female figurine or doll; Karanis; Figurines; Ceramic; Paint; Female Orant

Reddish brown clay (Muns. 2.5 yr 5/4). Plastered and painted. Broken at the shins. Chest break repaired. Left arm missing. Plaster flaking. Figure may be Orant. Stands frontally, legs together and arms outstretched. Simplified forms. Arms are stubs. Breasts are knobs. Navel is forefinger impression. Shallow channel between legs. Hips flare slightly. Flat head almost spade shaped and pierced on each side for earrings. Steep pinched nose. Large eyes, lashes, and lips sketched in black paint. The hair, necklace (?), and garment schematically rendered in paint. Diagonally hatched panel runs from each shoulder down length of body. Lower abdomen marked by large X within a square. Garment fastened by straps which cross in back. Handmade, solid with flattened back. Dipped in plaster and painted
Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Libraries
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Subject Topic:
Karanis; Figurines; Egypt
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