachle) and John L ReIchard, dfal ll1g m the fUll1lture under the name of the Hagerstown (l\ld) Lounge Company have dIssolved partnershIp, Mr Relchal e! re-tlnng LeWIS E hckman, aged 'II ) ears, has retlred from the S B \ an Duzee :\fanufactunng Company, of Gouveneur, 1'\ Y He ha<, been engaged 111 the manufacture of furmturf ever smce he \\ as 21 ) ear~ old The 'vVdlter,-Huddy COmp,1l1\ of Independence, K,111'3,have enlarged ane! remodeled theIr furmture store They now occupy three floor" l-bO feet deep and aeh el tlse the fad that theIr store l~ 'down-to-date 'l he PmeJ l\lanuf,1ctnnng Company of Gardnel, ~Ia~s , who suffered a se\ eI e loss from fire 1ecently has settled WIth the 111- sur dlLe compa"lles and the factor) WIll be mak111g chaIrs aga111 by the hr~t of ~eptembel 1he stnke of the emplOye, of the Clamel t<UfJ111IlJ 0 Ma·.' facturmg ComjJ,1l1\, Thomawl11e, 1\, C, has "pett I ec' ant \Iost of the men went back to \\ ork 011the company s term, c\l1d the othel s found work el,ewhere The \l,1Sk'l Bedd111g COmp,1ny of \\ nLllpeg, :\1,111 , \\ 111erect a new f,1ctory bUllcltng on the sIte 1ecentl v purch,1 sed from the Waterloo ~I anufactunng Comp,1ny wlllch has removed ItS plant flom vVl11mpeg to Portage la Frame J \Iv Roblllson, who ha~ been "elllllg furl1lture under the name of the J V\T Roblmon Comp,1ny at LakeVIew, Ore, has sold out to \\ llh,1m \ Vallace H L Chandler, furl1ltnre dealer of the same town, ha, sold hIS busllle s to ~ l' Colwll1 J rank I Den J' plOpnetor of the '\ orth Topeka (Kans) Cash Furmtm e store has been granted a patent on a guard 1all and fifth leg ,1ttachment tor bed stead" The attachment can be attached to orch lan beds and \\ 111prevent the sagg111g of the mattress The \\ H Goodnch Furmtmt' Company of Redlands lal , offer" an upholstered mahogany rocker valued at $()O to tlk person who sugge-ts the be~t change tor the name of theIr lIlst· tutlOn The contest WIll be open until August 31 and s"ggestlon, matlec1 on that day WIll be conSIdered The Flechslg-Albrecht Furmture Company ot PIttsburg, Pa, are makmg exten,lve lmprO\ ements 011the store bUlldmg They \\ III have a lle\\ g (a y bllck front WIth stone tnmmlllgs and large plate gla,s wlmlow, and \\ dl budd an addltwn 111the real \V hlch \\ III gIve them three floor" :5 3x150 feet \\ e all ha\ e ot\! 0\\ n \\ ay tIll \\ e get to be about fi\1e year, olel ------------------------------------------ --~IIII It I I t II t I I I IIt I III I II II IIIII THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send your address and and receive descriptive CIrcular of Glue Heaters. Glue Cookers and Hot Boxes Wltl. prices. IIII• ,II ~------~-----~----------------~~-------~-------~ The Weatherly Co. Grand RapId., Mich. - - - --~-------------------------- 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN .---------------------~--- L.ARGEST .JOBBERS ANP MANUFACTURERS OF ---------~-~-------_.___.-._.---. j I PITTSBURGH PLATE -... I GLASS COMPANY GLASS IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured 6lass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS ANO OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. g For .:mythmg m BuIlders' Glass. or anythIng m Pamts, VarnI~hes, Brushes or PaInters' Sundnes, addre~s any of our branch warehouses, a lIst of \\ Illch IS gIven below :NEW YOBE-Hudson and Vandam Sts. BOSTO:N-41-49 Sudbury St., 1-9 Bowker St. CHICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. CmCI:N:NATI-Broadway and Court sts. ST. LOmS-Cor. Tenth and Spruce sts Mm:NEAPOLIB-500-516 S. ThIrd st. DETBOIT-53-59 Larned St, E. GBAND BAPIDS, MICH-39-41 :N. DiVISIon St. PITTSBl1BGH-10l-103 Wood St. MILWAUEEE, WIS.-492-494 Market st. BOCHESTEB,:N.Y.-Wllder Bldg, Main & Exchange sts. BALTIMOBE-310-12-14 W. Pratt St . CLEVELAND-1430-1434 West Third St. OMAHA-1101-1107 Howard St. ST. PAl1L-459-461 Jackson St. ATLA:NTA, GA.-30-32-34 S. Pryor St. SAVA:NNAH, GA -745-749 Wheaton St. KA:NSAS CITY-FIfth and Wyandotte Sts. BIBMmGHAM, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 29th st. BUFFALO, :N. Y -372-74-76-78 Pearl St. BBOOXLYN-635-637 Fulton St. PHILADELPHIA-Pitcairn Bldg., Arch and 11th Sts. DAVENPOBT-410-416 Scott st. • • _ _ _ .--- ~. --- ._. . .. _. - .~-_~-~- - - - - .- __ _4 .. - - - -' .. Enormous Importations of Wool. vVool ImportatIOns 1I1to the Cmted "'tate" 111 the fi~c,tl \ eal Ju"t ended e:xceeded those of an\ earltel ) eal e"cept ] ,,<)~ \\ hen abnormal ImportdtlOn wel e macle 111 Vle\\ of the pI ospectl\ e tram fer of wool from the tree to the clutIable hst The total quantIty of woollmportecl In the hscal \eal lu"t ended \\a" 2hh-tJOO, OOO pound", aga1l1st 126000,000 m 1'l0~ 20 j 000 000 11 1907, 24~),000,000 111 UJ05, ami nl,aOO 000 1111~<)7, \\ hen thp 1 portatIOns were abnormally large \bout one-tlm d ot the \\ 001 consumed m the LTmted States IS Imported the remal11l11g t\\ 0 thIrds, speak1l1g 111 general term,> be1l1g plOc\ucec1 at home It appear" that the average annual consumptIOn of \\ 001 ' 1 the Umtec1 States durmg the decade Just ended \\ a'> about I~1 000,000 pound", of whIch a httle mOl e than one thI1 d \\ a" 111 ported, and the rema1l1eler ploducec\ at home dnel that 111 till lmmediatel) precedl11g decade the average annual consumptIOn of \<\0<01 \<a\ s 4JO,000,000 pounds, of \\ hlch the ImportatIOn" and domestic productIOn showed re"pectlveh about the "al11e plO portIom a" m the decdde Ju"t ended The value of the wool Imported 1l1tothe L mted '--tates d1ll1l1l.; the fi'>cal year )11"t ended wa~ $-!l 000 000, agal11st $-tl l()O O()() 111 ]')()i, $±'~,2:5(),000 1I119()"), and $") ),210,()()0 1111H<)~ the )eaI ot the 11H;he'>trecOl d of qUdntltle" Il11ported The ,>t,lted value ot thc \\001 Il11portedmto the L mted '-,tate (lmmg the dela(\e l1l(ltn~ \\ Ith the h"cal ) eaI 1<)()<)\\ a" ~21) 000,000 and In tlK d( lade wded June :'0, 1f.>99, $,)60 )()() 000 11001 ImportatIon" are dIVIded 1I1tOtll1el t!,"1 oUll" d()thl11~ -----------~., II ,,------ Ittt t ttt Itttt I I I IIIt :I t tt Office and Store, I 58 South Ioma St .. t Opposite Union Depot t..___ _ _ _ _ . --4 THE NEW GRAND RAPIDS MACHINERY STORE tt •tt II I I - ... ----------~ ! Wood Working Machinery Factory Equipment Machine Knives, Bits, Etc. Everything in Equipment for the Woodworker. McMUllEN MACHINERY CO. GRAND RAPID, MICH \\ 001 cOl11bmg \\ 001 dnd carpet \\ 001 Of the first named class, dothll1~ \I 001 the value of the nnportatlO11'; 111 the fiscal year Just lndld \\ a-, S 2') SOO 000 , of the second clas'>, comb1l1g wools, $4,- )( () 0(10 and ot the thIrd clas'>, carpet wool, $11,000,000 Of the doth1l1g \I ools ImpOl ted $12,000,000 \vOlth came flom the Umted h.ll1gdol11 $?,SOO,OOO \\orth from r\.rgentma and clbout $8,000,000 \\ 01 th t 10111\u' traha dnd the adJacent Island of Tasmama Of the cOl11b1l1g\\ 0011111])01ted, nearly $JOO,COO,OOOWOIth came from L l1Ited h.I1H;dol11 Of the $11,000,000 worth of carpet wools 1111 pOl ted :;;2500000 \<\orth came from the Umted Kmgclom, about SZ 000 000 worth frol11 the other countnes of Europe, $3,000,0()() hom Chma and $l,nO 000 \\orth from other part" of ASIa and ( kCa11ld [he Il11pO!tahon" of larpet \\ ools dm I11g the current year \\ 111plobabh bc much lal ger than last year becduse thev are re-ported ,1" bel11l:;bought and u "ed for "better pllrpme~, , t~ alaI ge e"tent owmg to the "carut) and hIgh pnce" of c1othll1g wool Farming as a Side Line. BIg RolpHI" ,itlh \ugll"t '~o-fhe Luce-Redn'onrl ChaIr C. 0I111Jdl1\I eport h j"l11e"" a" cxcellent 1he) nevel had a bettcl t1 ade m (,I dnd RapId" than d1ll1l1l!, Id"t 1110nth TheIr 11l1e law ..:ht on 111 ~Ieat "l1cljlc 1 he'} hd\e put on d nl1111berof e:xtla h,\]1(I" and dlt Inn 111nl.;'the faLtOl) full tIme Hl1h Eecll1louc1 of the Luce- Redmond (J1dlr Company ha" ttllned fdlmer He ha~ ad]01l1lug the factory "everal a-:re" ot 1,111(1on \\ hILh he hau corn, tomatoes, potatoe", ped", beans, a'>para~u", cclbbage", melon", l ucul1lbers, etc "13llh 1<; one of the fal1lo11" chaIr make I " of the L I1Ited State'>, and' as a "horny handed "on-of-tOlI ' h<'.I" certaml) a "ucce~s He hke" to get up dt j () dock 11 the l11orn1l1g cl11cldo hdlf a day,,' \\ork before bledkfa"t an'l then \york dn hOUl or two after the factory c1o,e" \t tht "ame tune he run~ the chaIr shop, between tIme'i, and noth1l1~ e'ilclpe~ hI" vl~llant eye If you want to know how to gro\\ potdtoe" a'i bIg d'i Jour fist and tomatoe~ that WIll weigh from one to t\\D pound", get 111 tOl1ch WIth "DIlly, the Farmer." Another for the Leonard Building. rj he SkandIa };urmtul e COmpdn) of Rockford, Ill, h thc latest to "CCUIe "pace 111 the Leonard Funllture Exhlbi-tIon b11l1cltng The} take the SIxth flool of building No. 1 I I I• I I• I I• I• I• II• I I• •II• I II I• I•• I II• •I ~, -------_._- I IIII III IIII I~ -- !I III I I I II IIII I I• I• IIIII II WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 r • ----- - --- ------------------------ • _.. .--..., ! I I THE BIG WHITE SHOP I I I I I I~- - ... .. - _. ------------ . ~I , I I • II I• I : I I I • • I I II •I II I• I I • I I • • I • I I• •• ••• ••• •• I•• ,• II• III If II II I I• I II We Furnish Every Article of Printing Needed by Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY Grand Rapids, Mich. 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, II --1 THE BIG WHITE SHOP II• I ------------------~- . - ------------------- ------~ -----.-------------.----------------- ~.---------~ 12 WEEKLY II ARTISAN RETAIL FURNI'I'URE ADVERTISING A DEPARTMENT OF HELPS FOR THE ADVERTISER Conducted by Chief of the o\.dvertisina Department, Furniture City Enllravinll Company MARLIN L. BAKER TbI Slon T1IIt Sell. fill " Amrtt •• Our Greatest of All AUGUST SALES lBegins Monday Morning!, Thousands and Thouaonds of Dollars Worib of the MostBeaubful Furniture Carpets Rugs Stoves Etc At Tremendous Reductions SAVINGS ~, ~ TO ~ Pretty Buffets Greatly Reduced ~ ..