U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney meet for their third and final debate of the 2012 presidential campaign

2012 Presidential campaign. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney meet for their third and final debate of the 2012 campaign. CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer moderates the debate centered on foreign policy. Schieffer asks about Middle East policy. Romney suggests more economic help be focused on the region while taking on the anti-American jihadists. Obama challenges Romney's shifting positions over the course of the campaign then lists his own accomplishments supporting U.S. friendly governments even while promoting democracy and self determination. Romney surprises Obama by broadly agreeing with Obama's approach then turns the discussion back to domestic economic policy and global trade. Romney explains how he can cut the federal budget without touching defense. Obama says, "the math simply doesn't work" then defends his approach suggesting that Romney is out of touch with current military strategy and needs. They argue about the Iranian nuclear program, whether Obama conducted an "apology tour", the end of war in Afghanistan, and remaining threats in the region. Romney advocates for challenging China's monetary policies and dealing with the trade imbalance. Obama recounts where his administration has successfully challenged China then accuses Romney of exporting jobs to China starting an exchange about the American auto industry and the bailout. Held at Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL. Sponsored by The Commission on Presidential Debates.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Michigan State University. Libraries
G. Robert Vincent Voice Library Collection
United States, United States, United States, United States, and United States
Subject Topic:
Presidents, Election, Foreign relations, Military policy, Economic policy, and Commerce
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