Dr. Rollin Sprague House
- Description:
- Wood frame residence built by Dr. Rollin Sprague sometime in the mid-1800s and sold to the Daniel Curry family in 1884. In the 1920s it was donated by Fred M. Shinnick to be used as a community house. From 1933 to 1946 it was used as the Woodruff-Geiger Hospital, run by Dr. Robert A. Woodruff. In 1946, American Legion Homer Wing Post 172 bought the building and used it until moving to the location at 234 Walnut Boulevard in 1966. The home was torn down sometime in the 1960s. Also known as the Shinnick Community House or Shinnick’s Community House. Addressed to woman in Allegan, Michigan. (RRP-162) Ray Russell Postcard Collection
- Notes:
- Oakland County Historical Resources hosts digitized materials from Rochester Hills Public Library and many other local cultural heritage organizations in Oakland County, Michigan.
- Data Provider:
- Oakland County Historical Resources and Rochester Hills Public Library
- Place:
- 134 West Fifth Street, 134 West University Drive and Rochester
- Subject Topic:
- Buildings
- Format:
- Postcard
- Rights:
- The Ray Russell Postcard Collection is owned by the City of Rochester and is on permanent loan to the Rochester Hills Public Library. Digitized by the Rochester Hills Public Library. No known copyright: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/
- URL:
- http://oaklandcountyhistory.org/knowvation/app/consolidatedSearch/#autologin/guest/lb_document_id=87355
1 location mapped