Weekly Artisan; 1909-09-04

Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and fI -;RANr- RA\.=>!f): pn'QT It; J ~RP! f\V ....... ---.- - ~~~~ / F/ / GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• SEPTE~lBER 4. 1909 -------~-- ----------------- ._---------.,III :II I I I:IIIIII• I I• I It• I It I •t!II! 11I I•I II IIt ~IIII I 1I -.......... ..... ,.--_ .. Ij jI IIIIIIjIIIII IIII• j IjI Ij I,• IIIII II , III IIII I• "THE BETTER MAKE" WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE BEDROOM al~d DINING FIJRNITURE ROOM ~UITES TO MATCH FACTORY AND SALESROOM 37 CANAL STREET CATALOGUES ON HEAVY PLATE PAPER TO DEALER'" NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I~~------------------------------_._. I . .. .. ... ..\. AMERICAN BWWfR COMPANY "SIROCCO" TR,\O[ MARK ANY EFFICIENT GENERATOR 'ABC" SELF OILING ENGINES dIrect connected to an " ABC" SELF OILING ENGINE are generating thousands of kilo-watts all over the world, and each engine is paying for itself every year in savings of fuel and oil. will electric light your plant, run fans, etc., and if you are now buying current, will pay you in savlllg (Exhaust Steam is Available for Heating and Drying) ThIS plant runnlnU In IQUITOS, PERU. WE DIRECT CONNECT TO ANY GENERATOR 25% PER ANNUM ( Wrtte for proif if above.) WE WILL GLADLY QUOTE YOU, WITHOUT OBLIGATING YOU TO BUY GENERAL OFFICES, DETROIT, MICH. NEW YoRK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURC ATLANTA CHICACO ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE ._~._. ----------- -----_. . -- .. . ... .. II l!' ••• - _ •• 1iI III I 1 SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON OESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a casttr yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened with flat head wood screw and furnished in three Sizes· SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICgS No. 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Something different from the regular bar pulls. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. II I I I IIII r WEEKLY ARTISAN ...__ •••••••• _ •• ._ .... _ ........ aa aa ..... • • ........ _.a •• • ... aa .... • .------ .----------.., These Specialties are used all Over the World ........ -_... --·1 I Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Patent pendlDll.) Many styles and oizeo. - Veneer Preooeo, d.fferent kinds and sizeo (Potented) Wood· Working Machinery and Supplies LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS Veneer Presses Glue Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc., Etc. Power Feed Glue Spreading Machine, Single, Double and Combination. (Potented) (Size. 12 m. to 84 in wide.) - CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. No.6 Glue Heater. No 20 Glue Heater. . .............. ...................................... __ .a .... ..... .. .... ....... .. .. .... ... ... ... . ...- a_ • _. __a_a ----- -- -_._._._. _. _. - ••_--- ._.- •• _.-. _•• _. _.-. _.-- ----- - . I MARIETTA FUMED OAK ACID STAIN To the finisher who has been using the fuming chamber to produce his fumed oak our Fumed Oak Acid Stain is a revelation. This stain is in no wayan experiment but practical working stain, producing a more uniform color, and giving to different grades of oak the same shade. It is a strong, penetrat.. I ing stain, going into the wood and yet it can be used without injury to the I hands. This is not a substitute for fuming. The stain actually fumes and is permanent, but it fumes in obtained on red as well as a different manner....s..aving white oak. The most con.. the cost of a fuming cham.. vincing evidence of the per.. ber and the time required feet working qualities of this in fuming by the old pro.. stain will be manifest in a cess. Unlike the Fuming single trial. Write us for a process good results can be sample. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, D. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO" Marietta, D. ~.- - ................................•.•....•............ - , ...........• t' - ••••••••••••• .. .. -- -~~~~~ ~chm~t· ~ ~~~-·1rI-",....,...-~----~-.... Upholrtere~r Furniture 1 1 :1\ LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR, LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM Ao---------. --- --- ---- -_.. ..,.."' _..-- -.-.--.------_-__._.---.---... . . HOPKINS AND HARRIET STS. Cincinnati. 01,,0 makers of 1 ....~ ........ 2 \;VEEKLY ARTISAN I /J--------------------,I I IIIIII j ...... .-..-..-.-~-------_... ,. - .,. - .,. _ .. TI ~, .'l ;....... KI THE EMBLEM OF SUPERIORITY Two Winners I•n Varnish This is the verdict of the manufacturer who knows. Paradox Rubbing Is the best high-grade, quick-rubbing varnish ever pro-duced. Can be re-coated every day and last coat rubbed safely in three days. Ti-ki Lac Is our high-grade first or second coat varnish. Dries hard to sandpaper over night. Last coat can be rubbed in twenty-four hours. The man who knows is the man who wins. VARNISH DEPARTMENT Acme White Lead and Color Works DETROIT, MICHIGAN ....._---------- _....-.. ....- ... ... II II I II I IIIIIII I I I III III ,II ,I II III IIIIII ,.-----------_ ..._------ ---._-_ ....-..-_. __ .-..~ 1 II II , Give your men tools that are ac-curate to the one-thousandth part of an inch. Tools that are straight and true and hold their cutting edge. No matter how expensive and per-fect your machinery may be, if the cutting tools are not of the best, you can not turn out good work. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have manufactured only the very best for thirty-flve years Write for our complete catalog. It shows many new ideas in fine labor saving tools. MORRIS WOOD & SONS 5t08-5110 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO, ILL. ~......•..•....... _----.-_ ..... - •..•..... _- .. ~ This little machme has doue more to perfect the drawer work of furm ture manufacturers than all) thmg else In the funuture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect httmg vermm proof dovetaIled stock a POSSI blllt) ThIs bas heeu accomphohed at reduced cost, as the machme cuts dov~-tads lU I('augs of from 9 to U at one operatlOn It s what others see about your busmess rather than "hat }Oll sa) about It that counts In the cash dray\,er Jt b the thrill of enthusIasm and the true rtng of truth }OU feel and hear bad, of tbe cold type that makes you buy the thlllgadvertlsed ALEXANDER DODDS, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN R~pr~senled by Schuchart & Scbutte at B~rl1D. V,enna. Stockholm and SI Pelenburi Represented by Alfred H Schulle at Coloine. Brusselo. ueie. Pans, Muan and Bllboa Repr...,nted 1DGreat Bnhan and lroland by the OlIver Machm"rj Co • F S Thompson. Mllr • 201.203 DeaD>liate. MancheSler. EnQland • rI I I WEEKLY ARTISAN Grand Rapids Benches Are Best BEITER MATERIAL---BETTER CONSTRUCTION-~-BETTER WORKMANSHIP There are several reasons why you should use the "Grand Rapids Benches." They are built to stand hard usuage. They won't warp or split, are built of well seasoned Mich-igan hard maple. Write for catalog showing full line. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jetferson Avenue Grand Rapids, Mich. Bnllsh Representatives Ohver Machine Co., Ltd., 201 Deansgate, Manchester. England. ~ •• _ •• ••• a.a _••••• - aa ••••• .. ... ... . . ..-_.. . - - .. -- -.., LUCE~REDMOND CHAIR CO., Ltd. BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE OFFICE CHAIRS, DINING CHAIRS Reception Chairs and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colonial Parlor Suites, Desk and Dressing Chairs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Buch, BIrd's-eye Maple, ~artered Oak and C,rcasslanWalnut You will find our Exhibit on the Fourth Floor, East Section, Manufacturers' Building, North Ionia St., Grand Rapids. ....-. ••• ••• a •••••••••••••••••• , La ••• _ •••••••••• 3 ._ ... 4 .._ _ _ -----~-,_._._._..._._. _.._.._._. _._.-. _. _._-------_._---------- WEEKLY ARTISAN THE LueE ........... ·_-_·······_-_·--···-1 Many New Patterns In Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furniture for the Fall Season Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids lu(e rurniture (0. LINE h_ •••••• __••• _ •••••• ...'I" '\ N r ?,,.- FILLER The FILLER that FILLS. The L. Mac. E. Fillers are noted for their Uniformity. They work properly, packing well under the pad. They dry hard over night They will not Shrink as we use a water floated Silex, WE CAN MATCH ANYTHING. The Lawrence-McFadden Company PHILADELPHIA, PA. y,f{Ar," ~pnnT~_TJ;' _f_IR~ P__ i l1V.. 30th Year-No. 10 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., SEPTEMBER 4,1909 Issued Weekly MOST EFFECTIVE ASSOCIATION WORK An Exam.ple of What the Minnesota Retail Furniture Dealers' Organization is Doing in the Way of "Helps." The Mmne,ota AssoCIatIOn of RetaIl } ur111ture Dealers whIch IS one of the best and most ucce~~ful m the country, has a commIttee on advertI smg, whIch IS WOlkIng on progre~slve hnes m the \vay of V\hat the} call "a~soClatlOn helps, ' that I~, helpmg the members to Improve theIr store management amI aclvertl~mg methods As an example of theIr "as OClatlOn helps' read the follow1l1g, whIch wa~ recently pnnted 111 CIrcular form under the tItle, "AI e You for a GI cater Bmmess Futm e? If Noi, \i\'hy 1\ ot?' and ~ent out to all members' "Arc} ou llllllchng for a lSTeater future? If not. "hy not ?" TIns should be the earne~t questIOn that evelY member IS a~kmg hImself K 0 doubt your first ImpuLe WIll be to ~ay "Of com se I am \Vhat a foohsh questIOn fOl a secretar} to ask" nut the expenence V\e have been gCttL1g through the ~ecretar}'s office has prompted us to ask It If} ou are really bmlc!JnlS for tuture s~lccess, V\hat we al e gOIng to say and do for you v\1l1 help you so much more If you have not been glvmg thIS cubJect the thought It deserves, we hope tl1dt our a~soclatlOn helps "Ill stnnu-late you to greater actIon \Ve know that If }ou WIll adopt the advertIsmg helps we bnng }ou, }ou can acomph~h more, and for 111uch less cost to you, than }ou could If }ou attempted to do an} tlung along these 11l1esalone The vItal problem WIth the dealel IS How can I devise Ideas and plans that \\ III bnng me l1cher dIvIdends? It IS only natm al for the bus1l1ess man to long for larger profits and greater success No one has and no one Lan have a moaopoly 111 these thmg", and no bar or padlock can stand between you and the Ideals of your ambItIon The door of opportu111ty b always open, and you may enter If }ou can show the passport of compe-tenc} But do not forget that success has Its pnce whIch you must pay L~e the successful thoughts of others and make them Jour own Proper advertIsmg IS the qmckest and surest lOute to larger success, and IS only IUl11ted by the abIlIty of the advertIser hIm-self \Ve, a~ an a~soclatlOn, beheve tl1dt thIS phase of our asso- ClatlOu V\ork should have the hIghest consIderatIon What IS advertIsmg) \Ve are told that the word "advertIse" IS denved from two latm "ord~, "ad" "vertere" mea111ng "to turn,' thus advertl~mg ~Imply means to turn people's attentIon to the artIcle offered for sale \Vebster puts It, "to mform, to gIve notIce, etc ' Sheldon told us at om last conventIOn, that the dealer who has decIded to advertIse IS confronted by two problems: FIrst To tell hIS story as bllefly, attractIVely and conv1l1c-mgly as pOSSIble 'second To place what IS advertIsed, before as many people as posGlble for the smalle~t pOSSIble cost The assoCIatIOn has prepaled a number of advertIsmg units proofs of whILh are pre~entcd to yOU \\Ith thh Olheet. Study them care full} You WIll 110tIce that they are mortIsed so that prices or other mformatlOn may be msel ted to smt your needs No matter VI' hat} ou are plaul11ng-an advertLement or a Clrcular-b} the me of these umts, satIsfactOl y results may be obtamed m a very few mmutes BesIdes the advantage of havmg your matenal ready pre-pared, you V\III note the great sav1l1g 111 cost Through co-opera-tIon, we are able to fm111sh you for 40 cents what, 1I1dlvlClually, would cost} ou $1 tlO The further advantage is that these U111tS mal be used aga1l1 and agal11 at ~mtable mtervals After the fn st cost of the U111tS,the expense of a CIrcular for mstance made up of these IS practIcally hmlted to presswork and paper,and then, by the use of these e~tablbhed sIze U111tS,your advertIsement al-way s appeal s u111form and gIves your advertIsement an mcl!vI-duaht}, not eaCJly u111tated by others. In the constructIOn of these U111tSwe have not lost SIght of the essentIal prinClple~ m advertIsmg of first, credtmg attention; second, creatmg a desll e, and thlnl, creat1l1g a re~olve to buy, which fact IS often lost by the ca~ual advertIser In concldel1ng the advantages of these advertIsmg helps, do not fall to conSIder the sav1l1g of neV\"paper space, whIch we all know costs conSIderable monel PIck up any country newspaper and study theIr "ads ,. You Villi find, tune and tune agam, that the cuts used occupy ~everal tIme~ the space necessary to Illustrate the artIcle. Then by the tIme the average small pI mt1l1g office has added a descnptlOn of these artIcles (mvanablly usmg larger type than IS necessary) you can readIly ~ee that the cost of the space they occupy IS two or three tImes the first cost of the mc!Jvldual U111tSwe furmsh you. Thus \\ e feel that our assoCIatIOn can through ItS adver-tIsmg helps, save you at least 75 per cent your present cost of advertIsmg hardly pOSSIble of obtammg m the old way There-fore, \\ e hope that our 111embels WIll avaIl themselves of thIS op-portu111ty to go aftel bus1l1ess thIS fall, whIch ought to be one of the most prosperous seasons we have had for many a year. Reap portIOn of the plant and put It out of busmess There remains a two story bnck warehouse 80x100 feet (and platforms) con-tammg about $1 (),OOO worth of goods, four-tenths of whIch IS Iron, \\ l110w goods, beds, cots, chairs, spnngs, etc The factory output whIch \\ as pnnClpal1y K D needs assembling and re-burm shmg of the matenal on hand, and offers a good fal1 and \vmter Job for a couple of capable men to shape up for the market and mCldental1y may present a desIrable opemng for restockmg the plant BeSIdes the above there IS 13 acres of land w1thm ten mmutes walk of the bus mess center, and two blocks of the electnc belt car". It 1" entered by two raIlroad hnes connecting \\ 1th eIght other" chvergmg m al1 chrectIOns The b011er and shay mg houses, both of bnck, are mtact, also the blO\\ pIpe receIve 1, and pal ts, and a 100,000 bnck cemented ustern The foundatIOns of the factory 88x180, WIth the debris of a t\Vo story and basement bnck are awa1tmg reconstruction and the '230 H P Corhss engme IS restmg on ItS foundatIOn shghtly damaged by fire and exposUl e A1110cated in tern tory four-fifths Vll gm forest of the vanous classes of pme, oak, gum, ash, poplar, 