-:q.Al"7""Do~ t.. -,,:'--;Io:.=-~ .,..".'.....~..".',;~w_.;.. ! .. :-.::: ."'.0_" ..~ _ \k ..... ..- ,.... "'" *,OOBr .. .. Ollar .. tMv&..r ... Bed-Davenports JIll Half-Price;. vf'" .w ..,.. . .A.",S. .. _ • :.;;:: i;""::"" .. •""''' "''''fDl<,Jor>..,.,..., """ "'0~0 Odd Parlor Pleus ~.. _~ .. .. '"'" ,....... .", '1200 C1o.. .", ''.10"00............. .. .. "(IO> WILUS-SMITR-CRAU CO., '''CQRPOR,ATED NORFOLK S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS MAIN STREET, COR CHURCH l:<'Ine::,t H ~1l11tho advel tI~111g 1l1cl11gel t01 \ \ Ille~ ~l1l1th Crall Company, ] nc of \ 01folk, \ a cel tdl11h de,u \ e.., UJl1- 'Iderdble credIt for 1]1~ nen e and good ]l1dgement lOl1r tull page, 1ll one I~"l1e of the Ledgel DI,patch Look dt them Lach Cl1t has ]U~t the proper amOl1nt of \\ hlte "pace to make It ,tdlH! out One-"Ixth 1l1ch \\ hlte "pa-::e between rl1le~ add~ \\ onclerfulh to the dI~play Cut~ al e plOp~rh placed and lmt enough dlscnptlve matter and plent) of pnce~ are l1'ed <"'ub-head1l1g.., ~tand out prommentl) The general la) out and (lIspla) of thIS fom-page announce-ment could not be Improved wIthout ~pendmg conSIderable tIme and thol1ght 1 can find no fault ThI~ advertIsment ~hol1ld fur111sh man) ~ugge..,tlOns to the fur111ture "dd' man who desIres to raI~e hI~ ;:(c!vertIs1l1g abc\' the average The "ad \Ir SmIth ~tales \\ .1, the 111(',111' ot tl11111ng ;' dull penod mto an exceedmgl) bus) tune AdvertJslllg m the daily paper~ 1, not the onh method of :: $39.75 a.D._IoU .,..OO'l."f ':: ~ ';:"..Ilo.au. IS> """"" ...-- .d_8b<p .... _oad .!~~.o':o._~,.r.::.: ,~M .l.o.'l.5o0oI"lo"........ ""1M rl3101> W;SOH .. roo Uf.1ll Oak Dlnmg Chairs • '00 ~ • '00 (\0 "" '00 J ' Chlffomers leather and Velour (ooches ~. •• ~" . .,. • ~" 06 \ ;, M" : :21~C->:;: .:r~ A ,"<WI bo t. ......... "".." .... ,. .. _ .. Tb,S .. 30 .. Jlo".C d .:.:..-~b"~"_ .d ... ", ... "'..dO<! "",t5 • ,>1 .. 100.,.... .. .. .,.. Dining Tab~ IC.hlna.::lo~~ ... <J' • "''' Of 0I" u~ .•" .., ." ';0 fJ ».. .~ f..,l£. ~-'-'-' --- , WRUS-SMITH-CRAlL CO., INCQWPORATI!D. Norfolk s Largest Home Furnl.shen. MaIO Street, Cor Church, Norfolk, Va. .. More Ba......I.". On Neat Pq. ,. pl1bhut) \ cdtbhed C11"tQmeI wIll do mOle good fOl the ,tore thel1l man) dOUdI.., \\ orth of ne\\ spdpel ~pdce She wIll tell her neIghbOl, about the lovel) rocker she bought at "Smlth & Jone, '-,tOle ::,he ah\a)s tIade" at ::'mlth & Jone::,' because every-thmg ~he evel bought there "wa, always delIvered when the) promIsed It and It never came up marred III several place5, the teamster, dre pleasant dml the wagon al\\a) ~ looks clean and bnght She never bought but one artIcle of the Brown }ur111ture Co and that \\ a~ a long tIme ago They promIsed to send up a table she ordered 'that afternoon dnd It never came tIll the next mor111ng It wa, scratched m ~everal places though It had never been wa~hed 5mce The wagon looked a~ It was purchased-years clgo 1 hes( httle th1l1£(' ,rl ::\Ierchant clre n>'lll) mIghty bIg Item~ 111 the succeS5 of a growmg busllless. Don't let a piece of g-ood~ leave the ~tore unless It 15 in perfect shape Don't deliver WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 a plece of marred furmture and then "end a man to the customel S home to make 1t nght 1f she k1cks ahout 1t 11akc It rIght befo1 C 1t leaves 30111 It01(, A dlssatisfied purchaser wl1l do more mJury m ten mmutes, than you can undo 11l 51Xmonth5 to the bu"mess ~he v{lll make "AUGUST SALE" Continuod4 ::~;:,n~~.R~:;~':.~ CarpeD, Room-Sla. Dome.tlc Rup, PlUo... , Dressere. Chilffon'.rs, Dre,,'n .. Tabf... , Etc.--Our Moet Popular 8eU.,..··At Price. tha1: hautlfun, o.mon.trate the Wonderful Money-Savln& ~ P_OO_OI_bl~l•l•tl arThra, Cur Greale.tot' All UAUCUro'_s_a_'e_o _' _._ n.. lilal W 98c This Beautiful Brass Bed $13.98 ~~~t~;'~ .';:'_ ......._........... WILLIS-SMITH-GRALL CO., INC. liliiii'11 II lOIN STREET, CORNER CHURCH - BE SURE YOU READ HEX" PAGE-Improvements by the Traverse City Company. There 1S alwa)5 50111ethmg domg 1n Traverse llt\ It IS one of the most beautlful and progress1ve c1t1es 11l X01 thern .YI1ch1gan One of the most enterpnsmg and go-a-head mdu'3 tnes m the Clty IS the Traverse C1ty Chair Company, manufac-turers of rockers and chall s ~t present they are enlargmg their factory by addmg a three story flame bm1chng, JOx9,) feet, WhlCh wl11 be 11<;edfor machmery, cabmet makmg and 11phols-tenng They have J11st put 111 an electnc generator costmg $3,000 to fur111sh hght and power and expect next spnng to erect a large bU1ldmg of cement blocks Fortunatel) they do not need a large storage house, as the1r output lS sold about as fast as 1t can be produced Thls company has secured per-manent space on the fourth floor of the Manufacturer'3' Exhi-bition buildmg, 1319 MlChlgan avenue, Chlcago, and aha 111the Furmture Exchange 111 Grand Rapld~ and they had an excellent trade m both cit1es 111 July Orders are commg by mall They will put on the market many new patterns later m the fall Too Much Credit for His Capital. "I shall advise my house to ask for d detailed report on Brown," remarked one travelmg salesman to another 111a mIddle west town of too many furniture stores Asked to explam the first salesman continued: "Brown has $5,000 invested in his busi- It hel busl11c5s to "knock" yon at he1 carel party, at the "ewmg dub, on any occa~lon that the ~tore happen~ to be mentlOnecl Take care of your cmtomers ~lan) a good bus111ess ha~ gone to the bad ~lmply for the lack of proper treatment of cus-tJ 11er~ D~THlSI'4GfWEPllICEANO LLUSTRATE "FEW OFTHEIIl"MDREDSOFGOODTHINGS NGENUME toIAIlOGANYFOATIIEDNNGROOMBEOROOMANli LBIIAIIY ALSDGENUtlEORENTALRUGS ANOTHER PAGE OF OFFERINGS FROM OUR GREATEST OF ALL AUGUST SALES READ THIS TEMPTING LIST DF PRICES-- THEY ARE BARUINS WORTH WHILE OUR ENTIRE LINE OF BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL RUGS TO GO AT ONE-HALF PRICE SI~ d:.e~em~rt~:n~ lTIo~uon:tao~~ ~~g~lalt." ~ur\~~~XlI.ea1e pntes how. Of !Ie~ '/I cease to be a u'llfy or Illty.. 00$\ you Ito mo e any tIlan YOU aNi U5ua 1a ~.d 10 pa110r he b~l de files 0 gooO Dome II: Rug WIn a a lew yoars. OlM a~ 'II la~ one huodfed yean. and no as. n" ue eath year Shoud y~Ube he prood pGSS<.SSQl'O ano >,om. bya means get a lew 0 thestroy, o n~~~elrofTl(!1ScqIlsoolJ' Imlpltlf~hJ>lIlalrea~a cwOe"lal pocos stheimshngoen ;;::00In ths sale we o~e a ha rtmlllrllli om our pa t se;lS~n. slott 2OOpm>88 T~y onllJ mos 10m Iho lIItle mat 0 larye 1,50 ". $1300 Sl75IJ $27.50 "'-50 110000 "".., ~ SIIIUOARDS REDUCED CHINA CLOSETS REDUCED .." ~jJ.~~""- :i:=:=: 'O"O"oD,",,",",,"CM.I.r..o.... or;oo~~ IiDRESSERS REDUCED oJ Th.. l' J J... C )I •• , a. ~ • I 00 ,.,.OODtoooen t:!2.oo :z3¥1 I9UJ~;W7lI "i~ lWro u... .. n w.oo .0<1 800_.. 8000 WILLIS-SMITH-CRALL CO., INC. IO.FOLl'S lucm 11_ nDISHEIS MAIN STREET, CORNER CHURCH S B PHONE 1254 _ ... m. THREE PAGES 01 1£111_- ness and \\ hen one conslder the kmd and Slze of the stock he 1" carrymg he should ~ell for ca~11 anI) I met hl'3 collector th1S mornmg In one hand he carned a bJ11file w1th b111stwo ll1ehes m th1cknes5 Another file of about the same thlCkness was carned In the outSIde pocket of hlS coat There must have been 150 bl1ls In those two files, and Drown IS not strong enough to extend cred1t to one hundred and fifty customers The Slze of those files ll1chcate bmll1ess ll1CapaClty and a very poor collector It would not be WIse for a manufacturer to take many chances on ~uch a condltlOn of affa1rs " "Isn't the lllC1dent you have related a small one? a man's credlt be questlOned upon ~l1ch an expenence?" the hsteners lllqmred "It lS the small thmg'3, when assembled that make up the large totals in bUSllless affairs, \\ as the reply Should one of ------------~tIt, I,I I II •I •.....- .I.. .,..- I IIII II" - GRANO RAPIOS"-,"""'MICHIGAN 1 hl 1,llll odd" 111tel\ UK and 111"l:'>ton that 1111porttl ade bemg kept 1111h j)le'lllt ]Ol,l1JOn 1n \e\\ YOlk If they Cdnnot get the long h wI one \\ ,n thn llll,lll to t;d the monc) h) ll111ea Il1g the rates lol tne :'>hurt 1Mu1 Ldtel I eport-, 110111Denver "tate that be111gconfident that the 1nte1 .,t,1tl l0111me1le l0111111hSlOn\1 III lompel the Iallt odc1', to ll-e,tdbh"h then old he1t;ht late" from Denve1 to Ga1ve~ton a" 'l)(ln ,I' he Lan t;et ,\ hear111g on IllS petitIOn, no\\ betOle tI1d.thody \11 k111dc1h 111t;ll1g Denver shlppel~ to contll1l1e sh1pp111g0) the ("t1\ e.,ton 10ute trom ed"tern seaboard pomt" , "0 a" to aHl the ,tedl11,h1p l0111pallle" \1hllh al e ll1dll1ta111ll1~lcm r,tte" £10m the ll"tU 1 "e,lbod1d to (Jahe~ton \11 j'd]H1el al,o al~ues that the rd1l!oacb \v111be c0l11pe11ec1 to II fund the dltter .:nle hl lv\ een the ne\\ rate, dncl the old oues MR. KINDEL RECEI\'ES A SE"r-BACK Federal Court Declines to Enjoin tht' Raist' in .Freight Ratt's Between Denver and Galveston. 