Weekly Artisan; 1909-09-25

Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and c;RANf'\ RAPID: PIT~LIC LIBR A ny GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• SEPTEMBER 25. 1909 ._--_.----~IIIIII I II III I IIII I, I I•••I, II~" ii II I IIIII I III I II I I II• tII !I I II ... ._----------------~---------------------- ~I t 1t t, It I II I,1 II II1 I •I I1 ,II• 1 II1t I III IIII I, t II III II IIII I•f, II II IIII I III I~-----------------------------------------------._------~- GRAND RAPIDS CRESCENT TYPE liIiA'"HEAVY VARIETY SAW BENCH Send for Catalog. GUARANTEED THE FINEST VARIEry SAW BENCH BUILT. Rips 30" wide; cuts 14" thick. will take a 24" saw. The guages and table are provided with graduations and adjustments for getting work out quickly and accurately. Shipped cmuplete with two luiter guages. two ripping guages. two 16" saw blades and counter shaft. etc. If you want a good luachine at a little more than you would pay for the ordinary kind then investigate this. CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS of Grand Rapids, Mich. ARTHUR S WHITE, PreSIdent ALVAH BROWN, VIce Pre"denl HARRY C WHITE, Sec y Treas WEEKLY ARTISAN .. - ...._--------------------_.--------- .. --------------_. -----_ ...-.- --------- j III• II i III I• •I "THE BETTER MAKE"I WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE SUITES TO MATCH III ,It I IIIIf I It II ,, IIII I III I I II , I I I IIt IIt I I I I IIf ,I III III II I IIIII II \----_._._. -----------_._- -- _.----_._- .... ------ -- -------- FACTORY AND SALESROOM 37 CANAL STREET CATALOGUES ON HEAVY PLATE PAPER TO DEALERS Nelson-Matter Furniture Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 1 • I I I t, II II ,I II II I, I I II II• I { I I ... 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~----------------------------- VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS AND SEE THE ._----------- . ------------------------- , BEST LINE I OF DAVENPORT BEDS IN THE MARKET We will have the nght styles at the nght pnces and made to gIve satisfactIon Don't mIss comIng to see the lme. It will pay you ,I II I Couches I II ! Parlor Leather II Furniture Rockers IIII * t ,II I! Show Rooms 35 to 41 N. Capital Ave. Ask for catalogues. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO., Indianapolis,Ind. Ij.---_ •.. -- .. ---- ..... --------------------- I --------------- __ ..-4 SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ $2~ Each Net Each Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis WEEKLY ARTISAN 3 --------- ... ... .. . . .- -- ~ " ~ , I ", , ,j I , t I t I Here is 35% OFF , I I I I I I a Rocker I I I I That's I I t I , LIST $16 f a seller. I III Write for i , the price. , ORDER A • I I SAMPLE STACK ,I , I• YOU'LL NEVER I I I REGRET IT I GEO. SPRATT I I B CO. • , The Humphrey-Wld- man Sectional Construe SHEBOYGAN, WIS. I tlon has dust proof partitIOns, Iron shelf support,> and a two meh deeper case than others ! DEALERS' I, PROFIT I I 55% I I I I I LIRe on sale In FurnIture Ex- II , chah!1e, Grahd RapIds; Manufact- • urers' Ilxh,futlOR BUlltlin!1, ChI-t , No. 10·F. Ouartered Oak. I I cago ahd Furmture Ilxchahlle, I I New York. I• , I I II I I HUMPHREY -WIDMAN BOOKCASE CO. I , I II WRITE DETROIT, I FOR No. 592. I CATALOCUE MICHIGAN ~- .--------------------------~ I •~- . -- ----- .. HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers No. 3130 COUCH-Size 30 mches wide and 75 mches long. A beautiful deSign, of gen-erous dImenSIOns Heavy hardwood frame elaborately decorated with carvmgs and mould-mgs The two mch half round mouldmg that extends along the lower edge IS finished cross-banded Large wmged clawfoot legs. American golden gramed quarter-sawed oak finish. The upholstermg IS plam with ruffled Sides. This couch is double stuffed with stitched spring edges The fillmg ISof tow and cotton felt top Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Hafner warranted steel spring constructIOn, havmg 28 sprmgs m the seat and 9 m the head. Shipped K D, legs oft, and weighs about 125 lbs. CATALOG UPON REQUEST Samplesshown at Manufacturers' Furn-iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Price No.1 Leather $25.00 \V E E K L Y j\ R 1 1 ::,A N ~-----------.._. . .. -- -- - -------.. ..----------------~~------------~-- THE LUCE LINE Many New Patterns In Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furniture for the Fall Season Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids luce furniture (0. ., (I III I I• III I ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------~fII LUCE.REDMOND CHAIR CO., Ltd. II II II• I••••I II •II •II •I III III I... .... ------------_._- -----------------------------_. --- BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE OFFICE CHAIRS, DINING CHAIRS ReceptIon ChaIrS and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colomal Parlor SUites, Desk and Dressing ChaIrs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Buch, Blrd\-eye Maple Qyartered Oak and CIrcaSSlan Walnut Yau will find our Exhibit on the Fourth Floor, East Section, Manufaclurers' BUIldmg,North loma St., Grand Rapids. - . 30th Year-No. 13 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• SEPTEMBER 25. 1909 Issued Weekly EUROPEANS CONTENTED AND HAPPY John Mowat of the Grand Rapids Chair Company Talks of What He Observed on His Recent Vacation Tour. rh~ mIddle clas,e, ot Lng-land amI ,",cotlancl are happIer than \\ e ~mellcan" declared fohn \10\\ at c,upcllntenclent of the Grand Rap1ds lha1r Compa]\ el conce1n that lS 110t t1ue to name because 1t doe, not l11akt:'chaIrs IIr 110'\ at \\ a" el ll1ell1- bC1 of the \\ 1sha1t pal t}, ment10necl by the \\ eekly \1 t1Sclll last v\eek 1n an mtel \ le\\ \\ 1th IIr TutIl1ll, and ltke all the other, he 1eport, that he enjoy ed e\ el} ml mte of the ten \\ ecL' tllP "I cn jO} ed1t 1111111ensely,he "aId I chd not 1111 ~s a meal, n01 cl1cl 1 have to gIve up anv L1ke Ml rnt/llll 1[1 \Iowat 1S a practlcal man amI a keen observel and lo"t no opportn111t} to ~a111knO\\ledgc eLlld 1nfolmat1Ol1 He talk, cnthwlast1cally and enterta1111nlSh of thc tnp and makc" IllS pomh emphatIcally, ~l\ 1l1g good 1ea "on" tor hIS op1111Onselnd cond US10ns 1 he EUlOpeans are happlel tlBn \\ e al e bccause they are 11101 e contented, contmued J\f 1 :\Iowat '\ a matte1 what a man" lot 111hfc may be, he cail not be happy unles.., he lS content-ed- contentment 1S the te,t of happme"s rhere are more poor people over the 1e than here of course, but the great 1111ddlcclasses do not need our ,,)mpath} In England and Scotland-and I th111k th1~ 1S trne to a la1ge l ","tent 111F1 ance and Gel many-ma11\ of the \\olkmg people m\n then homes, that 1" the} O\vn the 11l1l1dl11gancl have a 98 year lease of the land \\ hen a lea"c e 'Cplle, and tne Lll1cllord docs not v\l"h to II ne\\ 1t, or a lease 1" to be tenmnated tor an} 1eason the landiOl d mu"t pa} tor the bUlldmg\ the jJllce bemg fiAed b} a hoard of ec,tIll1atofs 111 case of d1sagreement bet" een te1Bnt and land 0\\ ner The v\ork111g people 0\ er the1 e ha\ e good reason to be sat-l,,£ led \\ 1th the1r lot Then \\ ag e" elle lower than here 1n dollar, ancl cents but when} au COmpq1e the purchasll1g 1'0\\ er the"'e's not so much (hfference They eelt pla111el food and are more econOll11cal, but the) 11\e well and dres~ \\ ell and make better use of the1r means and O1'POltumtIes The) knc)\\ bettel how to r~al1y enJoy 11fe Most of them \\ ork shorter hom" The taLtol1ec, "tart at ~ o'clock m the mornmg and stop half an ham for breakfast bet" een 8 and 10 [he\ have h11llheon between 1 emd ~ 0 clock and qmt at ") or 5 j(J and "laturela, a ttelnoon l~ a half hohcla} rhe co~t of hvlll~ ha~ been lt1uea~ed 111Eumpe as 111 \mer- 1ca but c10thmg 1'0 much cheapel-mol ethan )() pel cent cheap-er, qualIty conslc1ered- and mCIclllltall} expense" a1e much le-s than here One membel of om 1Mlt, \\ a" unpatllotlc enoue,h to 111vest an even hunch ed dolla1 s m clothmg \\ hlch he had made to mea'ime, of the be~t of matellals, whtle 111London For h1S $100 he got an overcoat that \\ auld cost $30 01 :5GO here, a Tu'(erlo and a Pnnce ~lbel t that \\ oelld co"t $~') or $3(J each hel e and t\\ a busme~s ~mh each \1 lth an e'\.tI a pa1r of tl Olbel ", that \\ ould cost at least $30 pel St11t ht:'le \\ hett hc got to! $100 would certaml} co~t $:2 W hel e 1f \\ ell l1letcle of the same quahty of matenal "Yes, J v1slted the great Lebus immtm e faetof\ III London WIth ;\II 1 uthlll and I endol "e all that he or ] olm \ \ lCldlcomb have saId about It It IS certaml} el gl eat m~tltutlOn se\ er,t! tUlle" lal ger than any fur111ture-mak111g pLmt In \menca and 1h enormous output goes to all pal ts of the w01ld rllm \\ a, not m} first V1Slt to that factory I \\ a~ thel e 13 \ eal ~ a~{) 111 1\% 1 hen they wel e WOlkmg anI} elbout clOD helJ1(h \ 0\\ the} employ 5,000 01 6,000 It has had a wondertul e,ro\\ tll and they have made gl eat progre"~ not anI} 111 l11ethoch but b} gl cat Im1'rO\ ement m the quaht} and "tyle at theIr 1'1uduct 1 he} are now thoroughl} up-to elate 1he} emplo} the be~t of deSIgn ers, use the purest styles and thell l'i noth111g clums} 01 heavy about the1r pattel n" \ll 01 neall} all of then £lmshmg b done by gIrlS and \\ omen 0\\ mg to the clamp cllmd te they do not t1',lcvarlll~h They use shellac, cut 1t them~elve~ ell1c1lllak~ \1 hat they call a French polIsh rhe, lan £ll11~het pIece 1n t,\ 0 det\ s \\ h11e b} om method It reql111es t\\ 0 \\ elks 01 mOle 'The eldel Lebus \\ho founded the taetot) dIed a tew }ear, ago, and leU more than ha~ evel been made b, am otllel I1nlll-tm e manufaLtmll1g ltlSbtutlOn He left the fm11ltm e plant to hIS three sons and hIS }Ol111ger blOther and they h,ne managed It aclltlnably It has been chalged that the "uv:e~s ot the elder Lebus was due to the 1mpol ±ethan of cheap labol 110111ilK contment, mamly from Rus"la, but I tll1tlk 1t \\ elS due mal e to hl~ ',lde-awake progressl\ e pohey that ha, been contmued b\ hIS sons and hI;, blOther rl he} arc al\\ av" looklllg out for a chance to extend then tl ade and fOt nc \\ l1l<lchmel\ lllethods emd 1cleas The last \\oreIs to Ih hom th~ "upellntendent \\ho ,hO\\edu'i thlough the tactOl) \\erl [t }ou clt"cme1 an}th1l1g 111 the way of Improvement m tetLiO)\ method, new mach1l1ery, elC, we wlll appreCIate} our kl11dJle,,~ and be unclel great obhga-bon" 1f you WIll call om attentIOn to the tact • cl he people of LngLl11d are grE\ltl v sIII red up 0\ el govel n ment matter" at present [heIr pohtlLal hne" are badly \\arpec1 ell1d I would not be 'il1rpn"ed to see a cl1clnge 01 mod1£lcat1C111of then tree trade poltcy soon Lndel that pollcy Eflgland has competed WIth the world very succes" fully for over ~l"'"ty yeal~, 6 - - ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------, WEEKLY ARTISAN .,._. The Beautiful, New Udell Catalog IS ready for all Retail Furmture Dealers. It will help sell the line that of Its kind has no superior. It contains 88 pages Illustratmg 41 Library Bookcases, 88 Ladies' Desks, 48 Sheet Music Cabinets, 23 Piano Player Roll Cabinets, 14 Cylinder Record Cabinets, 11 Disc Record Cabmets, 19 Medicine Cabinets, 10 Commodes, 9 Foldmg Tables. ACT AT ONCE AND WRITE THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, INO No 679 ..... ---_._._.-----_. but many of the manufacturers ,lI e tl1 eel ot It 1 hl\ deda1 e and It IS t1ue, that England has become a ,01 t ot dump1l1g f; Iounel for the surplus products of other natlOn~ \ [am manuTaltUl el - 111 other countnes, partlcu1arl) m \mcllCa and (,erm,m 1 ,ell then' products 111 England cheapel than at home (\\ t h'l\ c clone a lIttle of that om selve,) and the r:n~h,h Illanutactul L1" 111"hl that such 1mp01ts mu,t be taAed 01 "hut out "Another great pohtlLa1 Issue 111 En:s1and h the land t,l'. proposed by Lloyd-George. "'" fe\1 months ,lgO It 1\a, thought the measure was doomed to defeat but 1t~ chance" hd\ e becn greatly Improved recently b\ the d1SCo\el \ that d lut UT land owners 111 vanou~ sectlOns ot london 1M\e paId no ta'.e~ TO! many years The lllvest1gatlOn, ha\ e not bcen completed, but they are bel11g pushed and the \\ ealth\ manufactl11 ers amI other~ are contnbutl11g to the expense I hdcl the plea~Ul e at meet1l1g and bemg enterta1l1ecl by one gentlemen \\ho had Jlht q~ned a check for $25,000 to be used 111push111g the 111ve"tlgatlOn- bllng mg the tax-dodgers to ]ustlce and thm a1chng the Lllld ta'. measure "Dy the way, those Engh~lllnen dlC glCdt cntelt.llneh 1 he) are generous and knO\\ Just how to makt It pled"ant t01 then guests. I met one of the plOpllet01, {)t the TdlllOlh 1 L1, "dptha Soap Compa11les, who have factolles 111h1H;land \cot!,11d on the -------~_._._._----- -----_.~--- We Manufacture tlte LUl!est Line of fOlDlno ("AIDS In the Ufilled States, SUItable for Sun day Schools, Halls, Steam-ers and all pubhc resorts We also manufacture Brass Tnmmed I ran Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Cribs In a large vanety Send (or Catalogue and PYlces to I KAUffMAN l._.~:~f~~:;,~:o I ...... - --1 II ,I•I ,• III I ------------------------------------------------~ No 354 No 1239 umtllJent and one 111 \mellcd He tc ok me out to hl~ Lountn pldce \\ here he ha~ ,I fine e~tabltshl11tnt There]', anI) a httle more than tour ale, at la lc! but on that patch he ral~e, every-th1l1g that C,l!1 be glO\\ 11 11 that cltmate He I~ very 1\ e'llth\ 'l11clcledal c, that he hncls 111';greatcst pleasure 111 tf) l11~ to c!o £;00c1 \\ lth Ill, mone\ He docs not beheve that an, mdn ,houlc1 lea\ e a lal!