Irving Clark and Emelia A. Goldworthy Clark at their home in Los Angeles, California

Snapshot of Irving Clark and Emelia Goldsworthy Clark with a car in the background. The following written on the back of the photo, "Under the blooming lantana vine. We stand and enjoy the California sunshine. Our Patio is filled with plants and flowers. And just now calls for winter showers. We can sit in our swing and look upon the Desert or the Ocean Scenes painted on our garage doors. With an artists notion honeysuckles & roses cover our back fence and often gives out a very sweet incense. Your friends with all our health, Irving & Emlia G. Clark 1114 W. 42 St., Los Angeles.” Prior to her 1920 marriage, Emelia Goldsworthy was head of the Art Department at Western State Normal School.
Date Created:
Data Provider:
Western Michigan University. Libraries
Western Michigan University Archives Photograph Collection
Los Angeles (Calif.)
Subject Topic:
Clark, Emelia A. Goldsworthy, 1869-1955, Clark, Irving A., 1871-1960, and Western State Normal School (Kalamazoo, Mich.)--Faculty
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