1he annOUlLement that (,eOt ~l J l\.1l1dd 0 I D<.11\II n,td "elured an 111J1.1Il11Wrle1,tl,lI111ng the l\olk hl,111d ""m!,l Il ,llll[ othCl rdlltodd, irom ldbll1g hCll;ht 1,1te" 110111l,,\I\ l"tOll ,111d Denve1 wa:'>pI emdtlll e 1he pres~ COlIe"ponclenh ~eem to n,n l Jumped to the londu'olon tlMt d" \lr \'\.Illdel lud uCllec1ed 111 iurlll"h111g tne llqulled bond to! halt d mtlhon dulLus thc lUJ11\L tlOll 111mt be grdntecl, but Judge Le\11S, ot the 1edel,t! WUIt ,It Denver l!td not t,\ke that V1e\\ uf thL m,\tll r 1hough the bund \1cb lon "lde1 ed dlllple to seUll e the 1ellllOdd ,1ga111,t 'lll) lu,,", 1ll tl eIght 1ates dunng tne penden,,} ot the Cd~e, the Judge lltU'ld to lSSUC,1 re<;trdllllllg ordcl on the glOll1ld tlut he LIlked lUn,(l}l tlOn-that 1t \\dS a mattCl that "lwuld bL ~ul)l111tted to the 1nter:'>tate lUl11l11elCelonlll11'i"lOn lx.1m e It Lould be taklIl UjJ b\ the court [ he ref 01e the ne\\ 1ate~ \\ ent mto e±tcLl LI' t \ Iunll t\ \\ nen Judge Le\u" announced hh 1111mg \It l'.1l1del 1V marked tlMt the conmllS~lOn \\ ould not meet n,1t11Uctohe1 and 1ll the meant1me bl1:-'llle-,~111en\\ ould IM\ e to endure the l111]JchltlOnol h1gher 1ates, to wh1l.h thl Judge lljJlled It \\ ould not make dIl) (lItte1e111L \11th 111\ dlll Hill It l1ll C0l11m1~SlOnd1d not meet f01 fIve yea1" Do you mean to sa) that \\ e \\ 111have to -,ulJnllt to th1' cnme unt11 the comm1~~lOn come~ belLk to \\ d~hm~ton t10111 It' ql111mel nslnng tllP J ltlqu1n,d ~\.Jndc1 'J u"t so, alktlO\\ !edged the Jud~ l \\ ell, I II be d-d con luded }'lll(lel, and he 1\,t, not [J 1t 11 ja11 for contempt of court \lr Klllclel \\ as pI epared to file d ~ JOO,eOO bond fllOLH"h gnevousl) d1~appolllted, ne had hIS attorlll) ~ gct bu~) dlHl thl req111s1tecomplamt to the comlm~~lOn ha, dlIlad) le'lLhed \\ ,1"h mgton dnd an ettort \\ 111bc mdde to mduLe the UJm111h"IO1 to take up the matte1 earlte1 tlMn Uctohel, ,,0 that the JJUl t ot (Ial veston, th10ugh '1\ 111chI11Uh tre1ght ha, recenth pa~sed to! Colo-rddo and 'L talI pomts ma) 110t be pract1ealh c1o~ed to the "L states He ha \\ 11tten to the vanou-, as'ouatlOns ot -,hlppel -, 111 (,alveston, Te'\.as CIty and othel Texa" pOlnh uH;ln~ them t(l tdke up the fight and alCl11111111 obtammg ~peec1\ ]ehet In the meant1me the chamhe1 ut L0111me1ce ot Dcn\ el hd employed E P Cost1gan to i epresent 1t III an effort to obtalll rehef from the new rate It 1Scontended that the 1d11road~ III putt111g up 1dte:'>III onh one d1rectlOn are sowlllg the \\ LlCI dnd llld) later 1 cap the \\ ll111 \\ llld It 1S alleged to be done for no other purpose than to help the movement to dnvc the TeAa~ Steamsh1p Co out of bUS111es:,> at the behest of the otner transportatIOn mte1 esis \\ lth \\ Inch It competes. '1 he} have decreed that 1t 111U:'c>ot~t ]tht ~o mULh to get goo 1, mto Denver, and If the steam~hlp lompam tall, to take 1b iull SlM1e of the toll, the r d11rod'l '1\ III take It The ettect ot LOUhe 1Stv\ a-fold In the fir"t place 1t depnve" Dem ClOt d lcg1tllnate trade advantage, 111the second, It clI~Lnm11late, a!!,a111,tthe -team shIp company maklllg the cut ] he -,tea111~h1plOlllpa11\ ~eel", to thlOw a goodly ,ectlOn of the nnpOl t tr ,1de ot the mOlmt,t111 I eglOn to Cralve'iton, where It naturally and propel 1) belon!S" ._--_._._._. -~~-~ III II i.0\ ,..-_ .._. I I I III NATIVE FURNITURE LUMBER i~Cr-awfo.r.d_sv--i_ll.e-, Indiana. Montgomery Hardwood Lumber Company Mannhcturerc; ot dll kll1de, of E S STERZIK,Pre Made by Mamstee Manufaclurmg Co, Mamslee, MIch. to ,d] 'J1lppers after the old 1dtes are re-estabhshed, mak1l1g the th10ugh rate by th,tt loutC les" than dll rad or raIl and water rate h\ ,111\ othe1 loute Blow Pipe Work. 1 he Gl dnd RapIds mow PIpe and Dust A.Jrester COmpal1\ all. 11ht,\lhn~ a '\')te111 for hanclhng the clued beet pulp ror thc .,1l~a1 pldnts at 5t Lotu" and l\1t Clemens, M1Ch They ale "l'lJ Cljl11pp111gthe Cent! al Paper Company of Muskegon, and the C ,lllohdi Furmture Company, of 5trathroy, Ontano, also PW11l(?, the adchtlOn to the \ltdllgan Felt1l1g Company, of Grand RapId, 11m company makes 1eltl11~ for upholsterel s \Vm T QUlC1, \\ ho has been 111the factory a long tlme, lS nm\ then< reptesenta-t1\ e on the lOad, along w1th 1\11 Newcomb He 1S a pracl1cal man and thoroughly understands the work III all 1tS departmellt~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 ., I Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by usmg Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. Furniture it. Also MANUFAcrURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa . ... • w ••• _.- __ • ~---....._-_ .....-----_._.--_._._._ ..._- ...__ . I ~----------_._ ..__ .._------------------_.--._.--------., ! I I I I I, I I I I t t • I I I t I • I : I , I• IIII I I I I, I I, , ~_._----_.-----_..-------_._---------- ...I. .--., Palmer's Patent C1uin!! Clamps I The Capacity of Your Jointer is Limited to the Cutting Capacity of the Cutters. The above cut is taken direct from a photograph, and shows the range of one size only, our No I, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other sizes. taking in stock np to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick. Ours is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our list) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way Is the best. A post card will bring it, catalog included. Don't delaY, but write today. Unless you are US1l1gthe Genuine Morris Wood tiJ Sons 20th Century Solid Steel Glue Joint Cutters you are not gett1l1g the full value out of your machme. They are harder and reqUire less gnndmg than any other make, and when they do need gnndmg the cuttmg surface ISso small that It only takes a few mmutes to put them in order agam. Write for catalog No. 35A. It tells all about the cutters I and Willhelp you to mcrease your profits. I • .a 2714-2716 W. LAKEST, CHICACO, ILL. A. E. PALMER &, SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign EAlpresentative.: The Projectile Co, London, Eng- MORRIS WOOD & SONS land: f>chuchardt & Schutte, Berlm, Germany: Alfred H. Schutte, Cologne, Paris, Brussels, Liege, Milan, Turin, Barcelona, and Bilboa. .r-.·.--- -------_._------------_._._------_._-_._._._._._-._-------------- III II , II - .., II I III, !.. OCTAGON PiEDEST ALS AND TABLE LEGS That is the questlOll and a bIg one. too Row do you nlake them? How much do they cost you" How good are they. and are they uniform? Just take a lIttle hme and let these questIOns soak III Because you may be wasting on the manufacture of the Pedestals and Legs what you save by eco-nomICal Manufacture on the Tops Your profits are then cut down Make the cost of the different parts balance One man WIth our LEG AND PEDESTAL MACHINE WIll make Octagon and polygonal shaped turnings at one-tenth to one-twentieth of what It costs by hand. round ones at one sIxth to one-tenth The saVIng In time and labor IS what makes that bal-ance we were Just talkIng about Now, don't say 'that sounds pretty good," and let it slIp your mind Just wrIte us to-day C. MATTISON MACHINE WORKS 863 Fifth St., BELOIT, WISCONSIN. ~ . -------------~--------------------- ........ dl,tlll 1n the lountry 1f all would JOIn and edch do hIs share 1D p lttll1g It mto prdltke 1'0 ~Impl) read the address, approve It, lUll1pltment ~J r \\ ermcke on Ih ment~ and then drop the ~ub- ]ect \\ III not be of any ad, antage to anybody-the thoughts I11mt be to11O\\ed by actIOn 111 order to secure deSIred results 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PEA YEAR IN AL.L. COUNTRIES OF THE POSTAL. U"ION $1 50 PEA YEAR TO OTHER COUNTRIES. SINGL.E COPIES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAP OS, MICH, A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Lntered as second class matter July 5, 1909 at the post office at Grand RapIds \11chl!o(all under the act of March J 1879 "0 less than fIve fm mture trade ne\\ spapers, dm1l1g the IH~t month, have predIcted the early ded111e of (,rand RapHls a" a furmture market The fact that all space 111 a ne\\ exlllbltloll bmldmg hds been taken by out-of-to\\ n exhIbItors wlth111the In,,t thIrty day" on kmg tune lea"es doe" not lea~ me them ot the ~tablhty of Grand RapId" \\ Ith the leturn of "uch pro,11111cnt manufactunng corpOl atlOns a" the \ eager Furmtm e Company, the ~rierzog c\rt I ur11lture Company the ~tlckley &. Brandt ChaIr Compan). the SkandIa I,url1ltm e Company and the rene\\ al ot a long lea"e by the Cutlel De"k Company, It doe" not appeal that Grand Ral))d" I" lmmg glOuml Thl" talt b sUPIJorted by the actIvIty of local manufacturers In the erectIon of bUlld111g~amI 111 the enlal gel11ent and llnprovement of the11 11l1es The ~ltgh J" url1lture Company, the Stow & DaVIS Furl1lture Company, the John \Iv Idchcomb Company, the Century Furl1lture CQmpam and the :\Iueller & Slack Company "Ill "ho\\ the11 talth 111Clomcl Rdplds b) the erectIOn of ne\\ plan1\ 01 aclclttlOn~to the e'd~t1l1g factones dunng the C01l1111g yeal \0 othel 1urmtme I11dnutal tunng center WIll attempt "0 much The doubtmg e(htor" ~houlcl bear 111111111thcle talt that men not merchandIse, make d market \ \ hat the Berke\ s the Lom- ~tock", the Luce~ the Cay" and the Lonver~e- ot the past lreateel the Wlddlcombs, tne Barnhart~ the loote" the Hoult... the Sltghs, the Rettmgs, the Bro\\ m the Goodmans, the \\ hlt-worths, and their mal1\ a"soclate~ \\ III pleoerve and ampht\ There 1S no cause for anXIety over the futme of Crand Rapld~ "The httle old backwood" to\\ n of Ihchlgan ha" fOl ,,0 many years led the furmture trade proce"S!on that 1t \\ ould be out ot place If not at the head of the lme Perhaps nun) fUl11ltUle dedler" have thought 01 the pomte, made by J\/fr \\ er,ucke m hl- adm11able address on co operatIon, pubhshed m thIS echtlOn of the \Veekh -\1 tI"an, but they fa1led to express theIr thought" 01 put them mto practice The hne m Webster's old elementary "pellmg book, reac1mg, 'one good actIOn IS better than many good thought",' e"\.pre""ed a great truth It IS also tt ue that words WIthout ac!IQn are not of much use, but :VIr \V ermcke expre~see, hi" thought" "0 torlefulh and so aptly, that hIS WOlds should lead to actIon b, tho"e who heard 01 whQ redd hIS address to the V1rgmla furmtnre dealers H1" Ideas m regard to conslClenng the mterest" of the consumer" ancl the nnpOl tance of trade marb al e ce1tamly "en"'lble and sound but they can be of no benefit to manufacturer" or dealer~ until put mto actual practice HI" 1dea a" to the posSlblhtles of all vertismg and exploltmg the furmture bu"mess b dbQ good It would cause a boom m busmess of every manufacturer and '-,tmson & \IV ebb I, nrmture Company of LIttle Rock, the keap & Cra\\ ford lurmture Company of Pme Bluff and several other -\rkansas corporatIon" have surrendered theIr charter" "111cethe first of -\ugmt The pre", dIspatches do not state why the corporatlOl1S are bemg clt"solved Perhaps they are takmg "ulh ,ll t10n 111order to e"cape the mcome tax The fa~t freIght tr d111~between 1\ew YOlk and