'y camore maple magnoha, hol1y and other hard and soft timber, m \\ h1ch mnumerable saw 111111plants are bemg mstal1ed and opel ated I deSIre the trade to kno\\; the plant here IS part1al1y destroyed and out of busmess, to save them farther waste of hterature and postalSe, as \Vel1 as to sohClt the attentIOn of the men needed. Very truly and respectful1y A CURRIE 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN the full benefit of active assocIatIOn work and co-operatIve methods. If any other mformatIon IS deSIred, address the seCl etan . W L Grapp, at Janesv111e, Mmn. Yours for a hearty co-operatIOn, The AdvertIsmg CommIttee By the way the mIdsummer meetmg of the ;\Imnesota Re-tal! FurnIture Dealers' AssoClatIOn IS to be held at \Imneapohs on Wednesday of the commg week-September 8 C\S there \\ 111 be only two seSSIOns-mormng and afternoon-the program w111 be devoted mamly to routme busmess, 1eports of office1 sand commIttees, but It provIdes fm two addresses George J H11h el of Wmona wtll tel1 "What the Co-opelatIve Catalogue S\ "tem Pubhshed by the Merchants, Is Domg for \\ mona L Da\ HI son of Cannon Fal1s w111speak on "How and \\ hat "L-se 1 am Makmg of AssoClatlOn Helps," and the meetmg \V111c!o"e \\ lth a general diScussIon of "\Vhat \V III Bnng the Greatest Gooel to our Members at the Next c\nnual ::\Ieetmg m Janual y The reasons for holchng thIS l111dsummel meetmg a1e \\ el1 stated by PresIdent Buenger and Secretary Grapp m the Gl eet-mg" that serves as an mtroductlOn to the pnnted program sent out m advance m which they say A few years ago \\e \Vould not have beheveel po,slble the helps that our assoClatIOn has been glvm~ 1h member-, dunl1g the past half-year Helps that can be ~ecured by the 1eta11 de,tlel through no other agency, and that are a con"tant 1em1l1dCl ot what co-operatIOn m assocIation \\ ork can and doe, do "Owmg m a large measure to eAceptIOnalh lSood ClOp" we are now entenng upon one of the most pro::,pelous season, that Mmnesota has expenenced amI our patI on::, are ~01ng to hay e money to spend thIS fal1 How much of thIS cash busme~" are you gomg to get? How wel1 prepal ed are yOU for the b1gg e, t fal1 busmesss that you ever had? How much thought are \ ou glvmg thIS matter of gomg after busmess as yOU never have be-fore? "The fact that the big mal! order houses are cogmzant ot thIS Immense bu"mess outlook b mamfe~t by the unusual quantlt\ of advertIsmg matter whIch IS bemg turned out at their pnntmlS estabhshments To keep our merchants m touch \\ 1th \\ hat IS gomg on and to help them to put themselves m a posltlOn to "meet and bear' thIS game when It comes, are the pllnclpal rea-sons that have mftuenced our officel s to hold a m1d"ummer meet-mg. "We cannot tell you about it here, the most we can say IS, that It IS deCidedly to your best mterest to come to thh com en-tlOn " HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY. Capable Men Wanted to Handle the Remains of a Southern Furniture Factory. The fol1owmg self-explantory letter, the \\ lltel of \\ hlCh b a real estate dealer, WIth offices m the First ::\atlOnal Bank bUlld-mg, Shreveport, La, IS pubhshed WIth the Idea that It may be read by some man or men who would be pleased to accept\\; hat b ap-parently a good opportumty to enter the fUlmture manufactUlmg busmess m the south Shreveport, La. -\ug 2G, 1()O£) Vveekly Artisan, Grand RapIds, l\I1ch Gentlemen -Your favor of the 21st mst addressed to the Queen CIty Furmture Manufactunng Company, received by me as successor to the ownershIp of the pi operty, whIch I acqUlred at receIver's sale, after a fire whIch destroyed the manufactunng A Modest Advertiser. 1he fol1O\\mg appear" as a standmg advertisement m the Gazette of Phoemx, Anz ,I deSIre to thank my many fnends and patrons for the ex-cel1ent patronage given me at my new store, corner of Fourth a\ enue and \\ ashmgton "treet, and to say I wil1 contmue to put torth e\ ery effort to please and w111at al1 times sell anythmg m he turmture Ime at satisfactory pnces " "CH-\S DONFRIO" ~. . ..- -- - --- .., A. L. HOLCOMB & CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE OROOVINO SAWS .. - ..-- ... ---- up to 5-16 thICk. ---- Repai ..ing•••Satlsfaction gu....anteed. CItizens' Phone 1239 ,-~--~_._~.__.2_7----N-.-Ma..ket St.. G..and Rapids. Mich. --_. - - - - - - - - - - ~ ROLLS THE "RELIABLE" KIND THE FEllWOCK AUTO & MFG. CO. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. SOLVES AN INSTALLMENT PROBLEM Massachusetts Furniture Dealers Find Difficulty in Complying With a Stringent But Defective Law. Massachusetts has a stnngent law regulating the sale of goods on the mstallme~1t plan It reqUIres the dealer to fur-msh the buyer wIth a copy of the contract at the trme of sale and III case of default he must gIve the buyer thIrty days' no-trce, furmsh hIm an ItemIzed statement and make a written de-mand for the balance due before he can legally take posseSSIOn of the goods Another prOVISIOn, WhIch has proved unsatrs-factor y reqUIres that m case 75 per cent of the contract pnce has been paId the goods must be advertrsed and sold at auctIOn, the buyer to receIve any surplus over the amount due and the cost of foreclosure The law IS so loosely drawn and so vague that members of the Home FurnIshers.' Association of Massa-chusetts have found great dIfficulty In trymg to comply wIth ItS prOVISIOns, m eIther letter or spmt One of the most difficult problems is how to make a contract cover addItional purchases WIthout dlsturbmg the nghts of eIther party under the original contract or lease ThIS problem was submitted to Alonzo E Y ont, attorney and secretary of the aSSOCIatIOn,who deCIded that the best way to solve It IS to make an addItIOn to the original lease in the followmg form whIch he has publIshed in the Home FurnIsher, a bulletm Issued monthly to members of the asso-ciation: ADDITIONAL LEASE AND CONTRACT. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I and receIved of have thIS day hIred. the following artrcles which are to be added to and made a part of my lease No. .., dated. .. , agreeing that the goods herem named together WIth all other goods prev JOusly delIvered to me under the provI::,ions of said lease, shall remam the property of condItions of thIS or any prevIOUS contract relating thereto untrl the performance of all the For the rent and use of all the goods now leased me, I promise to pay the said ., . . ItS successors or assigns, at their office, the sum of dollars per . untIl the amount paId shall equal the sum total of the above schedule and any prevIOUS agreement herein refer-led to, mc1udmg the adclItIon of five per cent on the price named m thIS schedule and also five per cent on the balance 1emaming unpaId one year from thIs date and at the end of each and every succeedmg year I agree that scl1d . may Insure these goods for their full Jylaluc for its benefit or for whom it may COn-cern and add the expense of such 1l1surance to my lease, whIch I agree to pay. I AGREE THAT THE GOODS NAMED SHALL NOT BE MORTGA..GED, PLEDGED, SOLD, RE-LET, DAMAGED OR INJURED, reasonable wear excepted; NOR REMOVED WITHOGT THE 'WRITTEN CONSENT of saId . .. '" . . .. . ..... . . . . . , . be first obtamed thereto I agree that If I fall to make payments as herein promIsed, or to per-form any of the condItIOns of thIS contract, then saId. may re-take all of the goods herem mentIOned wherever they may be located WIthout bemg gUIlty of any trespass or tort I further agree that If the goods mentIOned shall be re-taken by saId . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. and there re-mam<; a balance unpaId after credltmg their fair value, less the cost of expense of re-taking, to my account, I will pay such balance on demand. I agree that said . . . . . .. ..... . .. may cancel thIS contract at any tIme before delIvery of goods. As further secunty for thIS addItIOn to said lease, I have this day de-pOSIted the sum of . . .. , .dollar::" which is exclusively for and on account of the goods herem mentioned I have carefully read th1s add1twlt to lease before signmg and have received a copy of same. Signed by . 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN r-·····--········-·----·-·-·---·~·--·---······ ... . --- .. ----4f e • I ._-_._ _-----_ -_ . OCTAGON ~EDESTALS AND TABLE LEGS That 18 the question. and a big one, too How do you nlake them? How much do they cost you? How good are they, and are they unIform? Just take a lIttle time and let these questlOns soak in Becanse you may be wasting on the manufacture of the Pedestals and Legs what you save by eco-nomIcal Manufacture on the Tops Your profits are then cut down Make the cost of the dIfferent parts balance One man "lth our LEG AND PEDESTAL MACHINE WIll make Octagon and Polygonal shaped turnings at one tenth to one twentIeth of what it costs by hand round ones at one-sIxth to one-tenth The savmg In tIme and labor IS what makes that bal-ance ",e ",ere Just talking about Now, don't say that sounds pretty good," and let It sUp your mInd Just Write us to-day C. MATIlSON MACHINE WORKS 863 Fifth st., BELOIT, WISCONSIN. ~_ . .-.. . .... --_._.-.-.~._._._-_. ----_.-_.__.-._-~.--_. ._._--..-._._---------------' ... Hoosier Capital Notes. Indianapohs, Ind, Sept 2-The K1 amer \Ianufactunng Company, are sendIng out tvvent) -fi\ e hundred ot theIr tall catalogues, whIch are gotten up 111 excellent ::,t) Ie 1'h1::, company makes a 'ipenalt) of da\ enp01 t"l ancl PI e"'ldent Andrew Kramer reports the tIade \\ 1th the company fine the factory havmg been rUll on full tIme all ot tll1') \ ea1 ] he corrt,pany recently buIlt an add1tlOn to theIr uphobtenng de-partment wluch faClhtates the manufacture of then hne to a conSIderable extent. Manager Chatle'i Da) of SmIth Da) &. Co chan manu facturers, report'i bU"111e"" \\lth hI') film a" t\\ent)-fi\e pel cent better than the same penod of la"t ) ear :l\fanager 1\. L Hagedon of the II e"te1n Fur11ltUle Com- I I l [ I I I From Suite 1545 by the Nelson-Matter Furmture Co.• Grand Rapids. pany states they have all the busmes'i the) can handle th1'i year, the plant bemg taxed to Its capaClty Hageman Brothers IS one of the new veneer firms of Indlanapohs, who have been 111operatlOn "mce J an 1 The firm IS composed of A J Hageman and A E Hageman and both are expenenced men 111the bU::,111e"s The firm reports an excellent trade. PreSIdent J. D Man" of the Ind1anapoh", Sa \\ eel Veneer Company reports the v olume of busmes::, WIth hIS com pan) such that they are unable to keep up \\ Ith It. The udell Works have just Issued an eIghty-eight page catalogue that IS the finest productlOn the company has yet put out The pages are of the hIghest quahty of enamel and the half-tone::, are the best obta111able The CO\ ers are em-bossed and of Herculean stock One hunch ed ne\\ deSIgns are shown; the catalogue sho\\ 111g::,heet musIc cabmets, plano player roll cab111ets, cy1111der and chsk record cab111ets, lache,,' desks, hbrary book cases, medlC111e cabInets, commodes and !old111g tables "\ speCIal feature conSIsts in the catalogue be111g arranged ab::,olutely for the benefit of the dealer and made up "0 as to be a sales help to hIm ThIS also applies to the arrangement of the pnces. SIX thousand catalogues WIll be maIled at th1::, tIme The 'Cdell \\ orks have also just mail-ed t\\ ent) -fi\ e hundred of theIr new thIrty-two page music ub111et catalogue, and a1e hav111g five hunch ed speCIal cata-logue",. pnnted for theIr eAport trade, whIch extends into ~outh Amenca, Cuba, MeXICO and the PhIlhpmes Manager Cobb 'itate" that theIr exhIbItIon sales 111July were very grab- 1\ 111g and In \ 1ew of the fact that the company's sales force a1e "'end111g In large 01del '0, and the company's catalogues not) et all 111the hand" of the trade, the condItions are such that the L-dell II orks WIll have all the business they WIll be able to handle The Quiet Way. IYhat's the use of worrY111g, Of hurry 111g, And scurry111g, Everybody flurrying, And breakmg up theIr rest, \Vhen everything IS teachmg us, Preachmg and beseech111g US To settle down and end the fuss, For qUlet ways are best? The rain that trickles down in showers A blessmg brings to thirsty flowers, And gentle zephyrs gather up Sweet fragrance from each bnmming cup, There's ruin in the tempest's path, There's ruin in the voice of wrath, And they alone are blest vVho early learn to dominate Themselves, their violence abate, And prove by their serene estate That quiet ways are best. The bUlldmg f01metly oocupied by the Grand Rapids Fur-niture Company 111Youngston, Ohio, has been remodeled and IS now occupIed by A Leopold, who has moved hIS stock frOTh 2G3 \Vest Federal street, where he had been in the retail furni-ture business for five years. WEEKLY ARTISAN .. iIIf III III II I I I I If It If I IIIf '--------_._----_._-~_.--- .. -' ----~-----_._._---_.~----- . . .-- _. . ---_._._._-- Crooked Buying. Dunng the 111Id-summer sellrng season the representatn e of a cel tarn manufactunng house exhlbltrng a lrne of furl11ture rn, It matter" not III what market, "a:o approached by the re-presentatlVe of a corporatIon manufactunng factory suppl1e'3 "Do you sell-of-?" namrng a plom111ent dealer dOIng busI-ne" s 111a promrnent CIty, the suppl} sale"man enC]mred 111the cour"e of a conversatIOn '1\ 0, I hay e never got a 'look m' wIth the buyer He :opend" a gl eat deal of t me 111 the market, but ne\ er "eemlng-ly, has had time to look at my hne." 'He IS now m a recept1Ve mood, and WIll make a date wIth yOU, If you lll\lte hun to do :00," the :oupply salesman con-t111ued In a day or two the buyer appeared III the s:llcsroom of the manufacturel m questlOn, Inspected the hne carefully and placed a liberal order. Defore tak111g hIS departure he de-clared that he would use a great many pIeces contaIned 111the lIne dunng the holiday sea:oon. Accordll1g to the "frame up" It was then 111order for the supply salesmen to appear on the scene Gorng to the office of the manufacturer of furnIture he explamed the ments of the supplies he was selhng, and when 111formed that the man-ufacturer dId not care to change the maten",ls he had used, the supply salesmen enqmred "Y ou took a good order for furnr ture from-- (nam111g the buyer) In July" "Yes, a very good order," the manuafcturer replred "You are rndebted to me for that order The buyer b a fnend of m111e He placed It With yOU upon my requ~"t." The manufacturer ll1tllTIated that there was "nothlllcrb dorng" and the salesman departed In less than one "eek the 01der for furniture was can-celled. The buyer 1:0 well-known and the "alesman represenb a promment firm Legal means should be proVided for the punishment of such crooks. .... Ii . -- .----.----.