~c e,tate to JllS llUI' but should use 1t~~et nd at 1t~dullng hIS hte tnlle, for the benefit of hiS fellow men and tho'e \\ Iw ha\ e not been so fort,mate HIS Ideas are much hke lho,t Lruhted to \nc!re\\ Lalneg1e, but he IS a much Wider, blOdcled m111clecln1<\11than the Ld1nl of SkIbo' 1 dgree \\ Itn \Ir 1 uth1l! thdt \\e \mellcans make a great 111l,tdke \\hen \\e torm our conceptlOl1 of the Europeans from the general appearance ot tho,e who come here to seek employ-ment There IS tluth m the ~a) 1l1g thdt those \\Iho come here {Il onll the ",cum 01 'off ~COUI1l1g::,of their native lands \lam ot them bu ome 1l1telltgent, pllhptroUS I,tluable c1tl7em ,l£tel d tl \1 I edl ~ 11l tlllS countn, but w1Kn they come ove1 nedrh all a1e 19nord 1t amI clefiClent 111 the qualttles that go to mal,e ell' 11dJ)!L Utlzelh 1 I en thc skIlled \\ orkers \" ho come hele dre not tall ~peumens at their cia,s 1he1e IS no reason \\ h\ the be,t 01 tdll mecha1l1c, ~llOn1d lea, e any European COllll!l) ~eAcept petl1dps RU~"ldn,,~and come to th1" country 1 he\ can a1l\ a), fj'lcl \\mk ,ll1c1command good \'lclges at home 'There a1e at COIHe, some 1\ ho Lome over here because the) ale more progres~lve than then countnmen They want to \\ Iden their field dnd then opportumtles and they g-enerally ,ucceecl here, but the) t01111 an e'{ceptlOn to the general rule \lost of the bettu edulated people I\ho come over do so Simply because the) have faded to 11Mke good 111 the natIve land "The people acro" thc 1\dtcr arc tIllite plOgresslve as a whole They clo not 1u.,h th111gs d~ \\ e do hut they al e not so ~Iov\ as we have been lcd to th111k They are l11duStilOUS but they take ltfe e,h) \s I ha, e said mo~t of them work short hour'; and nobod) seem., to be 1\1 any great hun y \J el y few of the stores 111 the 1al £ie cltle" al e opened before 9 o'clock 111 the mortling and the\ c1o~e edrl J ~b·. McVey as a Manufacturer. 13 l .:\lc\ ev of Grand Rapid, ::\11ch, well known as a fur-lllture salesmen I ecenth plll cha .,ed an 1l1terest 111 the S1l1c1air- \11en ::\lanufactunng Compa'w of 1\IottvJ1le X Y, manufac-turers of 1ustlc reecl and rattan turmtUl e \\ 1th capital stock fixed at $35,000 the cOlllpany has been 111corpo1ated by B C Mc- Vey, \. J. Allen and E L Allen who Will make additions to the lIne of products and enlarge the capaCIty of the factory. WEEKLY ARTISAN MADE BY HOLLAND FURNITURE COMPANY HOLLAND, MICH. 7 8 - ----------------------------------, WEEKLY ARTISAN P------------------------------------ ~ This Group for ~51 Sohd Oak; French Plates; Any Finish Desired Wardrobe Dresser Combmation Dresser Commode Dresser Chiffonier Bed $1800 6.50 4.00 8.75 775 6.00 FhlSHloS-Golden Oak Gloss Dun Golden Early EnglISh. Weathered or Fumed FOB Mamstee. Manistee Mfg, CO. MANISTEE, MICH. II ~--------------._------_.-.--._-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ -. New Furniture DealeI·~. 1 he Olanta 1m111tme Comp'\l1) ,lle nL\\ clL1111~ elt ULlIltu ::, c. "Sute) SaftOlcl h to l~ta1Jll')h ,\ Ictal1 tmll1ture ,t')ll elt \ubtJrn, Cal. Katl :0.foore &. Co h \Ie opencd ,l nu\ t\1111ltllll ,md C,llplt ~t01 e m Columbl's, UhlO (JeOl ge HethclllU;ton IS a ne\\ tt11ll1tllll de,\lu alHI llndll-telkel ,1t Gl eenfield, Iowa J IV Grossman \\111 open ,I ne\\ illr111tmc ..,tOle ,It U1dlle" CIty, IoVl a) on October]. H E J iIll \\ 111open a ne\\ fml11tl11 e andlal pct ..,t{)1 e at SOG 810 :\ilanhattan el\ ('nul' CI eensI'm t \ \ Clockel & ()\\ ~Il h,n e 1tJ-t opclltd then 11('\\ t11111lt'lll stOl e located 111 el new tl1l Cl stm \ h1111dmg \\ hllb the\ CIU tul Oil Thll d avenue near IIam ~tl eet \berc1een,:-:, D Plllhp Gel vurt/ of POl tlcmd, 01C6011 hel' lea,cd 1 Ile\\ btl11chng In that Clt\ elt el lC ntdl 01 S(J (lllil pl1 \ cal and \\ III OCCUpy the same \\ Ith cl I etld ..,tolk ot ll111l1t111C :'IIeyeh & 1 11lstCl\\ a]d ,I fil111 1 ecc11th (J1 ~a1117ec1 \\ III "pe a large stock of fUl111ture 111 Dcb ellt tod,n 1hc\ OLCl1jJ\ a hand ~ome ne\\ fom-st01 \ bm](1JnR on Pl11£;lte '-,(11181Cnca1 I[01ll0C :"treet, eqmppec1 WIth ,dl 1110del n lon'vl11lenCe" Clelrence ll1en) pI c'lClent of the 1. 110 \ I 111111t11C1 ell1d L 11 del takmg Compan\ ot \11111qucICjue \\ ho a]..,o m\ n.., :"tore, elt \rtesla and Carhhad '\ If ha~ ]Iht 01£;elnJ7Ccl l COmpdJl\ capItalIzed at $jO,OOO to estabh"h a nc\\ 11111l1tme ~tore \\ lth ;In unc1ertak111~ depal tment ,It Um h \ e\\ If e"110 Indianapolis Illinois and New York Sts. 6 Blocks from UnIOn Depot 2 Blocks from Interurban »tatlOn 250 Rooms All OutsIde, With FlTe Escape 1elephone 111 Every Room European Plan Rate, 7;)c to $2 00 Per Ddy Dlmn~ Room 10 ConnectIOn SpeCIal I<ates to FamIlIes and Permanent Guests I adles TravelIng Alone" 111Fmd 1 hIS a VeT) DeSIrable Stopping Place GEO.R. BENTON Lessee and Manager ~.. :Furniture Fires. lh,l111pho11 .., mattl e"s t.ldOl} 111 [JoustOl1, Tex, was burned 1 C'lenth Lo'" '); iO 110 111SUlancc n " lhandlel " furll1tl11 e ~torc toLdh de,tl 0\ erl b\ 111C 0,1 '-,cpt 11 S21100 j hc tlllll1tUIl pldl1t dml plel1l1n€ 111111 of the Bradley Lumbel C 0111pell1\ oj Ch7dbethto\\ 11, Te1l1l) was burned WIth a loss of "'hO ouu on '-,eptembel 1') \\ U Plelle ~ chan 1dlt01 \ at South Ashburnham, Mass, \\ a" c1al11c1£;erlto the e"tent of about $?5,OOO on September 16. Ifl I'1ellc cal \led no l11"l11ance and 1" unleltam as to whether he \\ III be able to 1ehmlel and 1e<;ume bU"111e<;s at GI eenvdle) 1ex) W d:" Lo,s $5 )00, 111S111ance New Factories. \Ia,,()\l l\la11"tettc1 (( "an IIOIth} have estabhshed a new m,)t tIC '" ell1d bl00111 1,ldol \ at Lom"Iana 110 1 he Lt"tel \Llttll'" lOl11pany, lLlentl) orgamzed hy 0 1 IIetccl:t ,[1111othcl" \\ 111 bulld a ne\\ faltorv and beg1l1 opera-tll 111 111 October 1 hl (,uthllc (()Ua) Dl k and '-,chool FU1mtme Com-j1cll1\ :"tarted thell IlC\\ tact01y on ::'cptembel 13 They employ ,tbont 100 men and eAped to 1l1crease the force soon C I 1\ alkcr, J C '-,hechan elnc1 H IV :'IIunhall, have m-l 01 pOI cltec1 the I [Ctl opohtan Chellr ( ol11pany, capItalized at $100,- nlln alld \\ J11 estab1Jsh cl large tactory near Xew Haven, Conn UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases ·•• I, I II II ,•I •, II I~------------_.----_.-_._-~------------------- We lead m Style, Confuucbon and Flmsh. See our Catalogue. Our Ime on permanent exhlbl- !Ion 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUilding. Grand Rapids. I ..1 WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 No. 617. No 618. No. 619. No. 620. MADE BY LUCE-REDMOND CHAIR COMPANY BIG RAPIDS, MICH. BENEFITS- OF CO-OPERATIVE BUYING Address of President Buenger at the Opening of the Midsummer Meeting of the Minnesota Retail Furniture Dealers' Association. Gentlemen -" \ condItIOn of Oul pI ebent t1l11l" had 11ldde It necessaly for us to come tog ethel at thb tIme at OUI htth n11(l-summer meetmg Dunng the fir~t part of thl ~ year \ our officer~ felt that It would be WIse to torego the ex.peme nece""ary tor d mld-sullJmer llJeetmg m 01 del to make au! annual medmg" "tIll gl eater succe,se" than the} have been, but If our a'i"OclatlOn means plotect1On to It~ members It.., fil ~t duty h to dnttclpate and head off any and all hade-e\ 11..,that lontJont them The past SIX months have been actIve ones \\ Ith OUI a,~OCld tton and we are begml1lng to undel stand more and more \\ hat close and constant touch \\ Ith edch othel means In the course of lookmg after aSSoCIatIon affan'-, OUI 1epl e"entatlve \\ ho make, It hIS busll1e<;<;to knO\\ \\ hat b gomg on at the bll.~·lll,ul order houses, 1eports, that nevel llJ the hI"t0f} at the llldtl-ordel concerns were ,uch Immeme and lavl~h pI epal atlOns bcmg made for gomg after busmeb", '\.nd thI' m such volume that we the small dealer can hardly re,lhze, and e,peclall} "mle the good crops have become an assured fact Now If they get the bmmes" the) ale aHer ham ,Ilnne"otd It means that you and 1 ale tS0111gto lo~e that mUlh dml thell fore It makes It decIdedly Oul bU..,1l1e<;<to; pi otect that \\ hlCh of nght belongs to us Remember, that It at n~ht belong" to us, only as long as \\ e can fUll1l,h am mel chandhe 111trade at the same pnces made by these cancel n" It h trut. \\ e d~ dealer" do not ltke to ,ell the quaht} of good" usually sold b\ the mall order hou,es, nOJ I~ It necessal y but, nevel thele"", \\ e have the catalogue pnces contmually and fOJevel forceel upon the atten-tIon of our patron", and they not bell1g as a rule, good ludges of furl1lture value, ludge our plOduct accordmg to the pi Ices that are quoted to them 111these catalogue" That IS onh d natural result, and therefore It become.., OUI blh1l1e,,~ (If \\ e \\ hh to be master of 01.11trade conchtlOns 111011l 1e"pedI\ e lOmmUl11ttes) to see to it that we have a cIa"s of leadel" on 01.11floO!s e'Cactly ltke the vanous kmds offel ed by the mall OJdel houses hut made dnd fil11sheel as a pIece of furnIture should be Do not t(lr~et that' Some WIll "d} that that 1'31I11po"slble but b ItO i hlee \eal.., "go we would have salel also It lannot be done Hut thanb to orgal11ZatlOn, \\ e can unhesltatlllgh "a) that It can he done and that we have a:osembled here for) OUI 111spectIOn example" "howmg ho\\ It Cdll be done, and If nghtly used WIll bamsh for-evel ft am }Oul commul11ty the mall order ploblem Remember' I "aId, "If nghtly used," and 111 that phrase hes the solutIOn of the whole problem Became If yOU do not use the matenal brought to you nghtly, It WIll be onl} hke unto a large locomotIve, that would be meless and bung c1e"tIuctIOn to Itself, If not nghtly u"ed We find that we, the furl11ture deal-ers are no exceptIOn to the natural law of proper dppllcatlOn, of that WIth \\hlch Vvework It IS only natural to ask, when we sa} we can supply you WIth any Item that has become compe-tItIve because It IS 111 the mall-order catalogue, how do you do It? \1\ answel IS "b) followl11g the same method'3 that made the mall-order house pnce pos"Ible \nd whdt ale these method,,:> FIrst, quantIty, second, cash, third, the eltm1l1atIng of all cost 11l gettmg the merchandIse to them, dealers g0111g to the source of supply only, lather than have the source of supply come to them, a~ IS the custom m plesent poltcy of \\hole"altng, fourth, no\\ follow me close1}-lf the condltlOl1'i ale such that an mc1I- \ldual dealel cannot comply WIth the..,e conclttIOl1S, and vel y fe\\ dealeI.., are ldrge enough to do so, then the mdlvlcIual dealer must find a \\ ay through co-opel atlOn to bring to hIm hIS merchandIse upon the same baSIS a.., the mall order houses get theIrs, or \\ hatever phase of competItIon he may be facmg, or else he must abIde b} the law of the .,urVlval of the fittest And I ask, where dl e you gomg to be found:> In the ranks of the aSSOCIatIOnwork-el s, ah\ ay ~ altve to that which IS for YO\.11be.,t Interest and make Olganizatton "0 strong that nothmg WIll be Impossible, or are \ ou g0111g to stay in the old rut of trade tradItIons untIl modern trade condItIons "ay "so fal and no farther," and then be num-bered m the It,,t of "Has TIeens ?" Those of you who have been WIth us '3111Cethis a,,"ociatIOn \\a" orgamzed, know how hald we have worked with our home l1IanuLlcturers, urg111g them to '3upply us WIth what we felt we needed and 110\\ that we dre workmg out our own salvatIOn, \\ hat cIa \\ cheal 111 reference to our co-operatIve buymg move-l11e11tO "It cannot be done "It never wa~ succes"ful, etc." \\ ell. let me "ay that he who would startle men mto thinking for thelll"e1ves, or brings them new Ideas, IS never receIved by re- LeptlOn C0l11111lttees,bra"" band" or gIven a re"olutlOn of thanks ,..---------------------- ......----.._.~._- ,I II II I IIII ,II I I,IIII I• •IIII tI I~-----------_.--_.--._.----------------------------_ ...- ------------------------_._-_.----_. Lentz Big Six No. 694. 48 in. top. No. 687.60 in. top. Others 54 in. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAN -------------------------------------------i-j III II III I II•I ,I• I t I III IIII•IIII t III ------~ \\ E I.!.. '" L Y MOON DESKS are 19°9 styles. Made to take care of the demands of progressive business men. They are not stand stills-but "Mara-thonian" business getters. MOON DESK CO., Muskegon, Mich. ARll~AN ---_._--------_. __._.--_. ----------------~ II , In the Heart of the Business~IWorld No. 1333 .--- ...-_. ..- ..----~._----_._---_._._--_._.__.-----------_._-_._. -------- - - - - .