Buffalo have been abandoned b) agreement between the roads mterested \\ onder If the ~t Paul WIll enter an agreement to surrender 1tS a(1\antages by slowmg up ItS new fast trams m the west? -\ gram of satIsfaction may be denvedm the sltght reductIOn prO\ Ided for m the Payne tanff on marble WhIle thIS matenal 1S u"ed but httle m the furmture trade, outs1de of the show case blhl11e"" gray e stones may be cheaper 1here sl10uld always be close confidentIal relatIOns between the "ale manager and the ad\ ertlsmg manager, but there are te\\ men \\ ell fitted to fill both pOSItIOns at the same time [he mo~t "uccessful "ad' wnter~ are men who are able to ~le thmg ~ trom the consumers' "tomdpomt rather than from that ot the manufacturel or dealel Cadillac a "Cummer." CadJ11ac I" a lummel \[ot only that, but CadIllac lO' er ... a con"lderable part of the map of M1ch1gan. One of the leadmg mdmtne~ of the CIty IS the Cad111ac Veneer Com-pan' operatIng a large null manufactunng veneers and panel" from natl\e woods Another mstltutlOn that has \\ on fame for CadIllac b the St Johns Table Company, op-eratmg the largest table factory m the world. The cIty also contam" lumber mdt", turpentme st1lls, iron ore smelters and many other mdustnes CadIllac 1S at the Junctlon of the Grand RapIds & Incltana and the Ann Arbor raIlroads, af-fordmg excellent "h1ppmg fac1httes L1ke the famous I rench explorer In who"e honor 1t was named, CadJ1lac 1'3 'all fight' IEconomical Factory Power. \\ e have mecl our gas producmg engme for nearly three \ car" and are very mUlh pleased w1th It, ' Sdld Charles D Reeve" supenntendent of the Grand Rap1ds Brass Company. "\Ve get powel for cons1derable less than 1t would cost us to buy 1t from the :'1uskegon Electnc Power Company, even countmg the engmeer's salary, mterest on the mvestment, repaIrs and ev(Cn thmg m the way of expense The machme occup1es much Ie"" space than a steam engme and there 1S no smoke. We use hard coal I am surely convmced that the gas producmg engine fllf-mshes the most econom1cal power that 1S now available for fac-tory purposes wrFKLY ARTTSAN 17 Fast -FreightWar is Over. "cael a (OllfeICn(e the l11elnelgel" of lelllroad" IU111l1ng between \ ew York ellHl Buffalo rCelched an agreement b) whIch the fast frel~ht o,chedule" maugmated recently vvere abandoned and la"t :\Ionday all the Imes vvent hack to the old "cheduleo, The fa"t trams wel e fir~t put on bv the Ene and after the competitIOn had been n,et by the ;.Jew York Central and LehIgh Valley, the Lackawanna wIth the "horte"t route, o,howed that It could beat tnem all se, eral hours 111 gettmg "hlpment'i to Buffalo fhele wao, no oc-ca~ lOn for a '3peed wal the busmeo,'3 men had ,lOt ao,kE'd tor It elnd 00 It \\ as al{reed that aa) further lunmng of the ta"t tram" wa'i 110t o,en mg any good purp0o,e \\ Ith the reo,u!t that all wIll go back to the former tIme Dunng the bnef time that the fao,t freIght tram'i were lUll the expreo,s l.ompanle, al e "ald to have 10'ot cOll"ldcrable '\ E'W Y ork- Buffalo bll'il-n(.' i'i and some of the nCW'ipape1' ~n e that a~ the I ea"Ol1 fOl returl11ng to 'ilo\\ el time Veneer Plant Enlarged. Hood & \Vnght, luve enlarged thell plant elt BIg Rapld'i, \11ch, smce the fire 'ievel al month'i ago and are now havmg the largest bus1l1ess 111 theIr 111story The) have eldded four fire proof bnck bmldmgs to tne plant-one .3GxlJOfeet, Dne stof) , for veneer cutt1l1g, one 2-lcxlJOonE' "tor) for dr) 1I1gveneel '3 a bOIler house, dynamo elnd engme 100m, one "tOly :2Kx-lcOfeet and el bnck barn 20xo() The floOlS 'Jf all of the"e bmlchngs al e "ohd cement \11 the mach1l1er) IS the neV\est elnrl up-to date TheIr new IOlIer df) el I" one of the latest and best mach1l1e'3 for dry111g veneel'i-the rotary cut veneer" l.Om111gfresh f1am t1,( "team111g logs, g01l1g 1I1tOthIs rollel dner at one end, and COP"l11g out at the othel dryas a bone fhe bIg panel 111111 1S OpCI<Jtul at full capaCIty 1he) make all kl11ds of panel", m1rror 'ta01" drawcI bottoms, etl. and shIp 111 Celr lot<., or open freIght, as cle"lred A. \\ alk through thel1 log \ al d shO\\ s about the lellgt "t "tm k the \\ nter ha" ever ~een there Stow and Davis Will Build. The Stow & Da\l" T ml11tme Company, Grand RapIds, have been contemplatl11g the erectIOn of an addItIOn to theIr plant for the pa~t two ) eal s and are now neaJly ready to begm work on the o,tructm e The Stow & DaVIS plant, on South Front street, stands on the rn er bank and m order to aVOId pOSSIble trouble WIth hIgh water dunng the bmlchng operatIOns, concrete pIers for the new o,tructure were put 111 two year'i ago, but owmg to the busmess depresslOn of last ) ear, the work was po"tponed ;.Jow the workmg plan'i fOI the bmlclmg are beIng pI epared and 1t WIll probably be com-pleted dunng the commg wmter The new bUlldmg whIch WIll ~tancl on the north SIde of the plant WIll be four stone~, 65 x 116 feet It WIll be of bnck, model n mJlI con'itructlOn and eqmpped WIth the best of ma-ch111ery and all convemences reqUIred b) an up to date fac-ton buildmg A. man's '3ucce'i'i mal depend upon the \\ a) he IS ral"ed, even In a poker game Dead men tell no tales and dead cloe,s wag none Freezmg poh teness never makes wal m fnends. r ------- ...------~ _u III MACHINE I\NIVES PERFECT QUALITY RIGHT PRICES PROMPT SERVICE ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE Dado or Grooving Heads. Miter Machines. Universal Wood Trimmers. Boring Machines. Etc. FOX MACHINE CO 185 N. Front St. • Grand Rapids. Mich. I..- . ..... . • ---------------- ---------- -.".. r Morton House ( Amencan Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel PantJind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Panthnd for SOc IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTLlND, Prop. I _ ... .. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~_._--------_. I .'" Poplar LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF Circassian, Mahogany, Oak, , and Gum Veneers. I, II II,. The Albro Established 1838. House Decoration. Two women, the \11":oe,, Rhoda and .'\gne~ GalleH, hay c vvntten an Interestmg book on House DecOl atlOn \Ian\ valuable Ideas on the dccorat1Jl£; and fUIl11"hln£; ot hou"e, can be gamed by stmh IIlg It The author" deplore the C011(1Itlons ot the pa"t tlut have not made It pO'l"lble fOl people ot model ate mlan" to cmpl,)y a decorator~a man \vho not onh knew ho\\ to pamt v\ood work and hang \\ all papel but one \\ ho \\ ,h a hou-e de~OI ator," one, who 111 thl" day and age undel "tand" hO\v to de- SIgn and arrange all the mternal fittmg" of a hou"e. the chnll ney pIeces, grate" and doorheael-., a, v\ ell a" the vvall hang mgs, curtams, carpet" and hUlllture A well deSIgned pIece of furlllture vvIII not make a pI ettv room, any more than a heautlful housc hel e and thelc vvdl make a pIcturesque CIty "A decoratol rehe" to a vel) gleat e,.lent upon the ta,te of the owner of the house and upon ll1S O\vn lx)\vel ot ImpI e" smg the SP11lt of hIS work upon the people v\ ho all to 11\e m It If he does not succeed In domg tll1c; hI" vv01 k m u" t be to a great extent a fallule It when he leave" the house the owner 1:0stdl 10ngl11g fOl all klllch of gamh 01 namentd-tlOn and unharmomous colonng, he ought to feel vvhat an artIst hate:o to feel that he has heen paId for v"hat hI" llhto-mer doe" not value On the other hand If he ha" heen allovved frec :ocope f01 ll1S \\ork dne] ha" pomted out hI" ledSOIh to! tbl11g certam methods the probablhty IS that at the conclu-sIOn of the work the customer ha" glOwn to appleClate It and the fim:ohl11g and mdl\ Idual touches WIll be ~I\ en vvIth a forethought the de cO!ator v\ dl be plea:oed to see The pnnclple m decoratIon whIch ma) be most llgldlv adhered to IS :~never go out of ) our vvay to make a thing or a matenal look hke what It IS not If a chm111ey pIece Qr a pl1lar IS made of wood do not pamt It to ImItate marble; if your doors are of deal do not gram them to m11tate maple. Every matenal ha, 111 It"el£ a beaut) and a "Ultablhty whIch IS lost or wasted If It 1'3 made to ImItate ,omethlng else L,tncattu e" of an) 'lort dre abomlllable do not dttempt to ImItate marble figure" of nymph" for I11stan,c 111 vvood It IS hbel on the ongmal mal ble ~nothel j)lmuple h, do not hIde the constructlOll of your hou"e OJ turmtm e To do so IS an absolute vlOlatlOn of heaut) and truth Good constructIOn does not need to be hId The beaut v of good constructIOn IS that, bemg strong It la,ts~whether It IS hId-den or not The thIrd pnnclple I" concelll1ng color'3 1\0 pattern however good IS so re'3tful to the e) e 01 mInd el'3plam color It is bettel to have part at least of the \\ alls plam Have plain curtams, for I11stance, WIth a patterned border Too much decoration IS a great fault. A half IS better than Veneer Co. It .~ CINCINNATI~ o. the v\ hole Hl~hl) decOlatee] houses bear a resemblance to museum" an appcarance '3tnctly to be aVOIded Speakmg of fUl11lture espeCIally, the authors eVIdently adnure the Queen \nne style of fur11lture very much They beheve that ItS recent revIval IS due to "the surVival of the fittest' The crd7e for useless and meanmgles:o ornaments drove de"l£;nel" from the best splnt of their work A great dedI ot ruhbl"h vvas made m the days of Queen Anne as it 1" nov\ Hut that I" gone and what lemal11S to us IS really v\ 01 tl1\ ot "tud) dnd ImItatIOn, maml) becd,u"e It ha:o re-mal11ed The red"on It has remal11ed IS because the men v\hu de:Olgned It v\ erl masters of theIr work and understood thc constl uctlOn of every part of It fhe hlame for 111 constructIOn and badly executed fur11l-tm c ha" been laH] to \\ orkmen, but the deSIgner, workman and the pubhc arc all to blame for any detenoratlOn which ha" taken place III the con"truetlOn of fur11lture 1 he demand fOl cheap and "howy fur11lture contl11ue'3 Re,tlh v\ ell con,tl ueted fur11lture can never be made for the el111eco"t ,I" the cheap grades .'