-..._._---_._-_._. __.._------~ i ...II II your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. <rlarence 1R.bills DOES IT 163 Mad"son Avenue-CItizens Phone 1983 GRAND RAPIDS MICH 9 This Group for ~51 Solid Oak; French Plates; Any Finish Desired Wardrobe Dresser Combination Dresser Commode - - - - - Dresser ChIffonier Bed $18.00 650 400 8.75 775 6.00 FI\lISHES-Golden Oak Gloss Dull Golden Early Enghsh. Weathered or Fumed FOB. Mamstee. Manistee Mfg. CO. ____. MANISTEE,.MICH..----..4 New Factories. The Po~ey Soundmg Board Company of HoqUIam, Ore, has sta1 ted operatlOn~-manufactunng plano sounc11l1g boalCls- WIth a m111that has a capac It} of ~5,OOO feet pel day The ProgrcsslVe League of Alexander, La, ha" closed the negot1atrons by whish a chall ±actory WIll be estabh"hed 111that town. From SUite No 1545 by Nelson-Matter Furmture Co, Grand Rapids. James] rLlemper is mak1l1g arrange111ent~ to estabhsh a mat-tress factory at Helena, Ark. The Guthne (Okla ) Desk and 1:' urmture Company are now expected to start work 111theIr new factol y on September 21. H M. Wellman has orgam7ed a company and w1ll estaD-lish a factory at Oshkosh, VVIS, to manufacture a lowenng de-vice for caskets that he has made at South Doardman, M1Ch, for the past ~ix or seven years The DI unswlck- Balke-Collander Cornpany have bought the Lake Independence Compan} 's property at BIg Bay, M1Ch, where they Will establIsh a bow lrng p111factor}. The Escanaba VeneeI Company, recently incorporated w1th $25,000 capital stock, all paId m m cash, vnll establIsh a new factory and conduct a manufactunng and mercantile bUSIness at Escanaba, Mich. ~ ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---- r . .. ... 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF I Circassian, Mahogany, I and I Estab!~~B3~lbro I.. Gum Oak, Poplar Veneers. Veneer II I'" One Town and Another. Strange, how the travelmg man Journeymg along the raIl-road map 1Salways really m the same town Oh of cour"e theIr names are drfferent and they may vary occaslOnalh 111"Ize but you could sh1£t the depot slgns 1n man) an mstance, and so tal as the observer 1Sconcerned, 1t would make no chfterence The tram leave;, the cornfields and slows up along b) the tall red elevator, the ~ ater tank, the coal sheds and the 10\, rooted statlOn The same sort of fellow calls out the bus that leach to "the best hotelm the C1ty" The same cut-up boy ndes up on the hmd step of the veh1cle You rattle along past the Implement shops, the hvery barns and on past the clatter at the smIth) s hammer to the pubhc square, opposIte wh1ch IS sItuated "home sweet home" wh1le you are 111the burg Then the same sort of slckly lookmg chap takes ) our gnp He looks as 1f he had had no sleep m a month and the pallor at h1S countenance sets h1m apart from the b} ;,tandmg farmel Just behmd h1m at the office desk 1Sthe artlst1cally lettered mm 01 decorated w1th ads of firm" most of whom have long '111ee gone out of busmess LJp the ,\orn plush carpet stan \\ a, \ all are led to your room~always the same square, hlc1eou"l) papel ed bo"'- w1th the water p1tcher greetmg yOU from the cheap dres;,er and the bed suggestive of creepmg thmgs At dmner, you are glVen an opportumty to flIrt \\ Ith the gIrl who asks you If you WIll take "tea, coffee or Ice tea, and you have occaSlOn to come m contact \\ Ith other guests from the out-slde world, who have lent glamor to the place~the mlll111el tnmmer out from ChIcago, the horse buyer, the members of a v1s1tmg ball team, the local edItor who has come up to take a portlOn of h1S advert1smg bIll out m tIade, and occas1Onah, the show troupe bIlled that mght for stunts m the hall aba, e the drug store Then there 1Sthe call upon the fellow \\ ho has come 111from the farm and bought out the town restaurant, He ah\ a} s has a bunch of kJds romp111g around the counter, to ,\ ham )OU mu;,t first pay attent10n Talkmg w1th a it avelmg man 1s a bH'; event w1th him You can tell tlMt IJ\ the ,elf con,c1OUS SIde glance, that he makes to native, who are loafmg lust bac k of you and who are slzmg up your clothes a, }ou take out \ OUI goods - And evemng-1sn't 1t clehghful m the,e places where tWIIH';·:lt falls so sllently that the croak of frogs out m the mar;,hes dnfb to your ears, uncannily A s you stand out m front of the "CommercIal Home," the people of the to\\n dnft by They form a pageant of characters such as you have met m all the other towns you have been m-and, of course, not among the least of these IS the young lady who doe5n't take mto conslderat1On the fact that you mIght be marned, but who wants to take a stlo11 down the back street w1th you over towards the cemetery. You Co. CINCINNATI. O. are thOl oughly famlhar w1th the ;,ort 1f you have been on the road long TheIrs IS the sort of romantIC nature to whIch a stranger appeals \nd there IS also that chance of gettmg mto a game WIth ,ome local shark, or gomg down to the grocery store to tell stones 01 predIct to the long beards' how the elect10n IGcom1l1g out But what} ou mvanably do when the strenuous day IS done IS to get off mto a httle corner of the readmg room to wnte to the house and to "her Then you beard the crcepmg thmgs m thur laIr only to Jump out at an ungodly hour to make an-other to\, n, \\ hlch WIll be Just hk~ one you have left~O Fred ~')\\eet 111 Travchng Salesman Circular Doesn't Worry Freight Rate Refornlers. BUSIness men of Denver have receIved an anonvmous Clf-cuLl! \\ hlch declares that freIght rate reformers are' domg the 'ltuatlOn much harm and permanent mJury may be wroug1-Jt to Colorado and Ltah The author predIcts the closmg of the Gah eston gate\\ a} In tll1s C011nect1On the statement 1S made that all-I all tonnage from Atlantic seaboard to Colorado has de-crea" ed from tJ() to J:J per cent of the total, and that tonnage vIa (,alveston has deClca5ecl from 35 per cent of the total to about Adopted by the Grand Rapids Furniture Association are produced With our: Golden Oak Oil Stain No. 1909, Filler No. 736. Early English Oil Stain No. 55, Filler No. 36. Weathered Oak Oil Stab No. 1910. Mahogany Stain Powder, No.9, Filler No. 14. Fumed Oak (W) Stain No. 46. ~I II per cent wIllIe tonnage V1a South AtlantIC ports has 1l1creased tr01l1 about 1() per cent of the total to practICally 50 per cent The'" nter further ~tates, and not WIthout truth, that becausf' of the g-reat dmO\.1l1tof freIght be1l1g handled through the South -\tlanttc ports by rea;,on of the dIfferentIal rate now 111 force, the al1-Tatl routes arf' 111 a cond1tlOn of unrest and WIll welcome the first opportu11lt) to aboh~h the dIfferentIal The CIrcular IS not causmg any \\ orry, however, and the reformers are gOl11g nght on \\ Ith theIr \\ ork Onh a fool woule! pel sume to guess at the age of an egg- or a woman ------------------------------------- - WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood workmg tools, you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothing but Quality tools, the first cost of which is considerable, but which will make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machines flood- 109 the country. Oliver Tools Save Labor UObver" New VarIety Saw Table No 11 W,ll take a saw up to 20s d,ameter Arbor belt IS 6' WIde Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Work. and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, U. S. A BRANCH OFFICES-Oher Machmery Co. Hudson Termmal. 50 Church St. New York, Ol,ver Machmery Co , FilS! NatIOnal Bank Bmldmg, ChIcago, III , Ohver Machmery Co , PacIfic BUlldmg, Seattle, Wasb , Ohver Machmery Co • 201-203 Deansgate, Manchester, Eng " Time "OLIVER" No. 16. Band Saw 36 Inches Made wIth or WIthout motor dnve Me t al lable 36"x30" WIll take , 8" under Ib e gUIde lilts 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees the other way Car ... nes a saw up to 1 %1' WIde OutsIde beanng to lower wheel shalt when not motor drIven WeJgh. 1800lb. when ready to shiP FEARS THE EFFECT OF STRIKES Sensible Ideas Expressed by a California Furniture Dealer. "Strikes may cause bus1l1e~s depre%lOn 111 some of the eastern CItIes," declaled H K Jackson, presIdent of the Jackson Furm-ture Company of Oakland, Cal, on hIS return home from the Grand RapIds, ~ew York and ChlLago markets "Even a threat-ened stnke IS bad for any commul11ty, ' he IS quoted as sa}1l1l5 "There IS nothmg that so completely paral)Zes bus1l1ess and cloes It so qUlckly as a strike The large cO!por atlOns m most mstances are to blame They are lllvarIably III a pro"perous con-chtlOn and m the long run profit by a strike whl1e the common people lose, and III such a way that they can neve 1 recover then losses "These bIg cO!pOifatlOns declal e fabulous chvldends that create Immense mdlVldual fortunes Take for example the anthraCIte coal compames and steel compame of Penns} lvama By reducmg theIr chvlclencls Just a trifle not enough to make an} chfference to theIr stockholders, and add It to the wages of thclr under-paId employes they would elmllnate all posslblhty of a ctrIke, and by so dOlllg create better employes, better cltl7ens, and msure busmess condItions "The threatened car stnke m ChIcago hau everybody III the Clt} frightened There IS onl} a small wage lllcrease asked b} the men Surely that could be settled al11lcably WIthout lettmg- It come to a strike whIch would Jeoparchze the mterest of e\ er} merchant m the Clty of ChIcago and gIve the bus1l1ess Interests a set back that would take years to overcome 'I have been an employer fOJ many yeal '0, and found If yOll are inclined to play faIr, yOll WIll have no dIfficulty WIth labor " Tempers " Cost In fact all strikes could be avO!ded by usmg a httle chplomacy and meetlllg the men half way You cannot convert a stnker by beatmg hIm over the head Cornpulsory arbltrabon estab-hshed by the law IS what It IS eventuall} comlllg to "Travel IS exceptlOnall} heavy, Pullman accommoclatlOns thIS SIde of ChIcago havmg to be engaged days ahead Heavy travel 1~ alwa} s a good SIgn and 111chcates that people are prosperous " In spIte of the fact that love is popularly supposed to be blmd, man} a fellow hac; fallen 111love WIth a gIrl who IS a SIght. Those '" ho are rollmg in wealth might find a better use for it r--·~------------~-~~-----·-·-------·, II III II I III I I THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send your address and and receive descrlptlVe CIrcular of Glue Heaters, Glue Cookers and Hot Boxes WIth prices. The Weatherly Co. Grand Rapid •• Mich. ..... - - ~~------- ----------------- Rotary Cut Plain Oak Veneer 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN If You Want One Crate or a Carload of Write us. We have it, red or white, crated and ready to ship. Walter Clark Veneer Company 535 Mich. Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. EBONY ON THE RIO GRANDE. A Fake Story Brings Out Some Interest-ing Information. The St LouIs Globe-Democrat, about the fil..,t \\ eek 111 August, publtshed a story from :\[I"SIO n,Tl, to the errld that large quantlttes of mesquIte and tl ue ehom could hl found m the lower \ alley of the RIO (,rande r1\ el. that 11111C11 of It was be111g de"tlo\ ed-bl11 neel In "lttlcl'" III clca1llng-then farms-and that II tllta111 T TII\ an \\]w 0\\ n.., a Cjnd1 II sectIOn of land dOI\n thele \1 d.., thl hl,t to cll"'lO\ 11 the11 the t1111berwa" valuable and to make l1"'l oj lt \[1 1\1 \ dn all l1cl mg to the stor) , sa\ed the mesCjmte and II um log" tll"t \\lle cut on hl'i land, "hIpped "a lOUple ot car load~ t,) a <"'t Lams factory, and \vas to hay e them \\ olkecl up 111tOt\\ 0 i1111 sets of h011seholc1 fnrl1ltuf(~, one set to he l1"ed 111hh l1l\\ home and the other to be pI e'ientecl to one ot hh claughtll" ThIs was declared to be the fir"t tl111l that a lOl11plul ..,U oj furl1lture had been made of ehol1\, \\ h1lh I" one ot the haHI-est woods and IS extremely ehfficult to \\ork The Globe-Democrat's story has appeared III se\ e1al other papel", Inclndmg tI'e (hrhtal11 C::C1ence\[Ol11t01 ot l\CJ" ton, whIch had :\fr TI1\ an 'i 10Q"'i'ih1pped to a \[lc1m~an j,ll-tory 1l1stead of 5t Lom" l hur"cla\ 111Inlng oj thh \\ eel, 1t appeared In the (,rand RapId" Herald, \\h1ch In mde1 to aId local 1l1tere'it to the ) arn had the log" slllppec1 to d G1and RapIds fml1lture factOl}, tho11Q"h 1t publtshed the 'itor} nnder a 5t Lotus date Reahzlng that an} factO! \ ma1{1lJg ebony furl1lture for :\Ir Bryan \v1tho11t ache1tts111Q" the fact was neglect111g an excellent Opp01 t11111t}, a rep1 esentat1\ e of the 1\'ee1dy Arthan, made a httle 111\ e ,tH:;at10n He first called up AddIson 5 Coodman of the I uce rur11ltm e C 0111 pany. \\ho l'i p1e"ldent of the C1anc1 Rap1c1" I U1111!llll \Ll11u-facturers' ~ssoC1atlon ~rr. Goodman ehd not kno\\ of any local factory ha\lng lece1\ul an O1c1el £Iom \11 1:31' an dnd eApre-.sed the Idea that the "to!y nw;ht hay e blen ofUS-lllated In the unaglllatton of "Ollle lOll e"ponrlent \\ ho \\ a.., "h01 t ot matenal II Ilhalll IVldchlomb of the Illddllol11h I m111tu1e Company. \\ho IS knO\\n a'i an eApert on furl11tme \\ood.., was next called upon and he gal e hh 0pllllOn "ub'ita'1t1alh a'i follow'i "As T under"tancl It ebon} I" a p11reh tropIcal ploc111ct I do not th111k It IS found 111 l'e.xa" 01 northern \lexlco 1 do not kno\\ ot an} f1lll11ture facto!} In the count1 \ that the" It 1 '-,uppo'ie It could be used. though It l'i hal d. hea\ \ anel e,- tremel} chfficult to \\ or1<. I ne, e1 'ia\\ but one pIece of It 111 the rough and that was a httle crooked log, 111 ~ e\\ York, that came from somewhere In Central or South Amenca, I th111k It IS altogether hkely that the story about Its groW111g along the RlO Grande IS an example of the versatthty of some penn} -a-1111er The (J"rancl Raplr1s Brush Company must use "ome of the \\ ood. Better call on thelll, perhaps they can tell \ au all about It ' ~t the bru"h factory, the 111qlll"ltor was shown samples ot ebon), and told that It grow" only It the tropIcs-the best come" from LClL111tne"near the equator In Its natural state It IS dalk 1>111not ah\a}" black and has a beautIful gra111 It h denc,e hard and hea\}, but I" ea'ill} "tamed Not\\ Ith- ..,tanc!tnC!,1h haldne"" the "tam gocs throu~h It and "La} "-1'i pel manent 1t b "'olel not by the foot nor by the ton. but by lhe pound and 1l lom"" In "tllks rathel than m logs The blu"h maker" and other manufalturer" \\ ho u"e It for small al tlcle" buy It from ll11porter" 111~ ew York and BO'i10n. The be"t qualtty-the black-and the lal ge'it "log,," come" from 111Chclanel le} lon, anel e\ en 111 those C011ntne" It IS a rare tl ec 1 he "pelle" founel 111Centrdl and South Amel1ca IS not t1 ue black ebon \ It 1" dark, but l'i often staIned to make 1l black and then can be d1'i!lnglll'ihecl from the gemune only b\ e'pcrts. It I" almo"t as expensne a", that flOlll the East Incites Furniture Fires. The :'-lanl11ng 1·urmture \\ as bm ned on ~m;mt 2cl 111.., urecl. James Coombs, furmtnre dealer of Malden. :Vlass lost $-WO or $300 by fire 111hI" store home on Reserve "treet last Sunday rull} 111sured 5 J Fe}, funllture dealer and undertakel of Lora111 0, "uffeleel a loss of about $2,'500 b} fire 011 \ugust 23 HIS 'itorehou"e \\ as bm ned amI hIS uncle 1tak111Q"lOoms badly dam-factory at Sulphur SPI ings, Tex, Loss, $10,000 or $12,000, parttally aged. Good Business Opportunity. 