-- - -- On the contrary he IS always looked upon wIth :ousplclOn. And especially so If that Idea or pohcy affects any busine~s line of trade and were It not for the fact that history gIves us the con- ~olation that, invanably, Ideas and pohcles that worked out to the betterment of trade condItions or huma111ty, werc condemned and cnticized, I would feel discouraged about our co-operative buymg movement. But, I cannot help but feel that our association IS made up 0 f men who have the courage, who dare to do thmgs, who ha\ e good business judgement and who truly seek to serve dnd b\ ~Ct\ tn!?, one another help themselves, and that" e wIll Wl11,110 llldttl! hO\\ strong may be the oppo:oitlOn at thIs time. Brother dealers, we have got to have conhdcnce \\ L IM\ C got to be wIlling to do om ~hale of the work and lend such finan-cial aid as is necessary to bnnl:S the greate~t good to thc gtCdtl5t number vVorking dlOllg the lme:o that the mOlC plo~pelou~ \1, can make our membels, the more pro~pelOu~ OUI aS~OUdtJon \\ III be. I am glad that I can report that our assoCIatIOn is in betict condition than at any other time In ItS hIstory, and I am sm e that If it were not for the buymg arrangement, we would not have added the long list of members \\ e have m the first half of the year. And, as Jour presIdent, I wdnt to say that I almost fecI sure our members do not reahze the wOlk that IS bemg done b\ our buying commIttee vYhen you reahze that they hdve alread) wntten three thousand two hundred letters-that IS the last nU111 ber of the copy of letter5 I recelve-) ou can begm to realue what IS bemg done, and \\ e all should be ever reddy to fur111~h such informatIOn as they m their \\ ork deem necessar) The report of the buymg commIttee \\ III show that "e have doubled our volume, and that d 5ubstantial savmg has been brought to the members thu:o ~erved, and therefore hope that tlu:o much can be saId as to matter of gam, by the report of thIS com- Imttee at our next annual meeting I hope that every member here WIll study carefully the helps the assocIatIOn has brought. particularly the advertlsmg helps, became by theIr use you Cdn do a volume of advertismg that will offset anvthrng the mad-order houses can send out and at a cO'ot WIthin the,means of the avelagc small dealer, and whIch if at-tempted. i 1divldually would be utted) plohlblted '7hat:brmgs me back to the pnnClpal thought that I wish to leave you, vrhich is this' we as an assocIation have brought you the weapon of protectIOn in leaders and the powdel to make that \\ eapon effe'tive in om advet tl'm12 hcll)' h tt thc\ nH1~t be rwht- <....7 .; b 1) u:oed 111 Older to dLcomphsh their ends, and therefore, we as an a~souatlOn have donc all we could and now It IS up to you, as l11chvldual dealer~ to u~e It (The report ot the buymg cOlmmttee, mentIOned by Presi-dent Buenl:Sel, WIll be found on another page m thIS edItion of the vVcekh A.rtlsan-Ed) Frank ~I Houser, fur111tm e dealcl filed d vohmtal) petitIOn m bdnkl uptC) k:o~ than $1,000 of \ ersallles, OhIO ha:o LlablhtJes $4,817, assets r;;--;T'~T~~;;~~T- REF~i~~~~~~;I IT'S AN ALASKA I I 0"" 850,000 AI..k.1 : refrigerators sold sin c e , : I 878. DeSIrable features I : of an Alaska Refrigerator: I !t Small consumption of Ice. I" ': Maximum amount of cold, I' I ~~! Absolutely sanitary pro- : vision chamber. I I Simplicity of operation. I I Perfect preservation of I food.! II ,j WRITE FOR CATALOG. We sell to dealers only. I III L E. Moon, New York Manager, I 35 Warren St.• New York City. I ~------------------------ .-..... The Alaska Refrigerator Co. Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers. MUSKEGON, MICH. 11 II I.. 1he DaVidson l"urmture Compan\ of De~ :\IoInes, Io~a, have leased three floors of a large bUIldIng for ~arehouse pur-poses makIng four warehouses that the) me In the Clt) rhe Kell) Furniture Company of St LOl11s, :\10, located tor several ) ears at the corner of Eleventh and OlIve street, I~ to move soon mto a new Slx-StOly bl11ldlllg on \Vashlllgt0n avenue The two furmture factones at LexIngton, N C ,-the Dixie and the Elk-are working at full capacity They shipped 60 car load~ III \ugust and the total IS expected to be larger for '-leptember Ed H Gower of Peona, III, for several years a furni-ture buyer for the Larklll Soap Company of Buffalo has gone to London Eng to eng-age 111the I etaIl furmture businses WIth hI~ brother The Bolte Bras 1"urmture COmpdn) of \Vltchlta, Kans, hay e deCIded to go out of the furmture business and are closlllg out their stock The) have been III the retaIl fur11lture trade ,mce 1810 (,U) E \VIIlIams and 0 r Fmfrock have each bought a block ot .,tock 111the Hallock Furmture Company, retaIl dealers of Rockford, III ,md ~ III take an actIve part III the management of the ,tore J K RI~hel &.. La, of \VlllIamsport, Pa, have secured 6500 feet ot space m the Leonard bl11ldlllg, Grand RapIds, where the\ VvIII exhIbit theIr Illle of d1l1mg room and chamber furni-tm e next January The O.,terman Furmture Company of (Ie\ eldnd, OhIO has been 111corpOlated b\ r T Benesch, \1,- "'\ O~termen \ J. Con-rad \ T KI oehle B SIlver~tell1 G J Federman Capital S [0000 , ~ Lampbell and :\1 J dmeson hd ve opened one of the .,tnn~ at 'Big \111e .,tore" 111 \Vlchlta, Kans, and have stIr- I ed up the furmtl11 e trade 111 that CIty conwlerably, but, notwlth- .,tand1l1g the keen competItIOn there ha~ been no pnce cuttmg George E ColIe &.. Co manufactm er~ of carpets Iug~, etc ot Buffalo \ Y have been incorporated under the name of the (,eor~e E LolIe COmpdn), b) George E ColIe, ::\Iarv Q lollIe ,llld Uldlle., C Page Capital stock, all paid Ill, $20,000 ] he Lotu t House Lomml""lon IS advertIslllg for sealed propo.,als to turnhh and llbtall wood and metal fur11lture, car-pet., Ill~~ etc 111the 11eVvcourt house at \ew Orleans, La [he ,peclficatIOns are on file VvIth the archItect, P Thornton IIal \ e 111the Candlet bl11khm; \tlanta Ga dnd bIds must MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. J. F Klrkpatnck, of Lamal Lola hd' ~old hl~ tUlluture Store to Church Bros Morlock & C1me, fur11lture manutacturers ot Guelph Unt have been adjudged bankrupt Toledo, OhIO, reports a great demand tor labor, partIculall) for upholsterers and car shop workers 0, Bergeron, furmtUl e dealel of North Yakima, \\ ash has made an aSSIgnment to James 0 Cull D, A Howard, for man) year~ a turmture dealer at lle\ e land, OhIO, clIed on Sept 1:, aged 71 years The LeWIston FurmtUl e Company, dealers ot LeVv!'lton Idaho, has been Illcorporated Capltdl, $25,000 The St Louis Furmture Board of Trade are taklllg dn ac tIve part III the framlllg of a new chartel for that CI1\ Creditors have filed a petitIon 111 bankruptc\ agalllst J o'eph Weber, furmture and carpet dealer of Ul1lon HIli, ~ J J. E Roantree has sold his mterest III the Cortland Cabinet Company, Canestota, NY, and Will retire from bmme~., The name of the Rock Island (Ill) Cotton and \1 attre.,., Company has been changed to the Ih~~I"SIPPI \ alle\ Cotton and Mattress Company, The Tams Furniture Company of Huron, S D, have mOl ed into their new buildlllg and now have one of the "finest and most artistic" stores in the ~tate Howard J Gnng, upholsterel and manutacturel ot svvmg' and mattresse~ of Read1l1g, Pa has lmt completed a two-,ton brick addition to his factory The Harley Furniture Company ot \ ash, Ille Tenn, hd., had to move three times 111 the past five vear~ 111 order to accom mod ate their increasing trade The bnck work for the neVv Osborn hotel at Eugene Ot e has been completed vVhen fimshed It \\111 cost about $125,000 It will be ready for pubhc me edrly 111 J anuar), Levin Brothers of :\I1I1neapolI~, :\I1I1n, are bl11ldlng' an ad ditIOn to their factory The new build1l1g WIll be of modern style and constructIOn, three stone~ GOAl~O feet W D, HamIlton, furniture dealel of :\ dsh\ Illc I enn IS to move his stock 1I1tOa neVv up-to-date four ,tol) bUllchng' that IS being erected by B F \\'I1son on SIAth avenue Joseph E Corbett, fot many \ ear., connected II tth the furm-ture business in Columbus, OhIO dted on Septembel 11, ag-ed ~(, years Death was cau'ied b) a tumor on his brain ~, ---------------------------------------- ----~I I I ! PIONEER : I I ! MAnUf AnURlnO ! I I ! (OMPAnT I I I I • I DltTROIT. MICH, I I • I I I Reed Furniture : I I Baby Carriages I Go-Carts I I ~ ! Ll Full hne shown only ! at the factory, IIII ----- ... _--------------------------_. ~----------------------------------------------~ I I : STAR CASTER CUP COMPANY •• NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I, I I I • I I t I t , I I I I I I I · , t , I , t I ,I• II, I I , I I (PATENT APPLIED FOR) I : We have adopted cellulOId as a base for our Caster Cups, making the " best cup on the market CellulOid IS a great Improvement over bases • made of other matenal When It 15necessary to move a pIece supported • , by cups WIth cellulOid bases It can be done WIth ease, as the bases are per- I , fectly smooth CellulOid does not sweat and by the use of these cups I I tables are never marred These cups are fimshed In Golden Oak and I II WhIte Maple fimshed IIght If you w.ll try a sample order of these I' goods you w.ll de.. re to handle them .n quant.tMs : PRICES:SIze 2% IUches $5.50 per hundred. : I SIze 2J{ IUches 4.50 per hundred. I I fob Grand Rap.ds TRY A SAMPLE ORDER I , I '-------- ...-----. ..... ... WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 reach Bernard McCloskey, PresIdent Court House CommIssIOn New Orleans, on or before October 15 The SalIsbury & Satterlee Company, manufacturers of beds and beddmg, MmneapolIs, .:\1Inn , are lllvestIng $50,000 or $60,000 In an adchtlOn to theIr plant The new buIlchng wIll be of modern mIll con~tructlOn, SIX stones above basement, 60 X 100 feet OffiCIals of the Cochrane ChaIr Company, CIncmnatI, gave theIr base ball team a banquet on September 16 Of course the team I~ a willner else there would have been no "feed" They won the pennant III a local league, havmg lost only two games elunng the season The FurnIture Board of Trade of ~t Lotm, .:\10 , IS con sld-elmg a propOSItIOn from a busllless man of the CIty of ::\leAlco to brmg 100 merchanb from MexIcan utIe~ on a buymg excursIOn The promoter want~ $~,)000 to pay for hIs ~ervlces and the ex-peme~ of the tnp B A. Klpp & Co, furnIture manutacturel s of :\IIlwaukee, \VIS, have solei out to the J,,"lel Furmture Company, who wIll take posse%lOn of the plant, stock, matendl, etc , on Oct 1 The plant wIll be enlarged :\lr Klpp I "aIel to have recen ed more than $150.000 fOl hl~ mterest Charles \Venderoth of the firm of \\ enderoth & :\IcGIll, fur-mture dealel s of South Bend, Ind. was ceverely Injured recently by beIng run clown by a horse and buggy One of hIS legs was so badly crubhed that It wa", thought dmputatlOn i\ ould be nec-essary but he WIll recover WIthout lOSIng I t Credltor~ of c.,chwal tz & Co . furmture dealer'. of 11'1 Pnnce street, ~ ew YOlk, have filed two petItIOns dsk1l1g that the firm be declared bankrupt for havmg made preferentIal pay ments and moved pal t of theIr ~tock ~urreptItlOusly The store has been placed In the hands of James 0 Tryon as receIver On petItIOn of the Buck Stove & Range Company of St. LOlllb, Mo, the Wmslow Furmture and Carpet Company of St. Paul, Mmn, has been placed III the hands of a receIver. The concern "Was formerly the North Star Furmshlllg Company, whIch went through bankruptcy about a year ago Luzerne county, Pa., hab a great "candal concermng the furnishing of the new two-mllhon-dollars court house at \VIlkes-barre It IS somethmg hke the Pennsylvama state capItol scandal of two years ago mvolvIng offiCIals, contractors, foremen and m- ~pectors, but so fal no furmture deale I s have been found gl11lty. J dmes H Strong, Charles H. JJurra~ and E R. Thompson of ChIcago, Fredenck L May tag of Newton, Iowa, and \VIl-ham J Hood of Shelby, OhIO, have Incorporated the Interna-tIOnal ::\ldusoleum Company of ChIcago, to deal 111 patient bunal crypt~ and mausoleums The authonzed capItal stock IS $1,500,000 \VIlham H V\! oodall, treasurer of the vVoodall WIllow lurmture Company, Boston, .:\Iass, who dlsappered last March and 111chcted by the grand Jury m June, for embezzlIng $3,400 from the company was arrested m Los Angeles on September 15 and WIll return to Boston for tnal He blames the "loan sharks" and "Shylocks" for hIS downfall The George D. Emery Company of X ew York, Importer" of mahogany, who claImed mIllIons as damages from the Nicara-guan government for the annulment of a tImber concession, as mentIOned m the vVeekly ArtIsan recently. hay e accepted or agreed to accept $600,000 as full settlement of the claIm There IS said to be some doubt as to whether the l\lcaraguan govern-ment WIll be able to I alse the money Koman can become popular unless he is WIlling to be bored once 111 a while ~-- IIII ....------------------------------_ ....-_.~ "There's Ifla!theButtoo" ~---------------------------------------------~ r- -------- ---- ----------------" I I I THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. i I CHICAGO II This is one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chairs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dining Room furniture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Order furni-ture, etc. A complete hne of sam-ple. are displayed In The Ford 8 Johnson Buildlnl/. 1433.37 W.I).sh Ave •• In· c1udlul! • .peclal d,splay of Hotel Furniture. All furmture dealers are cordially invlted to visit our building. III I .._. __ ."I II II I... . --. . .. . _. --.-- .-- -.---------_._--- -----.... 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN rI--------------------------------------.-----.----~·----·---·-----------------------------------------------~ I •t •I • I ,• I• I,• ,I ,I ,• ,,I I I~I to come. CIty Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg 1, Our Large New Line of The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure HTOUCHED ONLY THE HIGH SPOTS.!! Report of the Buying Committee of the ~Iinne· sota Retail Furniture Dealers' Association. r\t the mld~u1l1l11er meetmg of the \rllll1e~ota Reta1l I U111l-ture Dealers' As~oclatlOn held a1 \Imnedpolh 011 '-,eptemhe1 ". the buymg comm1ttee p1e,entecl the tolhm 1l1~ 1 epOl t Yom comrmttee ha~ pa,sed throngh 11'-- h1"t "t,H;e ot e"ve1- 1ence, and wh1le at tlme~ VI e had mall) problem, to soh e tlldt seemed dl ~couragmg, yet we beheve that the repO! t that \\ e al e about to submIt, \\ III ~ho\\ that \\ e have brom;ht the ,ub~tdntlal ~aVlllg to the members of our as~oclatlon \ot onh that \\ ~ have suppled a clas~ of mel chand1~e \\ lth \\ Inch to meet the cata-logue house competltlOll \\ hlch \\ ed, 1l1(hV1du,tl dealel' \\ ould never have seen or been able to get That we have lust "touched the hu:;h ~pot~ 111 th1~ \\ ork, 1~ apparent to those of u~ who are mak1l1~ tln~ matter a ,tucl) and 1t 1Sonly natural that we w1ll have to go throug-h that penor1 of recen 1l1g the knocks from \\ hat ever 1l1te1e t Oell pohc\ m1ght affect and a~ time goes on \\ e behe\ e th'lt tin, llement w111see the1r m1stake and rall) to the (,m"e ot O!