\ questIOn of equal 1111- portdnce be"lde" that of co"t~to the householder IS, "ho\\ long WIll It last' ' 1\ hat the pubhc needs IS cultivatIOn and cl certdm amoul1 t of ellt educatIOn, m ordel to learn to dlS-u l1111nate between good work and beld and untJ! thIS educa-tIOn I" gamed the elemand for cheap, sho\\ v furl1lture WIll contll1l1e 1he fur111~hmg of d home I" often unclertdken anel completed 111 too "hart a time To fill up the rooms seem, to be the only object consequently there IS overcrowd111g almo"t before one I ea-hze: o Too much JunK I, ,een m modern homes, all of the e"tl,(:, and unnecc,sanes could be abohshed WIthout their 10s'3 be111g telt Room, can be tur11lshed temporanly With cheap fur11lture, but the walls and chImney pIeces should not be sbghted dt the outset Curtams can be sU11ple or dIspensed with alto-gether and festoon blmd~ put up, half a dozen really necessary pIeces of fur11lture added and the rooms Will be complete. They may look bare but thele IS nothmg to tire the eye To economize m the number of pIeces but not 111 theIr quahty is the best way Latu more expensIve pIece" Celn be purchased and the proper "ett111g IS rcad) f01 them The ablht) to cb:ocnm111ate bet\\ een good and poor fur11lture comes WIth cultivatIOn and "tudy andm tU11ethe ugbne~s now so prevalent 111many homes Will be done away With, WIth the right methods of decOl atlOn dnd fur11lshmg put mto practical use. \Vlth the frame or bdckglOund properly chosen the nght fur11lture completes the pICture When a gIrl suffers from a broken heart for the first time she feels that the whole world is going to smash. WEEKLY ARTISAN SUBSCRIPTION OFFER TO FURNITURE =========================0EALERS====================-==== Through our ability to dispose of a large number of these books we have been able to obtain a price which enables us to furnish this fine work on Decorating Show Win~ dows and intenors and send the WEEKLY ARTISAN one year at the price of the book alone. The Regular Price of the Book is $3.50 The Subscription to the Weekly Artisan one year is 1.00 Total, $4.50 We will send the book, express paid and the Weekly Artisan for one year for $3.50 Address all orders and mqumes to the WEEKLY ARTISAN, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 19 PartIes desIring to examine the book before purchasIng may do so by forwarding $3.50 for price of book. If after examinatIon It does not prove satisfactory, upon the return of the book, express charges paid, we wIll be pleased to return all of the $3.50 The book consists of over 400 pages, bound In cloth and is profusely illustrated. The two opening chapters of the book are reproduced on another page of this Issue. PRIZE CONTEST The Weekly ArtIsan wIll gIve away $32.50 In money each month for the best Window and Floor Displays of Furniture Contest open to both Subscnbers and Non~Subscribers. Are you good at arranging window and floor displays? Then here's your opportumty to capture from $1.00 to $10.00 every month. Begmnmg wlth this number, the Artisan will conduct a series of prize contests for the best window and floor displays of furmture. The rules are simple. Anyone conducting a furniture store may enter the contests, the only pro vi- 510n being that each contestant must enter a GOOD plate of his exhibit and a brief description of how it was accomplished, especially where technical or mechanical contrivances are used in pleparing the display. That is all. The decisions will be rendered by a committee selected for the purpose, and all awards will take into full considera-tion the natural difficulties which it was necessary to overcome in order to produce the results shown. For instance, the small or medium slzed stores will not have the advantages of the larger ones, and the excellence of the small store work will be judged accordingly. Thus all will have an equal opportunity and an equal chance in the distribution of prizes. 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize $10.00 7.50 5.00 4th Prize 5th Prize Next 5 $2.50 2.50 1.00 each Each month the winning displays will be reproduced in the Weekly Artisan, which will afford an excellent oppor-tumty for readers to study each other's store methods. We aim to make these contests of more than monetary interest; they are designed primal ily to stimulate superior effects in display and to offer a source of education along these lines. Good window and floor displays require serious study. The advertising value of well kept windows and floors cannot be over estimated. If you present to the multitudes who daily pass your windows, an attractive setting, you will arrest their attention and admiration, and while they may not draw every passerby into your store at once, they are nevertheless doing a helpful work, and one which pays in the long run. When space permits, it is a- good plan to reproduce room scenes, thus suggesting to the prospective purchaser how she may obtain good effects in her home. This plan is carried out very suc-cessfully in large cities. Now, then, brothers, send in your photos, and go after the prize money. All who wish to enter the September con-test must have their photos in by August 25th. Address WEEKLY ARTISAN, Grand Rapids, Mich. 20 WEEKLY TI KI THE EMBLEM OF SUPERIORITY Two Winners I•n Varnish This is the verdict of the manufacturer who knows. Paradox Rubbing 'I Is the best high-grade, quick-rubbing varnish ever pro-duced. Can be re-coated every day and last coat I, rubbed safely in three days. Ti-ki Lac Is our high-grade first or second coat varnish. Ones hard to sandpaper over night. Last coat can be rubbed in twenty-four hours. The man who knows is the man who wins. VARNISH DEPARTMENT Acme White Lead and Color Works DETROIT, MICHIGAN I ARTISAN }<"astFreights for the Southeast. \\ nil III \\, oj till dhc<lI1tll1dnlC ot the td t freIght tldm~ lllellth put 0 I bet\\ llll \ l \\ \ or1- dnd Buffalo come~ the dT1- nUUT1cement ot the mau~ ur dtlOn Jt fa"t freIght serVIce between lhllag-o and tributary pOlnt~ and tne ~outheast-\ Irgmla and the larohna, 1he ne\\ sel vIce I~ ovel the BaltImore & OhIO and \tLllltll "ea]YJ:lI d hne Rllhmond "a bemg the prinCIpal trans-tel pomt I he lJ K () has mamtamed fast freIght servIce be-t\\ een lhlcag-o and \ ell \ ork for some tll11e, but the tIme between <.. hlcdgO dnd RIchmond ha" alv. dy~ been slow Heretofore five dd\ lId' the a\elagc tl111ebet\\een the two clt1e~ and cars wele tl equenth 011 the IOdd d full \1 eek '\ 0\\ cars from ChIcago 1 e,llh Rlchmol1d on the thud day tl1U~ placmg that cIty on an lCjual tootmg \\ Ith \ e\\ \ (,rk 1ne mal1guratlOn of thIS servIce illou"el\ the '->edboall\ \mc \\ hlch has made lmprovements m the Ma:le by Mamslee Manufactunng Co., Mamstee, Mich. I 11l111l11~ schedules In \\ hllh frcIght lS dehvered at North Carolma pumh on the toU! th dd\ out from ChIcago and m South Carohna on thc fitth day Branching Out. 1he Hardware :-,upply Company. of Grand RapIds, drc hay 111l;a nevI bmllhng erected for theIr use at Goodrich and Com-mel ce "treet~ Thh \\ III be an up-to-ddte bnck structure, b5xl03 feet four ,tones hIgh am\ ,\111 be ready for oc~upancy m Novem-ber It v.III he heated by oteam, and the power and hght WIll be electriC l L 1 rost preSIdent of the company mforms the \Veekly c\rtlsan that they have also estabhshed a branch m Hamllton, Ont, under the management of hlS brother, F. S host. and \ G Could \Ir l'rost says that trade IS very good \\ Ith the company II ,I •,, I,I ,,I I•I IIII .•I. Trying to Get Together. ()fficer~ ot the \ Ilchlgan ShIpper::, ASSOCIatIOn, \\ ho were Ollle\\ lldt dIsappOInted over the lnterstdte C0111merce Comm"- ,1011, decI"lOn 111 the '->ag111awrdte Cdse are trymg to arrangu tOl cl conference \\ Itb the llldnager" of JVItchlgan rallrodds tu c{)n~lder other Cdse" and gnevances 111 wInch teh assoCIatIOn 1'-, 111terested It 1S expected the conference wl1l be hl'1d 111 DetlOlt Grand RapIds or Lans111g about the mIddle "t Sf ptel ,- ber, but neIther the tIme or place has been defimtely. fixed WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 If You Want One Crate or a Carload of l\ Rotary Cut Plain Oak Veneer Write us. We have it, red or white, crated and ready to ship. Walter Clark Veneer Company 535 Mich. Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. II II Testing ""Fire Proof" Building Materials. OfficIals of the L nlted States GeologIcal Survey ha, e re-cently been te5t111g vanou, bl11lchng matenal." In the under-wnter's laboratones 111ChIcago, wIth a ,Iew of cleterm111mg theIr re"lstlve qualItIes when ~ubJected to heat and water and the report of the te,ts may be 0+ Importance to tho"e who are contemplat1l1g the erectlOn of "fire-proof' bUlld1l1g" for store or facto! y purpose" T n the~e test" the matenal" were "ubJected to two hours hedt anel were then exposed to a stream of water The report "a) s that the te"ts were un-usually "evere and that none of the l11atenal" passed per-fectly The temperature to whlLb they Wele "ubJected wa" greater than that to be expected m an orel111dry fire One of the pnnclple pOInt" clel11on"trated ~ a" the lo~ heat tranSIllI,SlOn quahtles of Portland cement, mortal, anel concrete~ Bnck sustamed the te"t" hettel than the othel matenah, ;0 per cent of the new bnck" bemg "pht whIle from 60 to 70 per cent of the old bnck" were not rlamagecl The h) drauhc pI e"sed bnck prO', ed hdtel than the ~and-hme vanety The, anou" natural bul1dlng "tone" were so "enol"h damaged that no companson was made J he re"ult" 0 1 hol-low concrete block "howed that the "tl eng d1 of the v\eb" 15 usually m~uffic1ent 10 re"1"t the "tre""e" 'oet UI) In "uch tests, as the raplell) n"111g tempe1atl11e and the "uh"equcnt quenchmg caused them to "pht Turning Wind Into Light. I rOIll tIme to tune ~ c lead ot "ome entel pll'-,mg ama-teur elr" 1l1g an cle-::tnc £;"enerator b) mean, of a v.1l1dnll11 and thu" ohtal1l1ng electnclt) ~ Ithout co"t c"cept thdt d the mstallatlOn, and \'\11th It IHsht1l1g hI" hou", amI opel atlng ,d-nou" hou"eholel machmen Recenth d (JLrmdn compan, ha" gotten up a speCIal eleLtllc gene1ator eCjulpmlnt aclapted to be ope1ated h) ",me! powel ') he In"tallatlOn l )mpnse~ a dynamo and a "torage hdtter), the latter '-,el, Ing to "tore the exces" powel untl1 "uch t1me a" It I" reCjmred 'J he ap-paratu" I" entirely au1om?