1 he recen er" "ale of the \ ent} -Ca-.well property of Portland, :'-1Ich.. announced on another page, WIll afford a ~ood opportunlt} for 111Ve'itment by men famlltar WIth the fur11lture 111anufdctunng bU"111es" There IS a factory well eC[lllpped \\ lth modern lllalh111el}, a cOll"lderable amount of fil11~hed, partly fil11"hed ancl unfi11lshed "tock, WIth lumber and Othll ..,upplle.., enough to enable the purcha"er to be~111 busI-ne..,,, at once, and the prodult:-, of the old company have a gooel replltatlOn The sale 1:0 to take place at Portland 0'1 1 uesday, September 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN A Practical Cutter Grinder. MOIrh \Iood & Sons of 271G \Vest Lake Street, CJl1cago, manufacture a large Ime of wood cutters and abo the TwentIeth Century Cutter Gnnder a practIcal, useful, money-sa\ mg tool The manufacturers arc tdhmg man} Olden for thIS machme, at> well as for other toob of theIr manufacture and have been compelled to operate theIr factor} ll1~hts m ordel to take Cdle of theIr mcreasmg trade Effective Helps to Sell. Frederick Arnold Fall aI, advel tlSlng manager fOl the Adams & Elting Camp an} , "The Ad-elIte People," has pro-duced one of the best thmgs 111 the way of a catalog lle or adver-tIsing magazme, evel sent ant to dealers. It contains t\\ eh e pag e" about the SILe of Le"lIe's or CollIel' s pnnted m colors on enameled papel and IS mtended to show dealers what the" \d-el- ite People" dre clomg to help them sell H yglell1c Kdlsonnne. Ad-el-Ite, J\1JsslOn wood fill1shes and other of the company '" products It IS entItled, "Helpmg Yon to Sell-Co operatIOn That Counts," and It certamly sho\\ s that the Adams & Fltmg Company are co operatIng effectIvely \\ Ith dealers who handle theIr good", b} advel tIS1l1!?,extensIvely m the best mechums and hl1ll1shmg beautIfully colOled cards and ha1H;ers for store or wmdow sIgns and chspla}s and cuts for me 111 local papers Evel} dealer \\ ho handles wall, floor and fl11ll1tm e fill1"hes should have a copy of the" \(l-el-Ite People's" Ull1que catalogue Ad-dress the Adams & Elt1l1g" Compan}, advel tI S111gdepartment, ChIcago or New York Salesmanship Compared. In c!Jscuss1l1g sdlesmdnshlp the manager of a ~reat maml-factc11111g busmess III Inchanapohs recalled an Illstance where an alleged salesman talked a dealer IlltO t>\gmng an 01 der for a lot of dwarf bookcase~ of S\7e<; more generally 111 demand When the stock was receIVed and deposited III tLe wal ehouse a slllgie piece was placed 111an out-of-the-way corner of the show room and forgotten \\ hen thIS dealer was called upon later he condemned the goods, havlllg made no efforts to sell the same A competItOl III a neighborlllg street bought the good" because he was convlllced he had a market for them, and when receIVed he chsplayed promlllently the entire purcha"e He so1cl the lot and duplIcated the order Dwarf bookcases an 1 magazllle cablllets are very handy and useful far the apart-ments of young women. Then use enables the 1l11SSeSof a household to propelly care for then books and magaz1I1es With-out gomg to the fal1111yhbrary. Good "alesmanshlp can find a market for many bookca<;es III small sizes. r--.~..-·_._--~--------_... - . - ..- - ---- .._ ..--. II I "There's ,II , II•I ,,I I• I,,II I I t. ----------- • - -- •• - _ ... ~,--------------------------------------------~ THE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ARE BREAD AND PROFIT WINNERS No Stock complete WIthout the Eli Beds m Mantel and Upnght ELI D. MILLER & CO. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA Wnte for cuts and pnces ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, CHICACO. ~..---------------_ ..... . . ------_ .. -~ 13 ~- -~--~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~---- 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN ----- ------_. .--_._._-_._._---_ ..----------.._. ._. -_-.-.----....~ VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS AND SEE THE BEST LINE OF DAVENPORT BEDS IN THE MARKET We wl11have the nght styles at the nght pnces and made to give ~atJsfactlOn. Don't miss commg to see the lme, It will pay you. Couches Parlor Leather Furniture Rockers ~ .;. ~ Show Rooms 35 to 41 N. Capital Ave. Ask for catalogues. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis,Ind. -----I~ Edward Malley's Estate and Will. Edward .Malley, dry goods and fur111tm e dealer ot "e\\ Haven, Conn, who dIed recentl), left an e~tate e,tnnatecl at $2,000,000, whlCh he dIsposed of 111a pecuhal \\ III -\fter ch,,- pos111g of about $20,0000, 111small bequests to \ anou" challtdble orga111zatlOns, fnends and I elatIves ::\1r :\lalley becllleath~ to l1l" grandson, Wallace Malley, the 111come from $23 000 for hfe The rema111der of the property, both I eal and per~onal, IS dIvIded 111tofour trusts f01 the use of hIS three chllch en, \\ alter, Arthur, and Jane Malley J'\ one of the chlleh en can recen e the pnnclpal form any of these trusts dunng then htetIme In dlSpoS111gof the bus111ess that bears hIS name '1[1 :\lalle\ provIded as far as possIble that the firm should be cal ned on 111- defimtely by hIS mdle descendants The stock h dry Ided 111to three trusts for the use of hIS clnldren In adc!ItIon thIrty ,har e" of the stock of the Edward Malley Company IS put 111trust £01 Wallace Malley The 111come from thIs stock I" not to be paId to Wallace Malley untIl he reache~ the age of 23 ) ears and tLen he IS to receIve the 111come only so long as he rema111S1I1 the em-ploy of the Edward Malley Company \Vhen he reaches the age of J5 years \Vallace IS to recen e thIs stock If preVlOlb to that tIme he has been for seven years In the employ of the Edward Malley Company PractIcally the same provIsIOn IS made for the son -\rthur '" . IMPROVED, EASY AND ELEVATO RS QUICK RAISINC Belt, ElectrIc and Hand Power The Best Hand Power for Furnzture Stores Send for Catalogue and PrIces KIMBALL BROS, CO., 1067 Ninth St.. Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co.. 323 Prospect St, Cleveland, 0 , l081lth St., Omaha, Neb., I:l0 Cedar St , New York City - .. ...-..~ '-------------._-_._- ---- -- . .. -_._._._._-_ ... Ilalle) If he ha" not served at the tune of reachmg 35 years the 'II aIle) Com pan) fOl se\ en years hiS share 111the 1l1come from the I [dlle\ "tock 1" to 1evert to Jane l\Ialley Something New. .'-It Elmo l\Iassengale, of somewhere down south, read a paper before the ~ssoc1ated AdvertJs1l1g Clubs of Amenca at LoU!w111e la~t \\ eek 111wh1ch the products of the fur111ture fac-t01les of l\ 01th Carolma were extolled A short extract serves to 1e\ eal 1tS slg11lfance The charge that Grand Rap1ds b1ands "orth Ldrol1l1a fU!11ltUle, as ItS own before sell111g It would make a \\ ooden Indian laugh "Over 111~orth Carol111a, nght 111the center of the greatest hard\\ ood sectlOn of the South, are a score of factones where fur- 11lture equal to any made 111tl11s country, IS be1l1g turned out every day, the sectlOn IS second only to Grand RapIds 111the amount of annual output 110m HH~-h POint ::-J C, and from surroundlllg C1tJes are sent every season great quant1tJes of furl11ture to Grand Rapids, or are e,h1ppecl to Chicago and other markets on the orders of Grand RapIds Jobbe1 sand manufdcturers These goods are sold under the b1and of Mlc.h1gan factones and North Carohna loses the creellt and the profits whlCh should be he1S "If the fur111ture makers of HIgh POlllt would adopt a trade mark, 1£ then the) would advertJse that trade mark, If they would make known the quahty of their goods und<cr that trade mark, or trade marks, and th1'; quahty has already been endorsed by Grand Rapids and by consumers all over the country, the profits dccru- 111gto the south would mount into the mllhons annually, whlch now go dsewhere and to more far-seeing merchants" WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 "THE ,.--------------------------------------. -------_._._._- ------_.---------- ., • BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. I i I _______ • • • __ • _ _ • • .~ •• • •. • .4II Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories. Sash and Door Mills, RaIlroad Companies. Car BUIlders and others wIll consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnIshed m rolls or reams. MANUl-ACrURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pat ~----_...-- GOSHEN AND STURGIS. StUlgIS, Mich., Sep 2 -President W C Grobhlser of the Grobhlser Cabmet Compames left last Saturday on a three weeks' westeln tnp The Royal Chair Company are plannmg to bUlld an additIOn to their plant next spnng which V\ III be 70xl00 feet m dlmenslOn:o two stones high to be used as a shlppmg room The company I::' now erectmg a second story additIOn to their office quarters Managel J F Walton states that the company IS crowded at present WIth orders beyond their capacity The Royal ChaIr Company are now mallmg eight thouusand fall catalogues to the trade. The catalogue IS a splendid productIOn m make up and covers the Royal Lme in a comprehensive manner The Stebbms-WIlhelm Burmture Company, manufacturers of high grade tables have m process of erectlon a one story structure GOxllS feet m dimenSIOns whIch to be used for a shlp-pmg room and for office quarters. The office quarters wIll oc-cupy a space of 16x60 The new bUllchng will be read} for oc-cupancy September 15 Secretary -Treasurer E B Stebbins, havmg returned from a four weeks' busme~s tnp m the states of OhIO, Kentucky and West V Irgmla, left Monday for a four weeks' busmess tnp through western Pennsylvama The Aulsbrook & Jones Furmture Company are remodelmg their veneer plant and enlargl11g the same to such an extent as to double its pi esent capacity. The Aulsbrook- Jones hne has been made over and IS entHely c1rfferent from former productIOns A speCIal feature of theIr lme of chamber furmture IS their Clr-cas sian walnut department which was added m July. The com-pany are havmg a better volume of business thiS year than any precedmg year and have an estabhshed trade from coast to coast A very handsome catalogue has Just been Issued of which three thousand copies are bemg mailed. The Sturgis Machine Company, establIshed SiX year::. ago, has Just moved mto a new bnck bmldmg 50x84 feet m size George F. Smith and Albert E NIcholson compose the company Mr. Nicholson was formerly connected WIth Wilham E Hill, the well known saw mill manufacturer The new plant afford:o double the capacity of the old plant and IS located on West street. President Harvey F Bdnta, of the Banta Furmture Company Goshen, Ind, IS makl11g a busines:o tnp through the principal cltles of the vvest and on the PaCIfic coast Mr. Banta left Augu:ot ± and IS expected to return about September 20. The Santa Furl1lture Company report busmess as good thiS year The company has a large trade whIch comes from all sectIOns of the Ul1Ited States PresIdent MCDow of the Goshen Veneer Company says theIr busmess was very good up to July 1 Since then orders placed have not been so heavy cl he company, however, had an accumulation of orders which they are now able to catch up with The I X L Furl1lture Company, manufacturer:o of kitchen cabll1ets, cupboards, wardrobes, desks, tables, medlcme cabmets, etc, are plannll1g to buIld an extensIOn next year which wIll be 60x120 feet, to be used as an additIOn to theIr fil1lshll1g and 11lachl11ery departments Secretary James A Arthur .states that ever smce the company began operatIOns away back m 1879, the factory has never been Idle but has been kept runnmg 10 hOUls every day President Hawks of the Hawks Furniture Company reports a satisfactory busmess thiS year and states the volume IS forty per cent better to date than the corespondmg penod of last year H J. D. What is Saw Dust? Whether sawdu"t IS lumber or fuel IS a questIOn which the Interstate COlTIlTIlSSlOnIS mVlted to answer m a complaint filed With that body m which a vIOlatIOn of the rate law IS alleged. The complamant IS the Plummer Company of MIlwaukee and the pomt at Issue IS a rate charged by the Great Northern for the transportatIOn of a carload of sawdu~t from MIlwaukee to H~t-tmger, N D The railroad held that sawdust was lumber and consequently charged lumber rates on the product. The com-plamant avers that sawdust IS fuel and therefore entitled to a lower rate The complamant requests that If the commIssion decides that sawdust IS fuel l11stead of lumber the Plummer company shall be awarded reparatIon m the :"um of $31 80 I have heard It saId that a woman never knows what she wants That IS a lIbel on the fair sex She always knows what she wants when she realIzes that she can't get it. l"-~~~~~~N~~~~~~=~~~ iII iEverything in Equipment for the Woodworker. I Offi_~'_. I 58 South Ionia St., Opposite Union Depot. Wood Working Machinery Factory Equipment Machine Knives, Bits, Etc. McMUllEN MACHINERY CO. GRAND RAPID, MICH ". _ • _ •• • --.-~ -_ ..........•.•..