£;d11l7,ltlOnmOll frequently and firmly and enthus1astlcalh than e\ el h( tOll he cause we beheve that an) thlll~ that goe, to\\ al cl help1l1£; mdke the lllchv1dual dealer~ mOl e prospet ous ha~ lh good effect upon the whole furmture mdustl y Anyone who 1\ 111 ~tud) carefulh the ~,\ll1ple, a""emblecl r----------------------------------------------~ I Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. I 2 Parkwood Ave.,Grand Rapids, Mlch We are BOW putting out the best Caster Cups WIth cork bdses c\ er offeree to the trade These are finIshed III Golden Oak and White Maple 1U a hght fimsh These goods are admlTable for poltshed floors and fnrn lture rests Theywill not sweat or mar. PRICES SIze 2U mches .•.. $4.00 per hundred SIze 2M mrhes . 5.00 per hundred Try a Sample Order FOB Grand RapIds DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when pnces and quality are consIdered. STOW & Df\VIS fURNITURE, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. hCIe toua), WIll ~()on ~ee that no one need~ to fcar the catalogue compet1tlOn an) more, but do not forget that we have supphed \ ou \\ Ith the matenal to do the work WIth and now 1t 1S up to the mchvlclual membel ~ to u,e that matenal to the best advan-tage andlf not med properh It 1S Jmt as worthle~~ as any other Ul1l1~ed thmg That om pohcy of co-operatIve bUY1l1g naturally affect~ ~ome 11ltete~t~ there can be no denymg, but 1f the ~omce of OUI ,upph cannot supply us w1th the thmg, I'Ve need to practIcally 0\ ercome am and dll competrtlOn and strll make a profit, then \\ c m turn a~ md1vldual dealers as a matter of protectlOn must u~e such mean~ a~ \\ 111bnng us such protection, and thus far no one ha~ brought out a method or means that w111 successfully do thIS othel than our method of co-operative buying. But th1S pohcl and method w111stand only ~o long as 1t rece1ves the sup-port that 1Snecessary to make 1t a success It 1S only natural that m the realm of bus1l1ess that when certam hnes have to face a certam phase of competition that they do 1t, but \\ e want to cautlOn our members to this fact, that through the medIUm of co-opel atlve buymg certam hnes and manutacutrer~ have lowered the1r pnces m order to meet the pnces made b) the commlttee, that I'Ve as a comm1ttee, feel that \ om best mtele~ts Ire m stanchng by the assoclat10n that brought IOU the pnce rh1~ we find I~ generally done by the most of our mel1lbel s, and \\ hen we go mto execut1ve ~e~~lon, we may have mam mte1 estmg thl11g~ to tell you of the condltlom and methods that control the source of supply of OUI merchand1se which we, the small dedler~, neve1 kne\\ cXlsted and feel that the truth:. that VIe have to pre~~nt )OU w1ll be valuable to yOU [n consldenng the ~dV1l1e;111dolldl s and cents, of co-oper-atlve bu) mg \\ hlch \\ e, the COml1llttee however feel 1S the smal-lest 1tem of advantage~ gamed through thIS movement, remem-ber, that our memhersh1p 1~ 11ldde up of all cla%es of dealers from the vel" largest to the mo~t humble, and that, of course, because of th1~ cond1tlOn, the ~avmg made 111 dollars and cents \\ III I an dCCOld111g 10 then abtltty to u~e volume \Ve hav~ 'ervecl fi.) membel s, and the1r average volume of the amount of £;ood~ bought 1~ $171 00, mak1l1g a total of $15,90011 worth of lSoods, fur11lshecl by tlllS C0l111111tuee Therefore 1f we ha,ve ~aved 10% to the bIg bu} er we have saved each member $11, and the mecltum-s1zed bUye1. \Ie have saved 15% or $25 65 and f01 the ord1l1al) bu) er \\ e have ~aved 20% wh1ch 15 $3420 and tor the I eal ~mall buyer, who buys wholly from the catalogue hsts \\ e have saved 25%. wh1ch would be $4275. When you cons1der th1S saV1l1~ has becn brought to our members at the cost of $3 apIece 1t p1aves conclus1vel}, the value of th1S move-ment. i\nd that 1S not all Every member who has come to this WEEKLY ARTISAN market, at thIs meetmg. can readIly see the effect of mamtain-mg thIs sample room, upon the general price" quoted While we can only come to you WIth the above actual figures, we honest-ly belIeve that we have saved many and many a dollar to each of our member'", and to each furmture dealer who comes to thIs market becau'",e of tll1~ movement. Ho\\ evel. ) our com111lttee feels thdt all of these advantages are nd ught a~ compared WIth the advantdges that the dttendance to our conventIOn. bnng Becau"e, we I ealIze, that, after all, pnces dlone do not make modern merchanclI mg a "u-::cess and anythmg thdt \\ e can do that WIll stullulate our membershIp 111tO dctlVlt) along up-to-date lmes, IS g0111g to bnng Its reward \ve know that when alll~ "aId and done, that troe res Ilts of COn-ventIOn:'> to the man 111mself IS lIke unto an electnc current to a motor, and upon the strength and abIlIty of that man or dynamo, depend" theIr ~ucce0~ Therefore we belIeve that while our co-operatIve buy mg has brought the' ISlble advantages yet we be-lIeve the 111dden and 1lldlrect ach antages that our member" get, ovcrbdlance all others. lollowmg I" a summary of the goods sold dUllng the Id"t ~IX months and a detaIled report \\ Ith the cost of ma1lltal111ng. and we trust that thIS report WIll be the means to set you thmk1llg along the Ime" of modern merchandlsmg. Total amount of merchandIse "old $1590011 Total amount of merchandIse bought 15136 82 PrOlata sample 100m charges paId $76329 3800 $801 '29 Cost of mamtam1llg buymg commIttee as follm' s . Bulletm account \;\1aseca Journal- RaclIcal vVaseca Herald The Argus Postage on bullet1lls Envelopes FoldLng Bullet1lls Address1llg envelopes Prepanng Cuts for Bullet1lls and Proceedmgs $102.2,) 9050 18.50 17000 730 340 8')0 434.65 Office expeme ~tenographer expeme" Rent on type\\ nter FIl1llg "ybtem Draymg <;ample" fom load" FreIght 011 samples Cnpackmg and settmg up samples Placmg and carrY1llg out samples m hotel 140.15 $210.00 1500 1030 1600 33.00 1350 550 30550 Balance in Trea"ur) $61 H In thIS report It WIll be seen thel e has been no charge for the office or Secretary's salary, and If It wa" not for the fact that our secretary feels that he can afford to gIVe thIS matter the tIme that IS necessary, became of the benefits thIS co-operatIve buymg gIves hIm for hI:'>three stores m supplymg hIS wanb, we would be oblIged to add a greater percent for office expenses than we have so far and therefore \\ e belIeve that \\ e ought to as an associatIOn, eqUIp the office ot the "ecretdr) \\Ith such applI-ances as will make 11ls work as lIght d" pOSSIble. "uch as an ad-dressograph, foldmg machme and mImeograph. Because WIth these appliances the volume of "ork could be doubled many tunes and not take up an) more of hIS per~onal tIme You can see by the above report, that there h Jmt a certa1ll expense 1llcurred, whether the volume of orders are small or up to the very lImIt that can be turned out by the help ot one "tenographer And thm It we can double the volume of our \\ ork 1'13 to the first of the) ear. we WIll be able to bnng you leader" at a "tIll greater 'dvmg \ om C01111111ttetreust" that thIS report WIll meet WIth y011l approval and that we WIll enJoy your stIll greater confidence than we hdve III the pa,t. and therefore close our report with the hope that \\ Ith the help" we have proVIded for you, at thIS con-ventIOn \ ou \\ III be able to come to the annual meetmg and re-port thdt )0,1 have had the best year's busmess you ever enjoyed Respectfully subl111tted D R Thompson. Geo Klein, C. Danielson, F. H Peterson, \\T 10 Gnpp New Line Called "Fiberrush.'· The American Manufactunng Compan), Sheboygan, \\ I, , IS prepanng to put out a new Ime of "fiberrush" chaIrs and othel artIcles of furmture RIchard KI ueger of Jackson, MICh, IS m charge of the new department and IS at present conductmg the manufacture of a lme of sample" but the department WIll start t11lnmg out the product WIth a reguldr C1ew about the fir"t of the year, and WIll make clI"play" in the wmter markets Brain food IS really something that man takes to feed hIS vanity. ~---------------------------_.--_._.--._._-----------~ ! I I I I I I I II ,I I , I , I I I I II II I I I I I , , I I I I I ,, ,,I II TUE "ELI" I, •• I L' ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, CHICACO. -------- FOLDING BEDS "RE BREAD "ND PROfIT WINNERS No Stock complete Without the Eh Beds In Mautel aud Upnght ELI D. MILLER &, CO. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA WrIte for cuts and prIces. i .....---------------------- . ...-... 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRI"TION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITEO STATES OTHERCOUNTRIES $200 PERYEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter, July 5. 1909, at the post office at Grand Rapids. Michigan under the act of March 3 1879 The Grand Rapids Furmture Company, of Chicago, handle~ a moderate quantity of furmture manufactm ed m Grand Rapid" and a considerable quantity that IS made m other places The company, appreciating the value of Grand Rapids furmture m the estimatIOn of the general pubhc, boldly advertises ItS stock as "genume Grand Rapids furmture" The Chicago Tnbune, at September 19, contamed a very ,\ ell \\ ntten and attractlveh displayed advertisement of the compan) '\ a attempt \\ III be made to reproduce It m these columns, the substance, howey er IS as follows Grand Rapzds Furmture On CredIt Do not invest another dollar m all-on-the-:>urface-noth-mg- below furmture before seemg our genume Grand Rapids f'urmture. You Will be mane) m pocket and your home Will be a great deal more comfortable and mVltIng If you heed this advIce Grand Rapids l~ur11l-ture IS really the only kind of fur111ture entitled to "pace in your home It will mark you as a person of eAcellent taste and Judgement, for there IS that m Its design and constructIOn which gives to any home furmshed with It a certam air of artlstlcnes:> and substantlahty not to be obtained with any other kmd. You can buy this better kind of furniture from us for cash or on monthly pa,- ments at pnces not to be equaled m Chicago or e!"e where. Let us shO\\ ) au The Grand RapIds Furmture Company Madison Street at Oakley Blvd. An old fogy author of the Ehzabethan era declared that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet," but he would not be able to convmce the people of this age and generatIOn that a dresser made m \Vapakoneta would sell as readll) as one made In Grand Rapids. "put one over" on Cahfor- Here IS the yarn as pub Portland, Ore, has apparently ma m the hne of big tree stones hshed byr an' Oregon trade paper "A shIpment of big logs from Portland dunng the Id"t week shows that those m search of big sticks must come to the Pacific ~ orthwest for them. The shipment consisted of 24 mam-moth logs that were to be sent to Chma on the steamer Emma S Dollar, where they Will be used m rebmldmg the temple Lmg Yen, one of the noted places of Chmese worship The logs are 105 feet long and 40 feet m circumference and were purchased by the Chmese government. They wlll be rafted 200 mile" up the grand canal and carned SIX mile" overland over a narrow mountain trail on the backs of coohes." A log 40 feet m circumference would measure about 13 feet m diameter and If 100 feet long would make about 143,000 feet of lumber, board mea"ure Half a dozen of them would make a full cargo for a large ShiP and a 11111honcoohes could not lift one end of them Of course It may be mtended to saw the logs mto boards before the) dre packed over that narrow trail, but If so It seems the) \\oJld Inve been sawed before "hlpment, for It IS exceedmgly doubtful that there are "aw Imlls m Chma cdpable of handhng such log s Even If the logs are -10 mches m diameter mstead at -d (J feet m clrcLlmference, the coohes who tote them over a mountam Will have "cncks' m their backs before the first one I eache:> ItS destmatlOn Goods valued at $6.000,000 are oold annually by ZIOn's Co-operative Mercantile InstitutIOn m Salt Lake City The store contaInS 200,000 square feet of floor "pace and b provided With modern convemences for the comfort of customers and the rapid and economical transactIOn of busmes" The store was estab-hshed m 1868 by Bngham Young !\ considerable part of the many Imes of goods handled are manufactured by the mstltu-tlOn, but the furmture and kmclred goods are purchased m the furmture centers '\mong the owners of stock m the corpor-ation are a number ot manufacturers and Jobbers m vanous fields of mdustr) !