+lL, and reqUIre, ab"oluteh no at-tentlon except m tune of storm "hen It 1, lleCe"Sar) to re duce the saIl area of the \\ md ,\ heel '\ '-,peLial regulator used WIth thl" apparatu" autol11atlcalh keep" d con,tant ple~- sure on the lightln£;" CIIClllt thIs bemg entlreh ll1elependent of the numher of revolutlOn5 ot the d) namo 01 the COl1(h-tlOn of the storage battel v 1£ a dwelllllg hOlhe can he lighted by wmd power thel e v. ould see m to he uo rea,on ""h v th e ~) stem 5hould not he appheel to stores anel lactone5 b, en-largmg the \\ mdm111" Will Turn the Clocks Ahead One Hour. The AmenciO n Ddyhgh t \ s'{JClatlOn, an ,,-,rga11lZatlOn, heretofore mentIOned, that propose" to get more dayhght b) "ettmg the clock" ahead an hour on :\fay 1 and turn111g them back to "tandal cl tll11e on October 1 m each year, \\ 111have to hurry If they want thl" count!) to be fir"t to adopt thIs plan \ bIll for the aeloptlOn of the "tIme refOlm" as It 1" edllecl, IS now pend111g 111the Bnt1"h ParlIament ancl It IS expected to pas" That the matter 1" beIng -senously cons1derecl m ~hat lountr) 1" shown by the fact that It ha:-, the endorse-mtcnt of the ed ucatlOn commIttee of the London count) coun- C1!, of 0\ er one hunch eel mU11lclpal COl porat 'on) and towp counc1h, of the '\ atlOnal Convention of Royal Burgl1s UJ Scotland 1epre"ent111g about t\\ ° hundred town", ane! of one hund1eel and thlrt) chdmhel', of commerce, a""oc1atlons anc~ cluhs '\ "lll1llar b111 1" now beflll e the Lanachap ]'arlIoet ment anel the repOl t of thc "peLlal comm1t1c'e to whom It wa5 1eferreel "a)5 that 111,lev. of the all11clst nna'llmons <.,111'- port III fa,Ol of the bill, and that 1t5 object can be "0 ea"lly attaIned the) conSIder that It "hould he put 111force a.., 500n a5 pos"lble It IS al50 probable that a 51111l1albill, which ha" alreddy 1eCel\ eel WIde lourndh"tlc 111elor"ement WIll he IntI oduced In France ""p..(",,,,l Trimmin~s Coming Again. •\ \ e al e mak111g mOl e "pellal rt1ll11tt1I C tnmmll1g"', that h tnmmlllg" of "peLidl pdttell1" fltl I1hhed b) manufactltl e1" dml de"lgneel f01 thell eAclthl\ e u ,e, than we were d fev\ \ ear, ago' "aId (,eor~( J Sllldan of the Grand Rapid" Bra"" (ompan) when a..,kecl change" In the "t) les of tl1111m1ng" "Yedr" ago "a.: p1e, 101h to 190" he contn'lled 'nearly all the la1 £;"emanufacturer" hael theIr tnmm1n~" made from "pe-cla1 pattern" eAclu..,l\ e1) for then own use, bnt of late year.., there ha" not heen ..,0 much of that work There" no ma-tenal changes In ~tvIe" thh sea "on " Adopted by the Grand Rapids Furniture Assoclallon are produced With our Golden Oak Oil Stain No. 1909, Filler No. 736 Early English Oil Stain No. 55, Filler No. 36. Weathered Oak Oil Stab No. 1910. Mahogany Stain Powder, No.9, Filler No. 14. Fumed Oak (W) Stain No. 46. ---_ ..... ARTHUR S WHITE. Presldent ALVAH BROWN. VteePreSldent HARRY C WHITE. See y Treas WEEKLY ARTISAN CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools, you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothIng but Quality tools, the first cost of whIch IS consIderable, but whIch wIll make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machInes flood-ing the country. oliver Tools Save Labor " Tempers If Cost "OLIVER" No 16. Band Saw 36 Inches. Made wIth or without motor drIve Metal table 36"x30" WIll take 18" under the gUlde- bits 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees the other way Car~ nesa saw up to J%" WIde Outalde beanng to lower wheel shaft when not motor dnven WeIghs 1800 lbs when ready to shIp 23 UOhver" New Varlety Saw Table No. 11 Will take a saw up to 20' dIameter Arbor belt" 6' Wide Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, U. S. A BRANCH OFFICES - Ohver Machmery Co , Hudson Termmal, 50 Church St. New York Ohver Machmery Co. F"'ll Nallonal Bank BUlldmg, ChIcago, Ill. Ohver Machmery Co • Pacific Buddmg. Seattle. Wash. Oliver Machmery Co. 201-203 Deansgate. Manchester. Eng N p - ..-- I ::::;;:-::? -= --- III PI' .- \1,,1 lUll ?-s:- hI' ~- FILLER The PILLER that FILLS. The L. Mac. E. Fillers are noted for their Uniformity. They work properly, packing well under the pad. They dry hard over night They wIll not Shrink as we use a water floated Silex. WE CAN MATCH ANYTHING. The Lawrence-McFadden Company PHILADELPHIA, P A. 24 - -------------------------------. WEEKLY ARTISAN .-----------------------_._------------------------------------~ I II I, I I I III,, II , ...------------------ II aran~ Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~an~ THE LATEST demce for halldltn~ shavmgs and dust from all wood-workmg maclnnes Our 111neteenyears expenence m thlS class of war!? has brought 1t nearer perfectlOn than any other system on the market today It lS no expenment, but a demonstrated JClellftfic fact, as 7('e have sevel al hUIl-dred of these systems tn use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automaflc Fwnace Feed System, as shown in thls cut, lS the most perfect working device of anything in this line. Write for our p11ces for equipments. \VE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BL0T17ERS ALWAYS IN STOCK Office and Factory: 20&-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CItizen. Phone 1282 8ell, M.ln 1804 I,,I II ,,,I ,, ,I ----------_.~ OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO No. 3130 COUCH-Size 30 inches wide and 75 inches long. A beautiful design, of gen-erous dimensIOns. Heavy hard\\ood frame elaborately decorated with can lllgs and mould-ings. The two mch half round moulding that extends along the 10\\ er edge IS finished cross-banded Large willged c1awfoot legs. Amencan golden gramed quarter sa" ed oak finish. The upholstenng IS plam with ruffled sides. This couch IS double stuffed \Hth stitched spring edges. The filling IS of tow and cotton felt top. Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Hafner warranted steel spring constructIOn, havmg 28 spnngs l1J the seat and 9111 the head. Shipped K D , legs oft, and weighs about 125 Ibs. Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers CATALOG UPON REQUEST. Samples shown at Manufacturers' Furn-iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Price No.1 Leather $25.00 Buildings That Will Need Furniture. The bUlldmg boom m the far west, partlcularl) 111~outheJ 11 Cetliforma IS greater than at any nme m the past ten yeal s \mong the bUlldmgs to be completed this fall announced dUl mQ; the pa"t week are the followmg Hotels-Anne'>: to the ~rlmgton Hotel, Car con CIty, ~ev, Hotel Seaberg, Hugo Seaberg, propnetor, Raton, :.J ;',1eA, Dr. rlware!s of Los "\ngeles, a large summer hotel at Keene, Cal, J p ~ndrews, modern hotel at San LUh Obispo, Cal Reslden-::es-l\Irs WIlliam A rkvvell , Raton, ~ ~I, Clark Puffer, RiversIde, Cal, Dr R Burns, Rlverslcle, Cal, BenJ Johnson, Los ~ngeles, Cal, Emma \V Hertel, Pasadena, Cal, I~rank \Vhlte, PJrtervllle, Cal, Grace Church pal onage, Rlver-qe! e, Cal, \V D ~lurph), ( 1\1 Wood, J E Dubl111 and Flank C 1-hll. Pasadena, Cal ,J\[rs L ~ Thompson, Hollywood, Cal , 1\11s l\Im111e Stakes, H H Cox, \rthur Long, Elinbeth R Logan and E L Petltfil~, Los "\ngeles, Wllliam Shaw ane! J B HlOOks, San DleQ;o, Cal , Alex ~1cKenzle, banker, Prescott, ~n7 CIUll ches- Westlahe Presbytenan, Los ~ngeles, Cal Clubs-Country Cluh, Tucson, ~n7, coA $13,000, Cas111o, :-'anta l1etrbara, Cal Theatres-A J Aylesworth, Reno, Nev , Teatro Juarez, l\Iontere), Old ~lex, recently burned, bemg rebUllt, Queen Theatre, San DIego, Cal, seatll1g capacity to be enlarged from (),iO to 1,200 Flats, Apartment Houses, etc-C F Stamps, Los '\ngeles, Cal, apartment house, pres~ed bnck, $~)5 000, ~rartha H Coch-ran, Los Angeles, four ~tory flett blllldmg, $28,000 The fellow who l~ stuck on lllmself IS frequently stuck on an msurmountable obstacle New Deale1"sin Furniture. Theodore Langsto1l1 hetS opened a new fur11ltnre stOle at Tecumseh, Neb Joseph Rauh WIll open a new np-to-date f1ll11lture store at Hutchmson, Kans D J. l\lesqmt & Co \\ tll open a ne\\ stock of fur111tllle m th :::-hJ1lmgbmldmg, Lompoc, Cal, on September 1 r ,V JamIson and J ~ Campbell WIll open a new £111111- tllle store on the ,Vest SIde, IlldllLl, Kdns, undel the name at T ,V JamIson & Co (:ralCla & '\orte. agents for the Smger Sewmg Machllle Com-pany at Clifton, ~n7, have enletrged theIr store and are pnttmg m a stach of furmtnre ,Vilbam \ Koch and othel shave orQ;a1117edtne Koch Ont-fittmg Compan) to engage m the sale of £1n111tllle and klmh ed goods m EvansvIlle Ine! The Carleton Furmtlll e Compan) at I'ortldncl, "Me, WIll e,,- tabb"h a new ,tore at 1'\a~11l1a, 7\ II, 111 d lan~e, commodlOn" bl1llcbng that L bemg erected by L Cdrletol1 :-1 \ C:rottstem and :Myron H Aronso 1, under the name of the Gottstem lur111tlll e Company, have Just opened a large stock of fml11ture, carpets, rngs, drapenes, etc , m the bllllcling formel1y occupIed by the ::VIcCarthy DIy Goods Company on Second street, Seattle, Wash :NIr Gottstelll was WIth one of the promment furmture house~ of Seattle for several years He wa" born on the sIte of the new store lY1r '\roncon l~ a young man who has had practical trallllllg and severetl ) ears expellence 111111ercan-tile bnsmess. ~\lan kno\'<s \,hett a large followlllg he has nnt1l he goes tc 11"\'11 ':funeral '~l' "',;. " . .,'~' .' Will Raise Prices on Caskets and and Undertakers~ Supplies and Thus Increase the Cost of Burials. Fred \V Pov\ers of the Po\\er~ & \V,tlkcI lcISl.Ct lompany -lhe new