__•i ------------------------------------ "upe1 \ 1"1011of the manufactunng of woolmattre:,<;es IS equally a" t;leat 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITEC STATES ,OTHERCOUNTRIES $2 00 PERYEAR. SINGLE COPIES SCENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP OS, MICH. A S WHITE MANAGING ECITOR Entered as second class matter July i, 1909 at the post office at Grand Rapids. Michigan under the act of March J 1879 The Artisan repnnted an Item last \\ eek, wIthout comment, ham 1\lodern \lethocl", a bU<;111e:,,,pubhcatlon, to the effect that "a department stOle ln Ch1CdgO "ells at retelll dpp10" 1mately $300,000,000 \\ 01th of good::, annually \ 1nencl 01 the ArtIsan, pos~essed of an anal) tIcal m111cl, favOl ed the Artisan wlth the followmg comment on the Item. "1he com b111ed sales of Mal shall 1'1elcl & Co., 1 he I"aIr, Carson, Pme ~cott & Co, SIegle, Cooper Co, (ChIcago ancl '\e\\ YOlk) John \\Tanamaker, (~ew YOlk and 1'11lladelph1a) probabh \\Oldd not reach the amount mentlOl1ecl The a\ erdge Income of the l:'111tecl States gm ef1lment per annum lS about S300- 000,000" E\ 1c1entl) the amount <;tated 111.:\lodern \lethoc]" ancl repnnted 1n the Artt <;an was an en 01 Those fur11ltUl e dealer" of \lmllesota are e\ 1dentl) \\ l(le awake. They know that owmg to en0l1110US crops mal e fm-mture 1Shkely to be solel clunng the com111gthree 01 foUl month" than in any prevlOus fall season and to prey ent the mall OU!c1 houses from tak1l1g more than a :tan sha1 e ot the ha1 \ e"t t11C11 a ssoclatlOn WIll holcl a speClal meet111g Clt\lUH!," tDe Colllm!:; \\ eck to deVIse way s dncl means fOl boO"tlllg the :tedl tl acle Slllllla' cond1ttons eXIst 1111\J1ch1gan anel other states but nO,1e e"cLjY' the l\!l111nesota assoClatlOn has announced el11\thm!:; hke ,( "pe cial effo1 t to "make hay \\ hen the "un ~ll1nes ' A bUSllless man of DetrOlt sa) s, "the1 e are th1 ee kmcl" of men 111the \\ orld-the k1l1d )OU have to tell once to do a thm!:; and you can bet your hie lt \\ 111be clone, the second kllld \ ou have to tell th1ee or fOUl tImes, ancl the thIrd IS that great bUe;] ness producing class of men who clon't have to be told The) know what to do and go aheacl and do It \\ 1th the 111lttatn e quality the man of bus111ess is enabled to take up untned proh lems and solve them." If an artIcle of fur11lture prmes to be as goocl as re presented hy the sales agent the buy er recen es no mal e tlnlJ \1e IS entItled to But 111case the artIcle lS found lacking 111 the quahty claImed f01 It the huyer \ er) propetly e'(erC1se, hIS hea\en born pl1\11ege of plac111g hlS orders \\lth anothe1 manufacturer. Compld111t lS made of the use of 1nfenor stock by manufac-turers of cotton mattresses, on account of the hIgh pnce of the staple and some sort of regulatlOn lS demanded The need for Sale"men tray ehng out of St LOUIS WIll compete for pnzes ofterecl In manufacturer" of that CIty for the be:,t humorous stones of the road The conte<;t wdl p10bably prove that the he"t ::.ton-teller 1" not edvvay" the best story-wnter '\ a bUSIness coulcl surV1ve one year WIthout aclvert1s111g 111 "ome f01m \n) k111c1of an announcement by a merchant or manufactUler 1'0 aclvertIs111g, yet many hl-b111e% men U"111g ~uch announcements are unconSlOUS of the fact. 111reless telegrams of the news of the day WIll be cle- 11\ered to passengers on tra111S of the Great Northern ratlway ±1 ee of cost Change::. of styles by manufacturers of furmture \\ 111be reported three t1111es each day '\ ea11) a \\ eek has pas"ed S111ce the announcement of look" dl"lO\ e1\ \va" puhltshed, ancl yet no one has suggested that a turmtl11e e,<posltlOn for the benefit of the Esquimau be opened at the north pole '\ 0\\ that the pOSItion of the north pole has been defini- 1eh "ettled the furmture t1ade WIll probably re::'l1111ethe cl1" cU,,"lOn 01 that \ er) Important problem, "one hne a year" \1 ade In St Lam",' has been adoptecl as a slogan by the man utactu1 e1" of the met10poll', of 1\11ssoun It lS a borrowecl Idea hut It" !:;ood If apphed to well-made pro luch Duphcate orele1 s are ql11te es"entIal In the fur11ltl11e man-ufactunng bU"111e::." ] he first CUtt111g cannot bear the ex-pen" e of 111troduung new patterns 1\ Ith the 1eturn of the "ummer re"orter" to thelr home", an lmj)10\ ement 111the sale of house fur11l::.h1ng good::. m8y he c"lllC ted ] he manufacture of furmtl11e ddapted for u"e 111aIrshIp, pr0l111"e" to become dll lmportant 111dust1y Jt 1<,eas1e1 to md"ter the tech11lquc of bn::'111e"s than to ma"te1 the tech11lqne of men 111 bU::'1ness. Successful salesmen say only the nght thmg to customers American Investments in British Columbia. Consul Abraham E SmIth, of V1ctona, reports that ~111encan" hay e recently macle large 111vestments 111 BntIsh ColumbIa tImber, \ 17 On Vancouver Island, 110,000 acres, saId to conta111 13,000,000 feet of lumber, for WhICh large mIll<; WIll be erectecl the 111vestment to reach $5,000,000, on COW1- chan bland, 16.000 acres, est11nated to contalll 3,000,000 feet of tImber, on .:\Ioresby and Graham 1s1ancls, t1111ber land'> \ alued at 0\ er a mtlhon dollars, whtle at the recent sale of town lots at Pnnce Rupert, the new western term111US of the Grand Trunk PaClfic Ratlway, three-fourths of the purchase'> \\ e1e for Amencan account MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. The Carnes Fur111tm e Company of Atlanta, Ga, has b~en adjudged bankrupt. The Onental Upholstenng Company of Ca!l)Oncble, P d has gone out of bus mess H L X oecker & Son, furmture dealers of DauberVIlle, Pa are bmld1l1g a large warehouse Herbert Sexton succeeds vv alter Porter m the retaIl fur-niture busmess at BoonvIlle, 0J Y C J Harvey, fUlmture dealer of Seattle, \Vash, has filed a voluntary petItIon 111 bankruptcy The Flonda Movmg Van and Storage Company of J ack-sam IDe, has been declared bankrupt The Medford (Ore) Furmture Company are bUlld1l1g a warehouse 50 x 150 feet m dImensIOns. A F. RoellIg succeeds the late WIllIam Wagoner as buyel for the J B \ an SClver Company of PhIladelphIa. The fall dIrectory of permanent exhIbIts 111 the New York furniture exchange IS bemg maIled to the retaIl tI ade Lachman Bras have opened theIr new furl11ture store Oelt m what IS known as the \T1SSlOn dlstnct of San FrancIsco LoUIs Helstell1, flu mture dealer" of Hlbbll1g, ::\linn, \\ as marned to MISS \Illll11c Fncdman of MinneapolIs, August 2+ Luna, OhIO, ha:o a bed spnng factory owned and success-fully operated by two colOl ed men, Edward Adams and Charles Young RetaIlers of New York state, m :otate conventIon in ALH;l1st, adopted resolutIOns oppos111g any eAte11SlOn of the pal cels post service. Buyers regIstered at the N ew York Furl11ture E'Cchange Slllce the close of the summer season have avelaged seventeen per day The Herzog 1\rt Furniture Company of Sagmaw, l\IIch, are erectlllg an adchtlOn to theIr factOl y bl11ldmg, two stOlles. bG x 9G feet. Local business associatIOns 111 '\ ew York \\ ill raIse fL111C]s for the support of the state aSSOCIatIOnby glvmg entertamments to the public. The furniture and halClware busmess of thc Dlam-My natt Company of CI awfordvIlle, Ark, has been placed 1'1 the hands of a receIver. The Holmes DIsappearing Bed Company of Seattle, Wash, has becn mcOI ported by Lawrence Holmes and Horace G Stu-art CapItal stock, $100,000. DeVere England, furmture (lealer of \Voodland, J\Ilch, is clos1l1g out the stock in the store fOlmerly run by hIS father by advertls1l1g "slashed" pnces \VIIlIam G Pnce, presIdent of the Knoxvlllc, (Tenn) Fm-nitme Company, dIed last Tuesday from 1I1Juries receIved 111 an automobile accIdent ::\IonddY mght The Rockford (Ill) FurnIture Company have completed the addItIon to theIr factory whIch doubles theIr capacIty and "Ill almost double theIr workmg force The Oxnard (Cal) Furl11ture Company is now located on both SIdes of FIfth avenue-half of the stock on one SIde and the other half in a store dIrectly opposIte. The FrontIer Furniture Compa'1y of Buffalo. ~ Y, offers free marriage lIcenses to those who need them, If they purchase theIr household outfits at the company's store. The CalIforl11a Fur111ture Company, Los Angeles, i:oto move soon mto a new seven story bmld1l1g WIth a frontage of GO feet on Broadway between Sixth and Seventh. The affairs of the Tennessee Fur111ture Supply Company of Johnson CIty, Tenn, whIch was adjudged bankrupt last spring. have been wound up The credItors receIved 72 cents on the dollar Arthur J GIrard, for fourteen years connected WIth the fLu11lture bm1l1ess 111 \Vare, hds taken a posItIOn WIth the Met-ropolItan Furl11ture Company of Spnngfield, Mas:". The practIce of placmg the retaIl sellmg pnce upon the label of any artIcle of merchandIse by manufa,turers has been disapproved by the mercantIle assocldtIont> of 1\ew York. George F ClIngman of the Tobey Furl11ture Companv, ChI-cago, has been m Grand RapIds thIS week plac1I1g orders for goods that hIS house wIll need to meet the mcreasing fall trade After fourteen yeart> m theIr present locatIOn \V nght Bros & RIce, furmture dealers of Pomona, Cal , are to move mto larger quarters m a bl11ldmg formerly occupIed by the Orange Belt EmpOrIum. The Palace Fnr11lture Company, dealers at Center, Conn, have sold out to KeIth & Post, furl11ture dealers of Manchester, Conn, \\ ho assume all lIabIlItIes and \\ ill close out or transfer the stock to theIr Manchester StOle Thc Rock. Island raIlroad company last Saturday placed an order WIth the Brooks plant of the American LocomotIve company at Dunkilk, 0J Y, fOl 30 comohdated engmes to be dehveled in October and November The Carter & Campbell reed chair and go-cart factory at \Vinchendon, l\1ass, whIch has been run11lng on short time for ov CI a year, stal ted on full tIme V\ Ith a full force last Monday WIth orclers enough to keep It busy for several months. The Ford & Johnson Company have acqtllred tItle to the bl11kllllg at 213-227 West Twenty-sIxth street, K ew York, where they WIll estahh~h the large~t furnIture warerooms in the eao;t and wIll usc them malllly for the dIsplay of dmmg room ..,ets. The T B Laycock l\IanufdcturIng Company of Indlanap-ohs, one of the most extensIVe makers of brass and iron bed- "tea(h and mattres ,es 111the country, wIll open a t>alesroom an(l a (hstnbutlllg house at J\Iemphls, Tenn , 111 the near future. The ShelbyVIlle (1ml) 1\Im or Works owned by Enos Pot-ter and Frank Rembmh. have bought out theIr only competItors 111 the bus1l1ess m that CIty, and wIll merge the other, the Ams-ley & Son ::'11mor \Vorb, mto theIr own plant, enlarging their facIltIes Hem y G. McKenzie, undertaker of Irvmgton, Ind, made complete arrangements for hIS own funeral, went mto hIS chapel and commItted suiCIde by finng a bullet mto his temple. He left a note declal111g that he had become 111sane because he had no fllends 'I he 'PacIfic coast plan" of plOteciIng retaIl sell111g pnceo; has been approved by the Merchants' Association of New York The plan proVIdes for the fixmg of pnces for whIch goods shall be sold at retaIl by the manufacturers ploducmg or the Jobbero; clistrIbutmg the same Burglars recently made an attempt to loot the office of the Doernbecher Furmture ::\Ianufactunng Company of Portland, Ore. They bound and gagged the _watchman, earned hIm some dIstance away from the factory. Then they spOIled the safe \\ Ith three charge.., of mtro-glycellne but were fnghtened away before they got mto the strong box The Standard Furmture Company of Seattle, Wat>h, have theIr mne story bmlchng trImmed WIth thousands of whIte and red Incandeo;cent lIghts It 1<; saId to be the most magnIficent electrical (h"play ever made by a busmess house, can be seen for mIles in the country ancl from away across the bay and the "flashes" furmsh no small part of the entertamment enJoyed by tOUrIsts and vIsItors to the Alaskan-Yukon exposItIOn ~ - ~ -~.~~~---~~~-------------------.- Ul WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. Good Free Advertising. The Pennsylvania raIlroad IS gettmg some valnable ad\ r tIsmg free of cost, so far as publIcatIOn IS concerned The report" of ItS "surpnse effiCIency" tests are mterestmg to neatly all read-ers and they are publI~hed more or less fnll} b} many ne\\ paper" trade Journals, etc. More than 15G,000 efficIency te~b \, ere made by the Penns\ I vania in the first SIX month~ of thIS year, and practIcally a per-fect record was made by the employes, as shO\, n by the report Just I~sued The average number of tests made each day \\ as 8G2, and of the total of SIX month~, 99 G per cent wa~ perfect In the O.c! per cent of faIlures are mclucled In casE's \\ here enlS111- men passed smgnals by d fe\\ feet before ~toppmg theIr trams and SImilar cases, whIch thongh technical VIOlatIOns, \\ele not such as would make possIble an aCCIdent to a tram EffiCIency, or surpn~e tests, are conducted by offiCIals of the Pennsylvania, who at unusual tIme" and places, set sIgnals at ,. ... . .. _ ... - ._ .._--~ II I E. S. STERZlK. Pre I, • • _-4 We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &, DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis Montgomery Hardwood Lumber Company Manufacturers of all kmds of NATIVE FURNITURE LUMBER Crawfordsville, Indiana. ~ - _. ..-- --- - - - - . cautIOn or danger, ext1l1qUlsh sIgnal lIghts, dIsplay fuses, 01 place torpedos on the track, WIth a VIew of keepmg- engmmen constant-ly on the alert for any and all sIgnals In conductmg surpnse tests the offiCIals sometImes extmgUlsh sIgnal lamps, and whIle engmmen may stop at the SIgnal, faIlure to report the dark lamp at the next statIOn lays them hable to suspensIOn FaIllure to observe any of the rule" regal dmg the operatIon of trams IS dIS-ciplIned. 1'he \ e\\ York dlvlslOn~the lme between .N ew York and 1)l11ladelphla~showed a pel fect record m all sIgnal tests, as dId the Cresson and the Central dIVISIons ~me of the 26 dIVISIOns 1eported perfect observ at IOn of all block sIgnal rules, five were perfect m other sIgnals, '21 111trams runnmg ahead of schedule tunc, and ten m sIgnalmen relIev1l1g each other Fast Mail West. The Po~toffice Department has announced the schedule of d new tram operated over the Northwestern and L'nlon Pacific bet\\ een ChIcago and Portland, Ore, whIch matenally Improves the mall serVIce between those pomts and more promptly advances the maIls accnmulatmg from eastcrn pomts Westbound 9Y;; hours tnne IS saved between ChIcago and Portland. Eastbound a gam of about 18 hours has been effected between the same P01l1ts Heretofore, maIl chspatched from ChlqagO lbetween '2 -Lj a m and 11 30 am, say Tue--day, would reach Portland at 6 p m Fnday It hereafter WIll reach Portland at 8 -30 a m Fnday Lake Shore to Lose Fast Trains. B} double track1l1g the "I all~ branch" between Sanborn and \Iagara I"alls and between AlbIOn and Medina the New York Central wIll shorten the dIstance between Klagara Falls and '\lbany .lG mIles \iVhen the work IS completed the fast trams bet\\ een ChIcago and N ew York now runmng over the Lake Shore route WIll be changed to the ~I1chigan Central, runmng to SuspenSIOn BrIdge and down the Falls road to Rochester, thus reducmg the tnne between ChIcago and N ew York 45 mmutes and, perhaps an hour 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 ~--_._._-------- , ---_._.