Typewritten letter signed by 38 employees of the Hotel Pontchartrain wishing William D. Purdy

Typewritten letter signed by 38 employees of the Hotel Pontchartrain wishing William D. Purdy (addressed as "Bill") farewell as he leaves his position at the hotel, dated March 16, 1918. The letter is on Hotel Pontchartrain stationery. The letter reads: Mr. William D. Purdy At home Dear "Bill". Some think that in these modern days of hustle and bustle that little times is left for sentiment, and that perhaps sentiment has died out among business associates. We are glad to say that such is not the case in those with whom you have been associated during your long period of service at the Pontchartrain Hotel. In leaving the Pontchartrain you are breaking ties which you perhaps did not suspect existed. We assure you that they do exist--friendship, love, and esteem, and in token of our expression of these sentiments, we ask you to accept these gifts. Think of use once in a while when you use them, and be assured that they are only a small token of our feelings as such feelings cannot be made tangible. We all wish you success in your new connection, and know that wherever you are, or with whom you are associated, you will command the same feelings of respect in which you have always been held by us. Wishing you good health, long life, and continued prosperity, we are saying au revoir, Your sincere friends
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Hotel Pontchartrain and Hotels
Subject Name:
Purdy, William D.
No Copyright - United States