tanff will cause considerable IIIcrea:,e m the lo~t of bunals The rtductIOn m the tax on lumber will not amount to an}thmg becau,e the lumbermen have ab~olute Lontrol ot the market and are bound to mamtalll pnces I umber IS hkel} to cost more rather than le."s l askeb and nearly all other thmgs llsed 1D the bunal of the dead \\ III Lost more because of the raise 1t1 tariff rates rhe tax on Jap Silks mercenLed cottons vel> ets and everythmg that goe~ II1Sl(le the casket or IS lhed III bUrial garments has been Illcreased Hardware-everythmg 1Il the lme of metal tllmmmg~ has been mcreased fhe gleate"t 111- C1ease I'>on gl()ve~ ~uch as undertakers tUIm~h tor pdll bedl u" fhe tax has been 111creased 00 cents pel dO/('1l I e~al dle~~ of quahty or cost, and that means more than 00 lent." mL1ea ,e to the undertaker~, because It \\ III Ieqmre more mone\ to l1<lnllk the busme:,s '1he Importers Ol brokel" \\ 111 h,l\ e to add morl than the 50 cents and \\ e \\ III ha\ e to put on ,I httle 11101e ancl the result Will probably be that the unclel taJ,.er~ \\ 111 ha\ l to pa\ about $2 pel dozen for the gloves that they have been bU}l11g fOI $1 2;) Many of them WIll ch~lOntmue the custom of furmshmg gloves and the ImportatIOns \\ 111 drop off. vVe had an 111\ Olce of gloves-Bellm Gloves they are calleu-that should ha\ e alll\ ed before the new law went 111toeffect. but were too late and \\ c 11 have to pay the II1creasecl tax, though we hac! sent on quotatIOns on them at the old figures The ne\\ law stllkes ImportatlOm from France halder than from any other country The tax b I11creased on neady everythmg that comes tram I ranee '1 here 1S nothmg made m thIS country that 1\ 111 take the place 01 the whIte Berhn gloves. Whether shuttmg them out ,\ III result III theIr bemg made 111 thIS countn remallls to be ~een 'J he} ma} be made here but It IS safe to say that the} Will not be ~old at the prlce~ we have been paYll1g for the ImpOl ted goods The old duty on the gloves was -10 per cent ad valoerm, nO\\ It IS 40 pu cent ad valorem WIth 50 cents per dozen speCIfic dut} added George F ~1I1c1all, PresIdent 01 the GI and I{aplds Bra" SHELBYVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF OFFIGE, FURNITURE Writ6 for lat6st catalogue " . LOI11Pdll\~j he Lillfl IS a sham the le,ISlOn \\as a sort of grab gdl11l j ellll dl "I< lhted \\ Ith It hke most eve 1} ood} else and I'm ~ldcl It, slltlecl Hope \\ e \\on t hear anythmg more about It j Ul ) ear, I don t kl1lJ\\ that It Will aitect our busmes~ to any matenal e '\.tent C '\.LLpt on the chemlcdb we use \Ve have re-cened nutlle ot ,U!\dnus 111 pnce:, from t\\O or three dealers and \\ 111 probab!\ he al from more of them soon The whole tal lit I, cl farle \]C'\.,lIH]ll ])()dd~ ~1.111l1fadlllC1 of 1\ nod 1\ ork1l1g flIdclnn-en\~ l clan t t1uuk the nn\ Llf1ft la\\ vvllI n1clke dn} chfterence !l1 the cost ot mM hmer} 1he 1eductlOn~ on Iron are, Iron ancJ ~tell 111I~htldll~l lo\\el Pl1lt" If It "ele not £01 the 11111la~mg de-mand IIIth ,I ~enel,l1 reVival of busll1c~, I clo not thll1k the '-tell II1,U1l1LItlUI 1I " \\ III hd\ l dn} dIfficult) 111 mdl11ta1l1111gpnce", l11d I \\ III not ]Jl -,m pII"ed If they alc advanced "oon A..t any 1,tlt ,111 1I1C1e,t.,l ()\ du Il,ht of two three 01 even four dollar::. ,1 ton 111thl pllle 01 la"t Iron 01 :,tee1 cloe" not make much difference 111 the co,t nt a nlc\lhll1e that welgh~ le"s than a ton and ~ells ror $130 01 :SjOO 'lhe only way that the t,mft can aftect m} buslJ1es, I" o} affeltl11lS the fl1rmtl11e busl11e~s If It makes hard tU11es and les"em the demand fOl fl1rmtl1re there Will be less de-mand for machl11en If It bnngs genelal prosperity then~ WIll hl more 1m mtm c made and sold and a greater demand for mallllner} ~o \ au "ec my bU:,l11ess depend~ on generdl conditIOn, More Export Orders. \le",1l1l1er Dodcl:, I elelvecl a cablegl am, A..ug let, from Bel 1111,Germam tor one tv, enty-hve spl11clle combl11atIOn dove-tdllel 'Jllls machl11e makeo a dovetaIl I11ch-centers and also halt-l11lh center" \ugl1st] 6, he receIved d cablegram from 'IIanlhestel, Engldnd, tor a t\\elve spll1dle cOmbl11atlOn dovetaller, ,mcl \l1gust 11:\for a twelve-spmclle maclllne flam Preston, Ont Don't sll1g your praIse If you want an encore. •• II ••• .1 WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis What to Buy and Where. The Henry::' lIolden \ eneer Compan}, Leonard Hl11ldllJR ::-'outh ~Jarket, St Grand Rap1ds, has 100,000 feet of Ch01C! llrcaSSlan walnut veneers, 1eady tor prompt sh1pment \lso about 200,000 feet of 1-20, quarter-sawed oak veneers smtab1' f01 funl1ture work vvalter Clark, 533 l\I1cll1gan Trust BUlldmg, Grand Raplrl~, has 500.000 feet of poplal cross-banclmg, m th1ckness 1-28, 1-2-±, 1-20 and I-H), standard wldths and lengths, leady for ll111necl!ate shlpment ""No-KuIll-Loose" Fasteners. Patent fasteners, manufactured under the TO\ver patents by the Grand Raplds Brass Company have become an absolute necess1ty to all manufacturers of better-made furmture These fastenel s are fitted to eIther glas~, bra~s or \\ ood pulls and knobs and there 15 no substitute for them, although there are man) make-shJfts amI "]u'it-as-good" contraptlOm on the market '\s the genullle cloes not cost the manufacturers a cent, he can Illy afford to use anythlllg else. Furniture Fires. Company'~ ~tote at Rox- Loss $1,800, covered by The Drookltne Antlque Fl11mture bur), J\la~~ , was burned on August 11 lllsurance. S M Cooper s chalr factory at Chfton, L I, was burned on August 10 The fire was started by the exploslOn of a barrel of benzine Loss $37,500 Frank Pfeffer's fnrmtnre store at Francls Creek, Wl'), was burned on August 13 Loss $7,500, lllsurance $3,500 The upholstery and speclal funl1ture factory of W. C. Ru'i-sell & Co, Beaver Dam, "VIS, was burned last Saturday. Loss e~ttmated at $1,800, 111surance $1,250 The Rochester (N. Y) Mattress Company last Tuesday suf-fered a loss of $4,000 or $4,500 from a fire that damaged several other stores and 1S beheved to have been of lllcendlary origin The Mattress Company's loss IS covered by msurance. It is never too late to mend, but don't put it off unb1 you for-get how. ---"---------~------ Henry Schmit 8 CO· naPKINS AND HARRIhT SlS C.nclDnati, OhIO makers of Upholstered Furniture for I.. . LODGE and PULPlT PARLOR LlBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM 27 ...... 28 LInseed 011 I'> steddy \"lth no 1mp10\ement 1n the de-mand Wh1Ch has been llght for a month or more There al e rumors of c1u'ohers ha\ Ing offered to ..,hade pnces, but the figures here ha\ e not been changed \\T estern raw 1C;"tlll quoted at 60@61L Lll\ 1cl\\, Gl@62, 'o1l1gle boll ed, G2@63, don hIe boded 63@6-k HIC]e" and sIon" ale 111 better demand than la'ot \'Veek and the1 e h a bette1 tone In the leathe1 market \\ 1thont any ma-tenal Lhanl2,e 1n p11ce" 1{ece1pt'3 of l2,oat c;k1ns are stIlI 1Jght e\ en for till" "ea"on of the yedl, but they are fully eCjnal to the demand, \1 e"lcan frontlers at 33 cents, Bueno~ '\ \ 1e" -I-0@-1-0Y;, Curacao, 521~, Dah1a and I'ernambuco 6f) ra72L l"aun \ alnhh gums are fillll whlle ::\Ianila'3 "how weal-ne'o" IJost ot the orders dre for "mall JobbIng lob Kau- 11 \0 1 1'0 quoted at 42@-1-8L, \0 2. 21@2:;, No 3, 16@18 \rc\l11la pale 15@18, amher dncl dark hard. 13@1:; lOldage 1" hrm In ,,)mpath) WIth a shght advance 111 ! a \\ mate! 1al There h d fall demand tor 1W111e..,at former qnotatlOn'o-lmc \0 18 ll~i@l194, B L ~o 18, 16@ 160 Incha \0'0 -1-0 and 6, 9@lOc Bette1 demand for bIll lap" h noted and the advance of lac;t \"eek 1'3 mal11tal11ed Sdle" ot Calc\ltta eIght-ounce goocl" al e repOl ted at 360 and 1O}2-ounce at 460 Dundee Iep01ts 1a\\ matenal.., £11111 \\lth an dc!\dnCe e",pected at the openlnl2, of the con1Jng \'veek WEEKLY ARTISAN r-----~aho~::~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i I CircassianWalnut C I II QuarteredOak e'" 0• I Walnut 'I ne :). I' , ~~:~~~;~I~aPle \\ ,.ten .~ Graoe Veneers I I Basswood 5 010 tlig'u I I Ash ~ 1 in ~~ 1v\lC1l1GP-N I I Elm 1...l ent'J • nO Dea er~M'pR"V 1PS • i I Birch D ,"re.I'S a 1v\at~et St, I, Maple N\ nu{ac\.U d 1'>\li\d\t\g, Foreign and I a l,eouar I I Poplar Dom estic Woods. Gum " , Oak Rotary, Sliced,Sawed. , .I----------_ .. --- ...--------------.. ..------- -------------------------------------------------~ I New York Markets. ""l"ew York AtJ<T 20-Dullne,," \'vJth l)nLe'o finl1 01 1\ , h '1 slIghtly advanced de'ocnbe~ the genelal Loncht1on ot t 1e markets thIS week The 1110"t notIceable Lhange h cl n~e of $5 per ton 1ll the pnce of 71l1L but that ha~ not dtteLtul sheets whICh are "tIll quoted dt ~7 2::; pel hnnched pound, fob smelter, \'vIth 8 pel cellt dIscount Turpent1l1e \'vent up a cent on \\ ednesday and 1.., no\\ qnoted at 5±c here a,1c! 51@"i2 at ::"avanah Shellac I" half a cent hIgher for the better qllahtle" hut the hade IS remarkabh hght T \ ca"e.., ale llot qnoted clt 17@17~c, Imght orange grades 21@.!1 DIamond I 2(l @.!i, Bleached 1~~@18, kiln drIed, .!1@22L ,..--------- --- -------------------.." I SEE : , I I West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. I I ':1 CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I for HIGH GRADE PUNCHES and DIES : ----..& ~-------_ -.------_._---- ~ -.- ---------------... ·······----1 I : ~,I-----------~----~---__.._. ----_._._-_._---_.~_.----. .. ..!.. WABASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA ~~ TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT ~ •••• _.-.- ••••••• e •• ••••••••• .." I, A~I~G ~rn~~r ::::da::ip:h~nd~'~~ ! f , IN leaves are bound (by your- I sell) and tndexed by Ooors I II Md~~mm~ I ' BARLOW BROS , Gr nd RapId., Mlch I ..... .-_ ...-.. ]V "e lI,gh' N-o-, -_._ ...I. \" - . IMPROVED, EASY AND QUICK RAISINC Belt Flect flc and Halld Power The IJnt 111111<1 I'vdll'r for 1'/111/11/111' StOll'S C,t"fI(l for L::ttdlol{Tle and Pnces KIMBAll BROS. GO., 1067 Ninth 5t, Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co. 123r ""IJel t <;t 11" elallo a 108 11th 5t Omdh •• l'oeb I~O Ceddr "t I\e\\ \ or),. CIt) ..