- -------------------_._----------------- . .._ ... No,57 Flat Arm Rocker RICHMOND CHAIR CO. Richmond Tablet Arm Chair RICHMOND, INDIANA I I I II IIII II t JI DOUBLE CANE LINE " SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seatmg. Catalogues to the Trade. TEN THOUSAND FOR A SETTEE Price Paid for a Genuine Chippendale at aRe· cent Sale in London. The1 e 1S a pomt some\\ here, however hard to define 1t nlcl) be, where a p1ece of furmture cea"es to be furmture dnd become" a work of art As a matter of fact old furn1ture 1" none the better as furmture for 1ts age It may be much the worse, for age detenorates \v oodwork, but m proportlOn as 1t "uf'Fprs de-terioratlOn m strength 1t very frequently gams 1ts appeal ance For mstance, there 1S no color qUlte hke that of old mahog-any, says the Gentlewoman, of London, Eng, and genu111e old oak, although of course 1t 1S ll111tated, has a depth of tone and nchness of appearance never seen 111new work But even artIst1c ment 1S111suffiClentto account f01 the huge pnces wlllch are constantly be111g pa1d for old furmture at auctlOn Only a week or two ago a Ch1ppendale settee reahzed £2,0-t7 (about $10,000) at a sdle m town a cabmet on the same OCCdS1onbe111gpUlchased for £1,4~0, an old Enghsh Ch1ppendale small clfcular table for £ 315, and old Enghsh Ch1ppendale clock for £ t8c1 and a set of Queen Anne chall s for £ 36') 10s. seem almost mS1gl11ficant by companson, ) et they a1e' worth 1e-cordmg as mstances of pnces reached for old furmture th1S year "OV\, cons1dered as furmture pure and slmple, these artIcles were no better than hundreds of others made and sold w1thout comment every day of the week 111the besLshops, but they v. e1e rare, and masmuch as the1r h1story could be traced they were gemunely the product of the penod to wh1ch the) were ass1gned Niles, Buchanan and South Bend. :t\ lies, J\f1ch, Aug 27--1 he ~ompass & ~tall Company of N lIes are plannmg to bUlld an add1tlOn 50x50 to the1r factory although the work w111not be begun th1S fall. 1\Ir Stall abu states they are contemplat111g the use of e1ectllc power to some extent 111runlllng the1r plant The company has done a very satIsfactory volume of busmess th1s year, the1r trade commg from all sectlOns of the country The plant has been kept ft1l1111ngten hours a day all of this year The Buchanan Cabinet Company, manufacturers of k1tchen cabinets and desks have been sendmg out a number of supplements No. 100 cO the1r 1908 catalogue. Th1s company have a large trade from all sectlOns of the 1.Tnited States and Secretary-Treasurer R1chards reports a satIsfactory seasons trade thus far th1S year The com-pany has been established for about slxteen years The Sh1dler Brothers 1\1anufactuftng Company, of South Bend are sendmg out twenty-five hundred cop1es of the1r cata-logue to the1r trade It 1S handsomely gotten up and covers the Sh1dler lme of tables 111a comprehenslVe manner ~---------_._'--------_._-----., I I ... We can help you. Time saved and wh en don e leaves are bound (by your-self) and mdexed by floors or departments. BARLOW BROS., Grn d Rapid., Mich. Wrtte Rtght Now =====-SEE,===== West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. for mG" GRADE PUNC"ES and DIES ----~---__..--------- WABASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA ~~ T ABLE SLIDES Exclusively 1 WRlTE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT r-------- .--_..-------------------j II 1..ouis 1babn DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE 154 Ltvmg'iton St. GRAND RAPIDS, I\hCHtGAN Citizens' Telephone 1702. ~-.-----.-.-.-.-.-_._..---_. .. .. . .. III ....-...I 20 Here are the Exact Shades adopted by the ------------------------------~ I WEEKLY ARTISAN Qran~Ra~i~sfurniture Manufacturers' Association Their "Golden Oak Oil Stain" is our No. 3424. Their "Early English Stain" is our No 3425 Oil Stain. Their "Weathered Oak Stain" is our No. 3426 Oil Stain. Their "fumed Oak" is our No. 3427 New Process fuming liquid. Their "light Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3428 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Their "Dark Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3429 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Send for Samples and Information. WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE fiNISHING ROOM. CHICAGO ,~-------------------------------------_.--_.---_.---------------------- II• III•• II IIIII I• II• : II I• I I I II• II• I III •• III I• I:I III ~-------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------~ NEW YORK THE AD-EL-ITE PEOPLE New Dealers. Kellman & Halc!t have opened a new fur11lture store dt 1olleston, Ind. • E. H. Hess has ]ust openec! the first fur11ltm e store at Lake Henry, Mmn The Irwm Furmture Store IS the name of a retaIl house recently estabhshed at Bradford, OhIO Abraham OppenheIm and SU110n Sclm art? bave opened d new fur11lture store m Cambndge, }\II~s Under the name Premlel }urmture Company, C r Schau-bacher has opened a new furmtne store at IG(\ SmIth street Brooklyn, K. Y. The Crescent Store, Spokane, vVash, has added a depdl t-ment devoted to arts and craft~ and ocld pIeces but \\ III not put in a general stock of fm mtm e at pI esent The Van Buren Furmtl11e Company, capltahzed at $10,000, are new dealers at \ an Duren, Ind E vv' and E 13 Landess and \V J Cllclersleeve are the 111COplorators Four eastern men are to estabhsh a new fl11mtUl e store dt Santa Barbara. Cal, in the bl11lclmg now occupIed by the H L Brandes ramt Company, \\ho have moved across the street Thos J Nolan, Moses r KIrwin and others have organ- Ided the T. J K olan Company of Alban), K. Y . to deal m fur-mture, clothmg ami general merchanchse CapItal stock, $5,000 J. A v\ erwmskl, \V. F vv'lggm'i and Korman Ross ha\e m-corporated the St Joe Furmture and Carpet Compan), capItal-ized at $25,000, to cleal m furmtm e, carpets etc , at South Bend, Ind. The Sm111111tvllleFurmture & Wall Paper Company, mcor-pOl ated, wl1l open a new stack at Sm111111tvllle,Ind Incor-porators, R H Greenslade, J G Lawrence and others. Clj)l-tal stock $3,000. VV Ilham Sum and 13 F Hurt of Chnton, Mo, have formed <1 co-partne! ~hlp under the £in11 name of SIms & Hurt and WIll engage m the furmtl11e and undertakmg bu;,mess They have led sed the -\dler bllck bmldmg on ~orth }\[am street, whIch WIll be rembodelecl The L H Sopel Company, general dealers of \Vaterville, Colo, ha~ I ented the thIrd floor of an ad]Olmng bmld1l1g and filled It \\ lth a stock of furmutl e The company has been con-templatll1g the adchtJon of a fur11lture clepal tment for some time but \\ as hampel ed b} lack of 100m Queer Ways of Canadians. \n -\mellcan ~ale'iman SO]ourn1l1g in Canada, met WIth qlv'er eApellel1CeS v,hlle 'ipendmg a day or two at Gananoque Gomg to the eatIng house of the Grand Trunk raIlroad and askmg for a meal, he \\ as mfonned that the rules of the house \\ ould not permIt the attendants to sel ve hIm before the arrival of a passenger tram, when he could take a place at the tables \\ lth the travelers leavmg the cars Later he accompanied an acquamtance, gamed after hIS arnval m the VIllage, to a meat market and learned that the butcher served customers 01ly wltl} sllch meat as he had on the blocks If he was selling beef \\ hen the customer arnved, for mstance, he would not supply pork or mutton, safely sto! ed m refrigerators, untIl the beef e"posed had been sold How long \\ auld a commul11ty m the ~C111tedStates submIt to sllch a nonsensIcal rule? Some men never mal ry because they beheve It IS best to fight lIfe's battles s111gle handed rI WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 -------~~-------------------- Mahogany Circassian Walnut Quartered Oak Walnut Curly Maple Bird's Eye Maple Basswood Ash Elm Birch Maple Poplar Gum Oak -------------------------------~ Foreign and Domestic Woods. Rotary, Sliced, Sawed. ,--_ .. ----------- .. -----~.. ---------- -------~--------------------------------------~ New Buildings in the Far West. Residences-O J FIsk, C L Carhsle, Vv W Boyd, J E Shappe, Davis Embree, Carl Laux, lIrs E11zabeth Granby, ~llss Sarah S. Ross, John P. Gardner. 0 '\ ::\1l1ler and 1\lrs /\11ce May Coulon, all of LO'i Angele~, Cal ; J\Iary E Gaary, Pasa-dena, Ca!.; 1< rank Bundy, Ocean Park, Cal ; C ::\1 Grow, San Bernardmo, $6,000, Charles Stone, Ocedn Park, $3,000; J\Ir~ James Dodson, San Pedro, Cal ,J Hoyt SmIth, Los Angeles, $'W,OOO; 0 E Moxley, RIverSIde. Cal, $1,000, S S Crow, Los Angeles, $10,000, W S CI ane. Los '\ngdes, $.3,000 I'lab, Apartment Houses, etc -The FI dnk Hogan Com-panv, Pasadena, Cal, ldrge apdrtment bUlldl11g to be ccllleu "The J\Iarylanel,' cost $-t5,OCO ~I rs 1\1yra Conkll11, San DI-ego, four-famIly flat, $8,000 James Courtne}, Salt Lake CIty. Ctah, apal tment house, $16,000. Theatre~-Wm Monl~ and assoclate~ WIll bUlld d vaude- VIlle theatre on BroadV\ ay, Los Angeles, Cal, at a cost of over $200,000 Plans have been completed for the erectIOn of an elegant thedtre \\ith seatmg capaCIty of 1600 at the cOIner ur C and FIfth streets, San DIego, Cal The 'Jorthwestern The-atncal ASSOCIatIon WIll bUlld a theatre In Og,len, LTtah, at a cost of $50,000 or $60,000 R \leAamlei G.ant represents the bUIlders in Ogden Publtc BUIlchngs-Calexlco, Cal, 1" to lINest $30,000 or $60,000 in a bUIlding to be used as a cIty hall, JaIl and en~l11e house. Hotels-Managers of the \Vaucoma Hotel, Hooel RIver, Ole, are plan111ng a fOlty-room addItIon to be fi111sherI this fall George Adams, proprietor of the Ll11d~a} Hotel, of Lindsay, Cal, whIch was totally destroyed by fire on Au~ust 21, states that he \\111 rebmld d" soon as po:.slb1e heel Acker-man WIll erect a concrete hotel bUlldmg at PorterVIlle. Cal Clubs, Halls, etc -The Odd Fellow" at Rosenbelg, Ore. have laid the cOIner stone of theIr new temple It w1Jl he th~ first three story bUlldmg 111 the town Rlvel slele, Cal h;:1s roted to I~sue $1,")0,000 111 be 11(ls fOl the erectIon of d ne\\ uty hall Telegraph Companies Concede a Point. The We:.tern Union and Postal Telegraph compal11es have decided to postpone the enforcement of a recent order restnet-ing the length of telegi aph code word~, e"cept 111the '2ase of or-c11l1ary cltctwnaly worc1~, to five lettels The order was to take effect September 10 ThIS decI~lon 1:-' tIlt' re.:;u1t of nu-merous prote~ts receIved by the compames from bus111ess or-ganizatIOns, notably the 1\dtwnal ASSOCIatIOn of Manufacturers. of whIch John KIrby, J r., is preSIdent. The associatIon's board of dIrectors conSIdered the new or-der of the telegraph compa111e", of such Importance to the 3,00:) manufacturers fonmng the as~oClatlOn that the_ adopted reso-lutIons protestl11g agal11st the date, September 10, as selected by the telegraph compames for the enforcement of the new order The resolutwll5 \\ ere pi esented to PreSIdent Clowry of tl1e \Vestern LTmon and General J\lanager Bruch of the Postal The former saId that he reahzed that the tIme ltlmt was too short and Mr Bluch also agreed to a po:-,tponement untIl December 10 These deClswm WIll gIve the busl11ess l11terpsts of the coun-try at least three month:-, 111 \\ h1(h to prep'lre for the cl1anb"c "The notIce Is~uec1 by the Postal company show.:; that the telegraph compame:-, are nght 111the ma111pI enllse," "~ys PresI-dent Klrb} "There IS no doubt that the me of telegraph code words has been abu:-,ed The notIce quotes the me of such 10- letter artIfiCIal word:-, as 'Ilpofkapay' and 'blleafmusp,' whIch the compames have been asked to ,end at the rate of one Wot d " New Upholstering Company. O:-,cal '\ amI Leota K KeIl, Irv111g T and Margaret 1\1 '\nway, have orgal11zed dnd m~orpOlated the Kell-Anway Com-pany. capltahzed at $10,000 WIth $4,000 paId 11 and are fitt111g up a new factory at 18 Huron Street, Grand Rapids. MI:::h J\Iessers Ked and Anway dre men of expenence 111the factory end of the bus1l1eCs, hav111g worked for sevt-ral years for l\lueller 8- Slack and other proclucer~ of upholstered good~ Mr Kel1 was one of the ong111al members of the Mueller & Slack Company They WIll put out a ltne at meclium awl higher grades loose cu~hwn chaIrs and rockers of speCIal de:- sIgns drawn by l\1r Kell 111medllll11 or Improved Engltsh pat-terns. The new style WIll be called '\nglo-American -------------_. __._------_._._._-----_---.-.-...._-~ I JUST A COOL NIGHT'S RIDE IN A LARGE I AIRY STATEROOM between I CHICAGO AND GRAND RAPIDS I II II II I~.--._----_.----------.-------------:::r.~ I FARE I $2.00 one way; $3.75 roundtrip I I Goodrich Boats I Re,en e bel ths and secnre tIckets at CIty TIcket II office 101Ad..ms 5t or docks foot of MichIgan Ave ChIcago 91 Monroe 5t Grand RapIds. Mlch·; .'.i , .. J4 on the boats that have every convenience Lea' e Chicago 7 4") everyeveruog. I eave Grand RapIds "a G R h H & M Ry 800 e,er) evenmg, connectmg '\\Ith boats at Gland Haven 9 Ii p m ---_ . ARTHUR S WHITE PreSIdent ALVAH BROWN. Vice P<esdent HARRY L \\ HI fE. OleLy Treas p WEEKLY ARTISAN ----- ----------------------_._._._._._----------- ~--- ....-_._--------- ,I III IIIIII I I IIII IIIII IIII III The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure to come. 23 - - --- - - .----~ tIIiIII I II II I I II I IIIII ,I II Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and quality are considered. STOW & Df\VIS fURNITURE, GO. City Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ~--------------------_._-_._. ---._---------_._-----------------------------------~--- Bugs Close a Packing Room. Bugs and beetles wIth varYing complements of legs, anten-nae, probosces and plnchers were found In the East Bottoms after the recent hIgh water, says the Kansas Ctly Times It re-mains for a furmture company, however, to tell the pnze Insect story of all And the flood wasn't at the bottom of It A quantity of grass pad used for packing was received by the Abernathy Furmture Company the first part of last week The packing was unloaded In the company's chaIr bmldlng at 910 Wyoming street When workmen began to make use of the grass padding a few small, ordinary black bugs were found In the mIxture. Last Wednesday the workmen began to notIce the bugs crawling on the floors and tables on the first floor Thursday they had made the aGcent as far as the fourth floor and on Fllday the whole bmldlng was possessed of bugs Complaints were made by the workmen to the officers of the company and there ",ere whispered threats of a stnke F L Hall, manager, thought the Invasion of insects of such moment that he su~pended opera-tions In the chaIr bmldlng Saturday and Sunday Doors and Windows were sealed tIght shut and a powerful gas generated by mlx1l1g sulphunc aCid and cyamde of potasSIUm "The gas did the work," said Mr Hall yesterday afternoon, "and we haven't been bothered wIth the bugs since I showed specImens to several men, but none could recog11lze the vanety It was Just a common small black bug, very ord111ary except In ItS powers of multiplYing ., New York Will Advance Opening Dates. The N ew York Furmture Exchange announces, that on the opening of their new home the dates for the holding of theIr semI-annual eXPOSItIOn;, WIll be advanced from July to June dnd from January to December Thle change IS expected to cause a largely Increased attendance The spring and fall ope11lng~ and sales of the carpet and up-holstery manufacturers are held In l\lay ancl December of each year and are attended by from SIX to eIght hundred buyers flom the middle and far west 90 per cent of whom are also Interested In the fur11lture trade and but very few of these buyers could afford the tIme to walt in New York for the ope11lng of the past fur11l-ture exposItions WIth the change of date, however, to the first Mondays of June and December, whIch is about the end of the carpet and upholstery sales, they Will all remain The last exposItIOn held wIth Its largely increased atten-dance over previous July exposItIOns proves beyond questIOn the popularity of 1\ew York as a fur11lture market The great draw- ••••••• __ a ••••• _ -------~ back whIch has prevented It from taking ItS nghful place as the greatest furmture exhibition center In Amenca has been due to the lack of a proper bUIlding In ",hlch the exhIbIts could be shown, whIch has now been remedIed, and In the new b1111dlng ample space and unexceptIOnal faCIlItIes WIll be found for the transac-tIOn of bUSiness and the conve11lence of buyers and exhIbitors alIke .Killed No Passengers in a Year. DUling the fi~cal year Just ended the Burlington raIlroad oper dted ItS passenger trams wIthout haVing kIlled a smgle passen-ger Thl~ remarkable record was equalled, so far a~ knvvrn offiCIally only by one other road, the Pennsylva11la It IS estImat-ed the Burlmgton carned dunng the year more than 20,000,000 passengers ThIS indIcates that the raIlroads are progressiJ1g 111 the art of safe operatIOn And It IS generally acounted fn b; the e:Ate11'ilOnof the blo-:::k-qgnal system, better dl'.,Clpl111Ca'1d Im-proved methods of track -:(fl'-truction and mal,'t,I'ance A woman is always more economical than a man Where a man wIll manufacture a lIe out of the whole cloth a woman WIll use the remnants. ~, -----_._-~-------- ------------ ------., tI III III I IIIIIII I I I~._--------------,------_._--_._---.. We Manufacture tlte Larl!est Line of fOlDlno ("AIDS III the UnIted States, SUItable for Sun day Schools, H ails, Steam-ers and all pubhc resorts We also manufacture Brass Trimmed I r 0 n Beds, SprIng Beds, Cots and Cribs In a large variety Send {or Catalogue and PrICes to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO III I I I I III IIII I IIIII• II I I 1 II II I I.. 