\ bUIldIng 111 course of erectIOn for use by the Boston store, m ~hlwaukee, \\111 echpse anythIng m the northwest outside of ChICago" Refngerated air for hot summer days, a tower observatory, lunch room, deroplane statIOn, searchhght, wireless station, a weather bureau to supply weather predictions to each customer, a baby checkmg room, hospital, hbrary, play room tor chlldren, rest rooms, a cancel t hall and roof garden are speCIal features alread) provided for, and plans for an athletiC field, a rowmg course, a race track and a tnp to the north pole Will be considered Though car fammes cause dnnoyance, great inconvemence and If prolonged, heavy losse", they are posItive eVidence of a large volume of busmess and mdlcate the prevalence of pros-penty '\ a senous shortage ha~ been reported from any sec-tIOn of the country, but railroad men generally predict that within the commg 60 days cars Will be as :>carce as they were in the fall :>easons of 1906 and HJ07 and are already discussing ways and mean:> to pre, ent 'cdr stealmg' by managers of roads that are short at eqtllpment Robert \V Sear:>, havmg accumulated $25,000,000 m ten ) ears as manager of Sears, Roebuck & Co , has retired from bUSI-ness Roebuck retlr~d soon after the firm commenced ItS meteonc career ::,ears might spend the remamder of hiS days u"efully m teachmg thousand, of unsucce<:;<:;fulmerchants how to transact busmess profitably Perhaps he might be mc!uced to lecture upon the subject "What r Know About Incompetent Merchants" \Vlth more assurance than modesty Gimbel Brothers who are prepanng to open a big :>tore 111 N ew York, have named a considerable portIOn of that city "Gimbel square" and seek offiCial endorsement of the same Should thiS be granted It would not be surpnsmg If Central Park, the Riverside dnve, Prospect park and other beautiful tracts in the great city should 111 the course of time, be named 111 honor of the city's merchant princes '\ first cld:>" tLlll11ture buyer \\ III be needed by the Gimbel Brothers, for their Xe\\- York store to commence work wlth the opemng of the new year WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 MADE BY GRAND RAPIDS FANCY FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN These lines are for sale in the Evansville Furniture Ex- I change. Call and inspect them; it is worth your while. II THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. ! Manufacturers of Chamber SUItes.Wardrobes. Chlffomers. Odd Dressers. Chlfforobes. I I II TH!::"I~~~~~E~~~l~~~~~".I,'""~.,"""bgo" golden oak. plam oak and quartered oak. II THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. III Manufacturers of Mantel and Upnght Foldmg Beds, Buffets. Hall Trees. Chma Closets. Combinalion Book and LIbrary Cases I! THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of SIdeboards In plaIn oak. Imltallon quartered oak, and solId quartered oak. I Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and Chlffomers In Imitation quartered oak, Imitation I mahogany, and ImItatIon golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. I Manufacturers of the "Supenor" Lme of Parlor. Library. Dmmg and DressIng Tables. I THE METAL FURNITURE CO. III• I I~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturers of "HygIene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. CrIbs. WIre Spnngs and Cots. Made b) I he Kdlges f'ullutUie Co Since the opening of the Furniture Exchange many buyers for prominent houses have Inspected the Big Six Lines. By the group-ing of the lines on one floor a great deal of time is saved the buyer and intelligent, successful buying rendered possible. III - .. WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 I IL . . ~ --- - _.--. Made by Bockstege FurnIture Co. ~1ade by Bosse Fur mture Co Made b, World FUfluture Compam Made b, Bockstege FurJ11ture Co ._------------------_._------_._.------._--.---.-..---.----._._ .. 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I, •It I II t II l• I/ III IIII f I •I III• I•I .------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No.57 Flat Arm RJcker RICHMOND CHAIR CO. Richmond Tablet Arm Chair DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEA..TS" -the latest and best method of double seatmg. Catalogues to the Trade. RICHMOND INDIANA ,I , II III I --------------~ MORE OF INDIANAPOLIS TRUST. Anofhe1' Independent Joins J. C. Wilson in Fight. ing the Liverymen and Undertakers' Comhine. \V T Blasengy m, a ±ulleral elJrectOl at Indlcll1;:q )1J, " tn mg to help J C \Vllson 111 the latter ~ fight a~all1,t the cllleged trust or combme of undertaker, and 11\el,\ men ot that Clt\ mentIOned m the vVeekl} \rtlsan of la'it '-,atureLl \ Jn an III tervlew 1Ir Blaseng, m descnbes Ins po,ltlOn and e"pellence a" follows: "It seems that the undertaker, and the 11\el \ me11 ha, e deCIded that If a man does not ISo mto their combll1e he b nut to be permitted to enJoy the pnvllege of e,tabhshll1g himself m busmess "\nd It also appear, that the, have not only combl11ed to hold up the Vlcltms of death but al,o to bell comp;tltlOn flO111 the undertakers fielrl m Inchanapoh~ "J C WI1son and the new firm of mdepemlelll untie] take r, are not the only ones that have been Do} cotted b, thl~ uuder taker-hveryman trust, as:\Ir \\ Ilson has so graphlcalh labeled It m his Stllt I have gone up agal1st It 111, self I bought alaI nage and a hearse and p It them 111 Jacbon s stable all I11111Ub street, but I was soon reql11red to mo, e them I ehd not belonab to the assoCIatIOn "I have also been called up Just befOle a funeral, as \\'I1S011 was, and told that cab, that I had engaged could not be fur-nished There was one mstance \\here I \\as put In a 1 e~pcc-lally try mg position I had a funeral 0 1e morl11ng I had en-gl. ged carnages and a car the morl11ng betore and that 111ght I was mformed that the eqmpment the stahle had agreed to fUl-n1', h me would not be on hane! 1 ,\ as only told that It '" as en-glged' Carnages \\ere abo refu<ed to me because I \\as m the nelghhorhood of a trn~t 11l1c!ertakel and ,0 atter 1 \\ a~ forced to take my hearse and carnage ant of /ackson 11\en ~table I slmply saw that I was up aga1l1st a trust Lme!that I \\0 lId h 1. \ e to get ready to be mdependent of It "The ~trange thlllg IS that I am not an li1dependent b, chOICe I pa1d m} $1 adnllSSlOn fee anel made apphcatlOn for admiSSIOn to the hver)men"i trust hut I have l1e, er heard ±rom my dollal I unr!er ctane! that S0111e of the hven men obi ected to mv entenng becau"e the, ~aJ(1that 1 hac! eqUIpment that "auld come 111 competltlon \\ Ith then, Llne! the, (hc! not \\ ant that cQmpetltJOn Of cour~e. the IJlg "ealthy unclel takers have cal s No. 100 Ll1,d cab~ that Lampete bnt the hverymen know that they can not taboo them that If the) ~houlcl tn su'.:h a th1l1g It woule! mean that these unc!ertaker~ woulcl buv more cabs and tell the 11\ermen the, \\ ould not be (hctated to But they knew that I \\ as Just stal t1l1g 111 busmes~ , the) kne" that I did not have much hnanClal backmg; they knew abo, perhaps, that I \\a" 111 a pecu!lal positIOn, and they thou::;ht the} could freeze me out ,",0 1 am out at the tl ust I \\ent to the treasure] of the undertakel ~ comhme and made app1JcatlOn, but I was not adrmtteel, probably for the same 1 ea"on fhe undertaker, sa} they have no combmatlOn, no a ,ouatlon U± cour~e that 1~ a Joke I kno\\ that they had on e \\ hen 1 \\ as 111 thc employ of one of the undertakers, for I "a'o mVlted to the 111eetlllg~ I have reason to beheve that they ha\ e an a,,,oclatlon ) et and that they hold meetmg~ "1)ut \\ hether the) have meetmgs or 110t. 1t IS yen eVident that they ha, e a ~t1ong \\ ork1l1g comblllatlon with the hvervmen ]t ha, heen ,l}()\\ 1 ,el, dea1ly that It b m I estl amt of free com-petltH 11<tnd to ~OUgL the people. I am also firmly of the Opll1lO11 that It alm~ to crush out the ,mall man The hver) men and un-de' takel' have tned to root out the fe\" of us that are ontslCle the tllbt bIt thns tM the} have fa1led vVe mdependents have been tOlced to retrench oUlselves, and at last V\e have onr O\\n cab~ and onr own hear~es, and \Ve a' e 111 a posItion to defy the tt u~t " :\Ir Bahen'Z} m beheve~ that the "comb1'1e" vnc1ertakers completeh d0111mate the !lvel yll'en \ trust, not only by boycott- I11g an} one tlut tne~ to be mc!epene!ent, but by havmg secretly become part owner, (silent partners) of the hvery stables B) th1s comblllatlOn they have a V\orkmg system by wIlIch they can Sh1ft to the In er) 111enthe oel1um of bemg the boycotters of IlJrlependent undel takers I'he undertakers, loowever, It 1S de-clared, are the one" that al e really the duef 'JOIaters of the nght ot tan pIa, and the 1n el} men are more or le~s the1r tools I'he tnal of \ \ Ii '11, SUIt agamst the combme has been ad- J ourned u11tl1the October term of CQurt. A man can keep 1110redungs from hiS \\ Ife than she can find by gOlllg through lll~ 1 {llkeb Many a £e11o\\ wntes love letters who Isn't able to right him-self. WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 .,. ._------------- ._----------------------------------- - - -- - - - - -----~ II I I I,I,III III• ,I ,IIIII I,III II• III• ,• ,I III •I I,, IIII IIIII ~---------------------------------- III III I• ! I III III ,I I •III ,,I III I I IIII II I I I I,, -----------------..& SLIGH'S SELECT STYLES SELL AND SATISFY Many New Features Added for the Fall Season Everything for the Bedroom IMedIUmand FIDeQualIty I Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand RapIds, MIch. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE SLIGH FURNITURE CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. ._-------- --------------- ...-- - - - - ----------._- -------_._--- II III I,I I I• I, •II ,IIIII II IIIIIIII II III II II I•I ~---------------_.---- HAND \IRCULAR RIP SAW MORTISER COMBINED MACHINE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as a dealer's profit. He can make more money wlth less capltal1nvested He can hold a better and more satlslactory trade WIth hIS customers He can manufacture m as good .tyle and fiDlsh aud at as low cost as the factOrIes The local cahmet maker has been forced mto only the dealer s trade and profit because of mad'me manufactured Roods of factone'"i An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand Power Machmery reInstates the cabmet maker WIth advantages equal to hiS competitors If desIred these machmes w.ll be sold on Inal The purchaser can have ample tIme to test them In hl" own shop and on the work he w.shes them to do. Descr.pt.v. catalogue and pr,ce l,st free No 4 SAW (ready for cross cuttmg) W. f. &. JOHN BARNES CO, 654 Ruby St., Rockford, III. No 4 SAW (ready for nppmg) FO_R__M__E__R____OR MOULDER • HAND~. TENONER • No 7 SCROLL SAW .0\ 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN ----------_.~~~--_._---------_._-- t-" Io- - _" " No. 5148. No. 6148. l\I11101,28~34 lop Quartered Odk \Llhogan) [oond fllrd, L) L \1aplL 22" 44 $4200 4400 4400 4500 \111101 20 'C 22 Quartel ed Odk J\!L\hol!;c\l1:Y TOOlld Bml S LH :\Japlc Top, 20 x 32 $3400 1600 3600 1700 No. 5138. No. 6138. :\111101, 24~ 30 Ql1arteled Oak Mahogany Toonel BlI d's C'ye \T Ipk lop, 22" 42 $2900 3100 3100 1100 \IllWl, 16" 20 <,ll1altered Odk Mahogan) 100na Blrd's eye Maple lop, 20 x 30 $2500 2700 2700 2700 A Few New Fan Ideas SeRt Out by the WARREN TABLE WORKS, Warren, Pa, USA ---_.~/ •/ •• I •II/ --------------6 WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. PROSPERITY FOR EVANSVILLE. Reports Indicating Steady Betterment of Busi-ness Conditions in the Furniture City on the Ohio. LVdn~vllle, Ind ;:"ept 22-Bth11H:'~" wIth the furmture mdn-utacturer~ as ,vell d" the 'ledler~ ot thl~ Clt) COi1tll1ue~on the up-ward grade Ordel are be1l1g I eeelved 111Idrge nU1l1bel" from the :.outh and ~outh\Ve"t and ll10~t ot the "hlpp111g dePell tmenb of the fadolle~ al e workIng ovel t1111e Inqmnes are bettel and LollectlOn~ ,11 e plck111g lip ~01l1e The I etelll tIade h better now thdn It ha~ been at ,W) t1l11ethl~ ) eal 1\anj,1111111Bo:ose, of the Globe 1 Ul1l1tUle Companv ha, 1('- tllrnul £1 om Chlca~o, where he attended the natlO11c11111eet111~of the bankel s of the umtec1 ~tdtes -\mong the late bu)els dt the Furmt111e Exchan~e ,vele the follow1l1R Charle" Plel ~on of ]\1t Ve1110n, Inc1 , F B~ Brenton of the Brenton & lLllll~I111mtUl e Company of Petel ~hUlg Ind ,J vV Redc1~on of Ollell~h01o, K) '1 vi\! \Ilffhn ot P D 1ltffhn & Son, Duqu01l1, III Ch,u le~ l :\loeller of lIt "ernon Ind , E E Lockwood of Yarblough & Lo 'k\\ ood, Po~evv111e Ind , W J Lowe, of Hunt1l1gburg, Ind He11lY J Karges of the IndIana Stove \1\ ork~ and A r Karge~ of the Kdr~e~ 1 UlmtUl e Company elle on the L01111111tteL named by the Evan~v tile \Ianufdctm er:.' A~SOClcltlO11at theIr la"t meet111g to arrange f01 an employment bmeau 111thIS uty "Gus" Stoltz say:o busllle"s I~ now better than It has been f01 the past two yedL and he I" 100k111gfor a fine w111ter trade -\ boy wa" b01n to the V\ Ife of I'red ;:"toltz, the manager ot the Crmv n ChaIr COmpdn), and .11r Stoltz has been treat111g all hI" fnends to tile be"t CIgdrS he can buy Charles Fn~se, of the vVorlc1 Furmture Company, reports all the plants of the l:hg ;:"IXCalloac1111g As"oclatlon Iunmng on full tIme WIth a fine bus111ess ,Valtel Krdch of the Bocbtege 1:'urmture Compatn IS back from a tnp thlOugh the east He ,\ as aCLompdmed by hIs WIfe J ame~ R Good" 111 presIdent of the i\ ever-Spht Seat Com pany, sa)" the C01l1pclll)e.,11e\\ faLtor, \\ III plObabl) be 111op~ra t10n b) the fiht at next) ear :\[anagel Dllll) of the 'YlsLU 1~1l1Ulall Company ~a)" th1l1~~ dIe mOI111:';dlone, all llght dnd that trdde I~ very dctlve I'.dv. al d Ploeger ot tile BO"~e I urmt111e Company and the Henderson De~k Company "a) s th111gs look better to h1111now 111 the bus1l1e~:owolld than for 111dn) month~ past Ed GeIger of (Jelger 8. ,",om, of thl:O Clt), 1eports the retaIl bus111ess Implov111g l he' a1e 100k111g for an aLtlve trade fOI several months to come C Bankrupt"s Stock Disappears. ;:"a1ah }:hrnbaul11, fun11ture dealel, of 3975 ThIrd dvenue, 'JLW Y01k, Wd" declared banklupt, la~t V\ eek and -\rchlbalel Palmer wa" appolllted I eeen el v\Then the I ecelvel took pos- "ese.,lOllof the ,tOI e he found that the ~toLk. ~uppo:oed to be worth about $3.000 had cItsappeal ed dnel learned that eIghteen van loads had been 1110ved avva) the pI ~V1OL1~ day and 11lght He ~ecured po:o~e~'lOll of accounts amount111g to $;57,000 aud hopes t~) locate and I ecovel :oome of the nll~~1l1g hU111ture [he dehte., of tht concern amount to about $6 "iOO ~,----------------------------------------------~ IIIIIII II HE~E'S THAT IS A BARGAIN IIIIIIII III• IIII •III I I..------ . .. - - - No 537. 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thIS fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIS and other good thmgs we have to show you. ,I II I• Ii I,I --------------------------~ PALMER MANUFACTURING co. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN ..... -- ..- --~----------- ..,I I!III I IIII I I• II•• IIf ••I F.O.B Chicago, 5 30 days, 60 nel :IIII• I,I .. ... ..