-. . .. _ ...... \"-- ...._- -- ._-------------------------------~ , I I If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods, That makes PRICES rIght I ' 1: 1 ~Iarencc In. 11)iUS !I DUIeS 1 [ I I : 163MadIson Avenue-CItizens Phone 19S3 GRA -:n RAPIDS MILl! I.'t ~-------------~-----------------------------~ Zanesville Dealer Bankrupt. Ha1I\ \\ elh fl11l11ture dealer, of ZanesvIlle, 0, filed cl vol- 1111tc\l! petltlOn In bank111ptc) la"t Monda) He estlmate'3 hI" cl~'eh at j. ")00 \\ lth hab1htK'o cl11101111tmg to $-1,17-; i\Ir vvell" hOl1l2,htthL "tock and "to! e from \ \ L ()ffenbacher about a ) ear ago lit taI1l11e 1" a 'ol11pll'oe as he \'va" '3uppo'oecl to be domg a p1 ohtahle bl1~1l1e,,'o It "ee111" the natural bent of ~ome men to be bloke ~-----------------------------_ .... ICHICAGO AND GRAND RAPIDS 1 I \ I ,II• ,I Ij ,I II I..------------------------- ..---- -. -..-. JUST A COOL NIGHT'S RIDE IN A LARGE AIRY STATEROOM between on the boats that have every convenience -----FARE---- $2.00 one way; $3.75 round trip Lea' e ChIcago 7 -1:) every evenmg 1 ea,e Gland R1p"h vn G R (,. H & M Ry f' 00 e\ en e"enmg Lonnectmg" lth boats at Gl'locI H'nenqlJp m Goodrich Boats I Re"erve bertbs and secule tIckets 1t CIty TIcket I office JOI Adams St or docks loot of Mlchlg1n Ave l.hlC~gO 91 Monroe St Grand R~Pld')J MICh - .I WhT"KLY .\RIISAN 29 ~._._._--._--------------------------<--------------------------------------------------------------~ II II f I III III I II III I t--- I This Group for I $51.00 II 'I CAN'T BE EQUALED BY ANYBODY. I WRITE THE I Mani~~~~!~C.o.I FOR PARTICULARS ! ...... --------------------------------------------------------------_ --------~ r-----········ ------------------------------------------- ....-------------_._ .. --.-----------~ I! Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. OVER 15,000 OF OUR Price $2.80 to $4.00 : STEEL RACK VISES IN USE I 21 doz Clamp Fixtures bought by oue mill last) edr \Ve shIp I on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondl , tlOllally. IPrtle jor !tat of , Meet Bar Clampa, Vtaes Bench f Stops, etc I E. ". S"ElDON s.. CO. I 283 Madison St. ChICago. I , I I ~------------------------------_ ---------------------------------------- _ --------~ ~,----------------------------------------------~ , I I I I I ~~~'~sA BARGAIN I I f II ,I I ! I I , f I I I III ,I ,II II I II II I PAL~O~5~IO~~'~'~!.~~!~I~o~c~co.. I ... .. --1 No 537. 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thiS fine hbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of Ih,s and other good thmgs we have 10 show you. r----------------------------------------------~ II, fII Spiral Grooved and Bevel Pointed DOWEL PINS Note how the glue in the Spiral Groove forms Thread Iik.e a Screw. Bevel Pointe". easy to drive Straight so will not split the frames Prices and discounts on application STEPHENSON MFG, CO" SOUTH BEND, IND. I "~'--------------------------------------------------.------------------------------~-~ I I 1 HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. II 1 FT. WAYNE, IND. I I I I I ! HARDWOOD LUMBER III II I II III II ~-~-------------------------------------------~ SAWED AND SLICED l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS rAN D MAHOGANY 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN r"LUCE~REDMONi)"CHAiR'co.", Ltd.! I BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I I I I MANUFACTURERS OF I I HIGH GRADE ! I: OFFICE CHAIRS, II I· DINING :I II CHAIRS I II 1III •I II •III •I..-.._._~------_._--_. III III• I• II I .. --_ ... _-~ c~bi~~;M--a-ke~~-l Reception Chairs and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colomal Parlor Suites, Desk and Dressing Chairs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany. Birch. Bud',.eye Maple. ~artered Oak and ClrcaSSlanWalnut You wIll find our ExhIbIt on the Fourth Floor, East SectIon, Manufacturers' BUIldmg,North Ioma St., Grand RapIds. ...- MACHINERY In these days of c!o<;e compelltlOn, need the best pO<;<;lbleeqUIpment, and thl~ they Cdn have 111 III II II II I III• I I:I I: II I I II I II I, ....... ---...,a BARNES' ------- HAND AND POOT POWER ------~ ---- Our New Hand ..nd Foot Power Circular Saw No.4. Send for Our New Catalogue. I I• III• I •II II .. 1 he.. strongest mo~t PO\\ er ul and III C\ el \ "a v the best machmc of Its kltJd e\ er made, for IIpP 11K ClOSS cuttmg bonn!; md groo\ mg w. F. & JOHN BARNES CO. 654 Ruby Street, Rockford, Illinois WEEKLY ARTISAN 31 Grand Rapids Benches Are Best BETTER MATERIAL···BETTER CONSTRUCTION·_·BETTER WORKMANSHIP There are several reasons why you should use the "Grand Rapids Benches." They are built to stand hard usuage. They won't warp or split, are built of well seasoned Mich-igan hard maple. Write for catalog showing full line. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jefferson Avenue Bnlish Representatives Oliver Machme Co., Ltd., 201 Deansgate. Manchester. England. Grand Rapids, Mich. ,, I. IIIIIII I III II I•• t• t I• I• I• I• II I I IIIIII! THE LueE LINE Many New Patterns In Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furmture for the Fall Season. Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids lu(e rurniture (0. .. . . .1III I •II I I II II I III II ... . . . ~ 32 W EEKL Y ~------_...._ .._ ..-.... _ ......... ---------- ------.., ! REVERSIBLE AND ONE-WAY CUTT£RS I , The Shll11u Rei el qblc Cuttlr, : , t01 Smglc Spl11dlc Shdpel' \ Illl t\ : i\Iouldl1" 01 I IICLlh III l ,11dulh , , lllouLlul (lP!)(hlte tu thL ,]npe o[ I : the mould to be jllOlluLC 1 111 sUlh " , ,,\\ I) d, to 111\L onh the cutt1t1\S , , LdgL touLh thL IUl11bll 1hl) ,Ill l()111jlILtl-l1ll,pelh1\I-11111l , I III '"'d\ lllg \\ L II (l m l1uldLtUll Olle \\ dy Culte I" !,)l D(luble C,pllldil I ~h,IPll' 1hl) lrl lhll1111 jldll, Il!:;ht llHl1dt Olll lutlLl ul I I L1lh ,lldpc [01 L'\Lh sp1t1dk In (l\dum..; ')JLLl tl ,hdpc, 110t ,': 1htcd 111 OUI c,I!,loguc, 'll1e1 a \\ (loJ ',\l11pk 01 ,l1l ,\LLUt ltel) made dl dW111g \ddrL~s , SAMUELJ. SHIMER&. SONS, , .I.--_ .... -- ---- ... _ MILTON, PENNSYLVANIA. I ~-_... .... ._ .._-----~-----~ ~-~-.-_-~-----_-.~-~-------------_-. -- -- - -- ..- ..,III ,,,, I,I ~--_.-.- _---------------- -_.- ..-._._~I A. L. HOLCOMB&. CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE GROOVING SA WS up to 5 16 thIck Repalrlng···Satisfaction guaranteed. CItizens' Phone 1239 27 N. Mar~et St.. Grand Rapids. Mlch r _.~-~~:~~~~~:~ -~~~~;t~~e~~~~~:l I ---------~~NTED------- !,,, I I, I,, I,,,• I,I ,I ,,,I ,I,• III II• ,, I I,I ,,II ,III --- BUSINESS CHANGE For ~ale, woodworking plant, sUltable for cabmet or special furmture; located in Indlanapohs; about 12,000 square feet floor space; equipped wIth dry kIln, raIlroad sWitch and ma-chmery ready to operate; easy terms; great bargam. CHAS. O. BRITTON, Receiver, Fletcher Bank BUIlding, Indlanap-ohs, Ind. 8-14, 21, 28; 9-4, 11, 28. WANTED. Commission man for Mlsssoun and Kansas representmg five furmture factones. SplendId fixed carload hnes. Address, Ballman-Cummings Furmture Company, Fort Smlth, Arkan-sas. Aug. 7, '09 WANTED COMMISSION MEN. For Indiana and Illinois to sell our Suites, Dressers, Chiffon-iers, Stands, Beds and Wardrobes. McKim & Cochran Fur-niture Co., Madison, Ind. 7-3-4t WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimit-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping facllities and low frelght rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock m well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downmg Building, Erie, Pa. WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN. To handle a line of Extension Tables, Pedestal Tables, Ward-robes and Kitchen Cupboards, on commission. State what other lines you handle and Territory desired. Address Koenig Furniture Co., 2620 N. 15th St., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED. A good cabinet maker; one who can detail and make clothing cabinets. Address B. S., care Michlgan Artisan. 6-10-2t. BARGAIN! 40 H P. direct current motor, latest make and runnmg condItIOn. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe rester Co, Grand RapIds, MIch. in first class & Dust Ar- 8-21tf WANTED. POSItion as superintendent, foreman or furmture draftsman, am thoroughly acquainted wIth all classes of furmture, hav- Ing teen In that line of busmess all my hfe For certain rea-sons, wIsh to make a change. Best of references gIven 1< or .I..- informatIOn address "W" care of Weekly Artisan. 8-21 8-28 ._._---._------------------------ ARTISAN Conditions in the Lumber Market. Londltlons m the hal (1\\ ood lumber mal ket~ are not <;dt!S-LILtol\ to pI oduceI~, to dealel" nor to con,umer<; Ploducer, dnd 10bbCI" hay e heen e},.pectl1g Improvement m demand and lllt.;hu pIlLe" el' ,\ Ie~n1t ot llnprovement 111general bm111ess, but they have been dI,app0111ted The demand 1<;rather lIght and pIlLe al e \\ edk ,me! llfegulal dt many pomb The cOl1(l1tlOn \Id" \\cll de"ulbed b\ Davld L LThl ot the (lrand RaplcL Fancy InlllltUlc L0ll1pe\11\ la"t ::-'atl11cla) \\hen he ,alll "Therc dlC all kllld" ot pllLe" tm hald\\oodlumbel \\hele one man pa), $")0 dl10thel lllen bl1\ to! $J<J 01 $J ~' -1 he lumbe1l11el1, howevcI, dl c 110petul 11K\ e"peLt e1 bettel llul1anll and ,ettled, 1£ 1I0t lllt.;hel pllLe~ m ::-'eptemhel \lad\ COI1,umel, have been 10ok1l1g tOl 10'\ er pllces 011 ac- COUl1tof the 1ecluctIOn 111 the tallff, hut hke the producer~ they ha\ e been ch,app01l1ted \\ hl1e the tal rff blll was pendmg they b01ll;ht (111) tot ll11mechate needs and most ot them are stIll pUIsUlng that polIcy, theretOl e It I~ figured that then stocks are 10\\ and that the
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Periodicals and Furniture Industry
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