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN r - . . . . . . .' . . . ----- - - .. . . .. .. ~ I THE BIG WHITE SHOP I ..... ---~I II I I I~-------------------------- ,I IIII I II IIII ----------------~---- ---- We Furnish Every Article of Printing Needed by Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. II-I THE BIG WHITE II --- . ... ----1 SHOP ..... . .. , "" ..... "" "".... a_a. . """" I. "" ••• I ••• "" "". F~--------------- WEEKLY ARTISAN EVERY FURNITURE MANUFACTURER should have the Weekly Artisan List of Dealers and Buyers. It contains the names of all dealers in furniture rated from $1,000 up, satisfactorypay. Approximately 15,000 DEALERS are listed. The list is revised semi..annually. Cost for the two editions .. .. .. $1.00 52 issuesof the Weekly Artisan coSts 1.00 Total .. .. .. .. .. $2.00 We will send the Weekly Artisan one year and the $1.50 complete lists for Or we will send either the Eastern, Central, South-ern or Western List the Weekly Artisan one $1.00 year for - - - - - - - Can you afford to pass up this opportunity? Send in your Dollar. You'll not regret it. WEEKLY ARTISAN GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 25 ordll1al y prudence would suggest that the operator be given ..,ome lI1structlOn as to the plOper way to manage the machll1e or be furl1lshed \\Ith a helper to aVOId the danger of the end of the wood bell1g sawed from bell1g thrown up so as to throw the hand of the operator on the saw "The defendant s ,upenntendent demed havmg instructed the plall1td't to operate thIs machme, but It is nowhere denied that there I' as danger of an operator's hand bemg thrown on the .,a\v by reason of the wood bemg thrown up m consequence of the movement of the machme, and the fact IS that the table was only four feet long, \\ hlle the boards to be sawed were eight feet long. "It was certa1l1ly \vlthm the provmce of the jury to say that 111 senc1mg a man to operate such a machme for the first time the employer 01 supenntendent was bound to gIVe hIm such Imtl uctlOns m relatIOn to the use of the machme, or such aSSIstance 111 the I' ork that he wa.., to do, as to mil1lmlze the danger of 111Jury The questIOn of whether or not the plaintiff d,,,umed the Ilsk of mmg thIS mach1l1e was for the Jury, and upon the I' hole case I do not th1l1k the verdIct was agamst the I' eIght of eVIdence . The ch,sent1l1g opmlOn, lead by Justice McLaughlin, took the ground that the pla1l1tdf was gUIlty of contributory negli-gence because he knew even m the absence of any previous m-structors that he \\ould be mJured If he allowed hIS hand to come m contact V\Ith the saw. "The plamtrff's testimony that he dId not know thl' is mcredlble and the court was not bound to submIt It to the Jury," says the chssentmg op1l1ion. "lIe was charged \\Ith knO\\ ledge and presumed to know that If his hand came m contact \\<Ith the saw he would be mJured Upon his 0\\ n testimony the pla1l1tlff was not entitled to recover, and the eVIdence does not .,ustam the verdIct A wItness ought not to ha\ e been permItted to state that It would be unsafe for any one e:\.cept an expert man to sa\\ a ,tnp eIght feet long WIthout assIstance at the back of the table It was for the Jury to say under all the facts, whether the method adopted was safe or un-safe, as I' ell a~ the ,kIll reqUIred by a person sawing the stnps." LACK OF WARNING HELD AS NEGLIGENCE Court Decision That Should Be Studied by Factory Foremen, Superintendents, Mnn-agers and Owners. Last Monday the Court of Appeab of ;\ e\\ York 11dnded down a deCISIOn that has been awaIted \\<Ith great mterest, not only by the parties of record, but also the hablhty uncler\\<nters who had msured the defendant agamst damages for mJunes ,uf-ferecl by employes m hIS factory The actIOn was for $3,000 damages on account of the 10.,,, of the use of hI, nght hand by the plamtlft. DaVId Imkelste1l1 a RUSSIan Jew about 19 years of age He \\ as a carpenter and at the time of the aCCIdent had been m thIS country about I1Ine months He was employed m the cabmet factory of Da,vld Kramer, the defendant, usmg ordmary carpentel', tool, On the day of the mJury he was chrected by the factory .,upenn-tendent to make a rough crate for a desk, uS1l1g a CIrcular sa\\ WIth a four-foot table for cuttmg plank, about eIght feet long The testimony ,hoV\ ed that It reqUIred an expert to run thIS saw, espeCIally a., the table on whIch the eIght-foot pla'lk rested \vas only four feet long The defendant had no prevIous tla1l1mg I-h., nght mde',. finger was amputated and hIS thumb so badly cut that he has been totally dIsabled ever smce The Jury gave 111m a verchct for $2,500. The defendant moved to dIsmISS the case on the ground that there was no eVIdence to show that he v\as neghgent. and that the plamtlff had faded to show lack of contnbutor) neg- 1igence on hIS part. The court, of five members, V\as dIVIded, three to t\\ 0 Justice Ingraham, who ,poke for the maJonty, ,aId "I think there IS a questIOn presented for the Jury to con-sider whether or not the defendant's supenntendent wa., negh-gent m dlrectmg the plamtlff to work at a machme of thIS char acter WIthout any mstructlons or warnmg or WIthout the assIst-ance that the proper workmg of the machme reqUIred It h qmte true that the danger of the plamtlff's hand commg m con-tact WIth the saw was qmte apparent, but I do not thmk It can be said to be apparent to a person who IS not accustomed to the use of machmes of thIS kmd that a board when extended 0\ er the table would "Jump" up so as to thrO\v the operator's hand against the saw. "When sendmg a man who was entirely unaccustomed to operating a machme of this kmd to operate it for the first time SEND FOR CATALOGUE. A woman IS never flattered by a photograph that looks like her WEEKLY ARTISAN ~-..- --_._.~__..~._._-•_._._._._. --.~._.-_. ---_.-._._._---_._. _._.~._._._-. -- - . I III•~---_...._ ..••...••.. Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. ~------------------------ ..- .---~ JJ;1 or ton House ( American Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel Pantlind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dmner Served at the Panthnd for 50c IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTLIND, Prop. ~-----,--- ........ ._~ ------ _._._.__._._.-.-.-.-.-_-.., I THE Wellin~ton notel Remodeled at a cost of $150,000 Hot and cold running water and long dis-tance 'phones in all room&~ 200 room. 100 WIth bath Stnlide or en sutte. Rate. $1 00 and upward. One of the most unique dmmg rooms in the country. Our famous IndIan Cafe NOTED FOR SERV CE AND CUI SINE McClmtock and Bayfield PROPS. .."t' ..~....... .e6...,.~., ~ """"'- .. . -:;,';'" ~1 '...,,. Cor. Wabash Ave & Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO ... _ .... ri OVER 15,000 OF OUR STEEL RACKVISES IN USE 25 doz Clamp FIxtures bought by one mIll last year. We shIp on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondl lIonally. Wr,te for 118t of Steet Bar Olamps, V,ses, Bench Stops, ete E. H. SHELDON &. CO. 283 Madison St. Chicago. 27 .... , Price $2.80 to $4.00 PLATE II .....• Indianapolis Illinois and New York Sts. 6 Blocks from UnIon Depot 2 Blocks from Interurban StatIOn 250 Rooms All Ontslde, wIth FIre Escape j elephone In Every Room. European Plan Rate' 75c to $2. 00 Per D"y Dmmg Room In Connection SpecIal Rates to Famlhes and Permanent Guests Ladles TravelIng Alone WIll FInd ThIS a Ven DeSIrable StoppIng Place .. ..._--- GEO. R. BENTON Lessee and Manager ___ • __ ._._._._. • -_._._. '"1 WHEN IN DETROIT STOP AT Hotel Tuller ......~ I I• I.I , '----------_.----- ._-----------'. I .I.-_._._.----_._--- New and Absolutely Fireproof Cor. Adams Ave. and Park St. In the Center of the Theatre. Shop- PIDR, and Busmess DlStnct. A la Carte Cafe Newest and Fmest GrIll Room m the City. Club Breakfa.t - 40c up Luncheon - - - 50c Table d'hote Dmners 75c MuSIc from 6P M to 12 P M ,I III ........I .... ---- . GLASS Every room has a. private bath. EUROPEAN PLAN Rates' $1.50 per day and up. L. W. TULLER. Prop. M. A. SHAW, Mgr GLASS COMPANY L.ARGE8T .JOBBERS AND MANUFAOTURERS OF IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, Leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured Glass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for ShelYes, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS AND OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. q For anything in BUilders' Glass, or anything in Paints, Varnishes, Brushes or Pamters' Sundries, address any of our branch warehouses, a list of which is glVen below' NBW YOBX-Hudson a.nd Vandam sts. BOS'l'ON-41-49 SudbUry st., 1-9 Bowker st. CHICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. CmCINNA'l'I-Broadway and Court sts. S'l'. LOUIS-Cor. 'l'enth and Spruce sts. MI:NNBAPOLI5-500-516 S. 'l'hird st. DB'l'BOI'l'-53-59 Larned St., E. GBAND:RAPIDS,MICH-39-41 N. Division st. PI'l''l'SBUBGH-101-103 Wood St. MILWAUXBB,WJ:S.-492-494 Market St. BOCHBS'l'BB,N.Y.-Wilder Bldg., Main &; Bxcha.ngests. BAL'l'IMOBB-310-12-14 W. Pratt st. CLEVELAND-1430-1434 West 'l'llird st. OMAHA-1101-1107Howard St. S'l'. PAUL-459-461 Jackson. st. A'l'LAN'l'A,GA.-30-32-34 S. Pryor st. SAVANNAH,GA.-745-749 Wheaton st. :KANSASCI'l'Y-Pifth and Wyandotte Sts. BIBMmGHAM, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 29th St. BUFFALO, N. Y.-372-74-76-78 Pearl S1;, BBOO:K:LYN-635-637Fulton st. PHILADBLPHIA-Pitcairn Bldg., Arch and 11th DAVBNPOB'l'-410-416 Scott St. O:KLAHOMACI'l'Y, O:KLA, 210-212W. Flrst st . Sts. .._. ____.~ _._._-.--.-_-.-_--._--.---------------_.-.1 \\ ord., the court-, uudo the present System are dOing about as much regulation of lal110ad" a" the commISSIOn ThIs SItua-tIon make., rate conchtlOn" uncertam both for the ral1roads dnd tor the shlppmg publI" It IS the opmlOn of Senator Cum- 111111S that thl'> cannot go on 1l1defil11tely and that It IS t11ne to de\ be a ne\\ plan \\ l11ch \\ 111 do away wIth most of the ex-ht111l::( uncel ta1l1t\ and much of the eXlstmg controversy It b not eApected that the CummIns plan wl1l be adopted at the ne"t se"SlOn, It It ever IS TIut It IS lIkely to be WIdely chscn:osed m \ lev\ of the fact that 3hlppers are clamoring for further legIslatIOn, and of the feelIng that such deCISIOns as that ot Judge Gro..,scup \\eaken the authonty of the commi3- .,lOn though It \\ 111 not admIt thIs and expects to win in the L l11ted States SUPI eme Court. ]jut It l'-, learned that the plan of having a general sched-ule ot late" put mto tOice b} the government 13 not by any WOULD ADPOPT THE ENGLISH PLAN How Senator Cummins Would Solve the Railroad Rate Problem by Giving the Interstate Commerce Commission Absolute Authority. IN ashmgton ach Ices '3tate that at the ne"t '3eSSlOn ot Con-gress Senator Cummms of Iowa, b to 111troduce a 1)111 gl\ mg the Interstate CommIssIOn power to estabhsh a general sched-ule of freIght rates for the entire country 111much the ~ame manner as now IS done 111 Lngland It \\olIld make the 01de! ... of the commIssion a'3 to rates final, e'(cept that an appeal would lIe m case the constItutIOnal Cjue"lOn ot confiscatIon ot property was mvolved Senator Cummms would have all the raIlroads on 01 be-fore October 1, 1910, report to the commISSIOn theIr schudelcs of freIght rates In under"tandable form The commIssIon then would take LIP these schedule" to detel mme \\ hether modficatlOns ought to be made and, hd\ mg made an} needed changes, would declare the rates In fOl ce ~ othmg lIke the constructIOn of an entire ne\\ fabnc of lates for the \\ hole country would be neces"ar} It IS ::'enatOi Cummln" Idea Madc by Mamstee Manufacturmg Company, Mamstee, Mich. that 111 most cases the eXIsting rates would be allo\\ed to stand unless some good rea'3on for changmg them was shown Once establIshed, accorchng to the bIll of Senator Cumm111s, rates could not be changed \\Ithout the approval of the com-mISSIOn It IS expected that In most cases the comml"SlOn would gIve ItS approval, but If a change for any rea-son chd not appear warranted, It \\ ould be up to the raIlroad company to make a Show111g as to why the rate should be modIfied. Now, the burden of mak111g a shOWIng as to why a rate should be changed IS on the shIpper. In the plan pro-posed, It would be placed on the raIlroad. Senator Cummms takes the VIew that the present rate sItuatIOn cannot contmue He holds that somethmg must be done to gn e It more stabIlIty Now, the commISSIon IS at-tacked by court proceed111gs from every qual ter IVhen an order IS Issued there IS no certainty whatever that It WIll be enforced. An mJunctlOn may tIe It up completely. In othel means opposed by all ral1road men. Some of them have dls-cu.., sed It WIth Senator CUmm111'3,and have saId that some way ml1:ot be found to remo\ e the present complIcatIOns and uncer-tamtles WIth the endless cham of lItIgatIOn now attendant on the proceec!Ings of the commIssion Trouble IS the most accommodating thing in the world to those who are lookmg for It. There are lots of th111gS we could do today that we should really put off mdefi111tel} The fellow \vho IS always formmg new resolutions needs reforming WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 New York Markets. Kew York, Sept 3-Turpent1l1e rema111S firm at 59?