~ ,•• ,III II I•• I• I,I , I I• , •I• II •I,I I• It I I I •I I I I•II ~----------------------------- ---- "HOME DOCKASH" BASE BURNER We beheve the "Home Dock-ash" to be the live stove for the t.ve dealer-a powerful heater, neat and attractive. Pattern and prICeare right. Made ID three SIZes. Full Dickel tnmmed-conslstmg of left off Dickel dome DIckel swmg top, base, foot falls, ash door scroll, swan head corner panels, and urn smooth castmgs. Duplex grate With shakmg ring Large ash pan. SIZe of No Fire Pot Weight Price III II in, 2251bs. $14,50 121 12 in, 2751bs, 16,50 I~I 13 in. 325 Ibs 18,50 Send for Complete Catalogue W. D. SAGER 330-342 E. No. Water St • Tel Randolph 1372 CHICAGO, III (East End of MIchIgan Street South S,de of Barry Docks.) GOOSE FEATHERS SHOULD BE ALIVE Those Taken FrOID Dead Fowls Are Not Much Better Than Husks for Beds and Pillows. "Yes," saId a manufactLll el and dealer in bed furnishings, "it is necessary that goose feathers should be taken from the hve goose if we are to study the health and comfort of people who think they mu~t have feather beds and pIllows Dead goose feathers are not much better than husks to he on and have not that VIrtue of husks, whole,;omeness "If you have never seen a lIve goo,e pluckmg If I \\ ere) au T wouldn't go very far out of my way to -ee It, for the ~Ight \\111 not be likely to gIve you an) large amount of plea,ure You can ,ee the proce",;, though, If ) au deqre, In ,anous farm neIghbor-hoods III northern New Jer,;e) and partlculally among the Pennsylvama Dutch fal mers 111the C01111tle,;ot that ,;tate, OhIO and Indiana, where the populatlOn IS lalgeh of that cla,s "They sa) It doesn't hurt a e,oose to pluck It, but It seem~ to me that you mIght a,; well sa) that It \\ ouldn t hurt a mdn to have hIS whIskers yanked out by the handful The reason they gIVe for behevlllg a goose doesn't suffel y\hen ItS feathers are be111g plucked IS that It never squaw ks or squeaks or p1~ 1 AC '1 fuss whIle the pluckmg IS gomg on "Now I beheve It hurts a goose lIke the mIschief to have Its feathers pulled out, commg as they do ftom the tenderest spots on its body, and the reason the fmy I doesn t utter any protest prompted by pam 1". accordmg to the \\a} J have slzed gee~e up, because It IS such a blame fool \ goo~e \\ 111squa\\ k and clatter and cackle a, If suffenng mOle agony than a horse WIth the collc Just at the mere sight of you. but 1f ) ou corner It up and pelt It WIth stones seems to forget that It has a VOIce, and will take all the pUlllshment you gIVe It WIthout protest "The Pennsylvallla Dutch farmers pluck geese today Just the same as theIr forebears dId tIme out of mllld and I don t know as there IS any other way. It certamly couldn't be made any pleasanter for the goose unless the plucker held chloroform or sometlung lIke that to Its nose whIle the pluckmg was gOIng on. The geese to be bereft of theIr feathel s are first got to-gether m an inclosure used for the purpo~e The perspIcacIty r--------~·_------·-----· I I •II I I•I•II II I I I• II•I II• •I•IIII• I• I•I• ••I MUSKEGON VAllEY FURNITURE COMPANY .- .... -- --.., MUSKEGON MICH.,. , COIomol SUlles TOil POSI Bens Ono DreSSers Chl!!OnlBrs Warn robes looms' TOileIS Dressmo Tables MohOQony Inlmo Goons ~------------------- ...._--------------. WRITE FOR CATALOG II .._ ..-~ ot geese may be ,tnkmgl) made known to ) ou when they are bemg rounded up 11l such an enclosure If there ~hould happen to be a knothole In one end of It, the door being at the other That door may be six feet hIgh and three broad, but goose after goose \\ 111Ignore It and tl y ItS best to get 11l thlOugh the knothole Induced though to try the doO! every goose WIll bob its head do\\ 11 a, It passes through for fear of knockmg It against the top ot the doorjamb, SIX feet above "There IS a man or a boy in every neIghborhood where geese are plucked \\ho IS an expert at gettmg the goose ready for the proces,. ~ot everyone can do that The wmgs of the goose have to be locked together bv a peLultar arrangement of the tv,o near the shoulder, dnd whIle they are not tIed or fasten-ed m an) other \\ a) the lock 1S such that no goose can unlock it The goo,e's teet al e tIed together WIth a broad band of musltn. Then It IS 1each for the plucker 'The plucken, who are almost alway s \\omen, go among the gee~e \\ Ith theIr heads and faces entIrely covert>d with hoods tastened around the neck w1th a ,;hirr ,;trmg There are holes in the hoods for the eves and nose From the neck down the pIckers are covered WIth a glazed muslIn garment to whIch no feather or down \\111 chng The pluckers SIt on low stools around a large and perfectly dry tub Each takes in her lap a goose made helpless by ItS mterlocked wmgs and bound legs, and WIth rapId plymg of her fingers separates the feathers from It ThIS 1S done WIth such SkIll, though that the plucker rarely breaks the goose',; skm or causes blood to follow the pluck1l1g out of ,t feather The air IS constantly filled with the light teathers dWlllg the pluck1l1g, but they settle mto the tub at last 'There Isn t a" much call for the goose to undergo thi~ rap1l1g of Its feathers a,; there used to be 1'\ot one pound ot goose feathers are used today where fifty pounds were used tv\ enty-five years ago Odd as It may seem, dsthma and hay fever long ago began to ha' e a good deal to do WIth decreasing the demand tOl teather beds and pillows It was dIscovered that asthma and ha' tever had an affinity for such couches and head rests' that nothmg would start an asthmatic off for a cheerful lllght s \\ heezing so quickly as a feather bed This cltscovery spread, and the goose owes a great deal of its later day comfort to the asthma WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 ~,--------------------_.----------------------------------- I I I II II I I• •I• I• III II II• I I II I• II I No. 400-$18.1>0 No. 32-$10.00 No. '101-"20.00 No. 31-l;,14.2.5 No. 19-$10.71> ----_.-------_.------_.--.-._.-.-._.--._.------------------- ...-_ ...._-_ ....__ . ~o. :IO-S11.25 Michigan Star Furn. Co. ZEELAND, MICH. ~ .....-.... A "Disappeal'ing" Bed Used in Flats. 1he Holmes D1sappeallng Bed Compam of Lo:" ~ngelc:", (al a1e engaged 111:"elhng pen11lts to .11ch1tect~ and bmlde1 s t01 the use of a dhappeanng bed 111the C01bt1uctlOn of flats B) the employ ment of the Holme~ system beds m.1Y be concealer\ If\ the bases of kJtchen cupboards, buffeb, bookcases, hall seats, or other a1tJcles of furmttll e vVhen 1t chsappears 1t carnes the uedd111g \\ 1th 1t In the yea1 1880 a man named :-'Ianley obta111- eel letters patent from the gene1al government for a beel S1l111lar to that lllustratecl and descnbed111 c1rcnlars 1ssueel by the Hohnes company Stockwell, Darragh & Co, ot Grand Rap1d~ pur dla~ed the nght to manufacture and ~ell the same but attel :"evet al ) ears of unsucce~~ful effort to establlsh a trade 1t was abandoned In the constructlOn of the l\Ianley bed, table shdes were used, one end of the sldes were attached to the 111tenor of .1 bookcase, whlle the" other vvas SUppOlted by castel:" \ \ hen 1t \\ as desll ed to use the bed the doors of the case wen: opened and the bed drawn out, llke an extenslOn table The beddlllg was bundled and depos1ted upon the frame work of the bed when not 111use. ~ 0 slde ralls \\ ere prov1ded and the inabtllty to properly ventllate the bedd111g probably caused 1tS failure 111the market~ It was suggested that the much needed slde ralls could have been constructed to open and close hke the sections of a fie'ld glass, but the llnportant questlOn of vent1latJon apparently was cons1der-ed unsolvable The Holmes company cla1m that the1r bed 1~ perfectly ventllated and samtary and that thell patents cover the constructlOn of the houses 111 wh1ch the bed shall be used An Order From Argentina. The Luxury Cha1r Compan), Grand Rap1ds, has Just re-ce1ved an order for about half a carload of the1r yvell known, Luxury Cha1rs, to be sh1pped to a large fLumture dealer 111 Buenos Ayres, Argent111a, S A. The shtpment may be constd-ered a~ a sample lot and those who are acqua111ted \\ 1th the ments of the Luxury 1111ew1ll expect to see th1s lot followed bv larger order~ from the same source Have Plenty of Business. The Grand Rap1ds Blow P1pe and Dust \rrester Compam are not suffenng for lack of bus111ess On the contrary the) have had a plenty for seve1 al months and w1ll have for several months to come. They have Just completed eqtllpments for the ----------_. _. . -----~ Wagon Star. Hitch Your to a WHICH SHALL IT BE? The entire lot for ... $93.75 In Quartered Oak, or Mahogany or $99.25 in Blrd's Eye Maple. A postal brings a greater variety, \Iurph) U1d1r COmp.1n) cU1d the Packard \[ot01 ComlMn) of DetrOlt, the Central Pape1 Company of \Iuskegon and the \1Jch1gan Felt111g Company ot Grand Rap1d~, and they have' under way contracb tor eqUlpp111g the C R vV1lson Body Com pany, the Restmck Lumbe1 Company and the C D \V1dman Company of DetJOlt, the \uto Body Company of Lan~1l1g, the Randall Lumber and Coal Company of F1l11t, 2Vl1ch, and the \larvel ~[.1nufactU1m~ Company of Grand Rap1ds Enlarging Grand Rapids Factories. Cha1les \I" Renllngton 1S p1epa1111g to e1ect a bmld111g on ;\ ra1ket street. ad J0111lng the VV ll1Jam \ Berkey ftll11lture fac-to!) The bmlchng \\ 111be fom stones above basement, 31x123 teet 1he fJ ont of the fit st :"to1) w1ll be of l:;ra11lte w1th P.1Vl11g bnck for the upper ~tOt1e~ The Berke) company WIll lease the bUlldmg for a term of year:" and use It fOl offi~e~ and \\ arerooms thus 111CreaSl11gthe capaClt) of the factor) about hftv per cent The busmess of the John 'A 1cld1comb Company has 111creased so rap1c1ly of late that 1t has been dec1dec1 to add a storY to the adclltlOt1 to the plant that 1S now bew(?, ere, ted The ne~v bmld-l11g\\ 111be five l11c;teadof fOUl stones It lS of the most approved modern bllck constructlOn 103x103 feet 111c!JmenSlOnC; \vork on the b1g add1tlOn to the pl.1nt of the btand Rap1ds Show Case Company 1S progre~s111g rap1dl) The bmldmg \\ t11 be ready for occupancy befo1e the end of the yea1 ~._ ..........•.•. ., II BARGAINS IN NEW MAC"I~ERY I have on hand for ImmedIate shipment the following brand new machines which I WIll sell at reduced pnces 4-Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from Ij:{ to 18inch centers. 3-Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from I to 12inch centers. 2-Eighteen inch Cabinet Makers' Lathes. I -Sixteen inch Caninet' Makers' Lathe. ---.<\DDRESS-- - J. C. DeBRUYN, 130PageSt., Grand Rapids,Mich. " . .. WOULD SOLVE THE ~rIMBER PROBLEM California Proposes to Sav("the Woodworking Industries of the Country by Cultivating the Eucalyptus Tr("("for Commercial Purposes. F D Cornell m the C;un~et \lagazme- -\ fe\\ shOl t }eal" ago the commerCIal culture of cucal} ptus tl ee" was not numbered among the great 01'1'01tUl1ltle offered b\ Clhforllld c11111atl SOlI and sunshll1e, nOl \\a" thl~ L1Clustr} fot el momcnt 10n'l dered a canchdate fOI fir~t pldlC elmong Il1du,tlles ot thc ,tdt~ Today commerCIal eUlah ptm mea11llH; the lulture ot the eUl I lyptus tree on a ttemendou" 'laIc lOI the plOc!ultlOn ot h,lld-wood lumbel for the manutactm e~ 111du'-,tlll~ and ,ll t, 111,ulh a candIdate, and 111the c, e" dnd 11l11lCI,me! mtcllech ot ldlll palgn manager~, astutc 111c!nstnal pOhtIUd11S ,me! thl \ otll1~ pub hc generall} 10mmerClal clIl dhptll~ h leI tam ot e1ectlO 1 True, It may amI \\ III 1ellllll e ,e,ll, ot \\ 01k and clemon,tl atlon but yea I s WIll make the ICSltlt mOl e 1U tam "\ecesslty IS the mothcl of U1\ entlon Thu 1 h ,1 e!ue nllC"- sIty for the lllvcntlOn ot a dcpencl.lble 1l1UcaSl1~ aIle! pI odUlt1\ 1 tImber supply, partllularl} a hareh\ooe! tlmbCI "upph Cdpltdl greater than the natIOnal debt I~ employ edm harch\ oodlnclustlle" annual products a bIllton e!ollal" stlong al e taken from the hard\\ood forc~t~ tramcd hat d\\ood artlsan" numbenn£1, hun and the stanchng tImber IS consequently much 11101evaluable SIxth, 1he ttmber cncalypts can, thel efore, be grown as a 1ommel clal propOSItIOn, and 111\estment In eucal} ptus tlmbel IS thC1eb} made safe, cel tam and plofitable The trees al e not ,Ublcct to dl"case and when well e~tabhshed under rIght condI-llon, Icqll1re almO'it no lare Thc grO\\th and value ale not ,tifeeted b\ floods 01 fam1l1e", stnkes or pamcs, war~ or rumors (It \\ dl Hal d\\ ood tImber IS baSIL Takmg up these clalm~ 111,I logllal 111anner thc} ma\ be enlan;-ed upon as follows 1hc eUl,I!} pts have bcen grown 111laltforma for fifty years, but on I} dunng the ldst fe\\ year" ha~ bram and brawn and bank been centel ec! on the com111erC1al pos"IIJIlttle~ whIch thIS rapId ~IO\I mg genu~ of tlmbel ttee~ prcsent LntII of late plant- 111~, h,lVC been llll~cellanecJ\1" not C0111melclal [ oday the 1e are plll1,lp, ten thousand aCIes ot Caltformd soIl planted to tlmber em ah l' s, part {Jf ±tns mknseh commerCIal, pdrt more desIgned t01 ,,011 1ec1a1matlOn wate1 lon,en atlon affOl e~tatlOn and fuel In anotltel t\\ eh e months plobabh fifteen acres of stllctly com-mel ual tOle,t" \\ III he planted \nothel vear the plant111g WIll pel hdp, Ix c){mblee! 