Saline Postcards from Harry Parsons

Photocopy of cards show Creamery, old School, and description of Saline on back.; Description written on back: "Saline Michigan - 'The Better Town.' Population 1,000. On the L. S. & M. S. and the D. U. R. Electric. Situated ten miles from U of M and State Normal Schools. Ideal residence village. Not a poor appearing dwelling in town. Excellent school. Public library, five beautiful churches, two German and three English, all free from debt. Two banks with combined deposits of three-quarters of a million. Saline has electric lights, water works, sewers, and soon to have gas. Surrounded by rich farming country with the best farm buildings in the State. Ships more live stock than any other point in Southern Michigan. Finest creamery in the State. Telephone exchange with six hundred subscribers.
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University of Michigan. Libraries
Saline Area Historical Photos
Subject Topic:
Postcard, Business, School
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