~@60 a httle above la'it weeks' quotations, but bU'iiness IS exceed- 111gly lIght, OW111gto the general SUspIcIon that the advance of 4 cents, noted last week wa'i due to mampulatIOn of the Sa-vannah market, rather than to an actual shortage 111the supply. Shellac IS stead} at a slIght declIne m pnces, wIth no de-mand for large lots Quotations on 'imall orders for immed- Iate shIpment are 17@17~ cents for T N cases, bnght orange grades, 18@20, chamond I, 25@26, Bleeched, 17@17~ kdn dlled, 20@21 L111..,eed 011 buyers arc still shy, apparently expecting lower pnces, when the new crop reaches the market Pnces are firm at last "eeks' quotation", wIth slIght conceSSIOns on car load lots. \;\{estern raw 56@57 cents, wIth a cent added "uccesslvel} for CIty ra", boded and double bOIled, 59@60 be111g the figures for the lattcr Burlaps cont111ue qUIct at 360 for eIght-ounce and 460 for 1O~ ounce goo:is Jobbers 111~IStthat these pnces vance PIttsburg notes a marked increase in the demand for low grade oak and shghtly hIgher pnces for the higher grades. Ash, gum, bIrch, beech and maple are In good demand, wIth a wIde vanatIOn 111pnces at dIfferent pOInts even when the cost of trans pOI tatlOn IS consIdered Rushing Cars to the West. The raIlroad n1dnagers are mak1l1g all pO;,;,Ible prepal atlOlls for mov111g the crops from the great gram belts of the l11hldle west Accordmg to the fort11lghtly report of the commltt"p on relatIOns between raIlroads of the Amencan RaIlway AS-sociation, a great supply of surplus box cars already IS In the section of the country wl1l':.:hwIll first feel the demand for cars and 111whIch the most senous car shortages Q( cur The re-port al~o fur11l'3hes a possIble means of estnuatmg tne extell: to whIch the wIdely dlscU'3sed revIval 111bus mess ha'3 extpllcL:d. The latest report of the COlmmttee shows that throughout there are 139,424 ;,urplus cars, a decrease of 93,379 from the A Group of Dressers From the Line of the Michigan Star Furniture Co, Zeeland, Mich. do not exceed the actual cost of the goods laid down In thIS market Owmg to the contInued hIgh pnce of turpent111e, the de-mand for varmsh gums IS merely normal and trade IS at a 'itandstIll Kaun 1\0 1 IS held at 42@48 cents, No 2,20@24, No 3, 16@18 Extra brown ChIpS at 13@17; J\1amla pale, 14@17, .:\famla d.ark hard, 12@15 LIght receIpt;, retard bU'ime;,s m the goat 'ikin market . .:\Ie:Xlcan", e~peclally are "hort, but pnces ha' e not been mater- Ially affected J\Iexican flOntIeis are quoted at 33 cent~; Buenos \yre'i at 42@45 and Curacaos at 52@54. Reports of hIgher prices In Brazd have not affected the trade here Sheet /Inc IS steady at last weeks' figure, $750 f. 0 b at Peru, Ill, WIth 8 per cent dI"count Lumber. The hardwood lumber market IS still 111an unsettled con-clItIOn ~o far as pnces are concerned. General Improvement In demand 1" reported, but pnce" stlll take a wide range. St LouI;, notes an 111crease m the demand from furmture manu-facturers and better demand WIthout matenal change in pnces. dlscnbes the conclrtlOn at all southern pomts Dealers, how-ever, dec1me to accept order" for future deli vel y at current quotations Cleveland report,; 111creased actIVIty with a ten-dency toward higher pnces, but falh to note any actual ad-correspondmg penod In 1908 The largest decrease was 111 box cars, 111whIch class the surplus was reduced 21,141 The surplus number of thIS class of cars IS about 80,COO, and half of these are 111Iowa, Illm01", Wiscons111, lVI111nesotaand the Da-kotas, known as group G, awaIt111g the call for crop-movmg purposes Defore the crops really beg111 to move a stIll greater number WIll be sent west to meet the estimated demand. Illustrates a Very Large Line. The J K RI"hel Fur11lture Company of vVIlhamsport. Pa, have issued a catalogue conta111mg 12J pages Illustrating and descnbing one of the largest lines of fur11lture manufactured in the world for the bed room, the office and the dI11lng room. The company operates two large factones and has been very successful under the able management of J K. RIshel Exhibition Space. Only one floor rema111;, unoccupIed m the Leonard Fur-mture ExhIbItIon Buddmg. Any good manufacturer desll-mg to exhIbIt 111Grand RapIds should wnte for space rate;, and a"certam the hIgh standmg of the other tenants in the "ame buI1chng. Sept 4 T. F. -~~------------------ 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN ..- .-- ..------------------ ._- ----_.-.__..----_--.-.-.--...... Spiral Grooved and Bevel Pointed DOWEL PINS ~- -- IIIII ,I STEPHENSON MFG, CO., : ---- ---------- ... ----I' Note how the glue in the Spiral Groove forms Thread like a Screw Bevel Pointed, easy to drive Straight so will not split the frames Prices and discounts on application SOUTH BEND, IND. ~--_. .. -_ _----------_ ..••...•.••.•. --~,I II III III• •,I• •II III _ _ _ . UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. We lead m Style, Construdlon and FIOIsh. See our Catalogue. Our lme on permanent exh,b,. tlOn 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUlldmg, Grand Rapids. China Closets Buffets Bookcases I~-_...-.. -_._._--- .. ~.~.:~ - ""j f . I I II II I I I I I I II III II __________ •_._.__. ----- •_••• --' h ._._. _ " .. I I MACHINE. t\NIVES PERFECT QUALITY RIGHT PRICES PROMPT SERVICE ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE Dado or Grooving Heads. Miter Machines. Universal Wood Trimmers. Boring Machines. Etc. FOX MACHINE CO 185 N. Front St. • Grand Rapids, Mich. b. _. •• - • •• -------------------------_. ---- - .... HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER These saws are made from No.1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. We also carry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. Write us for Price List and discount 31-33 S. Front St., ORAND RAPIDS, MIen. -.-_ ..--..--.. BOYNTON & CO. [;~ SEND fOR ~~_--CATALOCU=E=.===== Manuladurers of Embo .. ed and Turned Mould ioga, Embos.- ed and Spindle Carvings, and A.utomatic Turning8_ We also manu-fadure a large hne 01 Embossed Ornaments for Couch Work. CH ICAGO, ILL. ,-_ ..... ..-.---------- _.--.---_.----- III ... ~-------------------------------.._- II I III• II II•II• II• I• ~!-------------_._-_.------_.- .._ ...-._- .- ._._~ I 419-421 W. Fifteenth St., WOOD fOnnlnO (UTUnS ..~ --_ ...I ..... . .._---_ _--.- ... As only the edge outhnes of the Cutter comes tnto contact wIth the lumber, there IS no friction or burn-tng of the moulding~ when made wIth the ShImer Reversible or One-Way Cutters. These Cutters are carefully moulded to SUItyour work, and are very complete, tnexpenSlve and time-savlllg tools. We supply special Cutters of any shape deSIred and of any Size to SUIt your machine spindles. Let UShav~ your specIficatIOns. For odd work not found m our catalogue send a wood sample or drawlllg. SAMUEL J. SHIMER S. SONS, Milton, Penn. Manufacturers of the ShImer Cutter Heads for Flooring, Ceding, Sldmg, Doors, Sash, etc . II WEEKLY ARTISAN SLIGH'S SELECT STYLES SELL AND SATISFY Many New Features Added for the Fall Season Everything for the Bedroom ------ .., .......I IMedIum and FlUe Quahty I Office and Salesroom corner Prescolt and Buchanan Streets, Grand RapIds, Mich. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE SLIGH FURNITURE CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. ..... .. ..•... _- ..-.- ..._--.-_ .... ~ _---_._._ - --- --_._._. -~ I Palmer's Patent Gluinl! Clamps --------_._-_._-------_._---------_._----_ . Here is a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT (5 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. :No. 592. ... . The above cut is taken direct from a photograph, and shows the range of one size only, our No.1, 24-inch Clamp. "'e make six other sizes, taking in stock up to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick, Ours is the most practical method of clamping glned stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our list) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way is the best. A post card will bring it, catalog included. Don't delay, but write today. A. E. PALMER & SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign Representatives: The Projectile Co., London, Eng-land: I>chuchardt & Schutte, Berhn, Germany; Alfred H. Schutte, Cologne, Paris, Brussels, Liege, Milan, Turin, Barcelona, and Bilboa • ',,--~- ---.-------------_._-_... -- ... - ..- .- . - - - - 31 ....... ---~----~----~------_._._._-----_._._._._-~ 32 WEEKLY ARTISAN Free Wireless Service for Passengers. The Great i\orthern latlroad, whIch has the dmtmctlOn of beIng one of the greate'ot carners of wheat m the \\ otId and coarse lumber, Iron ore and a few other COl11moclItle" \\ ll1ch help to make tonnage, IS gOlng after the pa"Olenger bu"me,,~ 111 the same aggre"slV e way that chal actellzes all Its bus1l1eSs-gettlng campaIgns \Vltllln the past few weeks sevcral 1I1nO\atlOnt'> ha\ e becn 1I1troducecl on the Onental LU11lted B) "peClal all angc-ment news bulletIns are flashed three timet'> a clay to the tl a1l1S from headquarterOl In ~t Paul, thel eb) keep1l1g tl a\ elel" In-formed of the latest events of Importance Telephone" ha\ e been mstalled1l1 the observatlOn car, and on the arrn al of the tram connectIOns are made WIth the Clt) CIrcUIts at ChIcago. St Paul, Spokane and Seattle It I" planned to e\.tencl the sel-vIce to other CItIes Vacuum clean1l1g macll1ne, are no" part of the tram eqlllpment and carpet'->, seats, upholster) chapel-les, etc" are cleaned every clay, Between 4 and J o'clock each afternoon tea IS sen ed m the compartment and standal d sleepmg car, There IS no charge for thIS sen Ice ,..--_.- ... - Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED WANTED-POSITION. In progressIve furmture factory, makmg case goods, beds or tables by a competent supermtendent havm~ ten years' ex-perience. Thoroughly famihar With all branches. Address "W" care Weekly Artisan, 9 4-11-18-25. BUSIINESS CHANCE. For sale, woodworkmg plant, SUitable for cabinet or special furniture; located in Indianapohs; about 12,000 square feet floor space; eqUipped with dry kIln, railroad sWitch and ma-chmery ready to operate; easy terms; great bargam. CHAS. O. BRITTON, Receiver, Fletcher Bank BUIldmg. Indlanap-ohs, Ind. 8-14, 21, 28; 9-4, 11, 28. WANTED. Commission man for Misssolln and Kansas representm~ five furmture factories. SplendId mixed carload lines. Adress, Ballman-Cummings Furmture Company, Fort SmIth, Arkan-sas. Aug 7, '09 WANTED COMMISSION MEN. For Indiana and Illinois to sell our Suites, Dressers, Chiffon-iers, Stands, Beds and Wardrobes. McKIm & Cochran Fur-niture Co., Madison, Ind. 7-3-4t WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimIt-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping facilities and low freight rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downing Building, Erie, Pa. WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN. To handle a line of Extension Tables, Pedestal Tables, Ward-robes and KItchen Cupboards, on commission. State what other lines you handle and Territory desired. Address Koenig Furmture Co., 2620 N. 15th St., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED. A good cabinet maker; one who can detail and make clothing cabinets. Address B. S., care MichIgan Artisan. 6-1O-2t. BARGAIN! 40 H. P. direct current motor, latest make and in first class running condItion. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe & Dust Ar-rester Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 8-2Itf WANTED. PositlOn as superintendent, foreman or furniture draftsman; am thoroughly acquainted with all classes of furniture, hav-mg been m that Ime of business all my hfe. For certain rea-sons, WIsh to make a change. Best of references given. l' or I informatIOn address "W" care of Weekly Artisan. 8-21 8-28 I .. • •••• _ a •• • ----.'" ... ..-_. . ...- -_ ...- .... ---- . RECEIVER'S SALE. In the Distnct Court of the United States for the West-ern Dlstnct of MichIgan, Southern DiviSIOn-In Bankruptcy. I n the m,ltter of the Vellty-Caswell Table Company, bank- 1upt notIce IS heleby gIVen that the asseh of ~ald bankrupt, conSlstlllg ()f manufdctunng pldut and machmery, Ul11shed md unhll1,heJ tables, unfill1shcd ~tock, fill1shed and unfin I,hcd clothcs IMngers, lumber, supplIes dnd accounb re-cel\ Iblc Will be offered by me for sale at publIc auctIOn, dC-cordIng to the order of ,aId court, on Tuesday the 14th day at September 1909 dt 2 30 111 the afternoon of ,aId day at the Llcton ot '3dld bdnkrupt 111 the Yllldge of Portland, J\llch Thc selle \\ III be subject to conhrmatlOn by the court The Ill\ en tory ot saId ,losets may be seen at my office, at the Portldnd \LlI1ufactunng Co, Portland, Mlch, or at the oftIce ot the Hon KIrk F Wlck~ Referee 111 Bankruptcy, Hou'iemalJ buddlllg, Grdnd Rapld'i, Mlch Wm W Tenff, Recel\ er Peter Dor dlJ 1\ tt V f01 RecelV el DateJ ,It Portland, IC111la Co, J\llch, September 1, 1909 1.--._------ ..- .__ -Sep 411.....I .... ----_ .. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Acme White Lead and Color Works Adams & Eltmg Company Albro Veneer Company Amencan Blower Company Barlow Brothers Barnes, W. F. & John Company Barton & Son Company Boynton & Co Buss Machllle Works Dodds, Alexander Edge. Frank & Co Fellwock Auto and Manufactunng Company FranCIS, Chas. E, Company Fox Machllle Company Coodnch Boats Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust Arrester Company Grand RapIds Brass Company Grand Rapids Electrotype Company Grand RapIds Hand Screw Company Grand RapIds Wood Flllmshmg Company Hahn, LOUIS HIlls, Clarence R Hoffman Brothers Company Holcomb. A. L. & Co Holden. Henry S., Veneer Company Hotel PantlInd Hotel Llllden Hotel Tuller Kauffman Manufacturmg Company KImball Bros. Company Lawrence-McFadden Company Luce Furmture Company Luce-Redmond ChaIr Company Madden, Thos., Son & Co Mamstee Manufactunng Company Manetta Pamt and Color Company MattIson Machme Works McMullen Machmery Company MIchIgan Engraving Company Miller, Ell D. & Co Miscellaneous Montgomery Hardware Lumber Company Morton House Nelson-Matter FUr!lture Company Oliver Machmery Company Palmer, A. E. & Co PIttsburgh Plate Glass Company Receiver's Sale (Venty-Caswell Table Co.) Richmond ChaIr Company Royal Chair Company Schmidt, Henry & Co Sheboygan ChaIr Company Sheldon, E. H & Co ShImer, Samuel J. & Sons Shgh Furmture Company Smith Davis Manufacturing Company Spratt, George & Co Stephenson Manufactunng- Company Stow & DaVISFurmture Company Umon Furmture Company Walter, B. & Co Walter Clark Veneer Company Ward, O. A Weatherly Company Weekly ArtIsan WellIngton Hotel West MIchIgan Machme & Tool Company WhIte Pnntmg Company Wood, Morns & Sons 2 20 10 Cover 19 Cover 15 30 Cover 2 30 6 1 30 21 Cover Cover 13 10 19 9 30 6 21 27 27 27 23 14 44 3 14 9 1 8 15 22 13 32 18 27 Cover 11 31 27 32 19 13 1 26 27 30 31 18 31 30 23 30 19 12 30 11 25 27 19 24 2
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