01 t1ebled (dltfOlma can pnt back of It 1\ II \ 1e,oUlle lapable 01 dIVersion to th1~ new 1l1dustry, can loax t10m th" L,ht e\ ln dollal that the great and legItImate claIms or tl'l 111c!n'U) lan elU1act and cont1l1lle to l11vest and contU1l1e to ((Je1" tm ~enel ,1tlO11attcr ~eneratlon, and the plantl11g of the tImber eUlal) pt~ \\ 111110t bc equal to the legItImate demands ot tlL harlh\ ooc! 1I1c!11"tl1e" \ vallable acreage for the be~t growth 1" 11111ltec!the 101111111I'a1l productIOn WIll be vay largely con-hmc! to 1 tl\\ dhl1l1h 11 Cdltior111a, and more partIcularly to lU 1,\111'U tH 11'0111the ~I eat c.."n Ioaqmn valley I he ph\ ~Ilal lhal,lctc1I~tIl~ ot the ttmber, and Its adaptabI-ht I tl) ,I l11nlUtl1dl of t"e, arc tl lh remarkable The possIble n '1' 1hl t1(1111]Jlml bC,\111"to 111tnlate parquetry, from raIlroad t11" to 111,lglllhlel1t I enell" flO111C01eI \\{Jod to the highest type I t thl lratt,mall " a1t fl1e h"t ot pur]JO~eS to whIch the timber I r 111 IIIIIII 'p Ul 11,h becn fot1111 pdrtIcularly adapted 111- dlHll' the tollll\\ 111£1, I n(l po,t" dne! j)lltm; tor shIp b 111c!111g,masts and spals, 1, 1 c!Plkl1~ 'l1eat111l1~ \\helrt dnc! plel 10n~tructlOn, and all maI- 111 11Ul1ttll11l e tCJ! Iall 1oac! tIes, blldge tImbers Cdr construc-tHJ11' 1l1e1111\ 11,Hl11e, ot tl llhPOI tatIon Inc!ustnes tor fur111tul e, h 11 1I111nm hl1hh h"tll1 e, CellVeel anel parquctl y work, barrels, kLL." ,Ll1e1,dl loopel a~t \\ ork, tIght and 1000c, tool handles ']J lke, tal101' hnb" pIc", beams, s111gletlees, tongnes and all 11l1]Jlcment anc! \ clulk \\ 01k, bo\\ It'1g alle}~, and finest floonng, L10"" t1ee~, 111snlell01 p111S,pnlley blolks, mUSIcal 111struments, Eucalyptus Board Showmg Natural Gram of the Wood dreds of tltonsdnc!~ elI~tllbnte hnnc!tcd, 01 nl111lO11"ot e!olLn s 111 wages-and all takcn tlom harelvvood s -\n(1 the tOll st 'e 1\ lle says that another tlm tn Jl \ ('Ill I' nnle,,~ somethln£; hel ml be clone WIll find the halCh\ooc! tml,h e"ha hteel \ 11101e £1,IIe\oth calamIty could not befall the lommelual 11clcl0I1 el m He ba~11 111dustry 15 not numbelec! 11 tne 111e!ll'itlles TheIl' IS nell"~lt\ 111ventton thae 11lust be The claIms of ihc C011111cldal e lcahpl11~ 1I1e!1't, I to (( ml]](:'1 clal and natIOnal Imp01lance al" b,,"ul (n t t" \\ h10ael ta t, I'lrst fhe Umbc1 enldhph l1atIll to \n-tlc1h,1 dIe tll most rapId gl 0\\ m£1,h II ch\ O( el tl e (1 lh \\ Ie! Second, [le t1l1J!1c! lKcU\]lL pllell'" l111c!\\OIc! tlll1hli remarkably dl\eIse 111lt~ e, 0 1C 'le~IO" \\ 11 pr,)(11111a 'll ISfactor) matcIlal jm C\l \ 1) 1 " 0 e t) \\hIl'l ,'ne!\\( l)e! h P 1l no matter nO\\ m1l11 hi \\ pc [1 I 1 ( It \1 1 '111 ,d Thuel 1he 1II'1!J°I CLl 1 \]1' III 1J 1 (p ,it (1 and grO\\n to 111u"hantdhle ",/<.-'1,1 c1 Ii t'lL\ l' ) I the sturnI' ane! 111 shot teI t1l11('t,nn t1 '1 I II l~, rourth, A £;redtel IPI cCI1t.'~e CJTth U llh I ( thL 1 ll1'1l1' clal eucalypts can be nu'lzec! tl1:1n c11\ 11 h 1 ~ 0\\ 11 1111till, ale almost ll1Velllabh th10nt!h elll i'1l0'~1 'L1c! llll\ p1 l IS a\allable f01 somc 01C ot the It 11ldl"els 01 pll P , Flith, On accm111t c t thIS C],IUqtl of n~l" ((J 11llctl L1Il/,1 tlOn and en011110n 1'10111ltlOl1]1 1 ,) ~ 11\1C!- lltlh 1)1 t()11,t cond1t1ons and mtenslve Cd1c; tll )( ~~11" 111 I lll1 It ,lll 1 1l1~ costs are lessened, a greatel ,) lcl 11l0rl \ tlnab'e p10cl \Ll I e"nlts, ]11<1111<1 11° 1 WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 Good Equipment Means Better Work Equip your shop or factory with G. R. Handscrew products; you'll note a vast difference in the quality and quantity of work turned out. All of our factory trucks, benches, clamps, VIses, etc. are the best that money and skilled labor can produce. We use nothing but the very best Michigan hard Maple in the construction of all our products. It is not possible to turn out better goods than we now manufacture; years of manufacturing has taught us that it pays to use nothing but the very best material possible in the manufactur-ing of our product. WRITE FOR CATALOG SHOWING THE COMPLETE LIST OF FACTORY EQUIPMENT. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jefferson Avenue Grand Rapids, Michi go The posslblltty of productIOn IS demonstrated, the trees glow and thnve aacl produce 111manner 111ttme, and 111volume as before enlargecl upo 1 111 Sunset IIaga71ne The eldaptablltty of eucalyptus tlmbeJ fOI edl these purposes h demomtratecl, but the 111vesttgatlOn and expel1mentatlOn, tech111cdlly, sClenttfically and practtcalh, by e\ ery mtel ested mdlvlclual by every affected enterpnse, e\ el y threatened mdustl y and by the forest service of the X atlOnal Gavel nment IS a pdramount necessity 111order that exact and prdctlcal knO\\ledge be Iud, and that It be spread broadcdst thmugh the land, concer111ng the value and USeS of the timber of the eucalypts for each speCific purpose MillIOns of tt ees are be111g propdgated, many mllhons \V III be planted each season, but as } et dll these effOl ts al e but as an acorn to an oak as compared to ulttmate necessity pianos, organs, vlOl111s-111short the ttmber eucalypts Will supply a satlsfactorv matenal for ever} purpo e to which any harcl- \\ 00(1 IS put For all the purposes ndmed the timber of the eucalypts has been used elml \\ III be 111CeIds111gly used, and, finalh, for a vast maJont\ ot pl11poses \\111 be e'Zcluslvely used The fur111tl11e ell1d TIxtl11e mdustne" alone are approach111g a precltcament, awful enough to stag gel a natIOn In 1903 nearly twenty-five hundred estdbltshmenb reported a capital llwe"tment of $1 ),J,OOO,OOOand d product valued at $170,000000 In commenttng on these d stounc1111gfig ures thc 4 mellean Lum-bel man states "I,allure at the native hal dwood supply would revolutlolllze the fUll11ture mdustry and manufacturers would have to turn to tropical \\ Gods as the ma111dependence" Why not turn to the eucal}pts, ~rO\\n to order on Caltfor11la sOlI? A wood more deltghtful for such the, h not available, a wood more adaptable to the maa} reql11remenb has never been grown to order on (altfOf1lld sOIl") \ \\ ood more deltghtful for such uses IS not available, a wood mOl e adaptable to the many re-qmrements has never been grown-It has the fiber It has the strength, It has the beaut} 111texture 111gl a111and permits of a maglllficent fi11lsh, a fi111shwhich It holds and ennches Furm-ture and fixtures, the lllghest types of the craftsman's art, find their utmost expression 111eucalyptus It IS true, and known yet to but few. Years Will bnng an apppreclatlOn which Will clothe Caltfor11la s hills and plains With forests of matchless ttmber, which Will 111tUl n eqUIp and adOl n the office and home and palace With fil11sh and fixturE'S unsurpas~ed Details may be elaborated upon \\ Ithout end, facts may be ~tated 111 bnef or at length, the great tt uths are these The na-tton must have tlmbel for these many parttcular and technical uses, Caltfor11la eucalypb can aud \\ III supply a SUItable and 111 dlmost every case a supenor ttmber for each speCific purpose A Leader in Stoves and Ranges. AttentIOn of dealers IS called to the advel tlsement 111thiS Issue of W D Sager, manufacturer of ::.toves and ranges, 330- 342 North \1\ atel street, Chlca~o, who IS one of the best known manufacturers 111 the count!} 111 the field be covers The "Home Dockash,' Base Burner lone of the best stoves that a bve dealer can handle Tt IS a powerful heater, as well as neat and attracttve 111 appearance made 111 three sizes With full mckel tnmm1l1gs. Dealers desmng- a complete catalogue should wnte for It at once Perhaps It is bettel fOI a gtfl to "ea1 hel heal t 011 her sleeve than to he totall} heartless \ woman IS a true Christtan when she lends her best cut gldss for a church SOCiable. 28 WEE K L Y A R 'lIS -\ i\ ~I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I f 1 I ~! I I I : II I, I I •II I III IIII III II III I III I III III II I I I i I y II t1 II t I• IIII I II I I Fram the New Fall Suppl",ment of the Luce Furmtllre Company I '--- . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ WEEKLY ARflSAN 29 Mr. Hulhert in a New Position. J E II11lbe1t 1" 110\1 the e,lstern sale" manage1 fm the Gralld Rapids Retnge1atOl (0111jlam w1th an offi-::e at \0 86 \\ a1rell '-,lllet \, c\1 \ (Jl k utI I he COlH1lclll\ al~o 111d1l1ta1l1'-, a wale r001111ll \'e\\ 't01k elt\ and \\l1lm thc neal t11tme e" tabh:oh allothc1 111 Bdltnl1(n c tm the copve111e11ceof the °011ther11 trade \11 H111be1t h \\ ell k11o\\J, to the tJ d(k thlO11gh 1m, pre- VlO11SassouatlOll w1th (, l' ,kuuut:;"l1 &. Son ut I11(hd11apoh" lnel ~Il H111bert \\lll ha\c cllanc;c of the E\etllgeratOl ~Ul11 pan} s t1alle 1ll the 1l1Cl1 ojloht,m (hStllct Crescent Machine 'Vorks. Crland Eapld'-, Ll C'-,CUlt j I pc '\ I!C,1\ \ \ alletv ",,1\\ Dench \\ eIght J 500 p0111l(1'-d,ll(l 110 \ 1bl,ltlOJ] ll~J(l tablc c1o~eh llbbed '-,ol1d d'-, c\ lock ~11jl]lOltell OJ] ~tlonl; c,llclulh 111dc11111Ul hl11~es lllt~ to cl" deC;lee'-, II Ith l;ladl'dtloll'-, ,,11(1 lHKrolHete1 d.d- 1\1'-,tmel1t -\11 bea\1llc,'-, ~1'\. lmlll'-, lonl; and "elf Olllllg, all loose pulley "df 0111112,-110 \\ 01\ \ llO tI onble Belt ah\ avc, tIght automatJc belt tJghtencl \11 t:;11c\gec,the fille,t made-when set \\111 "ta\ L\en palt O± thh nlc\cllllll I, made good and:oo de~lg11ed to pUlll1t q111ckand clccurate operatlOn ).Idde wIth or \\ 1tllOut 11O<l 1 plate h\ Crescent 1\1achulf \Vork, of Grand Rap1ds, \lldl1g'\ll New York Markets. ~ew YOlk ')ept 2-1-f\l1pcntl11c has been clo\\n to 39 cents dm1l1~ the week, but tOlLl} 1t IS q110ted a htt1e above last week s ng JJ eS-61@61 ~ here and 31)@:)I)! ~ava 1l1ah fhe1e hac, beell ,1 tead} demand tor 11l1seed 011 for the past fcw dd}' and pnce, hdve aclYanced about d cellt pel gallon loJay\ quotatlO\1S \\ e:ote111ra IV )1 @3S, s111g1ebOlled, 38@5~, double balled 39@61 Calcuttcl, I) cents. The shelLtc trade 15 1eported lJUIte satisfactory, at shghtly 111creas111gdemand, ha'111g stIffened pnces T N 111cases 1S quoted at 16@160, bnght 01 ange grades, 18@20, D1amond I, .~3@2(, Bleached fresh, 11~@18 ~, kIln dnecl, 21@22 The trade m varm"h gums IS stIll confined to small lots for nmmed1ate dehveq Pnces are firm, however Kaun No. 1 IS held at ±1@±1 cents, Xo 2, ~1@23, Ko 3, IG@18 cents \lamla, pale, 16@J8, da1k, harel, U@15; amber, 14@16 There 1S a -teachly 111creas1ng demand for goat skms, but a eorrespollchng 111crea:oe111rece1pt;, hao; prevented any matena1 advance 111 pnces 'IEe'dcan flontlers are stlll quoted at 33 cenb, Bueno'-, '\} Ie' J-l@-Jl /z (uracaos, 50@52, Haytlens, -t3@±6, Paytas 4-1@+2 Corclclge lS 111 bette1 demand w1thout change m quotatlOns 13 C tWll1e, ~ 0 18 IG@lb 0 cents, No 18 fine, 110@12 Imha, Ko" -1,Yi to (I, ()/z@8 The bmlap trade 1S dull w1th quotatlOns unchanged-360 for 8-ounce and cl 80 for 10)/z-ounce goods A.n advance of 50 cents to $1 CO per ton on pIg Iron was an-nounced last ::\londa}, but 1t has not been followed by other metal s ,',heet Zll1C1" quoted at $/ )0 per CII t , m carloacl lots, f o b at the 11111ls Shght cldvance'-, In pnce:o f01 the h1ghe1 grades of lumber al e 1eported from vanous p0111tS\\ lth an 111Ueas111C;demand for the 10\\ el ~rades of hardwoods HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY. Capable ~Ien Wanted to Handle the Remains of a Southern Furniture Factory. The £0110\\111-5 'llf v\.pldlMllJlY Jetter, the \\lIter of ,\lllch IS a 1c d estatL dedle1 \\ Ith OfhLL' In the } 11st '( at1Ona1 B.lnk bUlldmg Shre\ eport Ld I, pubhshecl \llth the Idea that It may bL read b; ,,)11.C man 01 men "ho wlJulJ be pled~ed to accept II hat IS appar-enth .1 gooe1 opportunlt) to entu the fU111lture mannfaLturlng- bthl nt ss III tile south 5111L\ epol t, L'l \ug '6 1909 II ukl) -\1 tl'dU GI,ll1(1 RolpH1" ,rIch GLntlemln -\ on1 ta\or ot the 21st 111St adcllL,seel to the QueLn Clb f' urlllture \Ll11uf ldurlng Company, I ecen eel by 111e .h sUccessOl to thl el\\nusl11p of thL PIO)JUt) whJch T lLljU1leel oll leLelvcr" ,de Ifter 1 hIe \\hllh dLSllO)ed the 111olnutadulln..; P01tlOn of tile p1111t l11d put 1t ont ot bU"l11l',S Thue ICmoll11S I two story brlcl, \\ IlL house ROx100 fc Lt (and ptltfolms) conLl111111,?, .11)()l1t $190CO 1\ 01 th of ~oo Is fO\11 tenths ot \1 hlLh h Iron wIIlow beds cots eh (1" '1)lllH~' dc l1l( LlLloly output 'AIl1lh I, jJI111Up,dl; K D l1lld, l"'l111bl1112, 11hI 1lbll1\11shl11,?, of the matell,tl on hdnd clnd Offll' I ."ood t 111 l11d \\ 111tU Job f01 I Louple of cdpab,L mLll to ,11CPl up fOI thL 1l1ltKU 111d 1I1udLllt tll; 111,1\ prL,ul( I c1l'II,\blL oplll111b t01 Il,tOrlllg the plowt Be'ilde, thL Ihme lhLIL h 15 1ue, of Idnd >llth1ll tlll mmute~ 1\ 11k of the hU'll1l s" CLlltl! cllle! tll 0 bloLk" of thl e LLtnL belt ell' It h 111tclee! h:l tllO I lilt 0 ld 1l11l~ LOllnectlng \\Ilh Ll«bt olhLh ell \U"l1l~ In tll dlleltloll" lhl ])()tlu 11](1 ,111\11l~ !Wlhl' both Of 1111ek IlL 111tld ,1,,0 thl blol\j)1j)L 1LCLlIU l11d j111h and 1 100000 ';llJon cLmentld u...., t( 1 11 i1ll louncloIt101h 01 tll( j Idon ;',""IS0 1\ Itb the dLhll' oj ,I 11\0 -1(1) IntI b \s(mlnl hllL1,. ,Ill 1\\ llt1ng leLon,trl1ctJon .me! the 210 11 P COlh'iS (ng1l1l h 1c'1111'; on Ih foundatlOll shghtly Jol111 L:!,u1 1n 11e 111c1n.posu!e \11 IOL ItLd III tUllt(1) fO\11 hfths ,11 ~ln f01 e"t ot the \ al101h d,h'l'i oj pll1e CMk gU111 1,,11 lJOp1al 'OJ L l. mOl e maple magnoh I holl) l11d othll hdl d 111(1 ,oft tlmbcr 1n \\ 111('h mnumelablc ., 1\\ 111111plolnt, 'l chung mot.Ille'l and oper,ltec1 I de'ille thc tl Ide to kncl\\ thL phnt helC 1'i paltlally de~t1(l\ e 1 111d out of busllll" to s,n e them w.lste of hter,ltU1 e anel j1o,tage a, \\ (11 'l' to ,ohut the attentIOn of the men needed VC1Y tll1l; ,J](1 \t,pcl1fully ~ CURRIE 'I.(h Sept 11 18 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN WEEKLY ARTISAN 31 PREPARATIONS FOR THE CENSUS. Some Information for Manufacturers and Others Interested Sent Out by Washin~Uon Authorities. I or the benefit of mamtfacture! ~ who w1ll need to do ,ome fine figullng and cons1derable e,tlmatmg 111order to glve sat1s-factory answer;, to the censu, take!" who will cdll on them ne'Ct SprIng a sort of bullet111 of l11fOrmatlOn that w1ll sel ve as an 111troductlon to the ,ubJed ha, been ,ent out to ne\\ 'pdpe1s and trade Journal-, anclmanuLlCtureI' may ,a\ e much tune and anno}- ance by readmg carefully and actmg 111 accordance \v1th the "ugge,tlOl1S It leads a, follovv~ A,SIst,lllt Ll11ted ~tate~ Len,u, D1rectOl \\ lllIam 1 \\ 111- oughby and W1llIam .M Steuart, c1uef statIstI2Ian for manufac-tures m the Cen~u, Bweau, have 1eturned from the prInCIpal manufactunng CIties whIch they vl'lted to confel WIth the leachng trade orga1117atlOn" and a SocldtIOn, of n1<lnufacturers, m re-gard to the f011n of the schedule to be usedlll the census of man-ufactures for the calenc1al }ear 1<JO() a, 1eqmred by the act of Congress provldmg for the th1rteenth decenl11al United States census \mong the assoCIatlO11S vIsited by one or both of these officers of the Bureau 'h e1e the Philadelplua Board of Trade, the ~mencan Ilon and Steel ~s,ouatlOn, the Board of Trade and TransportatIOn of Yew Y 01k C1ty, the ~ atlOnal ~s,oclatIOn ot :\Ianufacturers, the NatlOnal Pa1l1t 011 and Yarmsh i\ssocla-tlon; the Chamber of Commerce ot the state of '\ ew York, the Papel and Pulp ~ ssoc1dtlon the Silk '\ ~soClatlOn of ~menca the Copper Ploducers' \ sCoCIatIOn, the -\,,~o'::IatlOn of \V 001 :\IanufactUl el ., etc 1he 1epre,cntatIve, of the~e a S.,OCJations dnd the othel mchv1dudl manufacturel s con,ulted, 111 general ex-presserl theIr behef that the schedule a;, ,ug-~e~ ted, called fot the mformatlon It 1, deSIrable to obta1l1 for the11 1l1clustnes ancl em-bt dced all the questIOns to vvhleh the manufactul eI, vvonlcl \011- lllgl} furmsh an.", el s \ nnmber of them, moreove1, made certdm sugge tlOns vvhlch 1t 1SbelIeved WIll be of value m c1raft- 11115the fmal f01m of schedule to be adopted The la\V P10\ 1cl1l1S; f01 the thuteenth cen, us ell! eet~ that cer-ta111 StdtlStI", m 1egal d to caplt,ll employ ee" \\ a;;e" co,t of m,tte1tals miscellaneou" e"pen"e" dnd ,alue of producb, ~hall be collected hum dll l1ldnUTdct1llll1S; establlshments that we1 e 111 operatlOn dunng ,my pOl t10n of the year 1909 fhe chrectOl of cen,us de"lre" to make these mql11nes as slmple as the reql11re-mcnt, of the la\\ w111 penl11t theref01 e, the con~ult,lt1On~ WIth repre~el1tatlVe concern~ and the CIeat10n ot the adv1"orv bOdl d of specIal agenh • The cbrectOl further has 111l11111dsubm1tt111g for final consld-erat1Ol1 and adVIce the ~chedule as drafted 111the Bureau to a speClal commIttee ot expel t, tll be ella\Vn fro111among the pnnC1- pal officCl s of the lead111g t1 ac1e a~soclatlOm and large pnvate concern, devoted to .,pellal lmes of 111'1ustl} The form and con-tent~ of the ~ever dl speCIal ~checlules WIll be c011'v1dered and adv1sed upon b) them and the) ,,111 acs1st 111 the forn1l1latlOn of the deta1led conclusIOns to be drav) n later from anal) se" of the complIed data It IS 1mpo1tant that the manufacturet::. co operdte WIth the Census Bureau to make the cen~us a Sl1cce~" and It IS the 111ten-t10n of the chrector to confe] freelv WIth the aSSoclat1Onc and re-pre, entatn e men engaged 1'1the ehfferent 111dustnes The sched-ule" WIll a" a 1ule be collected b\ cI)eCldl aoent" be<Y111n111T<tnY ~ 'b ~ '"c-uar} 1 next. but even manutdctul el w1ll ha\ e the pn\llelSe of .,endmg hI' repo! t d1rectl} to the Ccnsus Bureau bl mall 1f be prefers to do so 1 he celhU- ot l1ldnufactm e., 1~ to he conf1neei tll \\ hdt l~ ~cn eralh kl1ll\\ n dS the facton ~,stem" and exclurle" the so-called ne1ghborhood, household dud hawl 111clu,tt1e, \Vh1ch \\ e1e 111- cluded at the fedelal ce1Nl' of 1'l()() 1he 1111eof elellMlceltIOu between the fact01) 111clu,ttIe, to be taken ,md the hand tl dde", etc that are to he o1l1Itted, 1" P 1t Sd11 \!J Stewart ah\ a} s clearly defined but d fair Idea may be e bta111ecl'1t the I elatIve Importance of the two cla"ses by the follovV11li?b,tlef ,tatement \t the cemlh of 1900 thet e wa~ a total of ')12 'n~establhhment., \\ 1th plOdl1ct" valued at $lJ,OOJA00,14,i, and of tlK "e the hand tracle~ of a cha1 dcter whlCh were omItted at the ccn oll, of llJ() 3, Iepl c~entee! 804,692 estabh;;,hments wtth products valued dt 5;1,j(H,'~7\),021 or 5<)5 per cent of the total number of estabh~hl1lent, ane! 12 l per cent of the total \ alue of produdc 1he cen"ns of 1910, therefO! e, to be complete, must l11c1ude th~ 1C!))rts from everv factor}, 1111neand quaIry thdt was 111operet lC 1 dll111g anv portlO;1 of the calendar} ea1 of HJ09 The l11qu1nes a1e sim1lar to those used at pnor cen ouse They reql11re a descnpt10n of the bus111e~s or k1nd of products, the amount of capItal, the number of employees, the amo,111t p'llc1 111wages and ~alane" the amount of m1scellaneo IS expenbeS, the cost of matenal" and the value of the product-, at the factorv or mme vVhlle the act of COUgle~s, approved July 2, HJOU, under whIch the cemu, 1~taken, makes 1t obhgatory upon every owner presicIent, trea,u1 er ,ecreta1 y, dIrector, or other officer, or agent of an} mdnutae t11111g estabhshment m111e, quarry or other e - tabhshment of product1ve 111cIutr}, whether conducted a, a CU1 pOl at10n, firm, 1l111ltec1hab111t} comlMnv, 01 pnvate 111ebv111t1 to furmsh the statletlcs requuec1 f01 tht~ census, It also proVlcle~ that the 111fOlmatlOl1 ,upphec1 shall be used onh for the SLlt1 tIcal pnrpose f01 wlllch It IS 1l1tenclecl, that a p 1bhcatlOn shd11 be made b} the Cemlb Em eau whereby the clata furmshed b} any pdrtleular e"tabhshl1lent C,lll be 1dentlfied, nor shaH the chrector of the censu, pe1t111t an) one other than the ~worn em- 1'10)ee., of the Census Bureau to examllle the mchvldual reports \ se\ el e penalty 1" also p10vlClecl f01 anI clerk or bpeCIal agent who shall pubh~h 01 communKate an} 111formatlOn commg mto h1~ posseSSIOn bv 1eaSO'1 of hh employment 1n the census office The canVd'lS l11U-t be made Cllll'::kl} 111orde1 to endble the office to tdbuldtc and pubhch the ~tatIstlcs 111tIme to be of value ~t J1110r cen,u,e, <1fe\\ nl1.nutactul er, \\110 (hc1 not dpp1ec1dte the nece~slt) £01 pt CJ11ljltact101l, 1t 1~ ~tatec1, c1etn eel the1! returns untl1 the la"t n1llme 1t TIn ~ 1'1adKe on the part of a fe\\ e~- tdbhsh1l1cnts 1cteUd., the tdbulatlon at the statI"tI2" and render" 1t 1111p1 actIcabk fOl the 13m eau to make the t{)tah for Clnv state or 111clu~tl) untIl the 1cport, fOl these neglu;ent e,tabhshments have been 1ece1vee! To make d SclLCe"" of thl~ great work, therefore, It IS ab-solutel} nece~can that the Len,us Bmeau tecelves the co-opera-t10n and as,tstance of all per,ons who w1ll be reql11recl to fur-msh the 111formatlon \\ 1tho 1t ,\ b1ch 1t WIll be ImpOSSIble to take the census ,v1thlll tl'e tune lU111t and w1th the expenchture of the appropnatlOn that has been made tor the \\ ork As the statlstlcs <11e tdbulatecl the totdl., ale made for the \ anou" "tates and pubh heel 111the form of ~peClal bulletms COll-ta111111gthe tdb'llated figl11es to! the several 1l1dustnes, not only f{lr thIS censu~, but f01 pnOl censuse, 111 comparatlve form SpeCIal report~ on the lead1l1g mdust11es of the L'mted States are abo pubhshed a, qUlckh as pocslble dfter the en11lneratlon, and the"e reports and bulletIn<; are s11pphec1 free of charge to all who ma\ apph for them .. The1 e ma} be no "hart cut to fame, but the pug1list fre-quently acql11re<; 111'3tIll ongh an uppercut The meek may 111herit tht> earth but <;omehow or other they never seem to ~et possession 32 \V E.B.K L'l A Woman's View of German Ways. Luc1a Ames Mead, a cultured lad) of Boston, returned from a SOjourn in EUlope recently and 111an 111terestmg lette1 to the Transcnpt d1~cusse~ German \\ a, ~ and Our \\ ay"" The The "gre,lt \i\'oh11t1l1~s \msellUlg \\ here the tUll11tt11e 111mod-ern sty le~ 1~ ta~tefull) arranged 111 ~U1te~ of co/\ room~ re, eals hO\\ w1de-~pread 1~ the 1evolt frOUl the rococo lJOrror~ of the old show rool1l~ ot the Kahe1 ~ palace wlllch "lth 1t-counterpart~ at Potsdam and el~e" he1e ha, e tor centm Ie' de bauched publtc taste The wnte1 de2la1 e" that '\111elKdn, haH nothmg to learn from modern German} as to ~t) Ie ot al dutec ture, furl11shUlgs or c1ecoratlOn In "p1te of a tremendou" num-ber of costlv and Ill1PO~111gbUlld111g" Germall', has not produced any w1thUl four hunch ed }eal ~ equal to the pubhc hbrar} and art Uluseum m Copley "qUd1e, Boston Outs1de ot a1ch1tecture and furl11shUlgs Germanv has everythmg to teach and \me11cd t() learn Germany cloes not express an} 10\ e tot beaut, except 111 poetry, 111US1Cand landscape gdl del11ng F"ceptlOn" to nt1 \ rule eX1st and the \ynter \ece)~JllLec1 1Il \\ erthe111lU ' ~1 t,l\ department store a ht compal11on 111 nnpte"I\enC" t01 ,ral,h,t!l F1eld" ~tore, 111 ChIcago \ me "01 kman,hlp l' the dlll t ell con']Jlt~hment of Genna 1 m,l11Ufdctt11eI not guocl cle'lgn • r ,..--_ ... - II ._--~-------------------------, I,I IIII IIII• I III I II III Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED First class spmdle carvmg machme operator on heavy claw feet and heads. State wages expected Address 3-B care Weekly Artisan Sept 25 WANTED LINES One who is a thoroughly experIenced and practical furn,- ture man seeks to represent as salesman on commission a good furmture and a good chair factory. Prefer central states. Have been superIntendent, draftsman, also sales-man last fifteen years. Best references given. For further mformatlOn address "W" care of Weekly Artisan. Sept, 18-25 Oct. 2 --------- .. COMPETENT BOSS FINISHER WANTED. Man who can get out production and do It nght Send references, state experIence ar,d lowest salary m first letter Address "Mlsco," care Weekly Artisan 9 18-25 FOR SALE. Up-to-date Chalr Factory, cheap; a rare opportunIty, 10 acres of valuable land on whlch plant IS erected. Full eqUlpment of machmery, 150 horse power CorlIss engme, ma.enal In process, plant ready for operatIOn. Lexmgton IS the only town In North Carolma havmg two trunk lme railroads. Ed. L Greene, Receiver, Lexmgton, North Car-olma. Sept. 11-18-25 Oct. 2 I ,III /,II IIII II I• I I_-.4----.--~-.-.--.---------·4----.---.---------.... WANTED-POSITION. In progressive furmture factory, making case goods, beds or tables by a competent superintendent haVIng ten years' ex-perience. Thorougnly faml1lar With all branches. Address OW" No.2, care Weekly Artisan, 9 4-11-18-25 WANTED. CommiSSIOn man for Misssouri and Kansas representmg five furmture factOrIes. Splendid mixed carload !lines. Adress, Ballman-Cummings Furniture Company, Fort Smith, Arkan-sas. Aug 7, '09 WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippl; unhmlt-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory SIte, un-excelled shipping faCilities and low freight rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downmg Building, Erie. Pa. WANTED. A good cabmet maker; one who c.an detaIl and make clothing cabinets. Address B. S., care Michigan Artisan. 6-10-2t. BARGAIN! 40 H. P. direct current motor, latest make and in first class runmng condltlon. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe & Dust Ar-rester Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 8-21tf . _.... .... Century Contract Awarded. Local contractor", r\pple} ard & Johnson, bdve been awarded the contract for the erectIOn of the new plant of the Century G'urmture Camp an} (TI dnd Raplch The bmld111g, located on Commerce street. \\ III 11eof hnck five stones ()lxl-h3 feet and a one-~tor) bnck bOllel !lou"e With concrete flool Who Can Supply This Want? \\ eekl) \ltban GlalHl RaplCl" :\llch Dear .'-JIf::,-Can ,au tell u~ where we can buy a good Lmclel man automatic dove-tad glue J ointel and al ~o sanclll1g 111ach111e \Ve preter a belt ~ander-"omethl11g that Will work admirably on table tops The rea,on \\ e wnte you In t111';regard 1S because plObabl) \ ou al e posted a" to where we can get the 111formatJQn to buy such machmes at thIS class 111first clas~ cond1tlOn second-hand Yours trul) , LOl r51 R \STETTER & SONS rort II,lvne Ind '",ept '2l ] 909 More Foreign Shipments. '\le"ander Dodds b shlppmg to Lebus & Sons of London, England, one t,,\ enh five ~pmdle and Ol1etwelv e ~pmdle combina-tIOn dovetall nldch111e fhe Lebus faLtory L the large~t 111the \\ arId The} aIt each have man) of the Dodds' machme~. NIr Dodds h also ShlPP1l1g to ~trath1 OV, Ont, one twelve sp1l1dle dovetaIler and one of hIS latest nnpwved saw tables Bll~ine~s ha, matenall} lmproved ct'1d prospect" dre gro\\ 1l1g bng-hter e\ en da, INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Alaska Refrigerator Company Barnes, W. F. & John Co Big SlY. Car Loading Company Backstege Furniture Company Bosse Furniture Company Crescent Machme Works Cume, A DeBruyn, J. C Ford & Johnson Company Grand Rapids Caster Cup Company Grand Rapids Fanoy Furniture Company Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company Hafner Furniture Company Holland Furniture Company Hotel Lmden Humphrey-Widman Bookcase Company Karges Furniture Company Kauffman Manufacturlllg Company Lentz Table Company Luce Furniture Company Luce-Redmond Chair Company Madden, Thos., Son & Co Manistee Manufactunng COlnpany Metal Furniture Combpany Michigan EngraVing Company Michigan Star Furnltrue Company Miller, Ell D. & Co Miscellaneous Moon Desk Company Muskegon Valley Furniture Company Nelson-Matter Furnlture Company New York Furniture Exchange Palmer Manufacturmg Company Pioneer Manufactunng Company RlChmond Chair Company Royal Chair Company Sager, W D. Sheboygan Chau Company Sligh Furnlutre Company Smith & DaVISManufacturlllg Company Spratt, George & Co Star Caster Cup Company stow & DaVISTable Company Udell, The Works Union Furniture Company (Rockford Warren Table Works White Prmtlng Company World Furniture Company 11 21 18-19 18 18 Cover 29 25 13 14 17 27 3 7 8 3 18 6 10 4-28 4 2 8 18 Cover 25 15 32 11 24 1 Cover 23 12 20 13 24 23 21-30 2 3 12 14 6 8 22 Cover 18
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